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Young Justice parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 The Day?

Hal was pissed. “So the Lantern Corps are too much, but you are allowing Richard to join the Justice League!?”

Bruce and Hal had moved into another room, they had a policy of not fighting in front of Grayson. “It’s complicated.”

Jordan crossed his arms. “How much does he know?”

“He knows enough, not everything but enough. It’s just a first step!”

Hal narrowed his eyes. “You haven’t told him anything have you, keeping secrets?” Bruce said nothing. “Of course you are, because you’re Bruce fucking Wayne and the goddamn Batman!”

Wayne narrowed his eyes. “Hal!”

The green lantern took some deep breaths. “Sorry…”

“Can you trust me, this isn’t my plan it was decided by the League while you were away.” He filled him in on the details.

The Day was to gather the next generation of heroes, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Speedy, to name a few had been training with their mentors for some time now. That was good, but something else was needed.

When the League was formed there were some growing pains, learning how to fight together and work together as a team. Their skills have been honed, they’ve been tested in the field to face villains, but they needed to work as a team. Bruce explained some of details to Hal.

Hal felt like a jerk. “I really am sorry. It’s just…” It felt like Bruce had intentionally kept him out of the loop out of anger or spite.

Bruce took his hand. “I know, I get it, I ask a lot of you, and well everyone...”

Jordan knew all too well. He had been dating Bruce for three years before they made anything official. Dating a super hero wasn’t easy, to say nothing of dating THE Batman. “I trust you, god help me I do, and I trust Dick.” He just knew the Mission came with sacrifices and expectations.

Grayson wasn’t allowed to reveal his identity to anyone, even other sidekicks/heroes. He had a lot of pressure on him being the Batman’s ward. His stomach growled. “Let’s eat.”

Lunch was ate in silence for the most part. Hal talked to Grayson on how his powers were going. “See for yourself?” He chuckled.

Their rings connected. “Wow, you’ve completed even a few of the advanced lessons.”

Bruce chimed in with. “He’s also excelling at school.”

Hal ruffled Dick’s hair. “I’m proud of you. How’s the love life going, as handsome as you are bet you have to beat them off with a stick.”

Wayne groaned. “Jordan…” He face palmed.

Grayson chuckled. “Sorry, not much luck there, no time for it really.”

“Oh come on, you gotta make time for love, it’s part of the fun of life, right Bruce?” He shot the man a wink, and got a glare in response.

Dick shrugged. “I have fun.”

“You can always have more fun!” Hal smiled and wiggled his brow.

Grayson smiled. “I’ll have that fun when the time is right.”

“Just promise me you won’t grow up too fast okay?”

Dick used his powers and floated into the air. “I promise!”

Bruce cleared his throat. “No powers at the table!”

He floated back down. “Right, right, sorry!” He hugged Hal. “Glad to have you back, so about the day?”

“I’ll be there!”

Robin pumped his fist in the air. “Yes!” He left the room and Jordan looked at Bruce.

“Have you thought this through, this could totally blow up in your face?”

Bruce got up. “It won’t, it’s gonna be a good day.”


Some ice villains showed up, attacking at different locations. The heroes beat them before arriving at the Hall of Justice. Wally aka Kid Flash was excited, Roy aka Speedy was intense but focused, Kaldur aka Aqualad was happy but wasn’t showing it much as he was focused on beating the villain. Green Robin was showing off his skills to Mr. Freeze who was greatly underestimating him.

“Boy wonder I’m underwhelmed.”

He smirked. “Let’s fix that!” With his skills and powers he was able to bring down Mr. Freeze. A green lantern trained by Batman was a terrifying thing. Dick was very determined.

They met up at the Hall of Justice, of course Flash and Wally were last. “Sup Rob!” Kid Flash raced over. “Though I guess you’re Green Robin now!”

The two shared a fist bump. “It’s good seeing you KF!”

Speedy came over to them. “Would you two be serious, today is THE day!”

Kid Flash and Robin gave him a look. “What crawled up your butt today?”

Speedy blushed. “Or what didn’t?” His blush grew. The two laughed.

Kaldur came over to them. “I think this has been the first time we’ve all been together.” There had been a few missions over the years where the teams have worked together, but all of them, nope!

Green Robin high fived Aqualad. “I know, it’s awesome!”

Kid Flash looked at Robin’s ring. “You’ve been MIA for a long time Rob, have you got a handle of that thing?” They hadn’t seen Robin in months, and now he was rocking a new mantle.

Speedy crossed his arms. “You better not slow us down!”

His ring glowed, in a flash the two were grabbed and tied up. “I think I still got it!”


“Fine, it’s cool now let us out!”

Green Robin released them. “Yeah, I still got it!”

Speedy dusted himself off. “Are we going in or what?”

Green Arrow approached him. “Not yet, we aren’t all here yet?”

Kid Flash looked around. “Who are we missing?”

“A recruit from the Doom Patrol, he should be arriving shortly.” Batman told them.

Hal was reconnecting with Aquaman, Flash, and Green Arrow. They were sharing what’s been going on.

Kid Flash was curious what else Green Robin could do. “Oh yes please show off your new powers.” Speedy said sarcastically.

“Is that what’s got you so bent out of shape? Come on, I’m still the same guy.”

Speedy crossed his arms. “I’m not bent out of shape, just looks to me like you sold out.”

Green Robin did feel a little bad, now Speedy was the last of them without powers. He was chosen by the ring, and he already dealt with any guilt for “betraying Batman”. He loved his fellow “sidekicks” but he worked hard. “Well keep it up dude, with that attitude you are a prime candidate for the Red Lantern corp.”

“Prove it.” Roy passed him a staff. “Show me that you’ve not gone soft.”

“We got time!” The two had had a sparring match, and Roy got another serving of humble pie. Robin helped him back up.  “We good?”

“So you haven’t gone soft.” They shared a fist bump. “We good!”

A caw was heard. A green bird flew down towards the group. “He’s here!”

“Ex-Doom Patrol Member Beast Boy here!” He was wearing a purple and black suit, the shapeshifter gave a salute.

Speedy face palmed. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Robin elbowed him. “Dude!”

Batman introduced him. “This is Beast Boy, he’s been working with the Doom Patrol, and they’ve been honing his skills, but felt he needed more socializing.” He was Garfield Logan and he could shape shift into any animal, even some dinosaurs.

Beast Boy’s eyes were sparkling as he stared at Robin. “It’s you sir! Wow!” He smiled. “I can’t believe it’s really you...umm sir…” Beast Boy saluted.

“You can drop the sir.”

He blushed. “It’s an honor to meet you sir...err I mean Robin!” Beast Boy was feeling giddy. The Boy Wonder inspired him to become a hero.

Kid Flash chuckled. “I think he liiikes you Rob.” Robin conjured a hand and smacked “Kid Mouth” in the back of the head.

“Ignore him Beast Boy!”

“Whoa, is that a lantern ring? You joined the Green Lanterns?!”

Robin chuckled. “Kinda, it’s a bit complicated. You can call me Green Robin, but my friends call me Rob.”

Beast Boy’s pointy ears wiggled. “We can be friends?”

“Sure!” The two fist bumped.

Beast Boy saluted. “Thank you sir!” Green Robin sighed.

Kid Flash may have been right, don’t tell him, but Beast Boy had a major crush on Robin. “What’s with the mask?”

“It’s to protect my secret identity.” He said proudly.

They entered the Hall of Justice and met Martian Manhunter. “Is she ready?”

He shook his head. “She still has a lot to learn, it might be best to work with her a bit more.”

The Leaguers began to talk, and Speedy became annoyed. “This is it?”

“What’s wrong Speedy?”

“You guys have no idea do you.”

They really didn’t, the Hall of Justice wasn’t even their real base, it was a satellite called the Watchtower. Robin looked at Batman, more secrets what a surprise.

Batman wasn’t exactly pleased with Green Arrow letting that secret out. “I thought we were partners!” Speedy snapped.

“Calm down son!” Aquaman said, only getting a glare from Speedy.

He took off his hat and threw it on the ground. “I’m not your son, I’m not even his!” He whipped around to the others. “Today was supposed to be THE Day, and they are treating us like sidekicks!” They were supposed to be joining the league not given a back stage pass.

Green Lantern was looking annoyed. Speedy stormed out, ending their team. He thought the others would join him, but they were more confused than angry. “My King?” Aquaman had a hard time looking at Aqualad.

Robin glowed with green energy. “Batman, I thought you believed in us, I...you said we were ready!”

“You are but…” Before Batman could explain calls came in. Superman and Zatara had called in. There was a fire at Cadmus and a major League Mission. “Let’s move!” Their focus was on Wotan using some amulet to blot out the son. One was more of a higher priority than another.

Kid Flash gets up. “Let’s go!”

Flash blocks him. “No, we are going, you boys stay put!”

The guys shared a look, frustration clear on their faces. “This is a League mission.” Batman said.

Robin stepped forward. “I thought we were supposed to be on the team.”

“You guys aren’t ready!” Flash said.

Kid Flash interrupted. “Umm hello, you trained us, how are we not ready!?”

The Flash continued. “I mean to say you aren’t ready to be part of this team.”

Beast Boy was used to this, Doom Patrol often did this to him. “There will be other missions, for now stay put!” Batman said, and got an angry look from both Green Lantern and Robin.

The Leaguers took a Zeta Tube

Kid Flash and Green Robin were pissed, while Aqualad and Beast Boy were disappointed. “Alright then!” Grayson went over to the computer and began to hack the system.

He pulled up the files on Cadmus. “What are you doing sir?”

“Cadmus has been on Batman’s radar for awhile, so let’s investigate them.”

Kid Flash zipped over. “Are we doing a mission, together?”

Aqualad came over. “The League told us to stay put.”

Green Robin smirked. “For the Wotan mission, not the Cadmus fire. Let’s help and we can investigate Cadmus.”

Beast Boy saluted. “I’ll follow you anywhere sir!”

Kid Flash gave a thumbs up. “I’m in!”

They all looked to Kaldur. “Come on buddy, this is what they trained us for!”

He nodded. “Alright, I’m in let’s do this!”

The four heroes raced out to deal with the fire.

Green Robin and Aqualad rescued people and put out the flames, while Kid Flash and Beast Boy got into the building. With the people out of danger and the fire out, it was time for phase two. Grayson hugged Kaldur, he created a sphere around them and flew them up into the lab.

It didn’t take them long to find something strange. Cadmus was keeping secrets.

To be continued...Project Kr


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