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Ben 10 parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Anodite Force
After the Greatest Summer ever, secrets are revealed and Max contacts Verdonna to inform her they have another anodite in the family. She comes back and offers Ben a chance to expand his powers and learn about who he truly is. He doesn’t stay for 70 years, but 7 is enough for him to come back with some upgrades. Things on Earth are weird, there is an alien invasion, kids with alien powers going all vigilante.

Chapter 1 Ben is Back

When Ben was 10 years old he went on a camping trip with his cousin Gwen. What was shaping to be the worst summer ever, became the best summer ever as an alien device stuck itself on Gwen’s wrist, giving her alien super powers. Ben came into powers of his own mana manipulation and magic.

Together they kicked butt all summer and bonded over their adventure. All things come to an end though, and Gwen wanted a normal life, taking off the omnitrix and giving up her powers was her choice. As for Ben, he wanted to know more.

So Max got a call to Verdonna, Ben’s grandmother who happened to be alien. An Anodite! It was a big surprise when she learned there was another Anodite in the family. She offered Ben a chance of a life time, to come to Anodyne and connect with other anodites. It was an opportunity of a life time, so Ben’s parents gave the okay. He wouldn’t be gone for 70 years, just 7.

Ben didn’t have any friends at school, he always felt out of place, so him being an alien made sense to him. He wanted to get stronger and gain more abilities. “I always wanted to be a hero, is it okay if that’s what I try to be!” His parents agreed, so long as Ben visited and came back in the seven years as he promised.

With the skills he learned he was able to do just that. Ben didn’t master all his anodite abilities in 7 years but he learned A LOT! Learning was a lot easier when it was something that had his attention. So after a long time away, Ben returned, but Earth had changed in seven years.


“I’m picking up an energy surge!”

“Is it the DNAliens?”

“It’s possible, we got a weird blip on the scanners. Something definitely came to Earth.”

“Then we take it out!”

“Hold on, we don’t even know if it’s hostile.”

“If it’s alien its a threat, we take it out!”


Ben was so happy to be home, his parents caught him up on things. Gwen was doing great in school, and was on the road to getting into an ivy league school. She was doing great in athletics, getting a black belt in karate. ‘Good for you Gwen, I hope you are happy!’ He thought with a smile. Ken was in college and was doing well.

Carl and Sandra were so pleased with their son, they allowed him to explore the wholeness of his entire being. He really discovered himself, tapping into his anodite roots.

His room was kept the same, but Ben tricked it out with some magic. “Can I go see Grandpa?”

Max had gotten a new RV and finally retired from the plumbers…again... “Sure, he’s got a new RV and is living…” Ben got the address and was off like a shooting star.

His blatant use of magic was giving off some big static. He found Grandpa Max’s new RV looked a lot like the old one, but Ben could sense it was probably decked out with Plumber tech. He liked to be prepared.

Without thinking Ben broke into the RV, using magic to undo the lock. “You see that, he broke into that RV, let’s take him down!”

“Easy Manny we don’t know who that is, I mean he looks human.”

Four guns were pulled out. “It’s obviously an ID Mask! Let’s waste this guy.”

“Hold on, we need to be careful, even if he isn’t a DNAlien, he could have other powers. Let’s check him out.”

This trio was an odd group, with some semi familiar faces. Pierce Wheels and Helen Wheels were adoptive siblings, Pierce’s dad took her in, he was a plumber and did his best to find and help the other Plumber kids. The two were close, as given their unique gifts they had to rely on each other.

They met Manny who also shared some difficulties being half alien. He was made part of the family. Together they formed a team to battle against alien threats. To be honest they didn’t know much of what they were doing. Their dad gave them some combat training, but he was gone now. With Vilgax defeated, the plumber branch on Earth was shut down.

Mr. Wheels had to leave the planet and because of complicated Intergalactic Laws he couldn’t take the kids with him. They were born on Earth so legally they were Earthlings and couldn’t be taken off world. He could have taken his son, but he had no legal rights to Manny or Helen.

He left some alien tech was left behind for them, like Plumbers Badges, and the rest is what they managed to scrounge together. They had no idea what half their tech was or what it did.

In their hearts they felt they were doing the right thing, protecting the Earth from aliens. So what happened to them wouldn’t happen to anyone else.

Manny was full of rage and aggression, while Helen was full of hope and compassion, so they butted heads often. Helen didn’t want to believe all aliens were bad, her mom was a plumber she helped people and fell in love with her dad. She didn’t want to believe their existence was wrong even if they looked different from other people.

Pierce was their voice of reason, he kept them safe and grounded, even if Manny wanted to go in guns blazing.

He had Helen watching their backs as they approached the RV. What they didn’t know was they weren’t the only ones watching the RV!


Ben couldn’t sense Grandpa Max, but made himself at home. “I could use a shower after my long flight.” In a flash of green light his clothes were gone and he made his way to Max’s shower.

Pierce and Manny stalked over. “Is he in the shower?”

Manny looked in. “Who breaks into an RV to use the shower?”

Pierce had a look on his face. “Maybe he’s like us, maybe he’s on the run and looking for a place to crash.”

Manny raised his guns. “We’ll give him a place to crash, in front of the AnniliCannon!” It was a giant disintegration ray, or so they believed.

“Wait we need to see if he’s got a plumbers badge on him.”

Armstrong rolled his eyes. “Fine…” They slipped inside, but couldn’t find Ben’s clothes anywhere. “No badge, no clothes, he’s probably DNAlien, let’s blast him!”

Wheels shook his head. “Maybe he took them in the bathroom.”

Manny smirked. “I’ll check.”

Not that Pierce didn’t trust Manny, he did, but his judgment when it came to aliens was very narrow. “No, I’ll check it out!”

“Ugh fine, we’ll both check, happy?” He put two of his guns away.

They crept up to the bathroom door, it wasn’t locked so it was easy to open. No clothes, just a very naked Ben. Pierce blushed.

“Oh damn!” Armstrong had four eyes so he saw EVERYTHING at once, while Pierce had to look up and down to check Ben out.

Tennyson was washing his hair, humming some kind of theme song and hadn’t noticed their presence, or so it seemed.

Pierce shut the door. “Let’s grab him!”

He shook his head. “We can’t he’s unarmed it wouldn’t be right.”

“All the more reason, he’s defenseless let’s just grab his ass and go!” Manny should really watch his phrasing. “I mean...you know what I mean!”

Pierce gave him a look. Ben was hot, he was tall had an athletic body, firm pecs, a taut stomach, a plump booty and a soft 10 incher that hung between his legs. Oh yeah the boys saw it all. “He might not even be an alien, we need more information.”

“Fine then let’s grab him and interrogate him, and then feed him to the cannon.” Pierce glared at him. “What?”

The spiky youth face palmed. “Oh what, don’t tell me that you wanna spare this guy just cause he’s got a nice ass?”

Pierce pushed him and they left the RV. “What’d I say hey, quit pushing!”

“I’m not sparing him because he has a nice ass!” Which he does. “I’m just not so trigger happy and wanna hurt an innocent Manny!”

“If he’s alien he’s not an innocent! Aliens like him is why we are stuck like this!” He gestured to himself and to Pierce with his four arms.

Pierce shook his head. “Look I’m the leader, we do things my way got it!” He hated pulling this card but Manny’s issues could get someone hurt.

Ben got out of the shower, with a snap he was dried and dressed. ‘What was that about?’ His stomach grumbled. “Better go grab some food!” He flew off, not before locking the Rustbucket 2 and putting some extra magical mojo on it for protection.

Manny pointed. “See, normal people don’t fly!”

“That doesn’t make him a criminal or a threat. What if he’s a Plumber kid like us?”

Helen got in between them. “Let’s follow him!” So they did.

While they followed Ben, something else followed them.

Tennyson grabbed some chili fries before going to Mr. Smoothie. “What now?”

Pierce thought about it. “Helen you got that ID Mask we found?”

“Yeah...I think so…” She moved with super speed, after checking a few places. “Here it is?”

Pierce began to fiddle with it. “What are you gonna do with that.”

“I’m gonna approach him, talk to him, and try to lure him away from civilians.”

Manny crossed his arms. “We wouldn’t have to worry about civilians if you let me grab him back at the RV.”

“He was naked and in the shower.”

Helen shot Manny a look. “You peeped on him in the shower.”

Armstrong looked caught, he unfolded his arms and held them up defensively. “Umm...well I didn’t know he was IN the shower, he could have been doing something evil or something.”

Helen crossed her arms and her tail wagged in a “I’m mad/I’m disappointed” kind of way. “Wow Manny, do I need to hang a sign up when I take a shower?”

“Oh come on!”

“Guys!” Pierce snapped. “I’m trying to focus!”


Wheels adjusted the ID Mask and put it on. He gained a human looking appearance, he was handsome with short brown hair. “How do I look?”

“Cute!” His sister exclaimed.

“Normal…” Manny said, with a hint of anger in his voice. “So what are we supposed to do, wait while you try and date the enemy.”

Helen elbowed him. “It’s not a date!”

Pierce got out of the van. “Just wait here, I’ll try to lure him away.”

“Heh, good luck, maybe I should get the mask and try to score with him instead.”

“No...Pierce is the best choice.”



Ben was enjoying his chili fries and smoothie combo. “Man you can’t get this on Anodyne!”

Pierce approached him. “Hey there...umm mind if I join you?” He was acting cool and confident, but as he got close to Ben the imagine of him being naked flashed in his mind, causing his heart to race.

“Sure, go ahead!” Pierce took a seat and Ben got him a smoothie. “So what’s your name?”

“Pierce...Pierce Wheels.”

The anodite smiled. “Ben, Ben Tennyson.”

“So are you new in town, I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”

Ben played with his straw. “You could say that, I’ve been away for some time, just got back. So much has changed.”

Pierce smiled. ‘Chance!’ He thought. “If you like, I can show you around, help you reconnect with the sights.”

Tennyson stretched. “I dunno, my Grandpa Max always told me not to go off with strangers.” Ben waved a hand in the air at Pierce’s face. “I also don’t think it’s a good idea to go with a guy who peeped on me in the shower.”

Wheels gasped as his ID Mask fell off and his true form was revealed. He was still handsome, just a touch more prickly. “How did you?”

Ben’s eyes glowed. “Magic, I was able to sense your mana outside.”

Pierce blinked in surprise. “You knew we were there, why didn’t you…” Given his power there was a lot that he could do.

“Well I felt you wouldn’t harm me, and relax I don’t really care that you saw me naked, I’m only teasing you.” Pierce blushed. “You wanna talk, let’s talk and let’s get your friends to make this quick.”

Ben snapped his fingers and teleported Manny and Helen to the table. “What the hell?”

Manny whipped around, shocked that none of the other customers were freaking out. “Relax, I got a shimmer field up, no one can see or hear us.” He took a deep breath. “I LOVE DICK!” He screamed and no one reacted. “See?”

Pierce couldn’t help but chuckle. “Wow, you’re crazy!” Ben shrugged.

“Maybe a little.” He got Manny and Helen some smoothies.

Armstrong pulled his guns out and pointed them at Ben. “This guy is a freak, we should waste him!”

Ben just sucked on his smoothie. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done so by now. Though I am curious about you three.” For Helen and Manny, but informed them that he’s seen their type of alien before. “My cousin had alien powers, she could turn into an alien that looked like you, and a female version of an alien that looked like you.”

“So who...or what are you?” Helen asked.

Ben got up and made a polite bow. “I’m an anodite, an energy being which let’s me do magic and things like this...boop!” In a flash Manny and Pierce were stripped but naked.

Helen covered her eyes. “Wah!”

Manny used his lower hands to cover himself. “Hey!” He lunged at Ben, only to get hogtied by mana.

Tennyson eyes him up and down. “Turn about is fair play, you both got a real good look at me in the shower.”

Pierce blushed. “Yeah...that’s fair.”

Ben got to check both of them out, Manny was rocking two impressive 9 inch dicks, while Pierce was working with a nice 7 incher. “There we are even steven.” With a snap Ben put their clothes back. “So let’s talk.”

He raised up the bowl of fries. “Chili fries?”

They had come across a wild person, but this meeting would change their fates going forward.

To be continued


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