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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 10 

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Poliwag, Spearow, Ponyta, Butterfree
Oak’s Lab: Weedle
Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle, Flying/Drill, Fire/Knot, Grass/Multi Vine Tentacle,
Abilities: Aura


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle*, Quick Attack, Double Team*, Thunder Shock*

Pidgeotto: Ability Keen Eye | Size 10 Inches | Moves Tackle, Sand Attack*, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum*, Pound, Hypnosis

Spearow: Ability Sniper | Size 4 | Moves Peck*, Feather Dance*, Leer, Fury Attack

Ponyta: Ability: Flame Body | Size 8 | Moves Tackle, Ember, Flame Charge,

Butterfree: Ability Compound Eyes | 4 Inches | Gust, String Shot*, Bug Bite, Confusion
Mastered Moves: Harden*


Toren Badges 1 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Roots (Bulbasaur), Bloom (Oddish), Ivy (Bellsprout), Jam (Nidoran M), Jelly (Nidoran F), Rumble (Paras)
Oak’s Lab: Hermes (Pidgeotto)


Roots (Bulbasaur) Ability ? | Size ? | Moves: Sleep Powder, Vine Whip*, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

Bloom (Oddish): Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Acid, Sweet Scent
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Ivy (Bellsprout): Vine Whip, Stun Spore, Wrap, Synthesis,
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Jam (Nidoran M): Ability: Poison Point | Moves: Horn Attack, Poison Sting*, Fury Attack,

Jelly (Nidoran F): Ability Poison Point | Moves: Scratch, Poison Sting*, Fury Swipes

Rumble (Paras) : Ability: Dry Skin Moves: Absorb, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, and Venoshock


Cross Badges 1 Pokemon 3/6 - ?
On Hand: Charmander, Doduo, Spearow, ???

Gary Badges 1 Pokemon 5/6 - ?
On Hand: Squirtle, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Magikarp, ???

Mist Badges 1 Pokemon ?/6

Chapter 11 Fight at the Museum

Brock was still shaken up after his last match. It wasn’t that he lost, or Ash’s surprise challenge, it was the interaction between Ash and Toren. ‘They are going on a date?’ The thought kept repeating in his mind, even as he got his pokemon treated and took care of his siblings.

It wasn’t easy being Brock, he had a lot on his shoulders. With his parents flaking on him, he’s had to juggle both the gym and the household, while putting his own dreams and desires on the backburner. He was often so busy taking care of everyone else his own needs were being neglected. The guy didn’t complain but romance was something he craved. He’s always imagined a guy and a girl, given the magazines his father left behind.

And yet…

Seeing Ash and Toren together so happy and excited for what was clearly a date, it was confusing. After a long day of Gym Challenges and a long evening of dealing with his sibling Brock was relaxing in the tub. As he relaxed the images of the two men embracing found its way into his thoughts again. ‘Gah, why can’t I stop thinking about them, they are just good friends.’ That hug was more than friendly.

The way Ash hugged him back was…

Brock gulped. ‘Oh man, I must be more tired than I thought, I’m having weird thoughts.’ He pulled his legs up to his chest. ‘Two guys couldn’t possibly…’ Brock had a lot to learn.


Toren’s mons were rested and recovered, Ash made sure his four were ready for battle tomorrow. Pewter City was a buzz about the special challenge. A four v four meant they’d get to see the Gym’s Pokemon.

Brock has mostly been using his own personal Geodude and Onix. While they were tough Rock/Ground types, he’s been losing quite a bit. The gym leader wasn’t allowed to use excessive force, except in times of emergency, or if challenged to a special battle.

Toren showed the badge to the others. “This is just the first step towards my dream. I hope you all will assist.” The mons cheered.

They left their stuff at the center, and went for their date. Bloom and Rumble stayed behind to guard their stuff, along with Poliwag, Ponyta, and Spearow.

Toren was brimming with excitement, little did they know they were being followed. “Are you sure you want to do this, it might be boring?” He twiddled his fingers in nervousness.

“Nah, science is amazing!” Ash said with a grin.

The greenette blushed. They entered the museum, checked their tickets at the front desk and moved on to the exhibits. The Fossil Exhibit, it had the fossils one could find in Kanto, Dome, Helix, and Old Amber. There were even statues of reconstructed prehistoric pokemon.

Ash’s eyes sparkled. “Fossil Pokemon so cool!” He hoped to catch one someday. As the lab showed, if they could find enough fossils they could restore these pokemon to the modern world. They couldn’t go further, but the museum was working on a special habitat for revived pokemon.

The second floor had all sorts of exhibits. “Ohh what’s this one?” Toren eyed some strange stones.

“This is Red Tumblestone, it is said in ancient times monster ball craftsmen used it to make PokeBalls. In Kanto there were large mines and caves full of Red Tumblestone, it’s been mined out by Sylph Co, their process has made it easy to mass produce regular, Great, and Ultra Monster Balls.” Ash got the weirdest sense he’s seen this ore before.

“That must make this ore very valuable?” A mysterious red haired woman asked.

“It used to be more valuable but thanks to advancements in science Sylph Co doesn’t need a lot Red Tumblestone to make balls anymore. The process in the old days required a lot of stone, so there was a mining boom, but now a days there is a surplus.” The woman sulked a bit.

Ash stared at the ore. “What about blue or black ore?”

The scientist laughed. “Blue? Black? There’s never been such ore deposits found in Kanto. Sylph Co has discovered rare Yellow Veins, so if someone could find Yellow Tumblestone that would be valuable.”

Toren looked at Ash. “How did you know there was other color ore?”

Ketchum chuckled. “Just a weird feeling I had.” He took Toren’s hand and the two continued on.

The next exhibit was all about the Moon Stone, there was a large stone in the center of the room with a bunch of little stones. This was just a piece of a larger moon stone that was located in Mt. Moon. “Fascinating, the Moon Stone is one of the evolution stones that help different pokemon evolve!” Toren exclaimed, before blushing.

“That’s correct, we have researchers studying the moon stone and it’s effects. The one at Mt. Moon is so large it’s radiation actually changes stones into moon stones over time, if you have a Pokemon that evolves with a Moon Stone and get too close to it they’ll evolve. We’ve even had reports that say it feels like night when around it.” If that was true pokemon who evolve only at night could evolve near the giant stone as well.

The two walked hand and hand, it looked and felt like a real date. Toren got to nerd out, near the moon stone exhibit there was all kinds of materials and info about evolution stones and items. Ash got to nerd out over the space ship they had. ‘I wonder what’s beyond the stars, are their other worlds, do they have Pokemon out there too?’ Their exhibit was a replica of the first shuttle that went to space, it supposedly made it to the moon, but on the return trip something happened.

It looked like something attacked it. Ketchum sweatdropped, he had a feeling he knew what had happened. Rayquaza didn’t like to be disturbed.

A scientist shared his theory that he believed that Pokemon came from space. Ash could see some of them, but not all of them. There was a lot of these theories, some people think Pokemon came from the earth, the sea, and so on. He didn’t want to know all the mysteries of the universe anyway.

They were about to go to the star show, when Team Rocket attacked.

“Prepare for Trouble!”

“Make it Double!” Two people removed their disguises to reveal Jessie and James of Team Rocket.

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all people within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils with truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”



“Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light!” Jessie said.

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!” James said.

“Meowth that’s right!” Meowth had a gadget and he used it to try and steal the moon stone. They blasted a hole in the roof, and the device launched metal arms at the giant stone. “Up up and away!”

Ash channeled aura and jumped into action, with a wham and a pow, he broke the arms making it so they couldn’t steal the massive stone. “It’s that twerp again!” Meowth cried out in terror.

Ketchum crossed his arms. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Taking in the science, we’ll be taking the moon stones and the fossil restoration machines. They will benefit Team Rocket!” Jessie said proudly.

“How dare you two, not only did you ruin our date, but you are trying to corrupt science and use it for evil!” Toren was furious.

“Date?!” James gasped.

Team Rocket had lost the group in Viridian Forest, but knew they’d be coming to Pewter City sooner or later. “Oh that’s cute, you two having a little date in a museum, why don’t you run along and leave us alone.”

“Or, we could kick your butts and get back to our date in...5 minutes…” Twitch twitch.

Ash words pissed off the two rocket agents. “Ekans go get him!”

James tossed out a ball of his own. “Koffing teach him a lesson!”

Toren was furious. “Jam, Jelly, I need your help!” He called out the two poison types. The Nidoran duo fought off Ekans and Koffing with a combination of Horn Attack and Fury Attack, and Scratch and Fury Swipes respectfully. “I won’t allow you to have your way in this place!”

“You tell em Toren!” Ash cheered.

Jam and Jelly were kicking ass, through the battle they both learned Double Kick. It was like the two were in full sync, dancing as they attacking with the Fighting type move. “Let’s show them the results of our training, unleash Poison Sting*!”

Their auras flared, Jam unleashed a massive poison needle that hit Koffing dead on and knocked him down. Jelly unleashed her attack her needles coming out as a swift scatter shot, it pelted Ekans and knocked her down. Both attacks hit hard despite the typing.

Jessie, James, and Meowth tried to steal the smaller moon stones. “No you don’t!” Ash stepped up.

Pikachu’s cheeks sparked. “Pika!”

The trio began to sweat. “We’ll just be taking these moon stones as our lovely souvenirs!” They were fast and had a bag full.

Meowth glared. “You wanna threaten us, bring it on!”

Ash and Pikachu’s aura’s flared. “Thundershock*!” Pikachu released his mastered move with mighty force, hitting Meowth dead on. He was down for the count and paralyzed.

Jessie and James were surprised. “We...gotta...get...out...of...here…” He pressed a button and a latter came down from their balloon.



“Get up and hold them off!” The poison types obeyed.

Ash called out Pidgeotto and Butterfree. “String Shot*!” Butterfree unleashed his mastered move, he wrapped up the two poison types up so tight they couldn’t move.

James blinked. “How is he doing this?”

Jessie smacked him. “Stop spacing out, let’s get out of here!”

Ash had enough of this. “Quick Attack!” Pidgeotto swooped through and destroyed their balloon. The Rockets dropped and landed hard. The flying type swooped around and caught the bag of stones. “Gust*!”

Pidgeotto unleashed the mastered move, his power was a bit too much as the rockets and their mons were blown out of the museum and sent flying. “Oops…” Well they interrupted their date.

“Team Rocket is Blasting Off Again!” Twinkle!

Ash and Toren embraced. “You were amazing!”

The greenette blushed. “So were you!” The two kissed.

Someone else saw this and felt their jaw drop.

The Moon Stones were returned but the scientists were so grateful they let Toren have two. “Is it okay?” When the time was right the stones would help his Nidoran’s fully evolve.

“Oh yes, we still have plenty for the exhibit, and if we need more we can send someone to Mt. Moon.” He also gave Ash life time passes.

They let the two enjoy the star show in private.

To be continued...Naughty End and Ash vs Brock


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