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Pocket Monster parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Ash Ketchum | Trainer (Sponsor Giovanni) |
Badges: 0 Key Items: Pokedex, Battledex, Rainbow Feather
Monsters 3/6 Rhyhorn, Pidgey, and Rattata
TM’s: Rock Polish


Rhyhorn PL: 16 Type: Rock/Ground Ability: Lightning Rod
Moves: Tackle, Counter, Smack Down, Bulldoze

Pidgey PL 13 Type: Normal/Flying Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack

Rattata PL 10 Type Normal Ability: Guts
Tackle, Bite, Focus Energy, Quick Attack

Chapter 3 Wild Short Cut

Giovanni had received a bunch of Pidgey and Rattata from Ash, he had them processed and would give them out to the grunts. Yes they were very average pokemon and not super strong, but they could be made so. Plus Giovanni expected this since Ash was a new trainer. ‘He’s got me more Pokemon in a day than some of my better agents in weeks!’

He prepared the candies for the catches, throwing in some Rhyhorn Candy as a bonus, and sent them out via Fearow Delivery. Giovanni had used Ash’s last location and sent the flying type off. Despite the storm he knew Fearow would not fail. So he was surprised when Fearow came back with the candy. “Didn’t you find him?” Fearow shook it’s head no.

“What?!” Giovanni accessed the tracking chip he had installed in the battle dex. It pinged and Giovanni got a worried look on his face. “He’s in the wild area!” He was quite panicked. ‘I specifically told him to avoid the wild areas until he was ready.’

He didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t go there himself, and sending any rocket agents could end badly. ‘If anything happens to him Delia’s gonna kill me!’ Fearow has never seen the boss so flustered before.


Pichu was born in the Wild Area of Route 1, for some reason it was the only one of his kind. Other monsters in the area had groups and herds, but why was he all alone?

As he explored this new world he found himself in he was attacked by two poison types, Koffing and Ekans. It was a rather rude awakening, getting attacked by one and almost eaten by the other. The experience left a bitter taste in the electric type’s mouth.

Pichu didn’t have control over his powers as most Pichu didn’t. He fell into the care of a Kangaskhan family who welcomed him into their group. The love and care Kanga momma gave to Pichu and her kid helped the two grow.

The kid evolved into a full male Kangaskhan while the love helped Pichu evolve into Pikachu. They shared a strong bond, Pikachu riding in Kangaskhan’s pouch. Male Kangaskhan were rare, and tended to adopt lost pokemon and cared for them. If they were lucky a female Kanga would have two young and they’d get their own little one to raise.

Pikachu and Kangaskhan were out on patrol when a storm raged over head. They took shelter and watched the elements of nature battle it out. “Pika…” The rain was coming down hard. “Chu?!”

He saw lightning get drawn down into one area, and there was a scattering of flying types in the distance. It was quite the scene to be sure, but what came next was even more bewildering. Ho-Oh, the legendary pokemon from Johto flew over head. The storm petered out, and as Ho-Oh flew it left a rainbow in his wake.

True beauty!

The appearance of the legendary pokemon did raise some questions that warranted investigation. “Pika pika pi kachu!”

“Kan kanga!” His brother nodded and they were off.


Ash had collected the Rainbow Feather, it did fall towards him which made it easy. Rattata and Pidgey helped Ash back onto Rhyhorn’s back. He tried to walk on his own but he was so banged up, this was easier.

There was a big problem, they were lost in the wild area. Rhyhorn carried him, Rattata and Pidgey serving as lookouts. As they searched for a way to town so they could get treated, they came across Pikachu and Kangaskhan. “Pika Pikachu!”

“Ry Ry, horn!”

“Pi Pika!” Pikachu didn’t take kindly to humans. The few he saw tended to be arrogant but overestimated their ability to handle the wilds. Judging from the injured human on Rhyhorn’s back, from Pikachu’s perspective this was just another cocky human who got in over his head.

He didn’t know what happened, and ignored the pleas from Ash’s pokemon for help. “Pika Pika, Pikachu Pi Pi Chu!” His cheeks sparked.

“Ry Ry Horn Horn!” The ground type was adamant they didn’t come here by choice and it was an accident. His trainer needed help and they just needed directions. Pikachu wasn’t interested in helping a human.

“Pi Pika!” Rattata and Pidgey moved to shield Ash.


“Pidge!” The two snapped and tensions rose between the Pokemon. A fight was gonna break out at this rate. Rhyhorn didn’t want that, Ash was in bad shape if they battled he’d feel the force of the combat.

Pikachu made it clear helping was not gonna happen. They did know the wilds and could help, but helping meant leaving the safety of their territory.

Kangaskhan was quiet, observing the passion and determination of the young man’s monsters. The trainer was injured and was indeed in bad shape. They needed to get out of the wild’s fast and not getting into trouble with other herds.


“Pika?” Pikachu gasped. His brother agreed to help them, which was a surprise.

“Kan Kan, Gaskhan!” It was the right thing to do. Pikachu was pouty about it, but off they went.

Rhyhorn thanked the large normal type and off they went. Even at their slow pace they made good time, Kangaskhan even got them berries to eat to keep up their strength. Pikachu huffed at their actions, he didn’t get what was so great about this human. They could be free!

Ash was blacked out, he came to a few times seeing the Pokemon that were helping them. “Thank...you…” He managed to get out.

‘What’s so special about this human anyway?’ Even if he did have the Rainbow Feather.

“GOL!” A Wild Golem surprised them. He was in an awful mood and looking to take out their frustration on the party.

“Pika!” The electric type screamed for them to run.

To his surprise Rattata and Pidgey did their best, despite the type and level disadvantage they still tried to protect Ash. They moved to try and distract him to avoid him attacking Ash and Rhyhorn. It didn’t work.

It used Rollout and barreled towards the two.

“Kanga!” Kangaskhan stepped up and tried to stop the attack, only to get knocked back.

Pikachu rushed over as Golem went in for another Rollout! He braced for the impact.

Ash came to and saw the charging Golem. ‘No…’ His eyes glowed blue and his aura flared creating a barrier around them. The rock type slammed into the aura and was knocked back.

Pikachu and Kangaskhan gasped in surprise. The Golem ran off, Ash held on but swiftly passed out. It was a heavy blow, they weren’t strong enough to protect their trainer. Even in this state he was still protecting them. The monster trio made a promise to get stronger.

Pikachu was stunned by Ash’s power, Kangaskhan was impressed.


They reached the end of Route 1, quite the feat! Using a short cut and knowing your way around the wilds helped cut the time by a lot. Rhyhorn thanked Kangaskhan for his help, and the others said goodbye.

Pikachu didn’t like being so far from their territory. Too bad they didn’t notice the strange air balloon in the sky.


Giovanni made a move, he knew of a team of agents in the area so he gave the trio a “special mission”. They didn’t see Ash but spotted a couple of rare pokemon. “Let’s get ‘em!”

They attacked with Ekans and Koffing, which was a mental blow to Pikachu.

Not having any balls they instead captured the two mons and put them in cages. ‘I knew it, no good comes from helping a human!’ Pikachu thought angrily.


Rhyhorn carried Ash into Viridian City and was spotted by Officer Jenny. She gave them a police escort to the Pokemon Center. Giovanni saw that Ash was at the center.

Around the same time Jessie, James, and Meowth called him. “Hey boss we got some rare pokemon just for you!”

‘These idiots…’ He thought they had found Ash and got him to the center. “You fools, just get to the Viridian Pokemon Center right away!” The call ended abruptly. In his panic he failed to give them proper orders. Ash wasn’t answering his messages

“The boss didn’t sound happy, wasn’t catching these rare pokemon the special mission?” James asked.

“Of course it was why else would he send us into the wild area?” Jessie said.

“He just wants us to attack the center next. We’ll rob the pokemon and he’ll be so pleased.” Meowth said. Yes it was a talking Meowth.

So off they went to the Viridian Center, not knowing what they were doing.


Thanks to Nurse Joy Ash made a full recovery, thanks to his aura he was recovering nicely. His aura had been what was keeping him stable, so he did get a sudden decline when he expended his aura to protect the pokemon. Chansey used Heal Pulse to help restore him. “After some rest he’ll be as good as new.”

She took in Ash’s Pokemon and got them treated from their long journey. “Nnnhhh,” Ketchum groaned as he sat up.

“Take it easy, you’ve been through a lot.”

“Where am I?” He looked around.

“You’re in the Viridian City Pokemon Center, your pokemon brought you in.”

“Viridian City?!” Ash gasped. He couldn’t believe it, he’s made it here already. His mons were resting beside him. “Thanks guys!”

“They wouldn’t leave your side, you all went through a lot.”

“Yeah, we got attacked by a Spearow swarm and ended up in the Wild Area by accident.” He rubbed the back of his head.

“Oh my goodness!” It was no wonder he was so badly messed up. “Well do be careful in the future!”

“We will!” He decided to let his monsters rest, but went and called home. Delia was happy to hear from him and was glad he was okay. She was surprised Ash made it to Viridian City so fast.

“You better not rush your journey.”

“I’m not I promise!” He kept the more life threatening events out of it.

“Be sure to give Giovanni an update when you can.”

“Sure thing.”

His next call was to Oak. He wanted to show him what he found. “I’m glad to hear from you Ash!” Samuel exclaimed. “How goes your journey?”

“Good so far, I made it to Viridian City!”

“Viridian City already?” Oak was surprised. Gary had made it there too, but he was of course traveling by car. “How did you do it?”

Ash told him what happened. “And we kinda took a shortcut through the Wild Area.” Oak groaned.

“You couldn’t help it so I won’t scold you, but that was very risky young man.” Ash apologized.

“I caught a Rattata and a Pidgey, and met a Pikachu and Kangaskhan in the Wild Area.” He had caught other Pokemon but sense they were released to Giovanni he didn’t count those.

Ketchum showed Oak the Rainbow Feather. “My word, where did you find that?”

“It came down when I saw a mysterious golden pokemon in the sky.” Samuel got a deep look on his face.

‘Could it be...no it couldn’t be…’


“Oh, well, you hang onto that feather, I’m sure you’ll see that Pokemon again.” Ash smiled.

“Thanks Professor!”

“Now don’t forget to register for the Indigo League.”

“I won’t thanks Professor!” The call ended.

“I know it’s late but I should call Mr. Giovanni.” He made one last call and got through.

“Who is it?” Giovanni asked.

“It’s me sir, Ash Ketchum.”

‘Oh thank Arceus he’s alive.’ Giovanni kept his composure. “What happened, I tried to send you your monster candy and you couldn’t be found.” Ash told him the story. “Well it seems you’ve been through a lot.”

“It was wild but a lot of fun to, scary and exciting, is that weird?” Giovanni smirked.

“You enjoy a challenge, I don’t think it’s weird at all.” Since he caught Giovanni under some “down time” he set Ash the Candy and the replacement monster balls. Ketchum went to a computer and opened up the item box system and got the items teleported there. “You’ve done good work.” He gave Ash a bonus, since he went through the whole ordeal he wasn’t able to battle any trainers so he had no money. Giovanni wired 2000 to his battle dex.

“I’ll keep doing my best and working to make you proud!” Giovanni smirked.

“I’m sure you will. I take it you’ll be heading towards Pewter City, you can do a lot of training in Viridian Forest. The Gym Leader uses Rock type Pokemon so you better prepare yourself.” It was common knowledge, so Giovanni wasn’t cheating or anything.

“Thank you sir, I’ll do my best.” Giovanni left Ash with some final advice, he did want to be updated on his progress but was a busy man so he could leave a report with Matori. The call ended at a bad time, as soon as Ash hung up the power went out. “What on Earth?!”

To be continued...Viridian Training

Ash faces off with the Team Rocket Trio Jessie James and Meowth, he even rescues Pikachu and Kangaskhan. After some new catches Ash goes to the Mart and gets some new balls. Then it’s off to Viridian Forest for more training.


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