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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 Samurai Mushrooms and Swarms

Tracey was getting used to being naked. Since he was alone with Ash in Viridian Forest, he agreed to walk around naked. Ash and Scyther approved, finding Tracey’s body to be very lovely. His monsters didn’t seem to care as long as he was happy.

Sketchit was feeling a weird sense being naked and free like this, it was like getting back to nature or a purer state of being. Plus the way Ash looked at him so warmly made him tingle.

He was a bit lost in thought as he held onto a monster ball. This contained his Paras. He was a problem child. Paras wouldn’t listen to him at all. Secretly he’s tried to train Paras, but he just did whatever he wanted, quickly trying to Paralyze or Poison his opponent, before wailing on him with Scratch and Absorb.

It was a lot…

Normally when a trainer had their mons spar, it was lighthearted as a means of practicing moves and training up stats and abilities. Paras didn’t know the meaning of the word restraint, he went for the victory every time! If this kept up he’d burn through their berries and potions.

Tracey was so embarrassed and thought Paras’s bad behavior would reflect badly on him as a trainer. He couldn’t bring himself to tell Ash what was happening. They hadn’t been together long, and some new trainers experienced a rough patch with newly caught pokemon. Spearow didn’t seem to wanna listen to Ash at first either. “What am I gonna do with you?”


A sudden scream caught Tracey off guard as he was surprise attacked by a boy dressed in samurai armor. A sword was swung at him, making Tracey jump back, and the blade was quickly aimed at his face. “Who the heck are you!?”

“I am Samurai, a bug catching expert! I was looking for trainers to battle in the forest, but it seems I caught myself a pervert.”

Tracey blushed. “I’m not a pervert!”

Samurai looked down at Tracey’s bare crotch, making the greenette’s blush grow and quickly cover himself. “Sure you’re not...is it normal for you to traipse around in your birthday suit?”

Sketchit was getting annoyed with this guy’s attitude. “Who do you think you are? You can’t go around attacking people with swords!”

The bug expert flexed the sword revealing it to be fake, but it was a very convincing fake. “My real sword are the Bug Pokemon I keep!”

Tracey had enough of this guy. “Well good for you, now if you’ll excuse me.” He turned to leave, only to have Samurai block his way.

“Are you one of the trainers from Pallet Town?”

Tracey glared as Samurai pointed his sword at him. “So what if I am?”

He sheathed his fake blade. “I just didn’t realized the great Professor Oak would sponsor such a pervert.”

Sketchit glared at him. “I’m not a pervert, how do you even know about me anyway!”

Samurai smirked. “I challenge all who come through Viridian Forest, testing my skills, and sharpening my Bug Pokemon’s claws.” He stated proudly. “My last challenger was Gary Oak, a fine battler, he bested me, and told me that two more trainers from Pallet would be coming this way.”

He once again eyed Tracey up and down. “He didn’t inform me one was such a pervert!”

Tracey’s hand tightened around Paras’s monster ball. “I’ll have you know there is nothing perverted about nudity, it is a human’s natural state!” It was as Arceus intended. Clothing was invented as a means to protect humans from the calamities of nature, but over time they lost touch with their roots.

“If you wish for your words to hold merit, prove to me your ability in a Pokemon Battle!” He raised one of his monster balls. “Unless you are too much of a coward to face me!”

“I’ll face you, how about a one on one!” He had Paras with him.

Samurai wagged a finger at him, in a “tsk-tsk” fashion. “A one on one match can’t show a trainer’s abilities or test their metal. We shall have a three on three match!”

Tracey flinched. The cocky bug user folded his arms. “What’s wrong backing out already? Are you a coward as well as a pervert?”

He groaned. “I’m not scared, we can battle we just have to go back to my camp where my other monsters are. I only have Paras with me.”

Samurai laughed. “What kind of novice are you, traipsing around in your birthday suit with only one Pokemon?” This guy was seriously annoying Tracey.


Ash, his and Tracey’s monsters were setting up camp. Having a base of operations would let them rest before trekking the rest of the Viridian Forest. They could have lunch do some training, maybe have some fun before dinner, do some after dinner training and then bed. It was a good plan but Tracey had been gone for a bit. He had taken Paras with him so Ash didn’t think anything of it. ‘He’s been gone awhile…’

Tracey’s Bulbasaur was getting worried. Rattata was keeping himself busy finding berries and stuff with Weedle. Pinsir was helping keep guard with Scyther, while Venonat was keeping watch with Pigeotto and Spearow. It wasn’t just wild bug Pokemon and swarms they had to worry about but Team Rocket as well.

Pikachu and Charmander were helping with the camp, Metapod was just chilling.

“Let’s go find him.” The Grass type smiled and they set off.

He left Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Metapod, and Scyther to guard the camp, and the rest ventured forth to find the artist. “Tracey...Tracey...Tracey!” Ash and the mons called out for him.

Back with Tracey and Samurai…

Sketchit heard Ash calling for him. “Ash?”

Samurai raised a brow. “Ash Ketchum?”

Tracey looked back at the bug user. “You know him?”

He nodded. “Though we have not met, Gary Oak spoke very highly of him. To have such a skilled trainer speak of him in such a way it peaked my curiosity.” Samurai was in for a surprise.

Ash showed up. “There you are!” His Pokemon race over.

“Hey guys...sorry Ash, I ran into this guy who…” Samurai dropped to one knee. “Umm…”

Ketchum blinked in confusion. “What is he doing?”

Samurai lifted his head. “Fair creature, I’m struck by your mighty beauty. Gary Oak spoke of you highly but his words do not do you justice.” He went as far as to kiss the back of Ash’s hand as he introduced himself.

“So umm what kept you?” He asked Tracey.

Samurai stood up. “I was just about to face this pervert in battle and crush him!”

Ash crossed his arms. “He’s my friend, and he’s not a pervert!”

The bug user pointed at Tracey. “But he’s walking around in the nude!”

Ash smiled. “Yeah he is!” Tracey blushed. “And what’s wrong with being naked, I’m practically naked.” Outside of his hat and vest he was.

Samurai looked, getting a goofy/pervy look on his face. ‘And he calls me a pervert!’ Tracey glared at him.

He was having some weird fantasy playing in his head. “After I trounce this fool, I’d be honored to have a battle with you.”

Tracey had enough. ‘I’m gonna squash this guy!’

Samurai started off strong calling out his Scyther. “Face my swiftest blade!”

He gripped the ball tightly. ‘Using Scyther at the start, he’s mocking me…’ He looked down at Paras. ‘I know we haven’t battled much, but I need your strength right now.’

“Paras I need you!” Paras came out and he was looking pumped.

Ash and the monsters chilled and watched. “Wow Paras is looking so full of energy.”

“Use Quick Attack!” Scyther charged forward.

He hit Paras hard, his larger size causing a knock back. Paras didn’t like that, without warning he charged at Scyther and unleashed a Poison Powder. “Wait Paras…”

Scyther got poisoned. “Use Slash!” Samurai ordered and the powerful bug type swiped his claw hitting Paras hard. “What a novice, you have no control over your Paras at all.”

Ash eyed the little bug type, he was passionate but something was off. “Paras use Absorb!”

Paras ignored the command and went at Scyther with Scratch. He took the hit and poison damage. “Use Slash!”

“Dodge it Paras!” Paras ignored the order and took the attack, again getting knocked around. “Please Paras listen to me!”

Ash was watching, so this made Tracey more embarrassed. “What a novice!” Samurai laughed. “Finish this Scyther with Quick Attack!”

“Paras dodge it and use Absorb!” Again the order was ignored  and Paras went for Scratch. This got him blasted and he was knocked out.

“Oh Paras…” He was returned to the ball.

Samurai was expecting some praise for his victory, but Ash’s focus was on Tracey. ‘Pokemon nature are different, even if Paras loved to battle, he was acting very agitated. Like something was bothering him.’

He pointed his blade at his opponent. “Stop stalling and send out your next Pokemon!” He shook his head. “It was your own fault for sending out your Paras in such a state.”

Ash raised a brow at Samurai’s comment. ‘What does he know?’

“Fine,” Tracey looked over at Pinsir. “Pinsir, let’s go!”

Pinsir stepped up, his horns shifting as he was ready to battle. “Ah yes, this will be quite the duel, but even poisoned my Swift Blade will cut you down. Scyther use Quick Attack!”

Scyther charged at Pinsir. “Use Harden!” He glowed, his shell looking tougher. Scyther connected his attack, but didn’t do a lot of damage, he suffered from the effects of poison. “Again Pinsir use Harden!”

Pinsir’s body looked shiny as the second Harden increased his defense more. “Trying to stall this out, it won’t work Pinsir use Slash!” His Scyther attacked his his blade met Pinsir’s claw.

“Nice block buddy, now Focus Energy!” He radiated an aura and it was charged into his horns.

“No more games, Scyther use Swords Dance!” Scyther spun around, building up his attack power.

Tracey smirked. “This is over, Pinsir use Vice Grip!” The bulky bug type lunged as it grabbed Scyther and put the squeeze on him. He landed a critical blow, that plus the poison damage made Scyther fall.

Ash cheered for Tracey and Pinsir, making the bug expert quite miffed.

Samurai returned him. “You did well my blade. Now Novice, you shall face my Venomous Blade!” He called out Venomoth.  It was Venonat’s evolved form. “Go use Poison Powder!”

It flew high letting it rain poisonous powders. Pinsir got doused and became poisoned. “It’ll take time for the poison to take Pinsir, use Seismic Toss!” He jumped up to grab Venomoth with his horns.

“Sorry Novice, this match is mine!” He called for a Venoshock! Not only was it Super Effective, it was double the damage since Pinsir was poisoned.

Tracey’s bug type was knocked out and unable to battle. “Oh man poor Pinsir.”

Samurai’s jaw dropped. ‘Why does he care so much about this novice? I’m wiping the floor with him, I’m clearly the better trainer.’

Tracey called on his Bulbasaur next. “Use Leech Life!” Venomoth charged forward, it’s fangs glowing.

“Hold Bulbasaur, wait for him to get close!”

“Bulba!” He was cooking up something but Samurai was too confident, hoping to beat Tracey and win the match.

“Now use Sleep Powder!” A burst of blue dust came from the bulb, and Venomoth took it at point blank range. The moth fell back and was fast asleep.

Bulbasaur had sensed his trainer’s frustrations with this guy, and unleashed grass punishment, knocking the bug around with Vine Whip and Razor Leaf. While not very effective the barrage wore him down and eventually knocked him out.

“Clever quite clever, but you won’t win this battle. You’ll now face my unstoppable castle!” He called out Metapod. So began a barrage of Harden. Which made Bulbasaur’s Vine Whip and Razor Leaf weaker and weaker.

Ash picked up on the fact that all this Metapod knew was Harden. “Don’t tell me, you caught this Metapod in the wild.”

Samurai laughed. “You have quite the eye noble one, indeed I did!”

The centaur knew how this was gonna end. Tracey called for a Leech Seed and it landed, sapping away Metapod’s strength regardless of his maxed out DEFENSE.

Metapod fainted and became unable to battle. “It seems for a pervert you have at least some skill.”

Tracey was shaking in anger. “Why you!” Even in defeat this guy was still an ass.

Ash stepped up and stopped Tracey. “Hold on, you said something earlier. You know the problem with Paras don’t you?”

Samurai smirked. “Indeed I do.”

“You do?” It was hard to believe.

Samurai shrugged. “I’m a bug expert, unlike you novice.”

Sketchit wanted to slug this guy. “Can you please tell us?”

He shook his head no. “I’ll reveal the problem and the solution but only if you defeat me in battle.”

“I just beat you!”

“Not you novice, the noble one!” He looked at Ash. “Should you beat me, I’ll tell you, but if I win you join me on my adventure.”

Tracey’s jaw dropped. “What?!”

Ash’s monsters couldn’t believe this either. “Why do you want me to join you?”

Samurai blushed. “As you can see I admire samurais and their life style, I even train my Pokemon to embody the samurai spirit. What I lack is a mighty steed to carry me into battle!” He had this twisted little fantasy of riding Ash like a common horse.

Ash’s flames seemed to shift in his fury, but he kept his face calm. “I see...well then let’s have our match.” Samurai seemed oblivious to the insult he just hurled Ash’s way. The monsters weren’t he was so dead.

Ketchum has been keeping his cool for awhile now, not liking how Tracey was being talked to. It was his fight to have, so he stayed out of it, but now...it was his turn.

Charmander made short work of his Pinsir, once it became paralyzed from Dragon Breath, he could rush in with a Fire Fang! Samurai’s Sturdy Blade crumbled.

Next came his Poison Fortress aka Kakuna. Ash’s Spearow faced him down, but even after getting inflicted with Poison his Flying Moves were just too much. This Kakuna he had raised from a Weedle, so it had it’s moves like Poison Sting and String Shot.

His last Pokemon was Butterfree, his Soaring Blade! To face it Ash used Weedle.

Both Samurai and Tracey fell over from shock. “It’s fine!” It was. Weedle unleashed String Shot to not only drop Butterfree’s speed but ruin his wings so he couldn’t fly. Poison Sting hit a few times and Butterfree got poisoned. The match was over with a flawless victory for Ash. He was intense and focused. “Ahh I feel much better!”

As for the problem with Paras. “You haven’t picked his Mushroom.”


“Your Paras’s mushrooms on it’s back, you need to pick those to help keep your Paras healthy, wild Paras help each other out, plucking and planting the mushrooms.”

“So that’s why Paras was acting so wild.” The mushrooms grow too big and thus put a strain on the Paras. It was hard to tell in the Pokedex, but Tracey called out Paras and indeed his mushrooms were quite large.

He plucked the mushrooms and two smaller ones grew back in their place. “See much healthier.” This guy was a dick but he knew his stuff about bugs. “Once he recovers he should be much calmer.”

Samurai left to treat his Pokemon. “Weed!” Weedle cried out before glowing. He had learned a new move, Bug Bite, and that’s what he was waiting for before evolving. He became a Kakuna and learned Harden.

Ash picked him up and hugged him. “You did it, you evolved!”

The walk back to camp was a quiet one. Tracey was feeling awful. Paras was suffering and he had no idea. It wasn’t a well known thing, he just caught Paras so close to a shedding day. Nurse Joy would have told him as soon as he brought Paras in for a check up. “We are still learning Tracey, and we can find out more together.”

Sketchit planned to pay more attention to Pokemon attributes and understand how they played into one’s health.

After some berries and resting everyone was right as rain. Paras felt a lot better, he still was excited to battle, but he’d listen to Tracey and not be so aggressive in training battles.


Team Rocket was planning a sneak attack on the “twerps” but ending up disturbing a nest of Kakuna and Beedrill. The massive swarm buzzed in rage and began to attack.


To be continued...Rush Out of Viridian Forest!


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