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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward/Kinktober Special

Kinktober 2022 Special # Hunting Arrancar

Toshiro was tasked with hunting arrancar, Mayuri demanded he help with the project and gave him tools to make it easier and collect data. Toshiro refused at first, but it was either go on this dangerous arrancar hunt or deal with a drunk Matsumoto, so the choice was obvious. He confronts Grimmjow and after some jeering he uses the gadgets to teach the proud arrancar some manners.


Toshiro was twitching in annoyance. He was being hounded by Mayuri’s requests for assistance with his research. Said requests were in the form of jack in the boxes, with the clown  being Mayuri’s face. Worst part is they had a reset feature so they kept retracting and popping back up. It was both annoying and terrifying.

“Damn it Mayuri!” Despite Aizen’s capture and obtaining specimens from Szayel’s lab, he wanted to study live arrancar. So he wanted to organize a hunt using an available captain. For some odd reason he was focused on him. “Why do you keep bothering me?!”

“That should be obvious.” There was a pause, before he sighed. “Here I thought you were more intelligent.” Twitch!

Hitsugaya pulsed in anger, his reiatsu surging out freezing the area around him. “Just get on with it, why have you been pestering me?”

“I need someone to lead the hunting party.” He stated matter-of-factually. “I’ve studied the dead arrancar plenty, so I need live specimens.”

“Then get someone else to do it, why have you been bothering me?” Mayuri shook his head.

“A pointless question, you have the skills best suited for capturing the arrancar alive.” He put out some gadgets. “I’ll even supply you with equipment, if you run into problems with the arrancar you can use these to help you.”

“Then you could get anyone to help you, just give them the items and they can lead the hunting party.” Toshiro didn’t want to be drawn into Mayuri’s madness. His inventions were also as twisted as he is.

“As if I could just hand off my precious creations to anyone. They needed to be handled with finesse. The meat heads would just go and kill all the potential specimens, and most captains don’t have the talent for capture.” Toshiro hated to admit it but he had a point.

Ukitake wouldn’t be able to last, Kenpachi would kill any arrancar he found, Shunsui was Shunsui, and Sajin could track hollows down with that nose of his, but his zanpakuto was more for fighting than capture and he wasn’t the best at kido. Byakuya could handle the job especially with his kido specialty, but he rejected and Mayuri couldn’t mess with the Kuchiki heir as easily. He wasn’t gonna ask Unohana a favor, and Soi-Fon would just kill anyone she found. As if he could ask Yamamoto for such a favor.

The lieutenants are also out of the question. “Nemu will assist you mostly, and make sure you can travel to and from at ease.”

“I haven’t agreed to this!”

“Oh no?” Mayuri raised a brow. “Then I guess I’ll have free time with no specimens to examine.” Toshiro twitched.

This mad scientist with free time was horrifying. It was likely  he’d use that free time to drive him crazy. As if confirming his thoughts, Mayuri pressed a remote switch. Suddenly all the jack in the boxes popped out and began attacking Hitsugaya. “Damn it!” He slashed them up, but it was clear Mayuri could make more. “Fine I’ll do it!”

He clapped his hands. “Wonderful!” The grin on his face made Toshiro shiver in disgust.

Hitsugaya walked over and collected the items Mayuri offered. “Nemu can explain them, off you go!” He waved a clothe at him and Toshiro twitched in annoyance.

‘I DON’T like him…’ His body trembled in rage. So he was off arrancar hunting.


Nemu explained most of the tools; Spirit Sealing Cuffs – A device that can cut off someone’s spirit power, Spirit Cracker – A party cracker that could disrupt a hollow’s release returning them into base form, Phantom Pepper – Can un-stabilize a hollow’s reishi, and Soul Drinker Ring – A ring that when worn can drain the reiatsu and reishi from an opponent. There was also some darts that contained some new poison Mayuri cooked up. The darts were made to even piece the skin of arrancar, as for the concoction it was something Mayuri swore would subdue the arrancar.

The other reason why he needed a strong reaper was bait. Toshiro figured it out as weaker hollows couldn’t get near the pressure of a captain. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’

He didn’t have to wait long before a cero came at them. Toshiro blocked it. “Hey Shinigami trash buzz off!”

“It’s you, from back then.” Hitsugaya remembered Grimmjow from the invasion, he had been missing an arm at the time and dashed off from the others.

“Do I know you pipsqueak?” Grimmjow raised a brow. Toshiro twitched in annoyance.

“I’m Captain Hitsugaya of the Thirteen Court Guard Squad, I fought Espada Number 6 Luppi and Espada Number 10 Yammy.” It was the bluenette’s turn to get annoyed.

“That little shit wasn’t worthy of the number. I’m the Sexta Espada, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez!” He snapped and crossed his arms. “So you are one of those captains huh? Soul Society must be desperate letting kids become their top officers.” Toshiro surged with anger.

He hated being disrespected, it still bugged him that Ichigo talked to him without using his title. “Nemu prepare the items.” She bowed.

“Yes Captain Hitsugaya.” If Mayuri wanted a living specimen then this annoying jerk could be it.

“What are you gonna fight me half pint?” He laughed only adding more fuel to the fire of Toshiro’s anger. Grimmjow took a fighting stance and bounced like a boxer. “I could use a warm up before challenging Kurosaki to a fight again.”

“Bankai!” Toshiro had enough experience fighting arrancar to know not to play around. Grimmjow charged in and ended up punching a wall of ice.

“What the hell?!” He gasped.

“I forgot to mention, I also fought Espada Number 3!” With a swing of his sword he tried to freeze Grimmjow, but the bluenette moved away with sonido.

“Cute kid, real cute, but fighting a runt like you wouldn’t be entertaining enough for me.” He smirked. “But I have to wonder if I brought your head to Kurosaki, if that’d piss him off enough to fight me for real!”

He brought out his zanpakuto. “Grind Pantera!” He transformed and the two clashed.

“You seem really obsessed with Ichigo Kurosaki, what are you carrying a hard on for him or something?” To his shock Grimmjow blushed.

“NO!” He snapped, his cheeks burning red. “You think I have a hard on for him, with his stupid orange hair, and his stupid eyes, and his stupid mask, and his stupid...ugh!” Grimmjow’s outburst screamed cat.

‘Wow did I touch a nerve…’

Grimmjow glared at him. “What do you even know about that stuff you runt? I bet you aren’t equipped to satisfy anyone, man or woman!”

“Snap…” Nemu said. Toshiro shot her a glare as she brought him the items.

Hitsugaya had enough of this smart ass arrancar. “I’m gonna put an end to this.”

“Give it your best shot shrimp!” He flexed his claws and charged at Toshiro. “I’m gonna grind your ass into…”

The spirit cracker was used, Toshiro wasting no time, he aimed it and POP! A burst of energy came out, making the air vibrate.

Grimmjow was hit and his release form was broken. His zanpakuto falling behind him. “What the hell?” He patted himself over. “What did you do you little…”

Hitsugaya was given the next tool. Spirit Pepper! The arrancar was doused in the stuff. “What now?!” His body crackled. “Shit!”

His reiatsu was disrupted, this had a rather surprising effect. Grimmjow’s clothing began to solve, breaking into particles and vanishing into the air. ‘The hell Mayuri!’ Toshiro thought as the arrancar was stripped bare ass naked.

Jaegerjaquez was a sexy beast, he was tall and packed with muscles from his shoulders down he was toned. His legs were thick, his baggy pants and released form hid that well but just…damn! Grimmjow could be a model with his looks and body. From devilish looks, to hard pecs, to a rocking six pack, even the scar on his body just added to the appeal. ‘Oh shit!’ Toshiro blushed as his eyes caught sight of the “sword” between the arrancar’s legs.

No wonder he was so confident, he was packing a beast. He was clearly a shower 12 inches long and at least three fingers thick and he wasn’t even hard. Toshiro blushed.

Grimmjow growled. “You making fun of me Soul Reaper!” He cracked his knuckles. “Cause I’ll kick your ass butt naked and shove my dick down your throat after I teach you a lesson!”

“I think not!” Using his bankai he froze Grimmjow’s arms, and froze his legs up to the knee.

“Damn you!” This ice was a lot thicker than the stuff Rukia put him in. He struggled but couldn’t break free of the cold prison. “You think this can hold me!”

“Yes!” Nemu said and stuck a needle into Grimmjow’s ass.

Mayuri’s concoction was pumped into him and neutralized his powers. ‘I can’t make a cero!’ His eyes widened. A part of the mix was a modified muscle relaxer, taking away Grimmjow’s strength. “You...play dirty…”

Then came another side effect, to make sure the cocktail worked fast Mayuri added a pretty powerful aphrodisiac to it. Grimmjow groaned as his body grew hot and his manhood swelled. Hitsugaya blushed at his size. He was intimidating soft, fully aroused he was...just wow!

“Heh, see something you like pipsqueak?” Even caught didn’t stop Grimmjow from running his mouth. “Bet you’ve never seen a real man’s cock before huh?”

“Size isn’t everything you know, what good is that if you don’t know how to use it?”

“Let me out of this ice and I’ll show you how I use it!” Toshiro blushed and Grimmjow laughed. “I knew it, your skinny ass couldn’t handle me, you had to use these little toys to beat me. You aren’t a real man at all!”

“I’ve had enough of your mouth.” Toshiro began to disrobe. He wasn’t as muscular as Grimmjow, he was lean and toned. It just made Grimmjow laugh more.

“You aren’t just a runt you are a twink as well.”

“I’ll admit you are sexy, but that mouth of yours should be put to better use.” He stripped out of his fundoshi, his hard 6 incher standing at attention. “I’ll have you take responsibility for this.”

“Is that the best you got?” He laughed some more. The arrancar didn’t notice the effect seeing Toshiro’s naked body had on him, thanks to the aphrodisiac pumping through his veins.

“Not yet, you see these toys as you call them were designed to help capture arrancar. Had I wanted to kill you I could have done so, but that smart mouth of yours has signed you up for some punishment. One fitting an arrogant prick like yourself.” Hitsugaya put on the ring.

“What does that do?”

“You’ll see!” The ring pulsed and it began to drain Grimmjow’s reiatsu and channel it into Toshiro. This device was crafted after Mayuri had studied the quincy who had the power to take reishi and claim it for their own.

Hollows and Soul Reapers were both made of reishi so this was about to be very interesting.

As Grimmjow’s power was drained, it had an effect on Toshiro’s body, he began to grow taller, reaching up to the arrancar’s chest. His twinkish body began to swell, muscles forming and bulging in his arms and legs. “Whoa!” His smooth chest and stomach bulked out, becoming some beefy pecs and rock hard abs.

The arrancar was so bulky the drain on his muscles was hardly noticeable. It did however make his body more sensitive, and his tough armored skin was now the same as a human’s. “What have you done to me?!” He shivered feeling the effects of the cold ice more.

“Just wait!” Hitsugaya took hold of his cock with the ring hand and that seemed to focus the drain.

“Ohhhh!” Grimmjow moaned.

It felt like the air itself was sucking his cock. “What are you doing...stop it...stop...no…” His body convulsed in an orgasm, but no seed was spent. He blinked in confusion as he looked at his cock. ‘Am I smaller?’ It was hard to notice giving his massive size but he had indeed lost an inch of his cock.

Meanwhile Toshiro was grinning as his cock had gained an inch. He started pumping his penis and drained more of Grimmjow’s dick. The bluenette gasped and moaned, the spiritual suction making him climax over and over, but nothing came out.

He suffered one dry orgasm after another. “You are cumming pretty fast espada, all that big talk and you cum so quick.” Toshiro teased. Grimmjow glared, but it fell as he had another dry orgasm and lost more of his precious cock.

It didn’t take long for their roles to be reversed, with Toshiro now rocking the 12 incher and Grimmjow sporting the 6. It wasn’t enough, oh no, the blue haired arrancar had opened his mouth one to many times and earned a glacier of payback.

Hitsugaya continued to work his growing rod and Grimmjow came again losing another inch. His focus shifted from his shrinking rod to Toshiro’s growing one. The tool between his legs had become insignificant in his mind and he marveled at the massive beast before him. Seeing the 13 inch monster he felt his hole throb in want.

The shinigami had surpassed him in length and girth at this point, flipping a switch inside the horny arrancar. Another orgasm tears through him and the scales shift even further. ‘Bigger...bigger…’ Was the thought surging through Grimmjow’s mind as he watched Toshiro grow even larger.

He wanted it to grow larger, he wanted to see as big as it could get. Another orgasm was torn through him and Toshiro’s penis reached 15 inches. Grimmjow was now a quarter of his original size, and half the original size of Toshiro.

It’d have been fitting to leave him like this, but the espada was so horny he came again before Hitsugaya could stop the drain. His tiny tool shrank down to 2 inches while the reaper’s cock reached a massive height of 16 inches.

Toshiro released his cock and stopped the drain. “Fuck!” Grimmjow suddenly howled as his back arched. From his tiny tool came an eruption of semen, the massive balls unloaded as all the orgasms hit him at ounce. Thick semen splattered his face, neck, pecs, abs, and crotch.

The arrancar was in a daze, his body sensitive and horny. His nipples stood lewdly erect, begging to be touch, behind him his entrance had parted forming an erotic donut that was hungry for cock. His crotch had a striking contrast now as his tiny rod stood out compared to his massive balls. One of his nuts was bigger than his cock was now.

“See that, all that talk about being a real man, you couldn’t last a bit against me!” Toshiro had felt the same pleasure as Grimmjow but didn’t cum once. “Now you are gonna take responsibility for this.”

He walked over, his massive sword bobbing as he walked, Grimmjow’s eyes followed it, like a cat after a toy. Toshiro went around and spread Grimmjow’s cheeks with his dick.

The bluenette bucked back, moaning like a cat in heat. “This look suits you best, this is the real you. A slut craving a real man’s cock, bet this is why you were so obsessed with Kurosaki.”

Grimmjow didn’t have time to retort as Hitsugaya pushed in and a moan tore through the arrancar. Inch after glorious inch plundered his hungry ass. He was barely 8 inches in before the arrancar came again.

Toshiro laughed. “You naughty slut, here take it all then!” He gave a hard thrust, and let his pelvis clap Grimmjow’s cheeks.

“Aaaahhhhh~!” The arrancar moaned in delight as he was hit with a double whammy of pleasure. He was stuffed full and his abs bulged from Toshiro’s length. ‘I felt that!’ It knocked him for a loop, and he began to drool.

When Toshiro pulled out it was like sparks shooting through his body. He left a mighty void only to fill it seconds later. The friction of the back and forth melted Grimmjow’s ass, allowing Hitsugaya to shape it and remake it into a grade A fuck hole.

“Who’s the bigger man?”

“You are!” Grimmjow moaned.

“Who’s the better man?”

“You are!” He had hearts in his eyes as Toshiro pounded him long and hard.

“Who’s a little slut?”

“Me!” Grimmjow moaned.

“Who likes big dicks?”

“Me!” He panted and drooled, losing count of how many orgasms he had. Nemu counted up to eleven.

His balls were drained and even shrank a bit, but were still huge.

Nemu was a bit worried as the drug Mayuri made would wear off faster in orgasm. Also Toshiro’s focus was on pounding his slutty hole, so the hold of his ice was starting to wane. He was close to orgasm and so to was his ice close to breaking. “I’m gonna cum bitch, where do you want it?”

“Captain your ice…” Shatter!

The ice bonds broke and Grimmjow was free. This could turn very badly. The bluenette looked back and his pupils were blown, little hearts dancing in the center. “Fuck me, breed me!” He howled reaching back to spread his cheeks more.

Hitsugaya lost it and flooded the arrancar’s ass with his cum. His orgasm lasted a few minutes, spurt after spurt pumping inside. Grimmjow shuddered.

He pulled out and managed to create a block of ice to sit on. Grimmjow turned on him and began to lap at the massive rod. He even went as far as to rub his unmasked cheek against his impressive piece. “Heh, this is a better use of your mouth!” He left Grimmjow to worship his cock.

“Should we head back soon Captain Hitsugaya?” Nemu asked, making Toshiro jump. He had been so caught up in the moment he had forgotten she was there and watching. Her face was still cold as not even the erotic sex before her effected her in the slightest.


“We have caught an arrancar, we can head back now?” Toshiro looked down at Grimmjow, lovingly kissing and caressing his giant dick.

“Not yet, we still have more hunting to do.” He wouldn’t turn over Grimmjow to Mayuri, in fact he decided to keep him for himself.

The mission went from a pain to a breeze as Grimmjow, eager for more dick, happily hunted down arrancar for Toshiro getting rewarded by the stud of a shinigami. He did such a good job he decided to take his new pet for a walk and visit an old friend Ichigo Kurosaki.



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