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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgey, Poliwag, Spearow, Ponyta, Butterfree
Oak’s Lab: Weedle
Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle, Flying/Drill, Fire/Knot, Grass/Multi Vine Tentacle,
Abilities: Aura


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle*, Quick Attack, Double Team*, Thunder Shock*

Pidgey: Ability Keen Eye | Size 5 Inches | Moves Tackle, Sand Attack*, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum*, Pound, Hypnosis

Spearow: Ability Sniper | Size 4 | Moves Peck*, Feather Dance*, Leer, Fury Attack

Ponyta: Ability: Flame Body | Size 8 | Moves Tackle, Ember, Flame Charge,

Butterfree: Ability Compound Eyes | Gust, String Shot*, Bug Bite, Confusion
Mastered Moves: Harden*


Toren Badges 0 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Roots (Bulbasaur), Bloom (Oddish), Ivy (Bellsprout), Jam (Nidoran M), Jelly (Nidoran F), Paras
Oak’s Lab: Hermes (Pidgeotto)


Roots (Bulbasaur) Ability ? | Size ? | Moves: Sleep Powder, Vine Whip*, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

Bloom (Oddish): Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Acid, Sweet Scent
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Ivy (Bellsprout): Vine Whip, Stun Spore, Wrap, Synthesis,
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Jam (Nidoran M): Ability: Poison Point | Moves: Horn Attack, Poison Sting*, Fury Attack,

Jelly (Nidoran F): Ability Poison Point | Moves: Scratch, Poison Sting*, Fury Swipes

Paras : Ability: ??? Moves: ???


Cross Badges 0 Pokemon 3/6
On Hand: Charmander, Doduo, Spearow

Gary Badges 0 Pokemon 5/6
On Hand: Squirtle, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Magikarp

Chapter 9 Bug Rod Reward

Ash and Toren say goodbye to Samurai, but they aren’t leaving Viridian Forest yet. Since the monsters battled hard against the swarm the duo set up camp. Toren was feeling excitement as Ash was gonna reward his Pokemon tonight.

For Butterfree this was a long time coming and he was eager to bond with his trainer. Pikachu and Pidgeotto were also going to be rewarded tonight for their efforts against Samurai.

His bubbling excitement did make his monsters curious but they were too tired and decided to rest up. Poliwag, Spearow, and Ponyta stand guard, because there were stronger bug type pokemon active at night.

This was an important bonding moment between Ash and Butterfree so they weren’t gonna allow anyone to interfere. Once again Ash got ready and walked around butt naked. Toren squirmed at the sight of him, the confidence in his stride was too sexy. “Care to join me?”

“Oh well…” He did end up getting involved last time, so it was likely gonna happen again.

“I have an idea.” Ash made Toren strip, showing off the nerds adorable firm. His shyness was positively cute. They’ve had sex and he was still shy about being naked. Once his adorable nerd ass was bare, Ash fetched his coat, and had Toren slip it on. It added an extra layer of sexiness to him, and weirdly made Toren feel more comfortable as well. “There I think that looks perfect.”

The greenette blushed. “So...what rod are you going to use this time?” He’s only gotten to see three rods so far so he was curious what the others looked like.

“I’ve been excited about this one!” He’s been wanting to use it since he caught Caterpie and Weedle, while the later still had to wait for Caterpie/Butterfree their time was now.

The ring plate glowed showing off the divine aura as his penis transformed. Toren’s eyes sparkled as he gazed at the new length. ‘This...is the bug rod?!’ His heart fluttered.

Ash’s rod became something new. If it could be described, it was like a string of anal beads but with no gap between the balls. “Oh my~!” Toren gasped. Each orb was three fingers thick and an inch long as there was a total of 12 orbs total.

Butterfree gushed, being drawn to the ancestral rod. “You’ve earned this buddy!” Ash sat back and let Butterfree slip in between his legs.

Toren had to move to get a better view. To his shock when he came around the penis looked smaller? The orbs had shrunk to about two fingers thick. ‘Did I miss something?’

Butterfree gobbled down Ash’s rod, popping the orbs into his mouth like berries. His 4 inch rod slipping from his sheath and oozing pre-cum. For a Butterfree he was actually quite large, most Butterfree ranged from 2-3 inches tops.

Ash relaxed and Toren watched as Butterfree enjoyed the bug rod. He made little sucking noises as he savored each orb before popping another. As a monster there was no fear of choking, a combination of instinct and common sense told him Ash’s size was just fine for oral.

He was enjoying himself, slurping and swallowing around Ash’s monster dick. In his delight his wings flapped sending a delightful breeze over Ash’s balls, abs, and chest. His nipples perked up at the gentle caress.

Butterfree worked his length back and forth, slowly working down to the base. His delight peaked as he swallowed the full length and he came, shooting his load across the ground. Butterfree moaned and sent pleasing vibrations through the rod which tipped the scales allowing Ash to follow suit into orgasmic bliss.

His orgasm took a bit with this rod, the orbs almost vibrating as the seed worked through the unique pipe. If one had x-ray vision they’d see something akin to a liquid being pulled through all sorts of pipes and beakers in a mad scientists laboratory. Finally Butterfree got to enjoy his seed, a flavor so strong and delightful it made him blush and he came again.

Ash’s seed helped awaken Butterfree’s potential, and they had only just begun. Butterfree drank every drop and savored the flavor. He cooed, so happy to do this with his trainer. Next to flying he was dreaming of this as a Metapod.

It was time for the mating and Butterfree’s hole was positively throbbing in want. He was turned around and Toren watched as Ash sank the unique rod into his hole. Each orb popped inside him like a not.

The greenette played with his cock and ass as he observed. His notebook was set aside as he enjoyed the sights before him. Butterfree took every inch of his penis and came again.

His wings curled in delight and he wiggled in Ash’s lap. “Get ready cause here I come!” Ash began to move and the uniqueness of this specific rod was on full display.

The tight ring of muscle was worked as each orb was pulled out of him, only to be thrust back in. The inner walls hugged every inch, feeling the curves. Ash’s thrusts let Butterfree a unique style of play of anal beads. His insides got all churned up and he was loving it. “Free free!” The bug monster moaned.

He was drooling, the two went at it as if making up for lost time. Butterfree came over and over, but seemed to have plenty of energy to keep going. Even Toren came from the erotic show, before Ash finally came.

Ketchum’s seed flooded Butterfree’s insides, and once again it vibrated, teasing the bug monster’s walls. He came again, this time it was dry. “You were great Butterfree!” He nuzzled him at the praise.

Ash pulled out and set Butterfree down to rest. His wings uncurled and he buzzed happily in delight. Pikachu was eager for his turn, his ass was raised and he shook his booty.

“I’m coming buddy!” He mounted Pikachu and fucked him with the unique rod.

“Pi~Pika~!” His hole was wrecked by the bead-like dick. This was a fun one, with the control and power of thrusts. “Chu~!”

Toren panted and simply watched, his chest, stomach, and hand were all sticky with his seed. He felt he was ready for his turn, so for now he’d just sit back and watch.

Ash’s rod plundered Pikachu’s hole and channel. He lasted longer than Butterfree but that didn’t mean Ash didn’t milk him of a good couple of climaxes. His monster balls surged and his seed splattered the ground.

“Pi~Pika!” The two had such a romantic bond, as Ash’s first mon they had the deepest bond. Their union just felt different, more erotic somehow.

“You are amazing Pikachu!” Ash moaned.

Their final orgasms rocked them and Pikachu got to enjoy the vibrations. He was Pika-satisfied. Next it was Pidgeotto’s turn. Not the first Pokemon to evolve, but it was Ash’s first Pokemon that evolved.

Toren was in for a surprise as Ash’s rod inflated, going back to the three finger girth size. “Whoa!” It was amazing but it made sense. Bugs and insects changed size based on their environments. The Bug Rod honored that able to shift in size to facilitate his partner.

Pidgeotto had been iffy about the bug rod at first, but seeing the other two enjoy it so much he was for it. He offered his ass and got to enjoy the ancestral bug cock. It was….very good~

The larger flying type got to enjoy some deep dicking, his hole popping with each orb. Ash embraced his first catch and the two went at it. Toren had to take notes this was such a fascinating rod.

Since Pidgey evolved he was bigger and stronger, so he could take more of a pounding. Ash gave it to him. The orbed cock surged and plundered, Ketchum’s pelvis clapping against his feather booty. “Ohh yes!”

His stamina and endurance got a boost as well, it was certainly next level. Pidgeotto’s new cock was now out and on full display in all it’s evolved glory. He was rocking a full 10 incher, and it bobbed and bounced from Ash’s impressive thrusts. “Geotto geotto geooto~!” He moaned as he came.

The flying type certainly challenged Ash’s stamina, but Ketchum was still on another level. Ash reached around and worked the shaft, showing he had more tricks up his sleeve to pleasure his monsters.

Pleasure from both ends, inside and out, Pidgeotto was soaring in delight. Ash’s efforts knocked Pidgeotto over the edge a couple of times before he came deep inside the flying type. “Ahhh~!” There came the vibrations, his feathers fluffing up in delight.

Pidgeotto became spent and unable to continue, so Ash pulled out and let him rest. “You guys were great, I hope you enjoyed your reward.”

“Pik/Geo/Free!” The mons cooed.

Ash chuckled. Toren’s cock had recovered and was standing at attention. “You also look cute covered in cum!” The greenette blushed.

‘How can he say such things with a straight face!?’ His penis twitched.

“Wanna try something different?” He nodded and Ash smirked. Toren saw the rod shrink down, becoming even thinner. “This will work.”

“Ash...I’m not made of glass I can take something bigger than that.” Ketchum chuckled and cozied up to him so they were face to face.

“This isn’t for your ass.”

“Oh...Ohh...Ohhh!” His whole face became as red as a tomato. With a big grin Ash thrust his rod into Toren’s penis, sounding his pipe. “Ash~!”

It really did adjust it’s size to fit the need. The unique penis slid through his piss slit, down his pipe and reached areas Toren never expected to get stimulated. “Ash this is amazing, this feels so good I can’t I…” Ketchum silenced him with a kiss.

Toren’s heart skipped a beat before beating out an intense Belly Drum. “This is nice!” Ash said after breaking the kiss.

The greenette was left panting. Ketchum embraced him, pulling him close as his rod invaded Toren’s penis. “Ash…” Another kiss and Toren melted. Their rainbow feathers glowed, as their emotions surged.

This position was so intimate, face to face, cock in cock. Ash was enjoying their closeness. He got to kiss Toren and embrace him, all while driving him wild by fucking his dick. So he did, Ketchum fucked the greenette’s cock, striking his sweet spot from the other end.

It was a crazy feeling, with the rod in his pipe he couldn’t cum, so he was caught in this orgasmic state. His body grew hotter and more sensitive, which only made Ash’s kisses all the more effective.

They clung to each other, standing on a shrinking spire of orgasmic delight. “Here I cum!” Ash moans and he came. His seed was pumped into Toren. The rod vibrating Toren’s pipe and penis from the inside.

He pulled out and Toren’s climax rocked him like a hurricane. His release erupting and he came all over Ash’s crotch. “Haa haa haa haa haa!” He panted and groaned, his legs felt like jelly.

“Easy buddy, that was really intense huh?” His rod returned to normal.

“Yes, but it was amazing…” Ash helped them get cleaned up before, they rested as they’d be saying goodbye to Viridian Forest and heading to Pewter City.

To be continued...


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