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Young Justice parody: Patreon Reward

Love Invasion

Nightwing is taken by the Star Sapphires all his pent up love is unleashed and he's sent back to Earth. With a single kiss Dick can flood someone with love. Hal falls first and his ring is corrupted and made into a new Sapphire ring. He becomes the cum dump for the new branch of the Violet rings. Nightwing starts to change the world with love, heroes and villains fall to love and become a force that threatens the Light and Darksied.

Chapter 1

Vandal Savage and the Light had made a bold move, through many battles, trials and errors, they managed to implant a mole in the Justice League and using a hybrid of science, magic, alien powers/mind control, they managed to take over every member of the Justice League. Humans, Kyrptonians, Martians, Atlanteans, Amazon, Green Lanterns, Speedsters, and even Machines all fell under the Light’s control.

Roy Harper aka Speedy aka Red Arrow was a clone, but unlike Superboy he had no idea. His mission was to infiltrate the league and prepare them for the Light’s take over. They didn’t use the fancy mind control that the League had, they used deep mental programming and trigger words to make him obedient.

He made it back to the Team, and while Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Zatanna, Artemis, and Rocket would work together to free the League and Red Arrow from his mind control, the damage was already done.

Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, John Stewart, and Hawkwoman went missing for 16 hours. Savage have them go on a rampage declaring boldly to the universe they were from Earth. They spoke in several different languages declaring “They were the Justice League of Earth and the galaxy should beware!”

Why did he do this?

Savage wanted the Earth known, he wanted interested bodies to take an interest in Earth. It was part of his master plan, aliens and their technology would now come to Earth and invade. As an added bonus the members who attacked became wanted criminals in the galaxy, and the Justice League name didn’t scream HERO throughout the universe.

He could now do business beyond the stars without the Justice League sticking their noses in. Plus because of the Mind Control they had no idea what they had done. It was amusing!

His plan was to bring aliens to Earth, use them, trick them, and steal their tech for the benefit of The Light. His plan may have worked too well as an alien group had been aware of Earth for some time but left it alone. Seeing the Justice League behave this way even under mind control was a grave concern to them. ‘They lacked love!’

The Star Sapphires were on the Lantern Spectrum. They paralleled the Red Lantern Corp who drew their power from rage, the Sapphires drew their power from Love. The Green Lanterns drew their power from Will.

In terms of ability all the lantern corps were capable, but in terms of power there was debate on who was stronger. The green lanterns took it upon themselves to become Guardians, gathering chosen champions and having them work to protect the universe. A noble goal full of love, but it lacked competence.

The Guardians were very choosy/picky about who became a Green Lantern. So they had lantern agents having to protect whole galaxies and quadrants by themselves. Their numbers were spread far too thin to be effective protectors. The logical choice was to just choose more lanterns and train them. No...they were too focused on who was “worthy”.

As for the Star Sapphires they had mostly recruited women, those who’ve been spurned by Love or who had lost a loved one. They were beginning to understand that there were many kinds and forms of love. By understanding different forms of Love they began to increase their own power.

It wasn’t easy, but Vandal Savage’s attack using the Justice League gave them an idea. Perhaps he made a mistake using a Green Lantern in the attack. Earth had three Green Lanterns a regular breeding ground for the Corp. So the Star Sapphires decided to find their own champion on Earth, one who could help them (invade) spread love.


The Team had changed over the years, some had “graduated” and ended up joining the Justice League. While others retired, hanging up their capes and tights to lead a normal life. Those were the lucky ones, as being a hero wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. They had lost some good people along the way.

Tula aka Aquagirl, Jason Todd aka the Second Robin, Dan Garrett aka Blue Beetle. Then...there was Nightwing...his death shook everyone up.

What was gonna be Kid Flash’s last mission before retiring turned out to be the last for someone else.

It was a simple mission, something covert and simple, but it all went wrong. A simple raid on a Kobra cult base. Nightwing, Kid Flash, Superboy, Beast Boy, and Robin were on the case. It had been a small mistake, but a trap was sprung and Superboy, Beast Boy, and Robin got knocked out by a powerful gas. Nightwing had managed to get his mask on and Kid Flash had been able to avoid the gas.

A random guard activated the self destruct sequence, and tried to keep the heroes here to die. They were insane, willing to die for the sake of Kobra. “Get them out of here Wally!”

“What about you?”

Nightwing gave him a look. “I gotta stop the self destruct sequence, I got this!” He gave his friend a thumbs up.

“Fine, but I’m coming back for you!” Kid Flash moved at incredible speed, bringing Robin, then Beast Boy, then Conner out of the base and a good distance away just in case. Each time he came back he found Nightwing working and fighting.

He got Superboy out. ‘Now for Dick!’ The speedster raced towards the base, but before he could enter…


Wally was knocked back by the blast, and the whole base was destroyed. “No!” He zipped around, but there wasn’t a single survivor. “Nightwing? Nightwing...Nightwing!” His heart sank.

When Superboy came to he saw Kid Flash approach them, swaying from the shock. “KF...what happened?” He looked around. “Where is Nightwing?”

The red head dropped to his knees, tears spilling down. “He...He’s gone…”

Superboy’s eyes widened. “That’s not funny…” He wasn’t joking, but he had to be Dick couldn’t be...gone…

Wally broke down and began crying. “It’s my fault...I wasn’t fast enough...I couldn’t get to him in time…” Conner did the only thing he could, he hugged him. He was trying to keep it together.

Beast Boy and Robin woke up. The scene spoke for itself. Garfield began to cry, and Tim couldn’t handle it and went into shock.

There was a protocol in place for when Heroes went missing, a search happened and they looked for Nightwing for 6 Months, but he was just gone. His radio was destroyed, the tracker in his suit was destroyed, there wasn’t a body but with the severity of the blast that also could be explained.

Batman took it hard, he wasn’t resting, or eating, he was either looking for Dick or taking out his emotions on bad guys. Tim wasn’t doing much better, first Jason was gone, now Grayson. Nightwing had been his mentor as much as Batman was.

He had been the leader of the team for years now, then he was just gone. It effected everyone, some more than others. Nightwing’s death was a big loss…

Kid Flash and Artemis were planning to retire and enjoy a normal life. “I can’t quit now…”

The two were talking. “What do you mean? Retirement was your idea.”

Wally shook his head. “With Dick gone, the Team needs a leader. I can’t abandon them, not now…not when…” He began to tear up.

Artemis tried to comfort him. “It wasn’t your fault!”

“Yes it was!” He snapped. “If I had more speed I’d have been able to get to him in time, if I had been stronger I could have carried them all out, if I was better he wouldn’t be…”

She sighed. “Retirement was your idea Wally, I love you and will stand by your side with whatever you choose, but you can’t keep blaming yourself. We can stay on the Team it’s gonna be okay.” She tried to touch his hand and he pulled away from her.

Wally and Dick were close, not just as the original founders of the Team. They had the closest bond of the sidekicks from before even the team was founded. Artemis was trying to be supportive and give him time to figure things out.

Kid Flash wasn’t the Flash, but he felt there was still something he could do.

Superboy wasn’t taking it well either. Aqualad was lost and now so was Nightwing, one of the people who saved him from Cadmus. When Megan and him broke up, Grayson was there to help him deal. He was also blaming himself over what happened.

Beast Boy had pushed himself into training, feeling it was his mistake that got Nightwing killed. He trained himself harder and harder to both punish himself and distract himself from the pain.

Nightwing didn’t have powers and yet he fought along side everyone and gave it his all 100%. He worked with new members of the Team and old, working so they could always come back alive. When they finally had to accept he was dead...it was a heavy blow…

Even villains were shaken up by the loss. Villains and heroes had complicated relationships, if Batman was killed by anyone but Joker, said clown would be devastated. Sometimes it was the back and forth, the dance of good and evil that gave them purpose. While some rogues hated the heroes some did respect them. The funeral was held and the villains let them pay their respects, some bad guys shared stories of Nightwing/Robin thwarting their plans, kicking butt, and gave a toast to the fallen hero.


He was gonna die, if he had time to hack he could have turned off the self destruct easily, but he had to fight off the cultists and work. When he saw the count down drop he smiled. ‘At least they are safe.’ Before he knew it there was a bright pink flash, he was pulled away before the explosion touched him.

Such love!’

The emergency temporal shift they employed ripped Grayson right out of his suit, leaving his comm and costume behind. He also got knocked out by the force of it.

Nightwing found himself among the Star Sapphires. “A man, do you really think he is worthy?”

“You sound like the guardians, we are too few in number, through the sapphire we shall see his love!” They brought a crystal over to him and Grayson was bathed in it’s light.

The Star Sapphire was reading his mind, body, and soul. “Nnnhhh!” Through it the Star Sapphires could feel and see his love.

His love for his family which he lost, the love for his mentor who he wished to honor and get approval from, the love for his friends that pushed him to get stronger and find ways of preparing them and keep them safe, the love for himself which helped seek out and find his own identity outside of Batman’s shadow.

They could see his love of heroes, his heart pure and just. He truly was full of so much love. “Oh my!” It seems he also knew physical love, but the Star Sapphires weren’t aware that two men could love each other like this.

Kid Flash, Aqualad, Speedy/Red Arrow, and Superboy, Grayson had slept with them all, in one way or another. “Yes, oh yes, this one is full of so much Love!”

“He shall become our champion!”

“We shall teach him our ways and learn from him. Love blooms and binds us all!”

“Unite all things in love!”

The crystal glowed and a pink ring appeared on Dick’s finger, his rebirth as a Star Sapphire had begun!

To be continued...Hal Falls


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