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My Hero/Black Summoner parody: Patreon Reward

Green Summoner
Izuku is summoned to a fantasy world, due to an accident his normal life was snuffed out. He makes a deal with the deity of reincarnation and is able to gain some extra skills. He becomes a summoner and is able to make contracts with monsters. He befriends a slime, tames a powerful monster known as Chimera, and even meets an explosive elf named Bakugou.

Chapter 1

Midoriya Izuku had met the God of Reincarnation, an accident ended his mortal life. Toshinori Yagi was the acting god of reincarnation and he was positively stunning. His physique would give Zeus a run for his money.

The two got to talk, and they hit it off. Izuku’s sweet heart and cinnamon roll smile made Yagi fall head over heels. There was one thing Izuku had in his old life...regrets...he didn’t want to have any regrets in his new life. To ensure that happened he traded away his memories for more skills.

This meant he’d forget Yagi, but that was fine they worked out a little arrangement.


So Izuku woke up in a field all alone. “Ehhh!?” He did retain some of his knowledge at least. He was 21 years old, so all the basics of language, breathing, walking, his name, etc was still fully intact. “Where am I?”

A small screen opened up. Midoriya tapped it and…


“AHHAHAHAHA!” A booming and masculine voice resonated in his head. “You are finally awake Young Midoriya welcome to your new life. Your adventure in this fantasy world begins now.”

With a bit of help Izuku was able to open his status screen.

Izuku Midoriya

Age 21

Title: None

HP 10/10 MP 20/20

Strength: 2
Resistance: 1
Agility: 3
Magic: 6
Luck: 4

Skills: Summoning (Rank S) Green Magic (F Rank) Appraisal (S Rank) Double Growth Rate, Double Skill Points, Share Experience,
Unique Skill: Archive

Izuku was amazed. “This is just like a video game!” He blinked, he looked over each of the skills they were quite impressive. ‘So I’m a summoner...let’s see…’

Summoning and Appraisal were Rank S, having been given upgrades thanks to they sacrificed memories. Double Growth Rate and Double Skill Point were self explanatory but very handy skills to increase his growth upon level up.

He had Green Magic but it was a very low rank. There were three main schools of magic, Red, Blue and Green.

Red granted the user Fire and Lightning magic and was the most offensive. Blue granted the user Water and Ice and had a knack for being defensive capable of supporting allies and interfering with opponents. Green Magic granted the user Wind and Earth magic, it was unique as it was split offensive and defensive, tapping into recovery magic.

There was also Black Magic and White Magic, ranging from Necromancy and Curses to Divine Arts and Blessings.

“As a summoner you’ll be able to make pact with a creature in order to summon them. Once the pact is formed they’ll become a container for your magic power and synchronize with you.” Summoner and Summon are connected, it cost MP to summon a creature, but when done they draw on their summoner’s power and get a boost in strength.

Izuku smiled. “Thanks for the explanation Menu-san!”

“Hahaha!” His menu pinged. “I’m not a menu, I’m your first familiar take a look.”

Midoriya checked and sure enough he had a familiar already. Toshinori Yagi…he clicked on the screen but everything was classified except the title. God of Reincarnation! “What?”

Yagi chuckled. “I must say young Midoriya when you asked me to be your familiar I thought you were pulling my leg. You were so serious though I couldn’t resist!”

Izuku looked dumbfounded. “I don’t remember any of this!”

Toshinori explained this was natural as he didn’t have all the skill points he wanted for the skills, so he traded away his memories of his old life for more points. “But I’ll never forget our encounter, of all the souls I met you filled me with such passion.”

Midoriya blushed. ‘What was my other self thinking?!’

“I want a god like you to stay by my side forever!” Toshinori imitated Izuku’s words but it sounded so embarrassing. “My memories may be erased, but I will just fall in love with you again!”

Izuku’s whole face was steaming. “So...take good care of me...Young Midoriya!”

Sadly, even though a pact was formed, Izuku just didn’t have the power to summon Yagi right now. “People in this world know me as Yagi, so be sure to call me Toshinori or All Might!” They were able to communicate thanks to their pact mentally.

Yagi guided him to the nearest town and Izuku hit up the guild. The fastest way to level up and make money in a swords and sorcery world was become an adventurer. He registered as a Green Mage, summoners were rare, and one of his rank would be in high demand. ‘I’d like my freedom while I get stronger at least.’

The ranking system was easy to understand, F Rank to S Rank, F for (Newbies), E for (Novice), D for (Normal), C for (Veteran), B for (Master), A for (Monster) S for (Superhuman). The ranking system paralleled skill ranks more or less.

Izuku couldn’t help but wonder, with his Appraisal at S rank, he still couldn’t see Yagi’s stats. ‘Is it because Yagi is a god, or is there more to this world’s magic system?’ Toshinori knew the answer but what would be the fun in telling when Izuku could figure it out for himself.

The guild handled four kinds of quests, Hunting, Guarding, Gathering, and Personal. Each of these four types were broken down into ranks depending on things like danger, difficulty, threat level, and gathering held unique rankings do to quantity and rarity of the item or material requested.

Personal quests were a wild card, from delivering a letter or gift, to finding a lost pet, or even breaking a curse.

Finish 10 quests successfully and you’ll rank up, at C Rank and higher they had an advancement tests. Midoriya couldn’t help but get excited.

F-Rank Quests were pretty simple. Herb Gathering, Slime Hunting, and finding a Lost Cat. “Young Midoriya, you should take the Slime Hunting Quest!”

‘Are you sure, I was thinking the herb gathering quest…’

He could feel Yagi nod. “Yes, it’ll give you battle experience, plus you may get to try making a pact with a creature!” Two birds one stone.

He took the quest. ‘Just gotta kill three slimes how bad could it be.’


Pow Pow Wham!

Slimes were not weak…

These things were fast, agile, and could hit pretty hard. Izuku could kill them with his Green Magic, but the point was to test out his summoning magic. He spent the money Toshinori provided him on a staff. ‘If this doesn’t work I won’t eat or have a room over my head.’

His appraisal worked.

Blue Slime: Level 1
HP: 3/5 MP: 0/0

Strength: 1, Resistance: 1, Agility: 2, Magic: 1, Luck: 2

It took a few tries but he managed to weaken a slime and he formed a contract with it. “Why don’t you give it a name?” All Might suggested.

Izuku gave it some thought. “Deku...your name is Deku!” He felt delight from the slime. So this link wasn’t just between him and All Might. ‘I think I’ll call this the Summon Network!’

All Might gave him a mental poke. “So why Deku?”

“Well I think Deku is cute, and it’s a cheer like you can do it!” All Might didn’t really get it but the slime liked the name so oh well.

He closed his eyes and focused. “Come to me Deku!” Midoriya summoned the slime but he had changed. He was now green, had cute eyes, and he’s swear he even had his freckles. “Ehh?!”

Midoriya didn’t have time to question it as some slimes attacked. The pact and summon had drained nearly all his MP, he could use 1 spell. “Can I leave those two to you?”

Deku cooed and faced off against the other two slimes.

“Air Bullet!” Izuku cast his magic and blasted the slime, he took it out while Deku took out his opponents. “Whoa!”

He used Appraisal. “EHH?!”

Deku – Green Slime Level 1
Summoning Buff: (+100)
HP: 105 MP: 100/100
Strength 101, Resistance 101, Agility 102, Magic 101, Luck 102

An S rank summoner gave this kind of a buff to monsters/summons. Just a little level 1 slime was this strong because of his summoning? To be fair F-E rank Adventurers only gave a 1-2 boost, D gave a 5, C gave a 10, B a 20, and A gave a 50. “I can see why summoners are so highly sought after.” He breathed a sigh of relief.

Izuku collected the cores, but when he took his eyes off Deku he disappeared. “Deku?”

“Myuun!” The little blob came back with more slime cores. He went pew pew on some nearby slimes.

Midoriya pets him. “Thanks Deku!” The green slime bubbled in delight. He finished the quest and got paid extra for the extra slime cores. ‘We’ll need more money.’

“Well if you need quick cash, you can always enter the arena.” All Might suggested.

In town there was a stadium that offered entertainment. Adventurers could enter and face monsters for a fee. People could also enter fighters for special contests and challenges. “The arena?”

Izuku checked it out and there were crystal balls showing the results of a fight. Midoriya blushed. The winner was a blonde elf with blazing red eyes, he had smoke rising from his hands. What was striking was that he was practically naked, only wearing a skimpy loincloth. ‘He’s strong!’

All Might poked Midoriya. “So you do have a thing for blondes.”

Izuku blushed. “Wait what I…” Yagi chuckled. So he was also a blonde.

It cost money to enter, and he didn’t wanna risk what little money they had on such a thing. ‘I’ll just earn money the adventurer way!’

He stayed at the local inn and got some food. The keeper was a plump woman with a gentle air about her.

Midoriya took on plenty of F Rank jobs, gathering herbs and such was easy thanks to Appraisal. Deku protected him and was very useful at hunting other monsters. They were making money and before they knew it they reached level 2!

To be continued...Skills and Rank Ups


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