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One Piece parody: Tier 1

Rubber Hypnotist

Luffy had eaten the Gum Gum fruit gaining devil fruit powers, but that wasn’t the only way to gain powers in this world. When he was hungry he ate a mushroom that gave him supernatural abilities. So not only is he made of rubber he gained power over hypnotism as well.

Chapter 1

When Luffy was a kid he had eaten the Gum Gum fruit, a devil fruit stolen by the Red Haired Pirates from a mysterious enemy. It changed his body to rubber, he could stretch and bounce, but the sea became his enemy like all devil fruit holders. The sea sapped away a holder’s strength, their powers still worked, and because of the drain the user couldn’t swim.

Devil fruits were just one way one could obtain power in this world. Luffy would learn this the hard way. In the East Blue one could find a strange mushroom. It wasn’t something that could be grown and it appeared in random areas at random times. Eating the whole thing was deadly but one bite granted  the user powers over hypnotism.

So many saw the benefits as not worth the risk. Eat the whole thing and the mushroom takes over your mind and you become a vegetable. Of course cooking it destroys both the positive and negative effects making it just an ordinary mushroom.

One popped up on the island Luffy was living on. He was with Ace and Sabo, doing some foraging for food. Monkey did some speed munching, taking bites of different mushrooms and tossing away the evidence. This allowed him to eat the rare and powerful Hypno Shroom without the deadly effects.

Luffy did some playing and accidentally hypnotized someone. From then on he developed his own style of hypnosis techniques along with his rubber ones. He tried to tell his brothers but they didn’t believe him. Whenever he tried to prove it, they’d mess with him and break his concentration. So when it didn’t work it was just “proof” that he was making things up. His powers were strong and true, his chosen medium was a golden coin.

As the years passed Luffy noticed Ace was pulling away from him. The closer they got to the day he was gonna set sail as a pirate, the more distance he put between them. Luffy just didn’t understand why.

“Ace you are acting strange!” The older boy twitched.

“I am not, what are you talking about?” The freckled teen kept looking away. He was a better liar than Luffy, but when it came to his “little brother” things were different.

Monkey’s eyes narrowed. Ace was sweating bullets. ‘He can’t find out, no way!’ They were sake brothers, not brothers by blood, but one might not realize with how close they were. This closeness sparked something in Ace, he kept trying to be the best “big brother” he could be to Luffy but other feelings kept stirring inside him. ‘Just one more year, and I can keep our relationship in tact.’

“Is this about that book I found?” He pulled out the book.

‘Fuck!’ Ace cursed. ‘I thought I hid that so well.’

“I found it under your pillow, are you into this kind of stuff?” You’d think a guy who hid stolen treasure from pirates and bandits for years could have found a better hiding space. The novel was a BL Anthology, a mix of sfw and nsfw stories with  healthy notes in between the tales. These articles were quite informative and even had more detail than some universes sex ed courses. It belonged to one of the wealthy people in town, who ditched it once they got something more hardcore.

Not that it was uncommon, the wealthy people of the Goa Kingdom were twisted, the people of Gray Terminal found expensive jewelry thrown in the trash. Pieces that were worth enough money that could feed an average family for months, tossed out as soon as a new piece was bought. Earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, rings, and even tiaras were thrown out as if they were old shoes.

Dirty novels and magazines were found and collected by bandits and pirates, life in the slums of Gray Terminal and the mountains and forests could be rough, but pleasure made things easier. Fantasies were sometimes all people had.

Luffy looked at his brother with innocent eyes. ‘Crap crap crap…’ A messed up contrast given the pages he had opened up to, men were going at it in lewd positions. “Luffy that’s not for you!” He snatched the book.

Not a bad way to dodge the question. “It looks like these guys are having fun, can’t we try this?” Ace’s face burned in a blush.

‘Does he know what he’s saying?’ His hands balled into fists. He only kept the book to try and figure out some of the weird dreams and feelings he was having. “You have no idea what you are asking…” Portgas shook his head. “Just drop it.”

“Stop treating me like a little kid!”

“You are a kid, you are just my goofy kid brother!” He crossed his arms. “And nothing more!” It sounded rehearsed, something Ace has told himself over and over. ‘I’m a good big brother, I’m a good big brother, I’m a good big brother!’

“I’m not a kid anymore Ace!” Monkey took his brother’s hand and guided it to his crotch. “See!”


‘He’s hard!’ Ace could feel it.

“I got all stiff like the guys in this book!” If this was a mature game, then he could play. He dropped the book in surprise.

‘Luffy’s hard...rock hard...big and hard…’ His heart fluttered and his blood rushed south. He should have pulled back but his hand betrayed him and felt up the bulge. They’ve been in the bath together plenty of times, so he knew all about Luffy’s endowments.

Going through puberty as a rubber man gave him some oomf~oomf~ in the pecker area. “Oh look Ace has gotten all stiff to!” Ace’s gaze dropped to his crotch where his own impressive meat was pushing and straining against the confines of his pants. “Now we can do that stuff, it looks really fun!”

“We can’t!” Portgas snapped and pulling away from Luffy. “You don’t have any idea what you’re doing!!”

“Then explain it to me!” Ace refused.

“Just drop it Luffy.” Monkey had enough of his brother’s stubbornness. He brought out his coin before taking action.

“Ace look at me!” Portgas turned around and his jaw dropped.

“Naked!” Luffy had taken off his clothes, his massive 15 inch dick stood at attention. His penis ached and his heart skipped a beat. Luffy’s nudity and arousal knocked Ace off his game, his defenses slipping.

Without missing a beat he raised his the golden coin on a string. “Watch the pretty coin of gold and you will do as you are told.” The coin was spun.

Ace blinked. “Not this again, Luffy you can’t hypnotize me, one I’m too smart for that, and two...ohh pretty…” His gaze focused on the coin.

“Watch the pretty coin of gold and you will do as you are told.” The words repeated and before Portgas could collect his thoughts he was pulled under his brother’s hypnotic sway.

“I will do as I am told…” Ace’s gaze intensified, he fell into a hypnotic trance.

“Now Ace, I want you to relax, do you trust me?”

“Yes…” Ace nodded.

“Then I want you to relax…” His body physically relaxed. “Yes that’s it, now deeper, sink down like you are almost asleep.” Ace obeyed, his eyes growing heavy, he felt like he was slipping away but felt so at peace. “Very good, now I want you to speak the truth. No excuses or lies understood?”

“Yes master!” Luffy grinned.

“That’s a good boy! But you aren’t relaxed enough yet, take off your clothes.” Shivers raced up Ace’s spine.

A part of Ace wanted to protest, but any word of protest turned to bubbles and floated up into the void. His body did as it was told and Ace removed his clothes. The man’s hard 10 incher sprang up and throbbed. Luffy’s eyes sparkled at the sight of him.

It’s been awhile since they had bathed together. He pounced on Ace, bringing their hard dicks together, the two moaned. “This feels really good Ace!” Luffy panted, humping against his brother. The male twitched. “Do you wanna hold me?”


“Then hold me!” Something Ace had wanted to do for so long, and with his master’s permission/command he obeyed. It felt so good, wrapping his arms around Luffy, holding him close. Their naked bodies pressed together, and fit so well.

“Was that so hard?”

“No…” Ace answered. Luffy cupped his cheek.

“Shihihi Ace’s heart is beating so fast!” He kissed Ace on the lips. It was clear neither had kissed before, but instinct took over and the two meshed and melted. “That felt so good…”

They were both panting. “Why do you think we can’t do this?”

“Because I’m your big brother, feeling this way, if I give into these feelings I won’t be your big brother anymore. I’ll destroy what we have and you’ll be gone…” Ace was holding back so much, Luffy was one of the few people in this world who made him feel like he belonged. To have Luffy reject him would kill him, so he bottled up all those feelings and pushed them away deep down. Some tears fell from his cheeks but Monkey brushed them away.

“Dummy…” Now Ace was deep down, surrounded by all these feelings he was trying to deny. The world around him sank away it was just Luffy and him now. “Ace has been feeling like this for awhile, you had me so worried.”

His words stabbed him through the heart. “Sorry…”

“I asked Dadan about the book, she said boys sometimes like to do naughty things with each other. Ace wants to do naughty things with me, well I also want to do naughty things with you.” With each word Luffy rocked his hips making Portgas shudder and moan. He wanted to apologize for being naughty but the words turned to bubbles and flew away.

“Are you my friend Ace?” Monkey patted his head.

“Of course I am…” He answered honestly.

“Do you love me Ace?” Luffy ran his fingers through his hair.

“Yes, so much!” Ace confessed, his heart pounding out a samba in his chest. As soon as the words left his mouth he felt a huge weight lifted off him.

“So you can be my brother and my friend, if that’s so why can’t you be my brother and my lover?” Luffy was very simple, he didn’t care for complicated things. His simple words were like a bomb that blew up every doubt and conflicting thought in Ace’s head. They weren’t brothers by blood, they had chosen to become brothers a bond they forged for themselves. It didn’t have to be real or true or even make sense to anyone else but them. “I don’t hate you, in fact I love you lots!”

Luffy touched Ace’s chest. “Ace has been kind of dumb, but you are still my big brother and I love you. I’ll punish you for being so dumb another day, but today...right now…” He dropped the coin in front of Ace’s face. “Watch the pretty coin of gold and you will do as you are told.”

“I will do as I am told!” Ace moaned.

“Be free Ace, let go and let your desire flow.” Snap!

Portgas D. Ace went wild. He pounced on Luffy and pinned his brother to the ground. “Mine!” His lips crashed against Luffy’s in a burning and passionate kiss. The man’s hips rocked like he was in heat, a mix of pre-cum coating his length.

Their kiss was deepened, into a heavy make out session. Tongues met and danced, twisting and curling in want and need. It was a bit sloppy but no one was complaining.

Without much warning Ace thrust into Luffy’s ass, thankfully his hole was made of rubber so he didn’t tear. The massive cock sank into his tight ass making Luffy buck and moan. Portgas grunted and proceeded to hump him with all his love and lust.

Monkey took it without a single protest leaving his lips, in fact he moaned and begged for more. They went at it for hours…Ace pumping load after load inside Luffy’s clenching heat. Their positions changed around, Ace copying the moves from the book. Thanks to Luffy’s rubber body he was able to accommodate without training.

When he finally regained his senses it was tomorrow, his spent cock was still inside Luffy’s tight ass, and his head was resting on his chest. “Shihihi, morning!” Monkey ran his fingers through his hair.

“Ohh fuck...I’m having that dream again…” Luffy pouted and pinched his cheek. “Oww!” He blinked.

They were both flushed and sweaty, Luffy’s cum marked their chiseled bodies. “Oh my god...I...we...did…” Monkey held his cheeks.

“We did it,” Luffy smiled. “You were amazing Ace!”

“That...oh fuck…” The memories of everything came back to him bit by bit. “I’m awful, this was your first time and I just rammed it in like a total loser. I probably hurt you and ruined your first time fuck!” He sobbed into Luffy’s chest.

“Ace, don’t be a dummy...shihihi...I’m made of rubber!” Ace could fist Luffy for days and the hole would still bounce back and be virgin tight again. A thought that made Ace’s whole face burn. “And besides, you were great my first time was really fun!”

Luffy took hold of one of Ace’s hands and kept one in his hair. He stroked him to help keep him calm. “I wanted this, you wanted this, no one was hurt, how can this be wrong?”

“I don’t know...I’ve been so confused…” He hugged Luffy tightly. “I’ve had this dream so many times, now it’s real and I feel…”


“No...happy!” Luffy smiled and the two kissed.

“Is Ace still my friend?”


“Is Ace my lover?” He blushed.

“I suppose so…” Monkey chuckled.

“Does Ace still wanna be my big brother?” There was a pause, Ace’s head felt so clear, the answer seemed so obvious.

“Yeah I do!”

“So then Ace is my friend, my brother, and my lover!” Ace smiled.

“I guess I am!” The two kissed. “Mmm~!”

They had a lot to learn, and a year to experience it together.

“You believe me now about my Hypnosis powers right.”

“Pfff!” Ace laughed.


“Sorry Luffy, but even if you could hypnotize people, you’d never hypnotize me, I’m too smart!” Luffy raised the coin and made it spin. “Ohh pretty!”

Monkey felt Ace harden inside him. “Interesting, does being under my control excite you Ace?”

“Yes master!” Their bond had plenty of room to grow, and Ace needed to be punished. He got a wicked idea, he had a friend, a lover, and a brother, something he always wanted was a pet!

To be continued


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