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Yugioh Gx parody| Tier 1

Omega Toon

Jaden is an omega coming to Duel Academy, this has some concerns. Since Dueling has become a world wide phenomenon, it has become a staple in mating battles. Alphas, Betas, and Omegas dueled to prove their strength, and depending on the outcome the duelists might mate.

Chapter 1

Greetings everyone, Professor Kuriboh here. Welcome to this wonderful world of ours. Humanity has been through a lot, having dealt with magic and alternate dimensions. One aspect  of life was the foundation of so much Duel Monsters, a card game with deep roots. Becoming a duelist was more than a simple past time, it could make one rich, famous, even grant power beyond imagination.

Humanity has evolved in this world to the point everyone on the planet has a sub sex. The three main types are Alpha, Beta, and Omega. This caused many different changes in the world, bathrooms and changing rooms were broken down male, female, and other to alpha, beta, and omega. It was a freeing experience as one’s sexuality and nature was accepted and embraced.

No society was perfect, as some bad habits carried over. Some people got it into their heads of Sub Sex Superiority. You’d think it’d just be the Alphas, but no humanity works in all sorts of ways and groups all over the world believed either Alpha, Beta, or Omega was the superior sub sex. There were omegas who believed themselves superior, and that it was alphas and betas role in life to bow down and worship the ground they walked on. Even some Betas believed Alphas and Omegas were nothing without them and so on and so forth.

It reached the point an area would be called a Pack State/Area if you believed in equal balance of the three sub sexes. Thankfully the number of Pack Areas continued to grow as the years passed.

As part of the evolution human bodies break down all food and convert it into energy, requiring only 4 hours of sleep a day. Human productivity increased and society was able to explore and understand the changes they went through.

Alphas were the most hung of the three, they ranged from 11 to 18 inches, with a large knot. They enter Ruts, periods of heightened sexual need.

Betas were the most balanced of the three, they ranged from 6 to 10 inches, with a medium knot. They were capable of getting pregnant when in heat. Betas go through both ruts and heats, their cycles sync up with their partners.

Omegas were the smallest of the three, they ranged from 1 to 5 inches, and they didn’t have a knot. Their bodies produced a special slick when aroused, and they can get pregnant in and out of heat. Omegas go through Heats.

Alphas Betas and Omegas began using dueling to find mates. Mating Duels could serve as both foreplay and a challenge to find mates. Stud Duels, are when two alphas or two betas, challenge each other as a way of showing off for potential mates. Coming Out Duels, are when two omegas face off, showing off for potential mates.

Even strip duels which might be seen as a lewd game in some universes was a common dueling practice.

As the new became the norm, dueling became a broader form than simple entertainment.

With humanity awake 20 hours a day all sorts of new programs were designed. Heat and Rut Duels were televised in Midnight hours. These duels were intense as the participants were in full heat or rut cycle and unlike mating duels which the dueling was witnessed and the sex wasn’t, heat and rut duels showed everything to the final climax.

Seto Kaiba set up Duel Academy’s all over the world, he allowed each branch to mostly do as they pleased. North Academy was more Alpha dominant, East Academy was more Beta dominant, South Academy was more Omega dominant, West Academy was a bit odd, but then there was Central Academy aka Academy Island that became a Pack Area.

I hope this has been informative, take care.

The program was running in the background on the history channel, but Jaden Yuki was busy showering. He was an Omega Male.

Jaden was running late. He had applied to Central Academy, and managed to pass the written exam. Today was the day of the practical exam and he had been preparing for this for a long time. Yuki used a Toon Deck, he just loved Toons. They were wacky and fun, in his mind they embodied his style of dueling.

He got his deck and duel disk and raced towards the dome. The brunette crashed into a multi haired young man and his deck spilled everywhere. The mystery guy gave Jaden a hand and even a card. Toon Kuriboh.

Toon Kuriboh
1 Star Dark Fiend/Toon/Effect: During the battle phase, you can send this card from your hand to the graveyard to reduce all battle damage to 0 until the end of the turn. If you control Toon World and you control no monsters, you can special summon this card from your hand during either player’s turn. While you control Toon World and your opponent controls no Toon monsters this monster can attack directly. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent you can special summon a Toon Kuriboh Token to your side of the field.
ATK 300 DEF 200

“This card is awesome!” He said excitedly.

“I think it belongs with you.” With that said, the mystery man left. Jaden was back to running to make the exam. His tardiness caused him to miss most of the test duels.

He was late but he made it before the closing time. Little did he know he was about to face an obstacle.


Doctor Crowler was an alpha, he was also an elitist snob. Duel Academy had a semi-screwed up class system with Obelisk Blue at the top, Ra Yellow in the middle, and Slifer Red at the bottom. If that wasn’t bad enough he also believed in Alpha Dominance, he believed Alphas were superior and that betas and omegas needed to respect and obey them.

Duel Academy Central may have been a Pack Area, that didn’t magically change everyone’s beliefs. Crowler made his beliefs well known, and used his position as Dorm Advisor to get his way. One felt sorry for any Betas and Omegas in Obelisk Blue.

When he heard that an omega had shown up late, he was quick to say. “Tell the tardy slacker to try again next year.”

“Now Doctor Crowler, they were just a little late, we still have plenty of time to see to their exam.” One of the other examiners pointed out.

Crowler wasn’t hearing it. “Late is rude! Tell the omega that next time to properly arrive and not keep their betters waiting.” His attitude annoyed many, but he had job security and his skills were disgustingly good.

He changed his tune when he got a call from Sheppard. The late arrival was allowed to be tested properly. ‘Damn wind bag!’ Sheppard was keeping an eye on this exam, especially after last year when Crowler failed a bunch of Betas and Omegas. ‘Fine, I’ll test this little omega myself and crush him with my deck.’


Jaden was registered and had time to kill so was walking around and meeting the other contestants. He met an Alpha named Bastion Misawa, he had gotten high marks in both the written and practical exam. Another boy named Syrus Truesdale was freaking out over the exam, even though he won the duel he made a lot of mistakes.

Yuki released some pheromones to help him relax. “Ahh~!” Syrus shivered, feeling the stress melt away.

“My word, how can you be so blatant with your pheromones?!” Bastion huffed. Releasing one’s pheromones in public wasn’t common, most people wore scent blockers and took suppressants if they were out and about during their season.

Jaden didn’t look phased. “He looked like he needed some comfort!” Syrus was trembling, blushing from ear to ear, he was rock hard in his pants and he didn’t care. He was feeling Niiiiiice~!

Even Bastion got a whiff, which caused his loins to stir. “I can give you both a hand after my match.”

Misawa crossed his arms, defiantly. “I think not, I hardly know you!”

Jaden just smiled. “The name’s Jaden Yuki, I’m gonna be the next King of Games!” A bold declaration.

Syrus came out of his scent daze. “You might be in trouble, the last exam ended awhile ago. I’m not sure there are any more matches today.” After he said that Jaden was called over on the PA system and he scampered off to take his test.

“I’ve never met such a bold omega before.” Bastion said.

“I’ve never met an omega so kind before!” Syrus gushed. One could tell by his scent he was smitten with the brunette. Normally the ones he met were clamoring for his big brother.

“Well your omega might be in trouble, he’s facing Doctor Crowler.” Their attention was drawn to the arena. “Let’s see just how skilled he is.”


Crowler was certainly all about flare, he was rocking a Duel Vest, and even agreed to let Jaden have the first move. Since it was the last duel of the day it had everyone’s attention, including some Obelisk Blue students who had come to see the new applicants.

“Let’s Duel!”

Crowler/Jaden: 4000

“My Draw!” Jaden draws. His hand included, Toon Mermaid, Toon Masked Sorcerer, Toon Bookmark, Toon Rocket, and Shadow Toon. “First I activate Toon Bookmark, this let’s me add a Toon card to my hand!”

He searched his deck. ‘So he uses Toons, very well I know the strategy to best him. After all I’m using my personal deck!’

“I activate Toon World by paying 1000 life points.” Jaden played his continuous spell.

Toon World (Continuous Spell)
Pay 1000 life points to activate this card. Toon monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle. If a Toon Monster is attacked while in Defense Mode and their ATK is less than the Toon monster’s DEF destroy the attacking monster at the end of the damage step.

Jaden: 3000

The toon theme music began to play as the cartoon pop up book appeared on the field. The omega rocked out to the music before making his next move.

“Next I’ll Normal Summon Toon Masked Sorcerer in Attack Mode, and that’s not all folks, I’ll also Special Summon Toon Mermaid in Defense Mode!” The two toon monsters were called out onto the field, and they were both silly.

Toon Masked Sorcerer 900 ATK

Toon Mermaid 1400 DEF

“I’ll activate Toon Rocket!”

Toon Rocket (Quick Play)
Cannot activate this card unless you control Toon World. Target 1 Toon Monster you control, inflict battle damage to your opponent equal to half that toon monster’s ATK. If the targeted Toon has a damage effect, you can activate that effect at the end of the damage calculation.

His Toon Masked Sorcerer was picked up by a cartoon rocket and was shot towards Crowler. Boom!

Crowler: 3600

Thanks to the spell his monster’s effect activated. “Now I get to draw 1 card.” He did and gained Toon Kuriboh, it let out a cry of joy. “Next my Toon Mermaid’s effect activates and she blasts you with some burn damage!”

She giggled and aimed an arrow at Crowler. “Now hold on!” Fire! The arrow flew and flew around the room before hitting Crowler in the ass. “OWWW!”

Crowler 3100

It was the first turn and Jaden drew the first damage. ‘How dare this omega make a fool of me?’

He ended his turn.

Crowler draws. “You sure are cocky for an omega.” He sets two cards face down. “Now I shall play Heavy Storm, say goodbye to your Toon World and your Toons!” His two cards were destroyed.

The storm began to reach Jaden’s side of the field and the toons clung to the book. Suddenly from Jaden’s grave Toon Bookmark came out and shielded it. “I banish my Toon Bookmark to keep my Toon World safe!” The card was removed and the continuous spell remained.

His play worked half way, he got to summon two wicked fiend tokens, which he tributed to summon his Ancient Gear Golem. It was clear now he was using his personal deck rather than a test one.

“I play Confiscation!” The professor paid 1000 life points to look at Jaden’s hand. He hadn’t seen a Toon Kuriboh before, but he didn’t care about the effect of a “weakling monster” his concern was that of Shadow Toon. It would have blasted Crowler with 3000 damage with his golem on the field. Thanks to his spell he got to destroy Shadow Toon. ‘I’ll finish him with this!’

He played a spell card known as Yellow Gear, when equipped to an ancient Gear Monster, it allowed that monster to make two attacks during battle phase. “You really shouldn’t have left such a weak and pathetic monster in attack mode.” Crowler was seeing victory and wasn’t worried about it.

“Now to the battle phase and I’ll attack with my Ancient Gear Golem!” Two attacks on Toon Masked Sorcerer would be 4200 battle damage and that would be game.

The metal monstrosity attacked launching a fist at the toon. There was a large boom and virtual smoke, but Jaden’s life points were fine. “Check your gear, even if your toons can’t be destroyed by battle you should still take battle damage!”

“Sorry teach, my gear is fine, you see I sent my Toon Kuriboh to the grave, to reduce all battle damage this turn to 0, and even doubling 0 is still 0.” He said with a laugh.

“What?!” He had ignored the Kuriboh as an insignificant monster. Even if it could block an attack he didn’t expect it to have an effect to shield him for the full round.

“Thanks buddy!” Kuriboh winked at him, before being put in the grave. The virtual play out happened with Toon Kuriboh bouncing around the field, creating an aura of protection. He blew a raspberry at Crowler before used Toon World as a diving board before jumping into the graveyard.

“So your pathetic monster saved you this turn, but I’m not out of tricks yet.” He paid 500 life points to send Yellow Gear to the grave, and he equipped his monster with Red Gear. “Now on your battle phase any monster you summon must do battle with my golem.” He thought he had this all covered.

Crowler 1600

Red Gear blocked the Toon’s effects to attack directly.

It was Jaden’s turn. He draws and quickly activates pot of greed. Two more cards are added to his hand. Manga Ryu-Ran and Toon Muscle. Jaden has Toon Mermaid slap Crowler with some burn damage.

Crowler: 1100

Then he sacrificed the two toons to normal summon Manga Ryu-Ran. Toon world flipped it’s pages for a more fitting pop up of volcanos as the dragon toon came out to play. “Not bad, not bad, but next time try to summon a monster with more attack points, that monster is still too weak.” Jaden smirked.

“That’s why I’m playing this, Toon Muscle!” Manga Ryu-Ran flexed and got volcano erupting muscles.

He attacked gaining 1000 ATK making his ATK: 3200

Crowler: 900

“That’s not all, when Manga Ryu-Ran destroys a monster by battle, it deals damage equal to the destroyed monster’s ATK.” Crowler began to sweat.

“No wait…” Manga Ryu-Ran breathed a whole storm of fire works that dropped Crowler’s life points to 0.

“Gotcha!” Jaden cheered happily.

‘This can’t be...how did an alpha of my caliber lose to this slacker omega!’ Crowler was seething. The crowd was stunned, Jaden won against the professor’s deck without taking a scratch from his opponent.

This omega was going to Duel Academy!

To be continued



I love this idea can omegas get betas and other omegas pregnant too???


its harder to get betas pregnant by omegas but its not impossible and yes omegas can get other omegas pregnant


I forgot to ask is Sirius a alpha because it would be funny to have him as a shy alpha (plus being small with a huge dick is awesome) since jaden is so outgoing