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Yugioh Gx parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Fetch

Hasselberry was on the job, his master had given him a task. Bring him a key guardian, and he would. The first task went so well, his master even gave him a new deck as a reward. With his new Dark Dinos, he’d hunt down the other key guardians and bring them to his master.

His target was Bastion Misawa. They were both Ra Yellow Duelists but the two were very different people.

Misawa was very book smart, he looked at things through formulas. He was a talented duelist with a genius level intellect, but his attitude made it hard for him to make friends. His skills did earn him some respect, but many of his classmates felt he was overcompensating.

It wasn’t just that he was smart, he had to be the smartest guy in the room. Despite his accomplishments, he refused to move up into Obelisk Blue until he “proved” himself. He also acted like he was above certain things, like Card Crushes. To everyone who met Bastion it felt like he had a real chip on his shoulder, always having to be serious and focused.

In comparison Hasselberry was very instinctual and athletic. The two had butted heads in the past, having been put against each other in the Duel Exam. Bastion won using his Water Deck, but refused the promotion to Obelisk Blue.

Without friends Bastion was cut off from the others, making him the perfect prey. Tyranno made it to the yellow dorm with ease, finding and entering Bastion’s room. The walls were covered with different formulas.

Misawa was awake working on formulas so he hadn’t bothered locking his door. “Who is it...my word!” Bastion was shocked at Hasselberry’s appearance and his attire. “Tyranno...what happened to you!?”

His eyes roamed over his form and he blushed seeing the dino duelist’s exposed penis. “And what are you wearing!?” He tried to shield his eyes, but kept stealing glances at his manly physique.

“The uniform of my master the Spider Rider!” He boldly grasped his cock, a thumb running over the shadow charm cock ring. “He has sent me to fetch you!”

Bastion grabbed his duel disk. “You must know I won’t just come willingly.”

Tyranno smirked. “I was hoping you’d put up a fight, that’s gonna make this more fun.” His shadow charm glowed.

A magical field filled the room, not only did it make it so no one would disturb them, but it also changed the room to feel more like home. The temp in the room increased getting hot like a sauna. A strange smell also appeared. Bastion didn’t know it but he was breathing in Tyranno’s dino musk.

Misawa removed his jacket, revealing his six dueling decks. He had one for each element, he used to have an experimental deck but Chazz had stolen it and thrown it into the sea. Any other decks he was working on weren’t finished yet. “I defeated you once with my Water deck, this time I’ll crush your dinos with Earth.”

He loaded his Earth/Magnet Warrior Deck. His other decks were set aside. “We shall see!”


Tyranno/Bastion: 4000

Misawa draws his cards. “I had a feeling you fell to the shadow rider, but this just proves you weren’t worthy to be a key guardian!”

His hand consisted of Gamma the Magnet Warrior, Alpha the Magnet Warrior, Rock Bombardment, Conductive Warrior Linear Magnum, Magnet Plus Shield.

“I summon Gamma the Magnet Warrior in Defense Mode!” The Pink Magnet warrior appeared on the field before shifting into a defensive position.

DEF: 1800

He sets a trap and then plays. “Magnet Plus Shield!” The metal shield is equipped to Gamma, boosting his defense to 2300. “This also makes my magnet warrior a Plus Monster.”

Tyranno draws. “You are right, I wasn’t worthy to be a guardian. My master opened my eyes and showed me my truth path. I’m his pet!”

Bastion’s eyes widen as Hasselberry’s turn gold.

He has Dark Dino-Nychusaw, Dark Dino-Brachiotank, Dark Dino-Tri Head Rex, Roar of Darkness, Corrupt Evolution. “I set two cards face down, and then I summon Dark Dino-Nychusaw!” The tiny dinosaur appeared, and he had a black saw running through his body.

Misawa was shocked. “I’ve never seen you use that card before!”

Hasselberry laughed. “My master didn’t just open my eyes, he also gave me the gift of these new dinos to better serve him!” He shivered. “My master will reward me more when I bring him you!”

Bastion blushed as Hasselberry began to boldly and lewdly play with one of his nipples. He was clearly excited. “Would you please focus on the duel! You may have a new dinosaur but it’s clearly not powerful enough to beat my Magnet Warrior!”

Dark Dino-Nychusaw: ATK 900

Tyranno huffed. “You are such a stick in the mud!” He gyrated his hips making his fat dick swing side to side. Misawa’s eyes were drawn to it, his blush grew. “I always wondered what your deal was, but not to worry master will help bring out the true you!”

“You are insane!”

Hasselberry just smirked and had Nychusaw attack. To Bastion’s shock his Magnet Warrior was cut in two. “How?”

Tyranno laughed. “The look on your face is priceless! You see when my little dino attacks a monster in defense mode it’s destroyed with no damage acquired.”

Bastion glared. “You also destroyed my Magnet Plus Shield letting me draw 1 card!” He did and got Magnet Minus Sword. “You also will face this!”

His trap was flipped up. “Rock Bombardment allows me to send 1 rock Monster from my deck to the grave and you get dealt damage 500 points!” He sent Beta the Magnet Warrior to the grave and hit Tyranno with burn damage.

Tyranno: 3500

“Ohh yeah!” The dino duelist moaned, and when the smoke cleared Bastion could see he was hard. “I was hoping you were gonna make this fun!”

Misawa tried not to stare at the throbbing erection. It was his turn and he draws! “I activate pot of greed, which lets me draw two cards.” He got Magnet Barrier and Double Summon.

Magnet Barrier was a Continuous Trap that reduced battle damage to 0 for him when his Magnet Warriors battled. Bastion set the trap. “I summon Alpha the Magnet Warrior!”

Alpha: ATK 1700

“Then I shall equip him with Magnet Sword Minus!” This gave him 500 ATK and made him a Minus charged monster.

Alpha: 2200

He had his Magnet Warrior attack. “Say goodbye to your dino!”

Tyranno revealed his trap. “I don’t think so!” Thanks to Roar of Darkness Nychusaw was able to stop the attack and end the battle phase.

His turn ended.‘He’s got some pretty strong cards, I don’t know what’s in his deck so I’ll have to play this smart.’

Tyranno draws. He got Dark Dino-Rush Raptor. “I special summon my Rush Raptor!” The dark dino appeared on the field with a roar. “He’s gonna help me summon an even bigger dino!”

Rush Raptor was sacrificed and Tyranno called out. “Dark Dino-TriHead Rex!” A massive dinosaur was called out, instead of having little rex arms, he had long arms, and instead of claws he had T-Rex heads. All three heads roared.

TriHead Rex: 2300

Bastion revealed his trap, Magnet Barrier!

“That’s not gonna save your magnet warrior!” Tyranno had his rex attack, the three heads tore the rock monster apart.

Thanks to the trap Bastion took no battle damage. “Since Magnet Minus Sword was sent to the grave I get to draw 1 card.” He did getting Magnet Champion, a spell card that would let him get out Valkyrion.

“Mmm!” He looked up and saw that Hasselberry was masturbating.

Misawa gasped. “What are you doing?!”

“Seeing your monster get ripped apart by my dino was so hot!” He beat his meat, making Bastion squirm.

“So what, I took no damage.”

TriHead Rex jumped in front of him. “You think so?”

He got blasted by blue and black flames. “Gah!”

Bastion: 1800

When his Dark Dino destroys a monster by battle, he gets to inflict damage by the destroyed monster’s ATK. That wasn’t all since this was a shadow duel this was real. The monster’s flames destroyed Bastion’s shoes, socks, pants, and shirt, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. “Nice tent Misawa!”

Bastion’s whole face grew red, as his libido was showing. His dick tenting the front of his boxers with an obvious erection. “This isn’t what it looks like!”

Tyranno ignored him, jerking off his cock at the sight of the nearly naked duelist. The golden eyes were hot, Bastion could feel his intense gaze, the eyes of a predator eager to devour his prey.

Misawa squirmed, the heat and musk in the room getting to him and breaking down his defenses. “Let’s see!” Hasselberry finally responded to him.

Dark Dino-Nychusaw charged in and slashed away Bastion’s boxers and 900 of his life points.

Bastion: 900

With his boxers slashed he was naked, his hard 8 incher springing into the air. “You got a nice body their Bastion!” Tyranno licked his lips.

Misawa was fit, having toned arms and legs, some firm pecs, a plump booty, his balls were massive; as if he hadn’t jerked off in ages. “Why are you doing this? if you think you can break my concentration it won’t work!”

Tyranno shrugged. “I’m just having fun, I’ve had my dick out this whole time, you don’t see me complaining do you?” He wagged his hefty meat.

“I’m not a pervert like you!”

The shadow charm cock ring glowed. “Oh? Are you so sure about that?” Tyranno worked his cock and the magic of the charm linked their dicks together.

Bastion moaned and bucked his hips. “Ahh stop...you ohh…” His legs buckled as a phantom force worked his shaft.

“Seems to me you were the naughty boy who got hard, deep down you are quite the little pervert!”

Misawa shook his head. “I’m not!” It was getting hard to think. His body was heating up inside and out. The more Tyranno pumped his dick the more pleasure he was feeling.

His heart started to race and he began to sweat. His chiseled form beginning to glisten. “I...draw…”

“Go ahead, I’m enjoying the show.”

Bastion shivered. It really was hard to think and focus when it felt like you were being jerked off. He was being hit with a double whammy, not only was he looking at a beefed up Tyranno jerking off, but he was feeling the pleasure on his cock.

Misawa chewed on his bottom lip. He wasn’t used to this kind of thing. ‘Calm down, I just gotta focus and then I can win!’ He tried to take deep breaths but that just brought in Hasselberry’s musk and helped it flood his brain.

Seeing his opponent come undone only got Tyranno harder and he jerked off faster. “Ahhh~!” Bastion’s eyes shot open and his knees buckled.

“Oh are you gonna cum?”

Bastion shook his head.

“You are gonna cum aren’t you?”

He shook his head harder, but his body started shaking. Heat was pooling into his loins his release coming fast.

“I can see you twitching you are gonna cum!”

Bastion gulped and licked his lips. “No!” He cried out defiantly but his body betrayed him. ‘Not like this...not like this…’ His orgasm came, bringing him to his knees only for nothing to happen.

Hasselberry started laughing. “Did you think it would be that easy? No one cums until the duel is over.” He kept jerking off his meat, making Misawa feel the same pleasure.

The Ra Yellow Duelist could only pant, his head was feeling cloudy. “Take your time, I’m enjoying myself, and it’ll just make the orgasm you’ll have after I win all the more intense!”

“You...you aren’t gonna win!” Bastion stood up, but he was trembling and his cock was starting to leak pre-cum. “I activate Magnet Champion, this allows me to banish the three Magnet Warriors I have in my graveyard to special summon Valkyrion the Magna Warrior!”

With one spell he summoned an 8 star monster with a whopping 3500 ATK. Plus he had something else the card he just drew was Magnet Connector this would let him equip a magnet warrior/Rock monster in his hand and give it’s ATK and DEF to Valkyrion. He had Conduction Warrior Linear Magnum with 2700 ATK.

Combined Valkyrion would have 6200 ATK.

There was just one problem, Bastion was so horny and so “focused” he had forgotten about Tyranno’s face down. Amber Trap Hole was revealed and his special summoned monster was encased in amber. His effects were negated, he couldn’t attack or defend.

It was over, he had no plays he could make. On Tyranno’s turn he attacked and Bastion was knocked flat on his ass. His loss triggered his orgasm, and as the weight of his loss hit him so did his orgasm.

Misawa was blushing from ear to ear, as his big balls lurched and spilled what made him a man all over himself. His cum shot up, hitting his face, chest, abs, and drenching his crotch. Hasselberry walked over to him, working his dick as he went, this caused Bastion to be jerked off through his release, milking him of a couple more spurts.

Tyranno aimed his dick at Bastion and unleashed his cum. Adding more thick white essence all over Misawa’s face and body. His dick couldn’t handle the release and went soft, getting drowned in the sea of semen the dino duelist gave.

He took the cum drenched key. “No...give it back…”

Bastion struggled to get up, barely managing to get on his knees. “You want this?” He wagged the key. “Or this?” He wagged his still hard dick.

Misawa looked between the two options, his mind at war with himself. He knew what he was supposed to want, but also wanted…


Hasselberry smacked Bastion with his dick and knocked him out. “You aren’t worthy yet to enjoy my cock, master will make you worthy.” Those were the last words Misawa heard before he sank completely into darkness.

Bastion truly was the perfect prey, all his needs and wants revealed his true self deep down. He wanted to be praised, he wanted to be loved, he wanted to be the best. So focused he lost sight of other things.


Jaden had finished with the guards, sending them back with shadow spiders on them, they were Jaden’s vestiges so they were tiny, fluffy, and cute. The guards had no idea they were bugged and at any moment Jaden could take control of them.

To be continued

Bastion is corrupted, embracing his new dorm and wearing nothing but a cock harness, with the garment being modified so he could store his decks on it.


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