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Yugioh Arc V parody: Patreon Reward

Kinktober Special 2022 # Chubification

Solid Vision

Yuya and Michio are having a duel to test the new Solid Vision upgrades. It was all for the sake of improving Action Duels. Yuya jumps at the chance, but his luck hurts as he lands himself a brick hand so he’s at the mercy of Michio’s monsters.


Across the dimensions Solid Vision was discovered. Some universes used it for fun, others used it for war and destruction, the majority used it for entertainment. In the Standard Universe Action Duels were created, taking the card game of Duel Monsters to an interactive level.

Field spells were chosen and action cards were scattered across a field. So duelists could interact with different fields, ride monsters, and pick up action cards to turn the tides of duels. Action Duels took off and they became the main source of entertainment.

Different schools were founded and different styles of duels were crafted. With action cards getting crafted for their styles, and fields designed to be used. Schools challenged each other off and on, duelists having to face each other on “home turfs”. It made every duel interesting, with each turn capable of having the tides turned. One action card could flip a battle or even a turn on it’s head.

The field spells were real as were the monsters, fans came to see the fantastical environments, and duelists riding on monsters. The monsters even clashed with epic flare. It was fun for all ages. There was also the danger, with Solid Vision the areas and monsters were real so, the area’s dangers were real.

It was a feature to make the fights more intense. As great as Action Duels were, advancements in technology were inevitable. People were trying to improve Solid Vision, always trying to fix what wasn’t broken more or less. LDS continued to try to improve Solid Vision, it was unknown to what ends.

In order to properly document and conduct research they needed test subjects. So favors were called in Michio Mokota was indebted to the LDS for reasons so he was dragged into to be the tester for this new upgrade to Solid Vision. Mokota decided if he was gonna do this he was gonna get something out of this, so he pulled strings of his own to get Yuya Sakaki into the duel.

Yuya was always down to duel and test his skills on a new opponent. Even with LDS involved he agreed to Michio’s request. He was always happy to duel Michio, win or lose he was always fed. Having a pro chef cook for him put Yuya in a state of bliss.

Sakaki had issues with LDS, he had created Pendulum Summoning, somehow, and it made him feel special. LDS wasted no time and tried to capitalize on this. A whole new style of card was crafted and distributed and Yuya didn’t receive a dime of royalty or even get credit.

If it was anyone else Yuya wouldn’t have stepped one foot into an LDS building. The agreement was they’d have a duel using the new Solid Vision system, the point wasn’t to win as fast as possible but instead have the duel last as long as possible so they could truly kick the tires. “Come on it’ll be fun!” Michio put an arm around Yuya.

“You are gonna cook for me after right?” He looked up with big puppy dog eyes.

“Of course.” Mokota patted Yuya’s stomach. “All you can eat!”

“Mmm!” Just thinking about Michio’s cooking had him drooling.

They went to the dueling field, shuffled their decks, and got ready to duel. The Solid Vision was activated and the field they’d be playing on is. “Candy Woods?” Yuya and Michio have never heard of such a field card.

The room was warped and the two found themselves in a vast forest, but it wasn’t normal. The trees instead of having fruits on them had suckers and lolipops. The bugs on the trees were made of chocolate and filled with either peanut butter or caramel. The animals were all gummy, gummy frogs, gummy bears, gummy dear. The nearby river had rainbow colored liquid rushing down the way, and each color was a different flavor of drink.

Behind both boys was a giant gingerbread house, and all the action cards were stuck to the house. “Whoa!” The place even smelled amazing. They got to experience the area a bit before Akaba came over the intercom.

“Start the duel!”

The two got into positions standing in front of their respective house. “I’ll go first and…” Yuya draws and his jaw dropped.

He had Odd Eyes, Stargazer Magician, Entermate Cast Change, Mimiclay, and Big Return. He could set cards, but none of them could do anything, he could pendulum set but had nothing in his hand he could summon, his monsters were all tribute summons. ‘I bricked!’ Yuya cried.

“Yuya, we can just start the duel over its fine.”

“This isn’t a date, you two are here to test the new Solid Vision. Carry out the duel properly!” A deal was a deal.

“Wait, maybe an Action Card!” He ran over and pulled a card out of the house. “Pink Donut!” It grants the user 500 life points. The card popped and turned into an actual donut with pink frosting. “Breakfast!” He ate and his life points increased.

“I hope you aren’t spoiling your appetite.” Sakaki laughed.

“Nonsense you know I can always eat!” He gave Mokota a thumbs up. Yuya ended his turn unable to do anything else.


Michio’s hand was full of potential. He draws.

“I Play Order Out, I pay 500 life points and I’m able to add Royal Cookmate monsters from my deck to my hand.” His life points dropped by 1500, so he could add three to his hand.

Michio 2500 Yuya 4500

He added Prince Curry, Princess Pudding, and King Hamburg to his hand. “Now it’s time to put on a show for you.” LDS had offered to make him some Pendulum Monsters, a debt he was settling now. “I put Noble Cookmate Lord Cake in my Pendulum Zone!”

The monster was a massive slice of chocolate cake, with a strawberry crown, he had a cape that looked like a mix of whip cream and sprinkles. He had a knife in one hand and a fork in the other. His Pendulum Scale was an 11.

Noble Cookmate Lord Cake
5 Star Earth Angel/Effect/Pendulum | Scale 11 | (Pendulum Effect: When your opponent activates a spell or trap card, you can return this card to the hand, and if you do, negate and destroy that card.) If a monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned to your opponent's side of the field: You can target 1 of those monsters; return this card to the hand, and if you do, destroy that target. Once per turn: You can target 1 "Royal Cookmate" monster you control; double its original ATK until the end of this turn. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.
ATK 200 DEF 2000

“Next I play Cookmate Army Fries!” He was set in the opposite Pendulum Zone with a scale of 1.

The monster was a box of fries, but the box was tricked out like a wagon. Each of the fries were a Cookmate monster, they had their own little army hat. The fry monsters at the front had an individual weapon, one had a toothpick that was a make shift lance, another had a chop stick that was being used like a club, the others had a tiny sword, a tiny mace, and a tiny trident, representing knife, spoon, and fork.

Cookmate Army Fries
4 Star Earth Angel/Effect/Pendulum | Scale 1 | (Pendulum Effect: Target 1 Cookmate monster you control Halve their current attack and they can attack twice this turn.) When this card is face up on the field, double the ATK of all other Cookmate monsters you control.
ATK 1800 DEF 300

“With these special ingredients in place I’m able to special order!” He used Pendulum summoning to bring out, Royal Cookmates King Hamburg, Knight Napolitan, Prince Curry, Princess Pudding, and Queen Omelette.

They all only had 300 ATK, but with their effects that didn’t really matter. As each one could double the ATK of another, and with five of them on the field, One would be doubled to 600, then doubled again to 1200, then doubled again to 2400, then doubled again to 4800. Even with Yuya’s life points increased by 500 he’d be wiped out in 1 turn.

Michio could do that and win, but that wasn’t the arrangement. Instead he had all of the Cookmates attack him. With only 300 ATK they couldn’t do a ton of damage but it’s how they attack that was a surprise.

Cookmates often fed monsters they attack feeding them until they explode. This was no different as the army of royal monsters pounced on Yuya. “Hey gorph~!” The cookmates began to feed Yuya, force feeding him.

4200 – Yuya became half full.

3900 – Yuya became full.

3600 – Yuya’s stomach began to swell, getting some pudge.

3300 – His belly inflated, his shirt and belt clinging to the increasing girth.

3000 – His belly grew even larger, making his shirt ride up ad some of his underbelly poke out.

After all the attacks hit, Yuya fell back rubbing his swollen belly. “I’m stuffed!”

It was his turn. “That was a good move Michio, but with any duel one draw can change everything!” He draws and got Performapal Fire Mufflerlion. ‘Well I can at least summon a monster!’ Perhaps it was the stuffing that distracted him, or the stress of getting a brick hand, but Yuya forgot about Cookmate’s special ability.

So as soon as he summoned Mufflerlion, he got stuffed. Princess Pudding came over and force fed him, she went back to Michio’s hand and he was sent to the extra deck. Yuya had to admit this combo was terrifying, in a tournament this would wreck someone. He went over to the house and picked out another action card. It was another Pink Donut. He got the 500 Life Points but had to eat the cartoonishly large donut.

Just like the monster’s attacks it also had an effect on his body. The virtual sugar didn’t go to his gut but a little more south. It made his balls start producing more cum and they began to enlarge from the cum output. He didn’t notice, even as the nuts enlarged his sac.

Michio was able to Pendulum Summon and bring back the Princess Pudding. Then came the barrage of attacks.

The food based monsters began to force feed Yuya. He was still in shape for the most part, just having a big gut.

3200 – His belly increased, his stomach gaining love handles, his chest started getting swollen. This caused his shirt to ride up exposing more of his big belly.

2900 – Yuya’s legs began to pack on the pounds, growing thicker and fuller as his hips widened out. The tomato haired teen began to pack on some cake.

2600 – Yuya’s scrawny arms began to fatten up, making the sleeves get tighter and his wristbands growing tight.

Michio was feeling things as he watched Yuya get fattened up. His clothing getting tighter and hugging his softness more and more.

2300 – Yuya moaned as his body inflated, the monsters just kept feeding him and his body didn’t pop like his monsters. His clothes just kept getting tighter and tighter. Since his ass got bigger, it made the crotch ride up. “Ohh!”

The underwear hugged his cock and massive balls, creating a friction the stirred the pot of pleasure.

2000 – Sakaki’s arms and legs got stacked, his clothes getting so tight they started to stretch and rip in places. His once smooth chest fattened up making his top stretch over like a make shift bra. His belt popped open and his pants unzipped from the excess force behind it.

The crotch of his pants was pulled so tight you could see the outline of his balls and cock.

In the course of two turns Yuya has gone from a skinny twink to a chubby boy. Michio wanted to rush over and give Sakaki a hug. He was stacked from his shoulders down to his ankles.

Yuya went for an Action Card, he tried to grab one but his new weight made that different. He hopped and hopped, his softness bouncing and jiggling. Mokota blushed as he watched him go, his thick backside rocking as he worked to grab a higher card.

It took some doing but he managed to grab it. “Popcorn Bombs!” This action card had popcorn balls with fuses in them. “This card will deal 300 damage to you for each monster you control.”

“Sorry but I’m gonna have to stop your effect.” He returned Lord Cake to his hand to negate the spell, the popcorn bombs fizzled out. “Since it’s still my turn I play Lord Cake in the Pendulum zone and a card face down.”

Yuya didn’t seem phased by his inflated form, figuring the effects were temporary and once the duel ended he’d return back to normal. He draws and got Pot of Greed, using it he got two more cards. Sakaki now had the magician pendulum pair. “I activate Performance Shuffle.”

Michio could have stopped this but allowed Yuya to make the play. He returned three spell cards to his deck and got three pendulum Performapal monsters to his hand. His efforts allowed him to Pendulum Summon five monsters, but they all got stuffed and popped.

Yuya scrambled for an action card, but just got another Pink Donut. He activated and increased his life points. “Ohhh!” With his crotch pulled tight, one could see the effects of the card as he ate the digital donut. His average penis began to inflate in girth.

The penis became fatter and his balls grew enough to be considered respectable by a tanuki.

On Michio’s turn he Pendulum summoned once more and the royal onslaught occurred.

2200 – His chest grew larger, reaching something akin to C-Cup. The fabric of his shirt rubbed and brushed his soft chest causing his nipples to harden and peek through the fabric. The once shirt was stretched thin and tight, looking ready to snap and rip.

1900 - Yuya’s belly grew larger and began to overflow and cover his crotch.

1600 – His hips grew plump, his once flat and tight ass had grown positively thick and juicy.

1300 – His legs grew softer and thicker, and his pants couldn’t take it. RIP RIP POP! The crotch ripped out from taint to ass, his hips, knees, and ankles popped and burst at the seems.

1000 – Yuya’s pants burst and his underwear was hugging him like a thong. The crotch looked ready to burst, his balls and fat dick looked ready to rip through the fabric. His ass had stretched out the underwear, his cheeks were peeking out through the underside and ridding his ass. In a way his ass was giving him a wedgie.

Michio drooled at the chubby form, Yuya was so sexy, and had become even sexier. Every sweet and wonderful curve was tantalizing. He had gone from a bread stick to a delicious loaf of bread. Michio felt his loins stir.

Yuya couldn’t see but his underwear was ripping at the scenes, his size having changed 3-4 levels, maybe 5. The garment was not ready or built to handle his level of softness.

The cloth rubbings made his nips, cock, and balls feel sensitive and tender. His focus was on winning, and there was one card that could save him. Second Swing, it was a spell that could allow Yuya to Pendulum Summon twice for one turn.

Cookmates could destroy summoned monsters but had to leave the field, while all five monsters he had were pendulums so they’d go back to the extra deck. So with Second Swing he’d have his field complete while Michio’s would be empty.

Now he just had to draw it...Draw!

“Yes!” He had Second Swing.

Yuya tried to Pendulum Summon but Michio had a trap. “Broken Pendulum this card negates your summoning and returns your monsters to either your hand or extra deck.” Yuya had to use his magician’s effect to stop its activation, but with his monsters summoned, the cookmates did their thing. His monsters went pop and back to the extra deck they went.

He used Second Swing but Lord Cake used his effect and he popped and stopped the spell. Now both fields were empty but it was now Michio’s turn. He played Lord Cake, and the full might of Cookmate was back on the field.

It was time for the grand finale. He used their effects to boost up a cookmate to it’s 4800 ATK. Nothing was stopping this as it charged and it began to feed Yuya with all it’s might. His body went from being a large pillow to being a more to love.

His clothes certainly wasn’t loving the increase in size. The shirt turned top ripped apart as did his poor briefs. Sakaki’s shoes couldn’t handle the sudden shift, which left Yuya naked except for a pair of socks. His pendulum sank into the valley that was now his manly cleavage. His fat 12 incher sprang up and slapped his big belly. “Ohhhh!”

Well the duel was over, Yuya thought he’d go back to normal, but even as the field faded his body remained large and in charge. “Ehhh!”

He fell back in a daze. “Fascinating!” Michio began to strip as he approached the inflated Yuya.

“Michio help I need to be changed back!” He gulped as he saw the chef’s large rod.

“Oh I don’t know, I think this look rather suits you.” Mokota used Sakaki’s big belly as a chair, and brought his dick between Yuya’s boobs. Michio was a grower, so his cock came as a surprise to the tomato haired teen.

He humped Yuya’s chest making both of them hotter. They had completely forgotten where they were and what they were doing. Michio’s libido had been bubbling and now it was boiling over.

Yuya moaned as his fat nipples were pinched, pleasure jutting down into his dick. He couldn’t move, and while his stomach was full his lust was hungry. Sakaki leaned forward and began lapping at the thrusting cock, the dick popping into his mouth and punching out his cheeks. “Mmm mmm mmm!”

His libido was surging, the rod twitching and leaking against the big belly. Without any touch to his penis, Yuya came, the hot experience he was going through making him erupt. His massive nuts had plenty to give, his cum shot over his giant belly and landed on Mokota’s back, the ropes that followed splashed over the massive valley.

Michio didn’t last much longer either, the friction between Yuya’s soft boobs and his hungry sucks sent him over the edge. He came into Yuya’s mouth, and the pendulum duelist chugged his seed. “Still hungry?” He playfully slapped Yuya’s chubby cheeks.

Yuya nodded dumbly. His mouth had been fed, but there was another hole that was still hungry. The boy’s hole had been changed into a lewd donut.

Sakaki rolled over and Michio fondled his juicy rear. “Thank you for the food!” The two said in unison and Michio thrust in.

Akaba watched the two fuck, with a raging hard on and a bloody nose. ‘This new system is gonna make us rich!’ Action Duels took on a new meaning as erotic duels where monsters fucked each other and the duelists via direct attacks. The changes were permanent which Yuya learned the hard way, but he got a sexy loving boyfriend out of the deal. So there were no hard feelings.



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