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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1/Bad Day

Rainbow Flame Dragon Awakened

Natsu ate the rainbow flare of Totomaru, the embers remained  inside him only to be fueled by Etherion. Eating the lacrima full of all kinds of magic, it fueled his flares allowing them to ignite and unite with his dragon force, awakening the Rainbow Flare Dragon!

Chapter 1 Flames in Seven Hues

Natsu had faced the Fire Elemental of Pahntom Lord Totomaru. He unleashed Rainbow Flare upon Natsu striking him with seven different kinds of fire magic, he hoped the different flames would overwhelm the dragon slayer, it did not.

Dragneel gobbled up all the flames and drew them into his core. While it recharged his magic his core held onto the different embers.

Phantom Lord was defeated, Lucy confronted her father, and she helped save Loke’s life returning him to the spirit world as Leo. As a token of thanks he gives the gang some tickets to the Akane Resort where the gang can relax and have fun as they recover their magic.

Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, and Happy were enjoying the casino before they were jumped by some old friends of Erza’s. Wally, Simon, Sho, and Millianna surprised the group, seemingly taking them out before kidnapping Erza and Happy. Juvia, one of Phantom Lord’s element four was around for reasons...and assisted in helping Gray avoid an attack.

Together they go to rescue Erza from the Tower of Heaven. Simon revealed the truth, that he never believed Jellal, and was trying to stop his plan. Sho didn’t take it well, and sadly Natsu took out Wally and Millianna for the attack at the casino and kidnapping Happy.

Things weren’t as they appeared as Jellal was pulling strings both in the tower and on the Magic Council. He started a deadly game using the Trinity Ravens to stall as he convinced the Magic Council to unleash the Etherion Cannon on the Tower.

The ravens were taken out, but Erza wasn’t able to take out Jellal because of her feelings towards him. The tower was really a giant lacrima, absorbing the Etherion Cannon and all the magics that made it up. Using this and Erza as a sacrifice he planned to resurrect Zeref.

Natsu took on Jellal to save her, and began wrecking the tower to upset the bluenette’s plans. His efforts weren’t in vain, forcing Jellal to unleash some powerful magic. Simon took the hit, protecting Natsu and Erza from the blast.

Dragneel snapped and ate some of the lacrima, absorbing the magic of Etherion into him. “You fool, the Etherion does have fire magic, but there is so much other magics mixed in you’ll destroy yourself!” Jellal laughed.

Etherion was a lot, but as the magic flooded Natsu’s system it reached his core. The embers of the rainbow flare absorbed some of the overwhelming magics that were making Natsu sick.

“What is this?!” Eyes widened as different kinds of flames began to appear on Natsu’s body.

Red flames appeared on his right arm, orange flames on his left, blue flames on his right leg, purple flames on the left. “He knows the rainbow flare, how is he doing this?”

Yellow flames bloomed on his chest, indigo flames on his abs and crotch, while green flames bloomed on his back. “Did he gain this power from facing the element four?” Erza wondered.

The flames began to swirl and blend together as Natsu’s magic power spiked. “No...this can’t be...it’s dragon force!” Scales began to appear on his body. “This level of magic should be beyond you, even if you can tap into dragon force it’s another thing to use it!”

Jellal launched at Natsu, using his magic to boost his speed and power. Dragneel caught him effortlessly. “What?!”

“Dragon Flame!” The rainbow flames turned red, and Jellal got blasted into a wall. His magical clothing designed to protect him and help him utilize his speed while in Meteor, was reduced to ashes leaving him bare ass naked. Red Flare embodied his dragon fire, a mighty flame capable of destroying anything and everything reducing it to ash.

He walked over to Simon and Erza, his flames returning to their rainbow state as he moved. He gazed down at Simon and the rainbow of colors shifted to green. “Green Flare!”

Erza gasped as Natsu bathed Simon in green fire. “Natsu what are you doing...you…” The green fire wasn’t hurting Simon, in fact it was healing him. The Green Flare was a healing flame, burning away injuries and damage even deep within.

Simon coughed and gasped, being pulled back from the brink of death. His soul was having an out of body experience but was drawn back by the green light. His eye and jaw were even healed. “I...I’m alive?” He sits up.

Natsu’s flames return to their rainbow state. “Natsu healed you, he saved your life.”

“Not for long!” Jellal got up, ignoring his naked state. “None of you are gonna survive!” He cast Pleiades, launching six rays of light from the sky to try and bombard the group.

Dragneel’s flames turn orange. “Orange Flare!” This flame wasn’t a joke like Totomaru’s, the wall of flame he conjured took the rays of light burning them away. The orange flame burned away magic, a defensive flame almost.

“Amazing!” Simon gasped.

Jellal’s hand balled into a fist. “You won’t win, I will bring about the new world!” He used Meteor allowing him to move at incredible speed.

Dragneel’s flames turned blue. “Ice Fire!” He released a cold flame, Jellal dodged but didn’t expect the fire to freeze creating a wall which he slammed into. The Blue Flare is a cold flame, flames so cold they burn. This magical fire doesn’t go out instead turns to ice when it’s extinguished.

The blue haired wizard grunted. “I won’t be beaten by the likes of you!”

Natsu’s flames turned purple. “Purple Flare!” For some reason this flame Natsu was the most used to as he changed it into a bunch of fists and began to punch Jellal and knock him around. Erza recalled Natsu had eaten Macao’s purple flames before and watched him use his magic many times.

Purple Flare was a physical flame, one that could touch without burning, it also had the benefit of not being extinguished by water or wind. Natsu fought with the ferocity of the dragon overwhelming Jellal at every turn. “You are all twisted up buddy, wanting to build up your dream world is all fine and dandy, but not when you gotta hurt other people and make them suffer to get it.” If all he was doing was making a better world for himself, that was just selfish and crazy. “You need to wake up and get a clue.”

He knocked Jellal around for a bit before slamming him into the ground. Purple flare snaked around Jellal, tying him up. “For all the trouble you’ve caused, you need to be punished!” He cracked his knuckles.

“Wait Natsu don’t kill…” Smack! “Oh my!”

Dragneel put the blue haired wizard over his knee. Erza and Simon both blushed as Jellal, naked and tied up by purple flare was spanked by Natsu. “Ahh!”

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

He wiggled and thrashed, but couldn’t get away. “Stop it you can’t do this to me!”

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Turns out he could, Natsu’s hand came down hard making Jellal’s cheeks bounce and jiggle. The force of each sweet made his insides throb and tingle.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

This was humiliating he was one of the Ten Wizard Saints, and he here was being spanked like a naughty child. His cheeks burned in a blush. He wasn’t getting a boost from the lacrima since Natsu ate it, it’s like the magic power was being drawn to him, like a moth to the flame.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Natsu’s hits were strong, making his cheeks turn a lovely shade of red. The hits were shaking him to his core, stirring things up inside him. The fact Simon and Erza were watching this happen only added to the weird feelings cooking inside him.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

The spanking just kept coming, ten swats for everyone he caused trouble for. Wally, Millianna, and Sho, as for Simon Natsu gave his ass 20 swats for that. Five Swats for Gray, Lucy, Juvia, and Happy for dragging them into this whole mess.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Natsu took 15 swats for himself, mostly because Jellal pissed him off. A general 30 for this whole Tower of Heaven nonsense. “And this is for Erza since you made her cry!” His flames turned yellow.

Jellal was very much humiliated right now, to make matters worse his penis was stirred to life. His heart was pounding in his chest as Natsu manhandled him so easily, the stinging swats to his rear lit a fire inside him and caused his loins to stir. Mentally he tried to ignore his arousal even as it twitched after Natsu spanked him. He kept trying to say he wasn’t enjoying this, but a part of him was.

No one treated him like this and it was oddly exciting and arousing.

Natsu’s hand sparked with Yellow Flare, and unlike Totomaru’s yellow flare this wasn’t a joke. This flame embodied a Lightning Flame, a hard flame to master but it channeled electric heat.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

The swats came bringing an extra little zap. The flames dispersed upon contact with Jellal’s cheeks, sending a magical/electrical current through his body. Pain and pleasure were being melded together. The special nerves in his ass were juiced, the current channeling through his rear to his sweet spot. His sensitive cheeks were shocked increasing the sensitivity and making the sensations more intense.

Jellal’s whole body was feeling it, his nipples became hard and perky from the pleasure. The man’s hard 8 incher was throbbing and leaking pre-cum like crazy. His entrance spasmed and throbbed, opening up like a lewd donut.

Heat was spreading through his veins, his skin growing flushed and he began to sweat.

He took a full 50 swats. ‘Not like this...not like this...no…’ His eyes closed as pleasure overwhelmed him, he came hard and passed out. The battle and intense orgasm too much for him.

The tower began to overheat, it was gonna explode. Together the three of them were able to change the direction. Erza was gonna sacrifice herself to stop the explosion, but Dragneel wasn’t having that. Instead they channeled the magic into the air, discharging it safely.

It was over, the tower fell, and Jellal’s body disappeared. Natsu collapsed, he was exhausted and spent, but this was the birth of a new dragon the Rainbow Fire Dragon!

To be continued


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