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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 Hollow Trouble

Ichigo carried Sora back to the base. “Such a pain!” Inoue looked up and watched as the orangette breathed out a white mist. The mist traveled along the path they came and quickly erased it.

They entered the base. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, thanks for the save.” He wasn’t expecting to be attacked by soul reapers.

“No problem, I was sure you could handle yourself if you came across an average reaper, but from their powers they must be higher ranked.” Plus there were three other soul reapers. “It might be best if you stay in your gigai for awhile. It’s possible these soul reapers are after us.”


“We are hollows, it’s their job to cut us down.” The zanpakuto purifies hollow souls after all.

“But you aren’t attack people like those other guys, and you even saved my life. You guys aren’t the bad guys here!” Sora didn’t like it.

“It’s fine, we’ll bunker down and wait them out. With my barrier they won’t be able to find us.” Ichigo scratched his chin. “Easily anyway.”

“This isn’t right, I’m gonna tell them that you aren’t a threat here.” Starrk grabbed him and pulled him into a firm embrace. Sora sank into his softness. It was so relaxing.

“That is sweet of you, but you are an unknown Soul Reaper, without any power or influence in Soul Society. It’s best we lay low, with soul reapers in town they can handle the wild hollows and lost souls.”

“We’ll be fine.” Ulquiorra said. “We are quite strong and can take care of ourselves.” Starrk and Ulquiorra had seen things in their lives and just accepted how things were.

Sora understood that, he just felt it wasn’t fair. At the same time these Soul Reapers had a job to do, and were in a sense just doing their job, they had to guide souls and purify hollows. The lower tier hollows attacked and tried to kill souls based on instinct.

The arrancar seemed more human than most, and with Ichigo’s ability he could turn hollows into arrancar. While it was true, it wasn’t the best option. Some hollows craved power and being handed it wouldn’t stop them from seeking more out, just make them more dangerous. Also some hollows relished in their hunger and hunted for sport, giving them power would just make them more trouble and cause other souls to suffer. Then of course there are sinners, wicked souls who for one reason or another avoided going to hell and became hollows and continued to do evil. Giving power to these types would be disastrous.

It was best for Soul Reapers and Sora to purify hollows as much as possible, but that didn’t mean all hollows didn’t deserve a chance. It was a complicated situation made worse by the existence of quincy as that added a whole other layer on the issues.

His gigai was retrieved and Sora returned to his home with Orihime. Ichigo placed his call to Urahara. “Ah Ichigo I was about to call.”

“Of course you were, it seems we have guests. We’ll bunker down, but if you could look after Sora.” He heard the older blonde laugh over the phone.

“You really are something special, I’ll keep an eye on him.” He couldn’t control what these Soul Reapers were gonna do. “Do be careful, Soul Society isn’t messing around and could cause a whole lot of trouble if your groups clash.”

“I know, I’ll do my best to stay out of their way, but I can’t make promises if they attack us.”


Renji and Grimmjow chased after Ichigo and Sora only to have the trail grow cold. The captain smirked. “So we got an opponent who not only can mask his presence but also cover their tracks.” He grasped Pantera. ‘Oh yeah, we got ourselves some good prey.’

“Captain, we should check on the others.”

“Right…” His eyes roamed the area. ‘You are out there, a challenge…’

“Captain?” Renji questioned. Grimmjow had that look in his eye, gripping his zanpakuto. “Captain!”

The bluenette twitched. “Oh right, Abarai…”

“You had that look Captain Zaraki gets.”

“Tch, I’m fine, let’s go check on the others.”

Akon had set up their base in an abandoned warehouse. He was able to trick it out to make it livable. “You guys from Squad 12 sure do come in handy.” Grimmjow points out.

“Captain Mayuri loves to optimize space, he makes it mandatory teaching. So we can house more specimens and labs.” Akon explained.

“How’d it go?” Shuuhei asked.

“Nothing but a bunch of low level hollows.” Grimmjow complained.

“That is, until we spotted another shinigami.” Renji added.

“Not possible, there aren’t any other shinigami meant to be in the world of the living at this time.” Akon confirmed.

“He claimed to be from the first division but he was lying.” A soul reaper that didn’t know the ways of soul society.

“Captain Mayuri didn’t tell us anything about this, but its worth noting.” Akon took notes.

“But if he’s a shinigami doesn’t that mean he’s on our side?” Hanataro pointed out.

“Hard to say, you guys ever hear of Substitute Shinigami?” Grimmjow asked. They gave him confused looks. “It’s not a well known term, its seen as a dark spot on Soul Society’s record. A soul reaper gave a human powers, and they...for a time helped keep the balance killing hollows and helping souls.”

“They trusted a human to do that? Alone without any training?” Shuuhei asked.

Grimmjow shrugged. “It seemed to work for a time. Supposedly the Substitute got power hungry and killed his fellow shinigami who were meant to support him. Like a mad dog they had to put him down. Since then it’s been taboo to give your powers to a human. That might be the situation here.” He wasn’t sure. “There’s also that robed guy, he was able to rescue that mystery shinigami. I didn’t get a solid vibe off him at all.”

His smirk looked positively feral.

“How’d he get away from you Captain?” Shuuhei asked.

“They were able to dispel their trail.” That raised some brows, that was an advanced technique used by hollows.

“If he was masking his presence, I can work on something that can track him down.” Grimmjow grabbed him.

“Get on it, whoever they are, they are strong.” He slapped Akon’s shoulders hard in his excitement. “Use that big beautiful brain of yours and help me find that prey!” Grimmjow ruffled Akon’s hair.

The scientist pouted but agreed to work as fast as he could. They still had their jobs to do after all, and split up into two fronts.

Renji and Grimmjow focused on hollow extermination taking different shifts as to not get overworked. Shuuhei was doing a lot more of the ground work, he went around town talking to souls trying to get any information he could on their targets. Most ghosts didn’t know anything and if they did they weren’t talking. Hisagi asked them questions and eventually guided their soul to the beyond.

Hanataro felt bad as he wasn’t doing much, besides keeping the base clean, cooking, and so on. The support was still appreciated.


Ichigo, Starrk, and Ulquiorra stayed under the radar, bunkered down and fucked! The trio had lots of fun together to distract from the looming trouble. It was a pleasurable distraction to say the least.

“Ichigo, could you fuck us in your released form?” Ulquiorra asked.

Starrk raised his head. “Yeah, I bet your release form is super sexy!”

Ichigo chuckled. “I’m sure you’d both approve but I can’t. If I release my spiritual pressure will go wild and my barrier will break. We’d be exposed for sure.” Right now his barrier was the only thing keeping them hidden.

They put a pin in the topic for now, and enjoyed the back to back mating sessions. With Ichigo not off hunting, he had stamina and energy to burn.

Ulquiorra and Stark would often just embrace and lay together, their hard cocks trapped between their soft bodies. Ichigo just took turns at their asses, pounding them silly and making their softness jiggle. He even kicked it up a notch practicing his sonido to fuck the two at the same time.

The movements were so fast it was almost as if there were two Ichigo at once.


Despite the Soul Reaper activity that didn’t stop hollows from causing trouble. A former killer had died, after his last kill. The kid of the victim tripped him up and sent him to the beyond. His soul was so warped it didn’t take long for him to become a hollow, he wanted to keep killing.

Not only did he kill the kid’s mom he also ate her soul to grow stronger. With his hollow powers he pulled the kid’s spirit out and trapped it in the body of a bird. So began a sick and twisted game of tag, that dragged many innocent people into the line of fire.

Anyone with spirit awareness had a strong soul which made them the perfect meal for a hollow. The kid was tricked with lies and false promises of the hollow swearing he could bring his mother back if he survived. So he played this game and a lot of people got hurt.

Hanataro wanted to help so went with Renji on patrol.

This hollow already had some prey in mind, Yasutora Sado. The male was kind of a loner and ended up finding this strange bird who could talk. He was tough, using his strong body to protect the kid, but this was just the hollow playing around.

Renji found him as Sado was being attacked. He had wanted to protect the boy, but while his soul was strong he couldn’t see the hollow and made for easy prey. “Hanataro heal the human!”

“Right!” The fourth division member moved and began to try and heal Sado as Renji did battle with Shrieker. ‘He has so many wounds, this is bad!’

“Roar Zabimaru!” The hollow wasn’t alone, he could control these frog like creatures called Targets. They sprayed leeches onto opponents which Shrieker could detonate.

Even if Renji took out the targets the leeches would get splattered all over him and get blown up. Plus Shrieker was fast and could operate in the air. He could zip down and hit Renji before taking to the air once more.

He was able to take on both Renji and Hanataro at the same time, he smacked the healer away from Sado, and had his targets cover him in leeches. Abarai was taking a lot of damage, his top was blown off and he was covered in burns, his legs were shaky from the sucker punches and explosions.

It didn’t take long for Hanataro and the bird to be taken hostage, forcing Renji’s hand. He made Renji a deal, Sado for the bird, him for Hanataro. “Sit back and watch Soul Reaper, suffer in your failure as you couldn’t protect this human!” Using his claws he reached in and pulled out Sado’s soul.

“Stop it!” Yuichi called out.

‘Damn it!’ Renji couldn’t do anything this hollow had them all at his mercy. No matter what he did someone would die.

He didn’t stop and managed to pull out his soul. His spirit was bare ass naked and unconscious. He was still connected to his body by the soul chain, so they could get him back if they just…

Snap! Renji’s eyes widened as the boy died. Shrieker severed the chain with a smirk.


“You bastard!” Shrieker laughed.

“Such a powerful soul, so tasty, but don’t worry I’m trading his life for the boy, and as long as you behave I’ll spare your little friend for your life.” He was lying, none of them were gonna survive this.

Kick! A cloaked figure came flying in and kicked the hollow in the face, cracking his mask a bit. He caught Sado and carried his naked soul over his shoulder.

“Who the hell are you?” Ichigo didn’t answer. “Guess it doesn’t matter, those two are dead!” He stuck out his tongue to activate the bomb leeches.

“No!” Renji shouted.

Ichigo took a deep breath. “Oooooo~!” Sound waves echoed out, almost like a whale song. The powerful noise countered Shrieker’s sonic command and overwhelmed the targets causing them to faint.

“You...you’re a hollow...you’re the one that…” Wham! Kick! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

Ichigo didn’t care what this bastard had to say. Hanataro rushed over to treat Renji. “Is that?”

“Yeah that’s the guy Captain and I met the other night.”

Ichigo pulled out his zanpakuto and cut this bastard down. In a flash the gate of hell opened up and took this guy away. Yuichi was free but was full of guilt. The sad truth was it was likely his mom wasn’t even waiting for him on the other side as she was probably one of Shrieker’s victims.

“Can you save him?” Yuichi asked the soul reapers about Sado. He didn’t feel he could pass on after seeing this.

“There’s nothing we can do, his soul chain was cut, he’s gone.” Hanataro said.

“We can have his soul pass on to the next world.”

“But it’s not fair, he only ended up like that because of me. Mr. Sado doesn’t have any friends or family so he took me in despite all the trouble I caused.” The boy cried.

“He will be fine.” Ichigo told him. “He will not become a hollow, he may very well have a second chance at life.”

“Think about this boy, do you realize what he’s been through if you’re…” Ichigo cut him off.

“Just do your job Soul Reaper, this boy needs to pass on or risk becoming a hollow himself from despair.” He looked to the boy. “Go in peace and know that this one is safe in my hands.”

Ichigo vanished, making his trail disappear as he went. “Damn it, he got away again.”

“Is he really an enemy? He saved us didn’t he?” Hanataro pointed out. “Plus...he had a zanpakuto!”

Yuichi chose to believe in the cloaked figure, claiming he gave off big brother energy. Renji helped his soul pass on and Hanataro finished taking care of their wounds. They’d have a lot to report and Grimmjow would be kicking himself for skipping out on patrols.

To be continued...


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