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Naruto parody: Patreon Reward

Beta Pill

Kiba was born with a dick too big for him to handle. He doesn’t like to top but people look at his bod and his dick and think he’s an alpha when all he wants is for someone to take control and give him a pounding he wants and needs. A new product may be the key to his happiness. Size stealing

Chapter 1 What A Puppy Wants

Kiba Inuzuka was the proud male heir to the Inuzuka Clan. The Inuzuka clan worked with ninja hounds and had certain customs and traditions. In this clan being bi was the norm, love and pleasure didn’t know gender. They even adapter an Alpha and Beta dynamic in the pack.

Tsume was very proud believing her son had grown into a strong and proud alpha. Just looking at Kiba most anyone would agree.

He was a stud; strong, muscular, handsome, had a wild aura that just made anyone; man, woman, or them want to scream… “Oh please fuck me!” Tsume wasn’t one to brag, but he had good genes. She couldn’t wait for he son to find a nice girl or a few, or find a nice beta male or a couple and add to the Inuzuka clan with a pack of his own.

There was just one problem…

Kiba didn’t want to be an alpha…

Oh yes!

He was indeed very sexy, the envy of men in the bathhouse. Kiba had the biggest dick in the baths, even putting many Jonin to shame with his sheer size and girth. One might say it was a coin toss who was bigger Kiba or Shino, but while the bug user was indeed well endowed having an impressive 9 inch dick with a lot of girth, he was just a shower. Kiba’s 9 incher was a grower.

The Inuzuka broke double digits and for some guys one might think that was awesome, he did not. As he saw it he was born with a dick too big for him to handle. He didn’t want it! His underwear kept getting stretched out, his erection took so much energy he couldn’t go multiple rounds. Imagine the sheer frustration being horny and spent at the same time.

Kiba did have an amazing libido, but he didn’t want to dominate. He wanted to be a beta!

Very few people knew, one look at his handsome face, sexy bod, and huge dick they’d immediately think. “Yep he’s a top!” It sucked, he had to fight off size queens who just wanted him for his meat. He had courting offers, but Kiba could smell that they wanted a pounding.

It was something he could easily recognize as he saw it in the mirror every day. He didn’t want to pound he wanted to be pounded. What he wouldn’t give for a guy to take him by the scruff of the neck and put him in his place. There was a few alphas around but none were looking at him that way.

Not that he felt he could complain or tell anyone the truth. His mom? No chance in hell. His sister? Hard pass. His sensei? Hell no. His friends? Well…

Kiba got drunk one night and spilled his woes, completely forgetting he had invited Shino out to begin with. So he spilled his secret to the bug boy, but his level of drinking that night caused him to forget he said anything at all. Shino knows his pain, but Kiba doesn’t know he knows.

What made it hard for him to complain? Well he’s been to the bathhouse with the guys a few times. Sai was obsessed with cocks, so thanks to him every guy knew everyone’s sizes. He even drew a dick chart it was rather impressive. Because of the rankings Kiba learned how some guys wished they were bigger or thicker. It was weird as he wished he was smaller. There were pros and cons to both.

Kiba had a general view of the guys around him, at least soft. Naruto and Sasuke often had dick measuring contests so he knew those two hard. Sasuke was 6.5 inches long, while Naruto was 7 inches. The Uchiha’s pride wouldn’t let him be smaller than Naruto so they argued about it a lot. Thanks to Sai he knew the rankings.

He was the biggest rocking a 12 inch grower dick at full mast. Asuma had a beefy 11 incher, Gai had a solid 10, Shino and Kakashi were both studs at 9 inches, the only difference is Shino was a shower, Kakashi was a grower soft he looked about 6 inches. Shikamaru and Neji both stood at 8 inches. Chouji was close at a fat 7.5 incher. Iruka had a bold 6 incher and Jiraiya was at a fat 6.5 incher. Konohamaru was the most shocking as he was a grower to 4 inches soft but 8 inches hard. Lee was a fine 5 incher. It was actually Sai who scored the lowest being only 3 inches and not packing much girth.

Even Akamaru got ranked 10.5 inches.

Sai was one of those size queens, wanting anyone bigger than himself, which wasn’t a hard bar to beat. Kiba rather admired Sai’s tiny tool, wishing his could be more like that.

Inuzuka did wonder about Naruto, he was always praising guy’s cocks big or small, it was hard to get a read on him.

He has tried to make himself look more beta, doing his best to explore his beta side despite his alpha looking body. For one he shaved off his body hair even using a special oil to combat his Inuzuka genes. When he masturbated he focused on areas betas do, like his nipples, balls, and ass. This resulted in his nipples becoming more lewd over the years, gaining a sensitivity that went straight to his cock.

For his ass Kiba bought all kinds of dildos and vibes, he’s trained his hole to handle any size. He didn’t know what his alpha would be packing but he’d be ready to take him with gusto. The dildos were also used to train his mouth and throat. A good beta could gain pleasure from sucking dick which Kiba achieved. He was very eager to suck a real cock...which led to him doing a little test.

With little effort because of his size and his flexibility Kiba managed to suck his own penis. A pro to being so huge, and while it was fun, a single pro didn’t outweigh his list of cons. He also tried to act more like a beta male would, going out of his way to be more submissive, however, anyone outside of the Inuzuka clan wouldn’t recognize what Kiba was doing.

It was body language but no one knew what language his body was speaking. So Kiba was a growing ball of sexual frustration. The shaving of his manly hair didn’t work as some girls and guys liked manscaping so Kiba just became more appealing as an Alpha Stud who just cared about good grooming/hygiene. The training of his body just fueled his hunger and need for a good alpha. He did try a cock cage but...he accidentally broke it...the same thing happened with a cock corset.

The training to make him a strong ninja gave him a rocking body, nothing he could do to change that.


Kiba was about to go and drink his woes away when Shino stopped him. “Kiba...go talk to Naruto, tell him the truth, he can help.”


Shino got in close. “Go Talk To Naruto!”

Kiba gulped. His friend was using his serious voice. “Okay…” He went to Naruto’s apartment. There was deep well of doubt, he half expected Naruto to laugh at his problems.

After a short back and forth of knocking on the door, greetings and small talk. “Shino said I should talk to you about a problem I’m having.”

Naruto shrugged. “Shoot!”

Kiba took a deep breath and explained everything telling the blonde his issues. Naruto crossed his arms, having a look of disbelief. ‘At least he didn’t laugh at me.’ He wasn’t saying anything.

“Hmm…” Well there was a noise that was a start. “So you wanna be seen as a beta huh?”

“You believe me!”

Naruto nodded. “Well yeah, this isn’t something I think you’d joke around with, but let’s be sure.” He ordered Kiba to strip. “Strip!” His tone firm and demanding. It sent a shiver up Kiba’s spine.

There was no hesitation, he took off his clothes and stood before Naruto in all his naked glory. His cock rising to attention from the experience. “Get on all fours.” The same firm tone, Naruto was serious about this, his blue eyes burning away at Kiba, looking for any sign of hesitation.


The Inuzuka dropped to all fours and assumed a submissive posture. He’s never seen this side of Naruto before, but he didn’t hate it, from his erection he was loving it. “Up!” Naruto commanded and Kiba remained on his knees but sat upright.

Uzumaki brought his foot into Kiba’s crotch, rubbing the dog boy’s bone. “You got a pretty nice cock here Kiba, do you really wanna lose it?”

Kiba shivered. “I do...I can’t handle it...I don’t want it...it’s too big for me!”

Naruto got up, making him whine at the loss. “Well if you’re sure, follow me.” Kiba followed like a puppy after his master.

The blonde went through his stuff. “While I was training with Pervy Sage we came across all kinds of stuff. This is a new item circulating the red light district.” Kiba’s problem wasn’t new, lot of guys with big dicks had issues across the land.

In some lands women, men, and them, appreciated the smaller equipment. In those lands men who were packing smaller weaponry knew how to use it. So guys with big dicks often scared people in those areas. Thanks to the world they lived in options were developed. “Here it is!”

Naruto revealed some pills. The Alpha Pill, Beta Pill, and Omega Pill set. The alpha pill could increase a man’s size, using their chakra to boost their testosterone levels and alter their body type. The omega pill could actually help a man become pregnant, using one’s chakra to craft a temporary artificial womb. The beta pill could decrease a man’s size. “You’ll need to find a partner to transfer your dick size to. I’m sure you can find someone to take that monster off your hands.”

Kiba felt like he was dreaming, the answer to his problems was in his hands. “Would...would you take it?”

Naruto blinked. “Me?”

The Inuzuka bowed. “Please Naruto! Please accept my cock!” The phrasing of that. He didn’t have many options, plus besides Shino, Naruto was his closest friend.

To make sure the deal was sold Kiba even gave Naruto the puppy dog eyes. “Okay stop with the puppy dog eyes!” The blonde sighed. “Sure, I’ll take the beast off your hands.”

Naruto got undressed. “Take your medicine puppy!” Kiba squirmed.

He popped the pill. “Ohh!” He felt his chakra channel into his cock.

The blonde leaned back. “Come here!” Kiba got in his lap, bringing their hard cocks together. The effect was instant, the Inuzuka’s rod shrank down to 11 inches and Naruto’s cock jumped to 8. “Now start humping puppy!”

Kiba obeyed, humping and grinding their cocks together. The effects began, his chakra poured out and into Naruto’s rod. Their sizes shift and Kiba was loving it.

As his beast shrank Naruto’s grew, soon their sizes were reversed. Uzumaki was now rocking a 12 incher while Kiba had a 7. That should have been enough but Kiba kept going. He bucked and bucked, humping like an excited puppy.

Seeing the beast in reverse Kiba felt his hole twitch. Okay, he may have been a size queen. He wanted Naruto to be bigger and his own rod smaller. More of his cock was given up and Naruto moaned as his penis continued to grow. He even gained girth.

With his smaller size his humping grew longer, dragging his penis along the massive shaft, it was such a contrast. “Yes yes yes yes!”

His climax hit, ending the effects of the pill. His cock dwindled down to a 2.5 inch rod. Naruto was sporting a 15 inch monster. “Oh wow!” Their effects were reversed Kiba now had a tiny shower dick, Naruto was rocking an impressive grower dick.

Kiba’s big balls unleashed a lot of cum, coating the large shaft. He looked down at his tiny tool. ‘It’s perfect!’ Despite cumming he was still hard.

“Well Kiba, you went a little wild, you are gonna have to take responsibility.” He wagged his cock. “Suck it!”

His heart fluttered.

To be continued...The Hung Fox


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