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Got one more day of paxlovid left, hoping to put this awful week behind me and bounce back. I'm trying to gather my energy back up. This ride on the covid train was awful and i'm ready to get off. 

Thanks to everyone who wished me well, i've been doing everything i could to kick this and stay strong thanks for all your support



Don’t worry, it’ll pass, I’ve had it before. Just focus on getting better over other things and you should be fine in a few days.


Oh no! Rest well and take all the time you need, Paper! Drink a lot of water and tea and please stay warm. Get well soon!

ZooFan 123

I've had it too, its kinda like a weird flue so try to rest and recover

Damion Andrew

Sorry to hear that man. Just get some rest drink plenty of water and it will pass.


Take care and get a good rest. I wish you a quick recovery.


The worst of it passes in 5 days to a week, but you might have a heavy case of the sniffles for a while afterwards. Get plenty of rest, and don't push yourself too hard, it takes a lot out of your energy pool. 😶


oof :( Hope you feel better soon!


Sending you healing vibes for a speedy recovery🤗🫶 Feel better soon.