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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Dragon Size
Natsu was shaken up after the S-Class Exam, they were attacked by a Dark Guild and the Dark Dragon. Natsu felt he had to get stronger, Gildarts’s lesson driving him forward. Through trial and error he figures out how to tap into his Dragon Size. It’s similar to Makarov’s Giant Magic, and with Second Origin he can use it in all sorts of ways. Macro Muscle Growth Hyperinflation

Chapter 1

The events of Tenrou Island shook Fairy Tail, they had been attacked by a Dark Guild and were seemingly destroyed by the Dark Dragon Acnologia. The rest of the guild had to pick up the pieces. For 7 Years they had to carry on Macao did his best but he wasn’t ready to be the Guild Master.

They tried to find the Tenrou group, trying to have hope that they were still alive. After four years the searching dried up, Fairy Tail fell on hard times, they lost many of their strongest members so they lost their status as one of the strongest guilds in Fiore.

The guild’s status crumbled and they fell into debt. They lost their guild building, had to rent a place from another guild who charged inflated rates. Without their position the quality and variety of quests they could manage dwindled. As the quests dried up, many of the guild members began to leave, either joining other guilds or retiring from wizarding. It was bad and only getting worse.

One of the most powerful guilds had lost it all, their master, their strongest mages, their history, their status, their money, their members, their home, and even their influence. Not many would dare challenge Fairy Tail in their prime, but now guilds like Twilight Ogre could push them around as if they were nothing.

It wasn’t for a lack of trying, the wizards who remained at the guild had grown in the past 7 years, benefiting from training and the advancements in magic over the years. It just wasn’t enough…

Then it happened…

A pulse of magic was felt, those sensitive to magic energies could feel it all over. Fairy Sphere had appeared.

One of the three great Fairy Tail spells, Fairy Sphere had blocked Acnologia’s attack and protected the people on the island, but were blown into the future.

The Tenrou Group was back, injured but back…

Twilight Ogre had a lot to answer for, yes Fairy Tail owed them a debt, but members would show up harass the guild, cause property damage; making Fairy Tail pay for it. Makarov, Mirajane, and Erza went over to go over the new terms of their arrangement. The screams of terror and explosions could be heard from miles away.


Everyone was shaken up from the Tenrou Island situation. The S-Class Trial was an eye opening experience, plus facing off with one of the strongest dark guilds, then facing the Dark Dragon, an enemy that even bested Gildarts.

Natsu especially...he had seen the depths of S-Rank’s power, faced magic that overwhelmed his own, had to face countless enemies while his friends were getting hurt. ‘If only I was stronger, if only I was faster, if only I could have taken them out…’

It was eating away at him, and to make matters worse…

The Tenrou Group weren’t up to date on modern magic. Even Max was capable of going toe to toe with Natsu and even overwhelmed him. Dragneel had to go into Fire-Lightning Dragon Slayer Mode to win. It felt like they had fallen even further behind.

Everyone was wishing to catch back up and bring back Fairy Tail’s glory.

While it may have been 7 years for everyone else, for them it had been just a few days and the events were fresh in their minds. Natsu had discovered a way of using another person’s magic. When he created a vessel for Zancrow’s black flames he was able to use the fire to enhance his own, he did the same thing with Laxus’s lightning creating Fire/Lightning Mode. It was different than the last time he had eaten the blonde’s lightning and got sick for days.

“Say Natsu, would you like some Purple Flare, it’s been a long time since you had it!” He conjured some of the strange purple flame. Dragneel eyed it. “What’s wrong?”

This flame was one of the flames of the fire spectrum. It was quite handy, couldn’t be extinguished by wind or water, and could physically touch things. “Nothing, was just thinking?” Macao used to give him some of these flames as a kid as a treat when he completed a mission. “Can I try something?”

The older fire wizard blinked in confusion. “Uhh sure?”

Natsu closed his eyes, he did what he did opening up his magic as he drank down Purple Flare. “Natsu!” Makarov gasped. Macao’s eyes widened.

He manifested Purple Flare!

Makarov smacked him upside the head with a giant fist. “Would you stop that, it’s dangerous!”

Dragneel rubbed the back of his head. “Jeez gramps, it’s fine it’s fire...I...it felt right...fire feels right!” Makarov sighed and rubbed his temples. This boy was always doing crazy things, he was lucky his body was intact. Makarov chalked it up to being a dragon slayer.

In an instant Natsu learned Purple Flare and added it to his arsenal. It was thanks to Wendy Natsu realized there was plenty more secret arts to dragon slayer magic. Grandeeny had left behind magic secrets for a Sky Dragon like Wendy.

While Natsu couldn’t learn it, it helped him remember there were Fire Dragon Secrets he had to discover. He searched deep inside himself. Igneel did pass on lessons to him, stuff he said that would serve him when he was older.

His dragon papa was the Fire Dragon King, he knew things about fire magic that would blow Totomaru’s mind. He passed on this knowledge to Natsu, in small doses and then sealed the lesson in his memory, so he both did and didn’t remember it. It was a handy little trick as it prevented anyone from stealing the knowledge, and it kept it safe for when Dragneel was ready to grow. A firm lesson he made sure Natsu never forgot. ‘A flame is a powerful thing if not cared for or treated with respect it can grow out of control and destroy everything around it even itself.’

This warning was etched onto Natsu’s very soul. A fire can destroy everything around it and eventually itself, it made Natsu aware they he needed to grow up before tapping into the secrets of Fire Dragon Magic. ‘I’m ready...I have to get stronger!’

He wasn’t the only one thinking that, everyone from the Tenrou Group was looking for ways to get stronger. Magic had changed a lot in seven years there was so much they could learn. Erza had money saved away, with 7 years of interest she had cash to pick up some new magic armors.

Natsu went off to a secluded area, not even letting Happy come with him. ‘Though I know I should beware, I seek the secrets of the flare! Dragon power lost to time, return to me as I speak this rhyme. By my father’s name return, open the gates that scorch and burn!’ His eyes glowed red and he began to remember Igneel’s lessons.

‘Now remember Natsu the power of Dragon Size, just as fire draws in oxygen to grow bigger, or how you use magic to increase the size of your flames, you can use this practice to help your body grow!’ Igneel demonstrated the lesson by making an ember grow to be a mighty ball of fire.

This magic felt similar to Makarov’s giant, honed and forged by a fire dragon. Natsu began practicing it day by day. ‘Let the fire of my soul grow, expand and ignite.’He had to channel the flames through his body.

As he focused flames surrounded him. “Dragon Size!”


“What is that flame brain up to?” Gray asked.

Happy was sulking. “He said he was off doing special training.”

Lucy eyed him. “You know you could be training to.” She pointed out that Lily could transform and had Aera magic.

“I can’t Lily went off with Gajeel to train too.” Everyone was training, and when they weren’t training they were trying to take on quests. There were a lot of pieces to pick up and put back together.

Erza sipped some tea. “I am worried it’s not good for Natsu to be off alone so much, he might get into trouble. Gray go look for him.”

Somehow Gray lost his clothes. “Why me?”

She didn’t bat an eye at his naked state. “Because you two are good friends, you care about him very much, and if something happens to him you’ll never forgive yourself.” Many accidents happened when one trained new magic.

Fullbuster blushed. “That’s not, it isn’t like that, we…”

Wham! “Get moving!” Erza sent him flying out of the make shift guild hall.

Gray managed to grab some boxers and ran off. “Fine!” He’d find the slayer and make sure he was okay. Only because Erza said to, not because he cared about him or anything.




“Hey Natsu!”

Gray kept calling for the pink haired wizard as he searched the area Happy said Dragneel went to. He wasn’t getting any response back. “That idiot better not be getting into trouble.”


A large explosion was heard sending birds and magic beasts running as a massive pillar of fire shot up. “Oh crap!” Gray ran towards the flame spiral, expecting to find Natsu in a crater or something. “Holy!”


Natsu was huge, as big as Master Makarov when using Giant Magic or Acnologia. This was a trick some dragon slayers were capable of, a trait that fell underneath Fire Dragon Magic. Being his first time it was intense. “WHOA I’M AS BIG AS IGNEEL NOW, THIS IS SO COOL!”

“This is what you’ve been doing training this spell?” Gray shouted, thankfully despite their size difference Dragneel had terrific hearing.


Gray blushed. “All you’ve done is become a bigger idiot, now change back and let’s go. You’ve got Happy all worried about ya!” He tried to play it cool, but Natsu smirked.

The pink haired male, picked the ice wizard up by his boxers, giving Fullbuster a massive wedgie. “Hey!”

Dragneel chuckled. He loved to mess with his friends when he had the chance. “I’M NOT GOING BACK YET, I NEED TIME TO GET USED TO THIS NEW FORM. YOU NEED TO SEE HOW AWESOME THIS IS, SO HOW ABOUT A CLOSER LOOK.” He opened his pants.

“Hey wait…” Drop!

Down he went into Dragneel’s pants, he landed softly, in the literal forest of manly hair. “Natsu!”

“JUST RELAX GRAY YOU’LL BE SAFE!” His pants were sealed tight leaving Fullbuster in darkness.

He was surrounded by Natsu’s manly musk. Every breath he took lit a fire in his belly. ‘Shit!’ Gray blushed as his cock hardened. ‘Damn, damn, damn!’ The hair tickled his body.

Warmth radiated from Natsu’s crotch. It was like a sauna, Fullbuster couldn’t help but relax. He sank into the thick nest of curls. Gray was trapped in a giant man’s pants, proving a few things, Natsu didn’t wear underwear, the carpets did match the drapes. As pissed as he was, he was over taken by the warmth, the musk, and frankly the situation. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this!’

He removed his boxers. ‘The hell am I doing…’ His cheeks burned. He was so small, he was sure Natsu wouldn’t notice. ‘This is all Natsu’s fault.’

Fullbuster took hold of his cock and began pumping. Every squeeze and stroke was followed by an intake of breath. Natsu’s musk tickled his brain, and pumped fire through his veins. His heart was pounding. ‘Fuck stupid sexy flame brain!’

He’s been carrying a torch for Dragneel for awhile, but was always scared. He picked fights with him to both keep him at bay and keep him close. His feelings he kept buried deep under layers of ice. Tenrou happened and shook those feelings loose.

As Natsu meditated, focusing on controlling his magic, Gray got lost in pleasure, cumming all over his abs and pecs. He didn’t have to worry about mess because the heat helped dispose of the evidence, except…

To be continued



Fun 😋