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Digimon Savers parody: Patreon Reward


Thoma and Masaru have been sleeping together for some time, but despite Tohma being a top he lacks a lot of dominance, he's very vanilla and doesn't last long, to say nothing of his average size. Masaru is growing more and more frustrated. Imagine his shock when his new house guest is packing some serious meat with the dominance to back it up. Tohma catches them, but Masaru needs a real man and seeing them together arouses the pretty blonde, so Ikuto claims him to.

Chapter 1 How They Began

Masaru Daimon was a wild and passionate guy. All his life he’s tried to be a strong man, acting on instinct and what he believed was right even if it doesn’t make sense to others. From tests it was believed his digisoul was at such an intense output it was always active and thus needed a catalyst to be drawn out. He was a proud guy and often settled disputes with his fists.

It stood to reason he needed another wild and passionate person to match him. Most girls he met didn’t fit the bill and Masaru believed he needed a guy to match his passion. Enter Thoma H. Norshtein.

At first glance he was just a blonde pretty boy. Truth was he was a prodigy, his intellect allowed him to advance in the world. With his intellect unchallenged he was able to study at his pace while also honing his body and skills. He views the world in a very analytical way, using data to guide his actions. The guy rarely showed his emotions, some might even say he’s cold.

While calm on the surface Thoma has a lot of emotions he keeps bottled up. When he met Masaru the two clashed in the worst way possible. Data vs Instinct, Calculation vs Desire, Shrewdness vs Heart.

A good example was their first rumble, Thoma was trained in boxing and martial arts and felt he could handle Masaru’s wild street fighting tactics. It wasn’t so simple, Masaru was tough, punching him was like punching a raging bull. He kept getting back up and his fancy moves didn’t mean much to the brunette.

In fact he took a hit, just to create an opening to land a blow on Thoma. Despite taking less hits, that one hit was a good one and gave Masaru a chance to go wild. The two were told to stop by the Commander and were bandaged up. After a lengthy lecture the two were assigned together as DATS agents.

This started a heated rivalry between the two.

The fights were not always so one sided. Masaru found ways of dealing with problems that...while not always the intelligent or strategic way, it was the right way for him. He got the job done. It was Masaru’s heart that surprised Thoma the most.

He even let a digimon wail on him to get out his frustrations and calm down. It was crazy but Masaru didn’t see them as monsters. He tried to connect to their hearts, even if it was through his fists.

Thoma noticed that fighting is how Masaru solved his problems most of the time, and even challenged him to fights. Not wanting to back down or maybe put him in his place Thoma agreed and the two kept having sparring matches. To the blonde’s surprise Daimon adapted to his fighting styles and even learned from him making each clash they had a surprise.

He may have misjudged him. As they worked together and fought with each other, they began to see different sides to each other. Masaru was quite street smart, and while he didn’t like studying he paid attention enough to learn. From their fights he figured out Daimon was a visual learner, as he learned from fighting Norshtein and was even able to figure out digimon movement and attack patterns only after seeing them once or twice.

In Masaru’s case he initially thought Thoma was just a pretty boy know it all with a stick shoved up his ass. He learned the cold on the surface jerk, could show passion/emotion when it came to his mother and sister.

His dad came for a visit once and seeing how stiff Thoma got around him he said. “Want me to punch him for you?” Thoma laughed, a genuine and honest laugh. Daimon wasn’t kidding and Norshtein knew that but that’s what made it all the morning meaningful.


Over time their rivalry became more healthy and a true relationship began to form between them. It was Masaru’s sister that noticed. When she thought Agumon and him were being embarrassing or dumb, to her surprise it made Thoma laugh. He thought it was charming.

There were times the two would be talking and have this look about them. Thoma looked so relaxed and Masaru looked so happy. Chika blushed. ‘They LIKE each other!’ After spending time with the two of them it seemed as obvious as sunshine in summer the two had a thing for each other.

Even their digimon partners could see it, Agumon and Gaomon calling their sparring sessions as flirting. When the two got into their moods and argued over this and that it was seen as more the arguing of an old married couple than anything else. The only two who seemed oblivious or in denial were Thoma and Masaru.

When it was pointed out to the two, they began to process the possibility. In their own ways.

‘Me and Thoma together? Could that even work, he’s pretty tough, and he is handsome…’ Masaru went at it his way, jerking off while thinking of the blond. His hard 7 incher stood at attention, he played with it with one hand, while fingering himself with the other. In his mind the blonde was hot and dominating, talking a little dirty to him as he had his way.

It got Masaru’s engine running, he fingered himself hard and fast like he liked it, doing his best to imagine Thoma’s fucking style. While he managed to get off, cumming all over his abs and chest something he failed to consider was a fantasy was just that a fantasy. ‘Maybe we could give it a shot.’

Meanwhile Thoma was completely clueless when it came to relationships. He went to the library and got everything he could. The guy avoided anything too erotic, and focused on what he thought was the basics. Navigating romance wasn’t an easy thing.

Thoma knew over 170 languages but trying to figure out the ins and outs of the Romance Genre was truly stumping him. Some books talked about being spontaneous and romantic, another talked about being cool and romantic, while another said to be open and romantic. Being “romantic” seemed to mean different things to different people, like one book claimed flowers and chocolates were romantic, while another book claimed that buying any gifts wasn’t romantic at all, that making something for a gift now that was romantic, and another book contradicted both saying gift giving wasn’t romantic at all that spending time together was romantic.

Look at the books on dating, be cool, be yourself, be suave, be a gentleman, be funny, be polite, be nice but not too nice, be a bad boy, be spontaneous, be passionate, be sweet, be tough, be open, be aloof, be distant, be charming, be complementary but don’t be cheesy, be exciting, don’t be too eager, show off but not too much, pay for everything, go dutch, choose an activity that you can do something together, choose an activity that lets you spend time together, choose an activity that….

He’s read quantum formulas less confusing than this. Almost every book suggestion was countered by another book. He was trying to figure out how dating worked, but there was no formula for the perfect date. To clear his head he read a health book on sex, so he got the basics of that down. “What’s this Tsundere 101…” He tried to go back to the other research but a book on Tsundere broke him, so many books talked about open communication, body language, signals, gestures, and all that ground to a halt by someone who says they don’t want something when they do want that something… “I give up!”

The mountain of books collapse and Thoma groans. There really wasn’t a one size fits all romantic design. He felt foolish, having wasted so much time on something that couldn’t be calculated. ‘This is Masaru...I don’t need any of this stuff, I just need to know how to take our relationship to the next level.’ So he finished reading up on sex, before formulating a plan.


He invited Masaru to the estate to try out their private gym. It wasn’t to impress the brunette but give them some privacy. They sparred and worked up a sweat, they’ve fought enough to feel the other’s blows were off. Something was on their minds and they could feel it.

“Let’s hit the showers.” They stripped down, both boys stealing glances at each other. The two were certainly attracted to each other. “Listen Masaru…”


“I um...like you...a lot...and I think we should take our relationship to the next level.” Daimon stared at him. “It’d be beneficial to both of us I’m sure and…”

The brunette came over and stopped his rambling. “Let’s give it a go!” He kissed him.

Their make out session moved through the mansion, surprising a few servants as the naked boys got to Thoma’s room.

The blonde had lube and condoms ready. “Thoma...take me!” He spread his cheeks and offered his hole. Instead of a burst of passion he got very nervous, and turned to his book smarts to stabilize.

Norshtein read that first times were painful, so he tried to prepare Daimon. It was just one finger and the blonde kept sweating, worried he was hurting him. Masaru didn’t have the heart to tell him he did more in his special alone time. This wasn’t what he expected from the blonde at all, where was that confidence he was usually rocking?

The blonde didn’t know much about foreplay outside of prep, so while it was efficient it wasn’t exactly fun. Masaru kept himself hard by playing with himself.

After what felt like eternity Thoma was finally ready to stick it in. His cock was wrapped and lubed, while Daimon’s hole was stretched and wet. He pushed in and the two had sex.

It was nice...okay…for Masaru...

Thoma thought it was amazing. They both had gotten off yes, and as first times go they were certainly on a higher tier. ‘Well first times can be rocky, we’ll get better with practice.’ Daimon thought. His partner removed the condom and collapsed on top of Masaru.  

To be continued...Bedroom Trouble



Oh yeah i definitely need more