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Swat Kats/Road Rovers parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Shaking off some of the funk, trying to bounce back, please enjoy this bad day/experiment fic 

Cats Versus Dogs 

The Road Rovers have been defeating General Parvo and Groomer, without a victory in sight they decide to make some Feline Sapiens, with the intelligence and skills to match the Rovers. Can the Swat Kats defeat the Road Rovers or will the dogs win the day.

Chapter 1

The Road Rovers have been battling General Parvo and Groomer for awhile. They’ve kidnapped dogs and used their machine to mutate them into vicious monsters. Groomer had success with cats in the past, but Parvo was against it for some reason. After more and more defeats, they decided to give cats another try. “We need a new direction, those blasted Rovers have more than just instinct on their side.”

Each of the Rovers had their own unique sets of skills that made them assets in battle. “We need to think bigger, more complex, instead of raw power let’s get them with more skills to fight the Rovers on their level.

Hunter was the leader, Shag is skilled with weapons, Exile has powers and serves as the team Mechanic, Colleen is the second in command and is skilled in martial arts, Muzzle was the Wild Card, and Blitz...Blitz was...well Parvo and Groomer didn’t know...he was a pain in the ass.

“We’ll need the skills to counter them.” Groomer saluted.

“Leave it to me General.”


The Road Rovers were coming back from a successful mission. Although not everyone was happy. “I don’t see why Hunter has to be the leader for every mission!” Blitz was having one of his moods again.

It happens every couple of missions, he gets something up his butt about Hunter leading. Some think its because when Hunter does a good job Colleen praises him, which makes Blitz jealous. That builds up and here we are. He was muttering and whining the whole way back.

No one agreed with Blitz. Shag and Exile respected Hunter’s leadership, and even when he was goofy he cared about them and would risk his life for all of them, even Blitz. Muzzle was loyal to Hunter 100%. Colleen had a crush on him so it was clear where her loyalties lied, plus she was second in command, even if Hunter was to step down or not lead a mission she would.

They arrived back at base but Blitz wasn’t letting it go. “I’m stronger, I’m more handsome, I got more muscles!” He flexed and kissed his bulges.

Exile wagged a finger at him. “Don’t be a weird boy.”

Blitz crossed his arms. “I’m not!” He growled and glared at Hunter. “I’m challenging you!”

The lab canine sapien chuckled. “Again?” He looked to Shag. “How many times does that make it this month?”

Shag pulled out a notebook. After some gibberish it translated to. “Four times this month.”

Blitz shot up and growled. “Am I a joke to you!”

Even Shag who was scared of his own shadow was used to Blitz’s outbursts by now. “Maybe!”

Hunter got up and put a hand on Blitz’s shoulder. “Easy Blitz, we are all friends here.” The doberman slapped Hunter’s hand away.

“Are we? You never take me seriously!” He poked Hunter’s chest.

“Alright Blitz, I’ll take you on for real, but know this, it’s a battle for dominance if you lose, you’ll face the consequences, got it!?”

Blitz huffed. “I’m not scared, in a real challenge I’ll have you begging for mercy.”

Colleen yawned. “Well you boys have fun with that, I’m gonna grab a shower and take a nap, let me know how it goes.” She stretched and left the ship.

“So you don’t want to see your little boy toy shredded by my mighty claws.” His nails lengthened. “and then I’ll make him a chew toy!” He nashed his pointy teeth.

She just rolled her eyes. “Sure...umm what was your name?”

Blitz face palmed.

“Now hold on Blitz we can’t fight for real.”

“Ha, I knew you were scared.” Hunter waved his hands.

“Not scared but remember what Master said, sparring, training, and playing is okay, but dog fighting is not cool!” Blitz slumped.

“Fine, what do you suggest, smart guy?”


The two were gonna sumo wrestle, they were both stripped down and wearing sumo belts. “I make this look good!” Blitz flexed and struck all sorts of poses. “You think you can handle all this?” He made his muscles bulge and pop.

Shag made popcorn for the show. Exile set up chairs to watch the show. “I expect you two to show me respect when I’m leader!” The husky just rolled his eyes. Shag may have rolled his eyes but no one could tell.

Hunter and Blitz took their positions. “Last chance to back out buddy.”

The doberman growled. “I’m not your buddy, you are just scared of the tushy biting I’m gonna be serving you!”

Exile groaned. “Don’t be a weird boy!”

Shag pulled out a gong from his fur, and struck it, signaling them to begin the match. The two muscular canine sapiens rushed at each other and began to grapple.

Exile and Shag watched the two grunt and growl, their muscles flexing and bulging as they tried to bring the other down. “This is...very entertaining…”

“Yeah yeah yeah!” Shag panted.

They were mostly evenly matched in strength, but Hunter had technique on his side which kept it so Blitz couldn’t use his bulk to overwhelm him. After some grappling Blitz backed off. “It’s time for the tushy biting to begin!” He charged at Hunter, only for the lab to trip him up.

At Blitz’s speed and muscle weight, he toppled hard and fast. Hunter was able to pounce on him. “Aaaahhhh!” Blitz let out a “manly” cry, and began to thrash and buck, doing his best to shake the anthro off him.

Hunter’s tail just wagged, he was having a blast and he was in the perfect position to pin the doberman down. If he had paid attention in combat training there was an easy maneuver Blitz could have performed to escape the hold. He didn’t pay attention so all he could do is buck and squirm.

His buns of steel, bouncing and grinding against Hunter’s pelvis stirring the blonde up. Hunter continued to hold him down, not giving him much wiggle room. “Do you give up?” He growled playfully.

Their positioning was wildly erotic, if not for the sumo underwear they looked practically naked and that Hunter was mounting Blitz. All the bucking and grinding Blitz was doing was not making the image look anymore innocent. The two onlookers were scarfing down popcorn and drinking soda as the scene continued to play out.

Blitz grit his teeth, clawing at the ground in a desperate attempt to escape, no luck. “I give!” He slapped the mat.

Hunter chuckled and gave his teammate a head pat. “Aww who’s a good boy?” A shiver raced through the doberman’s body.

He blushed. “W-What?” The leader teased Blitz finding the spot behind his ear and gave it a good scratch. “Ohhh!”

His tiny tail began to wag, and Hunter could feel it against his abs. “I said who’s a good boy?” Another shiver.

A smile formed on Blitz’s face. “Me?”

“Nope!” The hand left his head and grabbed Blitz by the belt. The undergarment was pulled up.

“Ahh!” Blitz gasped as he was given a wedgie.

“You are a bad boy for me, you need to respect your leader!” Tug! Blitz yelped as his balls felt the force.

“Please...I’ll be good!” Blitz whined.

Hunter nuzzled him. “Oh I know you will, this was a dominance challenge and you lost. That means you are my bitch now!” He said so happily and cheerfully.

Blitz growled. “I’m no one’s bitch!” Tug tug tug! “Ahh okay I’m a bitch!” The wedgie was even worse now as Blitz had gotten hard, his hard cock had left his sheath and was now being pulled on by the garment.

“Yes, yes you are, and you are my bitch!” He licked his face. “I’m gonna train you to be a good boy for me from now on, we are gonna be best friends!” His tone was so rich and playful, it made his ears flick. He hugged Blitz from behind, the brunette canine sapien feeling Hunter’s hard on.

“Ahhh ahhh ahh ahh!”

“Can’t say I haven’t thought of this,” Hunter whispered into his ear. “You are always so cocky and rude, I’ve wanted to put you in your place, and knot that attitude out of you.”

Blitz gulped. Hunter had been allowing his nonsense, acting as a leader should. Blitz opened the door with his challenge, now his ass belonged to Hunter. This was a long time coming.

With one firm tug Hunter ripped the belt off of Blitz, making him yip. “Are you gonna be a good boy?” He playfully smacked Blitz’s butt, and he really did have a nice ass. The cheek jiggled from the hit.

“Yes…” His cheeks were burning, and much to his humiliation his tiny tail was wagging.

“Are you gonna be a good bitch?” Another smack came to his other cheek.

“Yes!” Blitz yelped, a shudder of delight racing through him.

“Who’s bitch are you?” He playfully nibbled on Blitz’s ear.

“Ahh yours! I’m your bitch! I’ll be good I swear!” The canine sapien was drooling.

“Good boy!” Hunter praised and Blitz nearly came right then and there. “Assume the position!”

He knew it, he knew it from primal instincts. Blitz took a submissive position, face down, ass raised high, he even wiggled his butt in a come hither way. His hole was twitching, it looked so tight and eager to be claimed.

Hunter, showing he was best boy, came up behind Blitz and groped his rear. “Now just relax, this is gonna be fun!” He fondled his cheeks, showing off some strength.

“Ohhh….ohhh wow haaa haa haaa!” Blitz panted and moaned as Hunter kissed his hole, his long doggy tongue going to town on him. It started off sweet, long licks along his crack, making his hole twitch for more. Then the talented muscle swirled around his pucker, teasing it and enjoying the give.

Slowly but surely Hunter’s tongue breached Blitz and the lab went to town, eating out his bitch with gusto. Blitz’s toes curled and he arched his back. His little cries and squeals of pleasure were to be expected.

Hunter loved balls, so it was no surprise as he ate Blitz out, he reached up to fondle his nuts. He fondled and scratched the sac in the best way, making his twitching 7 incher weep. “Ahh ahh ohh I can’t please…”

The blonde ignored him, thrusting his tongue deeper and licking him out deep. Blitz couldn’t take it, he came hard pelting the ground with spurts of white. Hunter pulled his tongue free with a lewd pop. “I think it’s time!”

He pulled off his sumo belt and revealed his huge 12 inch cock. His penis was lubed up and slicked up, so he wasted no time mounting Blitz and sliding home. The doberman was so horny he didn’t feel any pain, to say nothing of how wet and stretched his hole was.

Blitz was taking some serious meat, out of them Hunter had the biggest cock. As it filled him completely he felt his abs bulge from the length. “Oh wow...I feel that…” Blitz moaned and shivered.

Hunter began to move, fucking him long and fast. His pelvis clapped Blitz’s cheeks creating a lewd smack. His cheeks bounced and jiggled, and his tail was wagging like crazy.

Blitz clawed the ground, feeling the friction melt his insides. ‘It’s too good, he’s too good, I can’t...I fuck...I’m no stud...I’m a bitch!’ He panted and drooled. ‘Cock is amazing!’

They were going at it and then Blitz felt something knocking at his back door. ‘That’s his knooooot!’ The thick knot hit his rim again and again, sending pleasing vibrations through his channel.

Hunter even mixed up his thrusts to grind his entrance, his penis catching his sweet spot and grinding on it. Blitz started bucking back, losing himself to the pleasure of cock. He didn’t even hold back cumming again, adding to the mess beneath him.

His hole clenched on the thrusting cock, increasing the friction between them. Hunter took it as a signal, and began to hit Blitz HARD! His thrusts changed from speed to power, and...POP! “Ohhh yes!”

Blitz’s eyes shot open, he had a dry orgasm, his penis twitching as he was rocked with pleasure. Knotted...he was knotted… “Ohhhh~!”

Hunter, humped Blitz as his release came, flooding the doberman’s insides. “Mmmm yeah!” He licked Blitz’s ears and cheek as he rode out his release.

His humping caused his penis to stir up his insides and knock on his sweet spot. “My tushy is hot!” Blitz drooled.

“Okay weird boy!” He looked up and saw Exile and Shag, the husky was naked, his massive 9 incher standing at attention. Shag was also hard, he was 10 inches long, but he wasn’t very thick.

Blitz blushed. “Hunter…”

The blonde chuckled. “We are friends, and we play as friends. We won’t be going anywhere for awhile!” Hunter pets Blitz. “So be a good boy and suck their bones!”

Blitz obeyed, working Shag’s cock, while sucking Exile. “This better use of your mouth!” Exile hummed happily.

The doberman had no idea this was going on, but now he was truly part of the pack. He had a lot to learn and Hunter was gonna make sure he stayed a good boy.


Groomer had finished the preparations, having captured both skilled pilots, soldiers, and even martial artists to drain their knowledge for their new project. “The cats will have the skills to match the Rovers.” Parvo still had reservations but proceeded with the plan.

The machine whirled to life transforming the cats inside into feline sapiens. First out was a thick and beefy cat boy. “May I present T-Bone!” T-Bone flexed. “He’ll be our pilot and hitter of the team.” He was programmed with weapons training, and some combat training.

Next out was a skinny brown feline anthro. “This is Razor, our tech and gadget expert, he’s been giving hacking skills and martial arts training.” Groomer gushed. “Isn’t he handsome!”

“He sure is!” T-Bone purred. Razor blushed.

Last out of the machine was a hulking feline. He was the tallest of them, with grayish brown fur. “This is Commander Feral!” He was loaded with military strategies and tactics, given enhanced strength, and the standard weapons training.

“What do you think General?”

Parvo chuckled. “I think those pesky Road Rovers won’t know what hit them.”

To be continued


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