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Yugioh Gx parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 31 

Chapter 32 The Next Shadow Rider

His pack was on the same page, Jaden was feeling pretty good. In their dorm he could be his true self, which was quite relaxing. The consensus was the school wasn’t ready for his existence yet, so his secret would still be up. With his pack support Jaden could focus on other things.

Building up his pack was important, there were two potential options in his mind, but time would tell. He had three beautiful mates, two sweet servants, and one happy pet. Preparing for the shadow riders was needed, they had defeated 1 but more were on the way, it was only a matter of time before the next one came. “And what am I gonna do with you?” He eyed the Shadow Charm he had gotten from Nightshroud. Belowski had a shadow charm of his own, even if it wasn’t one from the book of shadows. It needed to be handled by someone with shadow power, and one person came to mind. ‘It’s give our side an edge, no doubt the other riders will have Shadow Charms as well.

He knew Chazz had been spying, he was a potential mate and with his sleeping abilities. ‘The ball is in his court now, he’s seen me for what I truly am and bared witness to lamia’s mating.’

Jaden took human form and set for the day.


Chazz was yearning. Now so much made sense. Jaden wasn’t human but that fact didn’t shake the feelings that had taken root. Since meeting Jaden the brunette has plagued his mind, he had become obsessed with him not fully understanding what he was feeling. Even at North Academy his dreams were haunted by him.

He had grown and changed, and when he came back they dueled and it was exciting. Yuki stood up to his brothers, which was hot! They had a moment together, experiencing Jaden’s touch stroked the embers of desire into an inferno. Then seeing Jaden’s true form and lamia mating...he was consumed by the passion. He couldn’t stop checking on the pack, watching them love and cuddle, wishing he was in the mix.

It was clear Jaden was open to multiple partners, he just had no idea how to approach the brunette over the subject. So he was spending his time playing with his cock and ass, trying to sort out the horny feelings inside him. ‘Boss you are gonna be late for class!’Ojama Yellow warned, but Chazz was busy, face down ass up!

Princeton had two fingers thrusting into his ass while his free hand worked his twitching cock. ‘Jaden...Jaden...Jaden…’


Jaden visited Atticus in the Nurse’s office. To his surprise Zane was there. “Hey Zane!”

“Hello Jaden, what are you doing here?”

“Checking up on Atticus, what are you doing here?”

“Alexis has been here for awhile, so I’m taking her place.”

Jaden smiled. “You are a good friend.”

Zane frowned. “I’m not really...believe it or not I knew Atticus. We were friends back in the day, but we were very different. He always wanted to be a dueling idol and performer, with the way he acted it was hard to take him seriously. When he disappeared I didn’t think about it. He was gone and I was just so focused on my dueling and honing my skills…” He had started to see Atticus as a distraction and distanced himself from the brunette.

“Things don’t have to be so hard ya know, making time for a little fun is healthy.” He recalled how Zane was when he was under the Mokey Waves. “It’s all about finding a balance.”

The bluenette nodded. “You are right, I’ve always wanted to be a pro duelist ever since I was little. I think I’ve been pushing too hard for so long. Once all this mess with the Shadow Riders maybe I will”

Jaden gives him a break so he can stretch his legs and get some food. He used his magic to strip Atticus of his gown and boxers. ‘If I could this would be faster in my monster form, but I can help revitalize his spirit.’ His hand glowed and he placed it over Atticus’s forehead.

Energy washed through the brunette, his body regained some color to it. Nightshroud was a parasite, it fed on his body, mind, and spirit. His body was recovering well and so would his spirit in time, but Jaden wished to help him.


Atticus shivered as his nipple was licked, Yuki’s talented tongue swiping and flicking the bud. His nipples hardened from the stimulus, and Jaden quickly reached up and began pinching the free bud. Magic was poured through his nips, increasing the brunette’s pleasure and replenishing his spirit.

His nipples got such lovely attention, licking, swirling, and sucking on the left, pinching, flicking, and tugging on the right.

Rhodes got hard, his 9 inch rod rising to attention. Yuki stopped teasing his nips, and brought his hand down to pump Atticus. “Ohh!” He moaned in his sleep. Every pump and squeeze sent energy through his rod and it spread through his form.

As soon as he began to leak pre-cum, Jaden stopped jerking him off and used his essence to lube his fingers. He slipped his hand between his legs and found his hole. Two digits slipped in, and Jaden’s magic was channeled inside. “Oh ohhh!”

Atticus’s body shivered, his spirit was being stimulated inside and out, Jaden focused on the main areas. The best places to absorb energy. He gave the brunette a deep prostate massage.

His cock twitched, his long denied arousal and release made him sensitive. The man’s big nuts began to throb, heat pulling into his groin, weaving tighter and tighter. Jaden wrapped his lips around the cock, sucking him softly and helping that knot unravel.

Rhodes came, his thick seed flooding the lamia’s mouth. He drank some of it, but held most of it. After mixing some special venom and lamia saliva in, he kissed Atticus and fed him the cocktail. He was such a good boy and drank it down. ‘There that should help your body and spirit recover, we can work on your mind later and figure out who did this to you.’

Atticus was redressed by the time Zane returned. “I think he’s looking better.” Jaden left with the bluenette none the wiser.

He didn’t go to class instead he went to the abandoned dorm. “Let’s talk Nightshroud.” He flung the card into the air and it froze in place.

Why should I bother talking to you snake, you trapped me in here?!”

“It was the rules of the shadows parasite, you know that. I’ve seen what you did to Atticus’s body, you deserve far worse punishment than being stuck in a card forever.”

What else can you do to me? I’m already stuck in this soul card, but when I get out I’ll make you all suff…” Zap!

Magical lightning shot through the room and struck the card. “AAAAAHHHHHHH!” Nightshroud screamed in pain and terror.

“You see, most lamia have a favored type, most of my sisters favored water, I favored the earth, but I studied both. Now and then I got curious so I picked up somethings, Lightning magic is quite useful!” Jaden’s fingers sparked with green electricity. “This is Soul Shock, interesting isn’t a lightning attack that can’t harm a vessel but strikes the soul.”

Jaden gave him another taste and Nightshroud screamed. “What do you want?!”

“I want information on the other Shadow Riders!”

Are you crazy? They’ll kill me!”Shock! “Ahhhhh!”

“Consider this punishment for what you put Atticus through, this punishment will end if you give me something on the other riders.”

Shock! “I don’t know much! We aren’t exactly close with each other, the big boss contacted us and we rarely gathered together.”

“Not useful…” Shock! Nightshroud was a parasite loyalty wasn’t in his DNA, he was a user and not very trusting. He had a feeling the boss would end him if he outlived his usefulness.

Fine, I know about two of them, one is a vampire and the other is a weretiger! They both wield shadow charms one is a choker the other is a glove.” Jaden recognized them as charms from the Book of Shadows, although the “glove” was a gauntlet but whatever.

“Fine that’s enough.” He walked over and plucked Nightshroud from the air.

I’m done...you’ll let me go?”

“Of course not, that wasn’t part of the deal. You can remained sealed away forever as per our shadow duel.” Jaden had no intention of letting Nightshroud escape, while some would see him as JUST a parasite, he knew just how dangerous a creature like Nightshroud could be if left unchecked.

You treacherous snake, I’ll get out and when I do…”

“TRY IT!” Jaden’s eyes flashed gold as he cut the creature off. “Know this, you get to live, I will not end your life so long as you remained sealed. If you manage to escape or are freed you better run, crawl into the deepest pit of the darkest corner of whatever domain you can scurry into, because if I find you or you ever cross me or people I care for I will end you.”


The boss had chosen the next Shadow Rider for the task. It was Camula the Vampire. “Go, and do not fail as Nightshroud has.”

The female vampire bowed. “I will not fail, but what have Nightshroud’s host?”

“He is of no further use to us, you may do with him as you see fit.” Her fangs glistened.

“You are too kind.” She turned and left only for a large amazon-like woman to stop her. “Yes?”

Tania crossed her arms. “Maybe we should handle this together, Nightshroud was too cocky, and our opponent now has their own and his shadow charm!”

Camula shook her head. “I’m not a fool like him. I have my own ways of getting what I want. The master will get his keys but I shall begin the hunt and obtain my wish!”

Tania shrugged. “Don’t say I didn’t offer to help.” Camula walked passed her.

“The day I need a lowly beast’s help is the day I stake myself!” Tania whipped around and growled at her, but Camula vanished in a wave of bats.

“Tch, I wanted to respect her as a fellow woman, but a vampire is still a crummy vampire!” Vampires and were-creatures had issues.


It was late as night when Camula arrived at Academy Island. “Go my pets, deliver a message to the serpent we must chat.” Bats flew over the island seeking out Jaden.

“It seems we have company.” His mates were resting but Belowski was up. “Let’s go greet them.” Jaden took lamia form and the two headed off.

After what happened with Nightshroud a peaceful option was on the table, hopefully. If this was another innocent soul maybe they could be saved or helped. If it was the vampire or weretiger, Jaden hoped to appeal to them monster to monster.

They reached the docks finding a small boat carrying a coffin. It opened and a woman in a red dress rose from it. “I am Camula, I wish to speak to you Lamia from another world.”

Jaden crossed his arms. “What do you want Shadow Rider?”

Camula chuckled. “Watch your tone, you don’t even know who or what I am.”

“I know you are a vampire, and while lamias and vampires have been peaceful with each other, this situation is different.” Camula was surprised.

“I see, so Nightshroud spilled some of our secrets, filthy parasite!” She showed her rage but quickly collected herself. “My dear, we are both monsters, we don’t have to fight, we can be friends!”

Jaden rolled his eyes. “You say that, but you are already trying to charm me with your words.” Yuki ruffled Belowski’s hair.

‘How did he sense it?’ He read her expression.

“This one gives off similar waves when he talks and duels. I’ve been studying it as a way of helping him get control. So it was easy to detect with you.” Belowski giggled.

“Fine, no tricks, I ask that you do not stand in my way.” She walked forward. “This world is my home, I come from a lost line of vampires that were wiped out by humans. By right I am free to hunt and undo the damage that has been done.”

Jaden was surprised. “You intend to use the Shadow Choker and your vampire powers to create a new vampire line?”

Camula nodded. It was possible, creating a vampire took a lot of time, effort, and the right conditions, the exact opposite of were-creatures some didn’t have to even bite a scratch could be enough to make someone turn. With the shadow charm she could negate these conditions and make vampires with ease. “I have lost so much at the hands of humans, allow me safe passage to hunt as I please!”

Jaden shook his head. “I feel for you, the losses you’ve experienced would weigh on any monster’s heart. As a lamia I cannot agree with your methods, and as a guardian you are a shadow rider, I must stop you!”

“Bah!” Camula hissed. “You know nothing. I happen to know the lamia tribe lives strong and bountiful, yet you claim to know my pain.”

“I do!” Jaden snapped. “Before...before it came...my mother and the others they…” He cried. Belowski was shocked to see Jaden so shaken.

“Jaden…” He held the lamia’s hand. It helped him calm down.

Camula didn’t know Belowski could help regulate one’s mood or emotion. Seeing Jaden become shaken, she had her bats turn into spikes and tried to impale him!

Yuki’s tail whipped out and smashed the spears. “That’s strike two!”

The vampire glared. “So you insist on standing in my way. Yes, I am a shadow rider, my master granted me this power and I will use it to restore the proud vampire legacy to this world. If he wants those keys it is a small price to pay.”

Jaden shook his head. “You are living in the past, your methods are too barbaric and filled with hate. Give up on being a shadow rider and I’ll help you restore your clan.”

Camula flipped out, going from beauty to a monstrous lamprey like appearance. “Fool! I will not be denied my revenge, humans took everything from me and they will suffer as we vampires rise. If you choose to stand on the side of humans, I shall destroy thee!”

“So much for a peaceful talk.” Their charms glowed as did Camula’s. An initial clash of pressure was felt.

“Hahaha, you might be a skilled user, but I’m far older than you!” Camula began to win in the clash, before the pressures subsided. “Ha!” She unleashed a psychic blast which Jaden managed to block, mostly, getting a small cut on his cheek. “Your pathetic snake powers cannot hope to rival that of a vampire!” She let out a screech.

It would have shattered his barrier. “No!” Belowski released magical sound waves of his own. The Mokey Waves countered the Vampire Wailing.

Camula was shocked. “A mere human blocks my magic!”

“Yes, yes he did!” Jaden counter attacked, creating water snakes to attack Camula and her boat.

The vampire retreated into her coffin, and it launched into the air. Jaden’s snakes went after it, clashing with bats as it went. The snakes won out and began to coil around the coffin. A victory short lived as red energy burst forth and dispersed the water snakes.

Her coffin opened up. “Shadow Wings!” She conjured a wave of bats that flew towards Jaden and Belowski.

Yuki countered by makings snakes from the Earth and they ripped apart the bats made of shadows. “Ugh, Crimson Lightning!” Her charm glowed and she fired red lightning. Jaden was able to block with the snakes but they got destroyed. “My darling’s sing!”

Her bats surrounded them and unleashed a painful screech. Belowski clutched his charm, and conjured up the Mokey Mokey triplets. They began to sing and together they countered the waves and put the bats to sleep. “You have some good moves but an inferior charm.”

“I think it suits me just fine!” The Mokey Tear really did.

“Fine then!” She bit her thumb and drew blood, the blood was pulled from the wound and formed a sword. She flew at Jaden who blocked it with a barrier. “Pathetic, not so good fighting at close range lamia?”

His barrier cracked from the force of her strike. “Snake Arrow!” Shooting through his own barrier he shot Camula in the shoulder. “No I’m long range but nothing wrong with that.”

Belowski gathered the Mokey’s song into the Tear and blasted Camula back. Jaden unleashed a barrage of snake arrows, only to have Camula cut them away. “You can’t stop my hunt, you can’t stop the shadow riders, you won’t stop me!” She got back to her coffin. “Crimson Mist!”

A red cloud of acid was released and Jaden was able to block it, but it served as the perfect smokescreen to have Camula slip away.

Jaden hated to admit it but Camula was right, as a vampire her powers were older and more mature, in a straight up magic clash he couldn’t have handled her alone. “I’ll just have to beat her in a duel!” They’d need to give the pendant to someone and train them because if the other shadow charm users were as skilled as Camula they were in trouble.

She had flown off and hid in a lake, using her dark magic to build a palace under water. She then had her familiars fly off to try and spy on her opponents. ‘Find me some good prey my pets, find me worthy prey to hunt.’

To be continued



Oooh, dramatic! 😮