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My Hero/Beast Tamer parody: Patreon Reward

Beast Tamer Deku
Izuku always wished to save the world and be a hero. So when the chance came to join the hero's party he accepted. He was a skilled Beast Tamer, he tamed multiple beasts at a time and even had the potential of taming ultimate species. He thought he was friends with the party but then one day he's kicked out for being "too weak". Will he prove them wrong, taming some ultimate species grant Izuku some pretty rare skills, Nekomata - Katsuki, Tengu - Tokoyami, Dragon - Kirishima, Fairy - Shinso, Oni - Kaminari, Kitsune – Todoroki

Chapter 1

Izuku Midoriya was a Beast Tamer, not just any Beast Tamer, he was the beast tamer to the Hero’s Party! He felt so lucky!

The Hero Tenko Shimura had been found and was trained to fulfill his destiny as the hero. When he was old enough he began his journey finding the best, the brightest, the strongest, and the most skilled to form his party to work towards defeating the demon king!

His tank was a lizardman named Spinner. He was skilled in all kinds of bladed weapons, dual wielding, and could power attack with the best of them. As a lizardman he had very high natural armor, and when he went into rage mode, he bulked up and his scales even gained some spins for some additional punishment when he took hits. He was honored to be chosen by the hero, and fought diligently by his side on the front lines.

Tenko’s priest was Sister Magna, skilled in both the divine arts from the church and the holy fist style of monks. Physically as strong as the mountain, but held the feminine grace and spirit of the flower. She didn’t care much for conflict, but felt her manly muscles existed for punishing evil when the time called for it. It was her job to see to the hero’s needs, believing his wishes were that of God’s as the hero was chosen by God. In the party she was the healer and buffer.

His mage was Toga Himiko, she had a talent that allowed her to adapt all elements of magic. With that not only could she learn any spell from the element spectrum, from Beginner, to Intermediate, to Advanced Magic, but she could also combine  elements to form some Superior Magic! She was a bit crazy, often experimenting with her spells ended in disaster, her potion crafting was also nuts. Thanks to her talent magic came so easy to her she gained a touch of arrogance, so she neglected some of her other lessons and basics. In the party she fit the roll of magic caster blasting targets at a distance, she was able to handle large numbers of enemies easily and huge targets.

Tenko also had an Archer, Jin Bubaigawara, but everyone called him Twice. He had a rare talent called Double. His skill at archery was very nice, but he gained an edge as he could make a double of himself. His double shot attacks could surprise enemies, plus he was skilled enough to do magic/enchanted arrows to handle all sorts of enemies. In the party he was the main physical long range attacker.

Then there was Izuku...he was a Beast Tamer. The Beast Tamer class wasn’t exactly known for combat, needing to tame an animal or beast to fight for them. They were seen as useful; tracking, scouting, foraging, trap disarming, and of course travel they were very helpful using tamed beasts to carry supplies. Their magic capabilities were limited to beginner level spells, and even their support magic options were limited.

Most Beast Tamers used temporary contracts and could only control one to two beasts at a time. Izuku was actually capable of taming multiple beasts at a time, he had bears, wolves, squirrels, and birds aiding the party at once. A truly impressive feat, not that the party understood that. Even in combat he made himself useful, pulling off some Insect Taming to use poison bugs to attack enemies, even pull off sneak attacks.

Midoriya wasn’t the type to brag, he was just so happy to be useful. He always wished he could save the world and be a hero, so when he was picked to join the hero’s party he jumped at the chance. The group constantly asked him for things and he worked hard to deliver.

He studied his companions and tried to learn and grow stronger, from Spinner he learned some knife skills, from Toga he learned a beginner’s Fireball, from Sister Magna he learned a beginner’s Heal, and learned some knife throwing from Twice. Izuku also learned some martial arts from watching Tenko, he really looked up to him.

These efforts were impressive, but compared to their originators it was seen as weak.

Tenko always beat Izuku in sparring matches with such ease, no one noticed the greenette’s skills increasing after every fight.

Izuku’s magic couldn’t compared to the Advanced Magic that Sister Magna and Toga could conjure.

His knife skills were seen as pathetic compared to the big weaponry Spinner was capable of using, plus Spinner’s style of fighting wasn’t a fit for Izuku.

Even his throwing skills, while nice didn’t have the same range as Twice’s archery.

He was just trying to be useful to the party...to his friends…

“Izuku...we don’t need you in the party anymore...”

“Ehh…” He blinked.

Izuku had been called to a meeting with the party. He was ambushed, they called him weak and useless. They actually felt that he was slowing them down. ‘What are they saying? I thought we were friends?’ No one stood up for him.

Twice wouldn’t look at him. Spinner’s loyalty to Tenko had him fully on the “hero’s” side, no objections. “You aren’t skilled enough to continue to be one of us.”

“But I…”

Magna slammed a cross down, cutting Izuku off. “We aren’t playing games here Midoriya-chan! We are the party that will one day face the demon lord. We can’t have anyone holding us back.”

The words cut deep. ‘I’ve been holding them back…’ He had no idea, he was trying so hard. ‘I thought I was helping.’ He began to tear up. “Please wait...why so suddenly...”

“You are just a lowly Beast Tamer, and we wasted time to help you and even shared the loot with you. You just aren’t good enough.” Toga said. “You’ve ended up being baggage, dead weight, you’re holding everyone back, you’re existence is a burden to us, understand?”

Izuku was frozen by the verbal assault. Toga sighed happily. “Finally got that off my chest.”

Tenko scratched his neck in frustration. “You must have seen this coming, that’s why you asked everyone for help to try and get stronger right?” He shook his head. “It’s sad really, even with such elites trying to help you, you can barely damage an enemy. More often then not we have to save you when you are targeted by a monster.”

“But I…” He wasn’t a front line fighter, that was clear from the start, but he’s been their supporter hasn’t he. Izuku even volunteered to be bait to lure monsters out. “I help…”

“Are you talking about the things you can do like commanding animals to search and scout, carry our stuff? It’s hardly that useful!” Tenko laughed. “It was amusing watching you struggle to get stronger, but you just don’t hold a candle to us.”

Izuku couldn’t believe this. “I initially thought you were just bad because we were so awesome in comparison, but you are just too weak!” Midoriya was heart broken.

“You can’t even use the equipment we gave you effectively.” Spinner pointed out.

“I can’t stand dealing with brats with no talent!” Twice finally burst out saying.

Midoriya was shaking. This hurt, he thought they were his friends, but this was their real thoughts. “From now on please don’t disappoint us any further. Oh and you can leave your equipment here, it is all stuff WE collected.”

He had to strip, his gloves, cloak, armor, and accessories were taken back. “All of it!” Toga pointed. They had purchased him some nice clothes once, to “make him look more presentable”. He was reduced to his birthday suit, it was humiliating.

Midoriya had to use both hands to shield his crotch. Toga snickered, believing he wasn’t very manly.

“Your room has been paid for until the end of the day, consider it a parting gift.” Tenko waved him off. “Now get out of here!”

Izuku ran off, tears spilling down his cheeks. He found some of his old clothes and put them on, a simple white t-shirt, a pair of brown pants, some old boots, and a green vest was thrown on. He had his backpack and some tamer supplies but not much else. ‘What am I gonna do?’


Spinner approached Tenko after Izuku left. “Are you sure about this?”

“It’s fine, Beast Tamers like him are a dime a dozen, we can find someone older and more experienced than that runt.” Tenko shrugged. “It was only by chance we met him in the first place, some runt living in the woods by himself. We needed a beast tamer and he was so eager to help, but he’s just too weak and can’t keep up.”

Spinner was a bit worried about Tenko. He was this generation’s Hero a title that’s been passed down through the ages. So he has been praised and practically worshiped since the time he was very young and the hero’s power was discovered in him. He was the youngest hero to present, from rumors he supposedly glowed with divine light as a baby.

His divine blessing as the Hero allowed him limitless growth and potential. Spinner was worried as while the heroes of the past did amazing and wonderful things, Tenko hadn’t yet, he was still a fledgling hero. He would defeat the demon king some day, but it was a long road to that. Spinner was inspired by the previous hero Stain. Sister Magna treated the hero’s word as gospel, but that may have been premature. Toga owed her freedom to Tenko as he appreciated her genius. “You know what’s best…”


Izuku was busy picking up the pieces. He finally thought he had friends, comrades with the same goal as him. Saving the world, defeat the demon king, it all felt too good to be true.

There wasn’t a lot he could do now. He had no home to return to, his home was full of tamers. They all had so many talents and techniques, his mom was the best though. She taught him so much before…

‘I can’t think about that now…’ Midoriya was already in a bad place, going down that rabbit hole wouldn’t do him any good. He barely had some coppers to his name, if he didn’t make money fast he’d have no place to live. ‘Maybe I can become a merchant...no...it’s too competitive for a one man force, plus it costs to join the merchant’s guild.’

Midoriya overheard some passing adventurers. ‘Adventuring...that could work...I can make money and still do some good in the world!’ It was free to join the Adventurer’s Guild, you just had to pass a test. ‘I can do this...I’m not worthless...I can do what I can!’

The guild girl was named Ochako, she was nice, but gave Izuku a concerned look when he listed himself as a Beast Tamer. ‘I better get used to this…’ He had no idea there was such a stigma against Beast Tamers.

His test was to defeat 10 goblins. He used his skills to tame some wolves, they were experts in hunting goblins. Together they brought down the goblins and collected the magic stones. “Thank you!” He dismissed their contracts and after a snack, and a few well deserved head pats, they ran off.

Izuku was about to head back when he heard an explosion. ‘What was that?’ He raced over and found someone being caught by a Demon Spider, a Rank D one, Armored Spider. They are a magical creature and quite vicious, their hide is very tough, they are very nimble despite their size and weight, many rookie adventurers lose their lives against these things.

From the looks of the person bound by webbing they had caught someone. ‘Did they use Explosion magic?...A good try, but they are strong against most fire spells…’ Izuku had studied all sorts of beasts both magical and non. He knew their strengths, their weaknesses, and all sorts of things.

He was struggling violently. ‘Looks like he has energy to move!’ Izuku grabbed a knife. ‘Let’s do this!’


Midoriya’s aura flared, causing the spider monster to target him. He flung his knife and managed to cut the webbing. “You’re free, now run while you can. I’ll hold it off!”

A blonde male fell from the web. “Run…” A tail flickered. “As if…” His claws flexed and small explosions formed in his palm.

With Izuku distracting the spider the Ultimate Species launched himself into the air, building up power as he went. “Damn spider...making a joke of me-ow!” He spun in the air before soaring down like a meteor. “Neko Impact!”

A flying axe kick came down and crushed the spider’s head with one blow. “Oh wow!”

“Take that...ya fucking...bug…” He had used up his energy and collapsed. “Damn...I’m at my limit...” Izuku rushed over and caught him. GROWL! “Hungry…”

Midoriya was stunned. This was one of the Ultimate Species, a Nekomata! He was different than Spinner who was a Superior Species. Lizardmen had high potential to either be great warriors or skilled magic casters, just like humans. Ultimate Species had both great power and magic ability, or had a trait that surpassed mortal limits.

He was young, his tail hadn’t split yet. It’s said after their tail splits their physical and magical power double. ‘He’s already plenty strong already.’ It was only because he was so hungry that the Armored Spider was able to get the drop on him.

“Oi…” Midoriya was pulled out of his daze. “Feed me!”

“Oh right!” It was all the food he had, but he gave all his rations to the neko. “I’m Izuku Midoriya, what’s your name?”

The blonde took a break from stuffing his face. “It’s Katsuki Bakugou!” His kitty ears twitched. “Do you have more food?”

“Sorry, that’s all I have.” Literally, his few coppers he had left he spent on the rations. Katsuki realized he had eaten all of the greenette’s food.

“Well you helped me out back there, so I’ll pay you back!”

Izuku waved his hands. “You don’t have to do that really!” Katsuki grabbed him by the hair.

“Are you saying you don’t want my help huh?!”

Midoriya shook his head. “No not at all, I just didn’t want to bother you. Plus I didn’t save you for some kind of debt, saving someone in need is just the right thing to do!”

Katsuki released him. “Well you seem in a lot of need yourself, so you can’t complain if I help you so there!”

Couldn’t argue with that logic. Katsuki was dressed in some tribal attire, he had a necklace around his neck, a magical artifact that boosted his defense, offense, and speed. He wasn’t very big on armor or clothing, his upper body was fully exposed, he was chiseled with muscles, yellow fur from his wrists to his elbows. His pants/shorts seemed to be a combination of pants and underwear, with a pouch to cover his manly bits and a strap that went up the crack of his ass, there was both a loin covering and a rear covering, plus a tail gap for his tail to have mobility and room to breathe. His hips were fully exposed down to his feet, he had blonde fur from his ankles up to his knees. His pubes were thick and had a treasure tail up to his navel. ‘He’s so bold and amazing!’

The rumors were true about Nekomata, they rarely wore traditional clothing as they felt it limited their movement.

They collected the magic stone from the Armored Spider and began their walk back to town.

To be continued...Contract!

Katsuki learns about Izuku and the heroes party and gets pissed off. He decides that Izuku should form a contract with him. A blood contract was a lot stronger and forms a bond between the tamer and the beast they tame.


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