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Mobseka parody: Tier 1

Kingdom’s Dark Knight

Leon had memories of his previous life, he was reincarnated into the world of an Otome Game and it royally sucked. In order to avoid an arranged marriage he set out on an adventure and obtained a lost item. His efforts to avoid this mob fate landed him a title and even a knighthood. Because of this he’s called to the palace and made the prince’s knight. Can he refuse...no!

Chapter 1 Becoming a Knight

Leon Fou Bartfort was cursing his life. Even his previous life felt cursed. He was blackmailed by his sister to play this awful (in his opinion) Otome Game to 100% completion. The game was insanely difficult, even using pay to win option barely balanced the game out. He spent three whole days working on not only beating the game but with the full harem ending.

He was royally pissed, he had to do all this because of his awful sister, who was bragging about her sudden trip/vacation with her boyfriend. In his sleep deprived state he got his revenge forwarding the picture she sent him to their parents. Showing them she wasn’t the precious little angel she was always bragging/pretending to be.

The game was truly awful, the company who made it mostly made games for men so did this as a means of tapping into the female market. The characters were designed by a popular artist so even most of the background characters were all good looking, the main characters had extra flare. The characters were all voiced by famous voice actors, and the music was composed by famous idols. There was a lot of “effort” put into the game to make it sell but not so much to make it popular. It clearly had some common “first attempt” issues: the romance felt very cheesy, the villains/antagonists were one note, the over all narrative was mostly boring but you couldn’t skip a single cut scene or risk not having the answer for a romance plot, the tasks for the love interests were tedious at best. The dungeon crawling and mech building would have been fun if not for the crippling pay to win feature slapped on, as almost every dungeon outside of the schools mock dungeon was bloody hard! Even the mech building aspect got crippled by the romance plot as the guys wouldn’t equip certain gear unless you reached a certain level of bond with them. Bad gear made the fights even harder, which made leveling up a pain in the ass, and made even stereotypical rpg grinding even worse.

His sister had done the romance routes once, but couldn’t handle the game play. Apparently as some extra incentive to get girls to play, the 100% completion of the harem route offered a fully animated cut scene with a never released song by a very popular idol group. That’s what his sister wanted and why she forced him to help her.

So after maxing out his relationship with these pretty boys, spending countless brain cells memorizing the lore of the kingdom, avoiding bad end, after bad end, and several game overs, grinding his ass off, spending real money (said it twice cause it really pissed the dude off), and not eating he ended dying.

He went to get some food but was so exhausted he fell down some stairs and died. When he woke up he was in another world, but not just any world the world of the Otome Game he just played. “AHHH!” This was a nightmare.

Now he was Leon…a mob character, in a world where women held the power. He recorded his game knowledge and began to prepare for the worst of things. For a time he thought about using his game knowledge as a life hack and make a fabulous life for himself, maybe even take over the world...but over time such ambitions faded.

As the years passed Leon focused on training and getting stronger. He used chores to strengthen his body, he learned to fight with a sword and other weapons, and thanks to the game knowledge he knew about magic. It was something most commoners and lower ranks had to wait to learn at the academy. Mana pools allowed one to harness mana to use magic, the main characters of the game got fancy spells that could be unlocked by both level up and romance level.

True to his mob status he could simply use Enhancement Magic. This allowed him to enhance his body with mana to boost his Strength, Defense, Dexterity, Constitution, or Speed. He tried to use other magic but no luck, in the games one had to go through a specific route to gain or use other kinds of magic. Leon stuck with Enhancement.

He used it while working the family farm, Strength for breaking through rough earth or smashing large stones, Constitution was boosted which allowed him to work longer and do more tasks in a day, and Speed well obviously he used it for hunting pests and helping around the house. Doing this wasn’t just boost for the family but also strengthened his mana pool and Enhancement Magic Level.

Magic had levels ranged from 1 to 7, by the end of the game you had to have a magic level of 6 to do any damage to your enemy.

Leon took this to the next level with training, his older brother agreed to spar with him which allowed him to train using his Defense and Dexterity. He could really tank hits. His little brother also helped, he had him throw stones while he focused on dodging and testing his reflexes. With his training he not only increased his natural skills but raised his magic level to 4. To his surprise he unlocked Lightning Magic Level 1.

He was set to live a normal mob life away from the game’s main characters but Zola had other plans. Zola was kinda sorta his mother but she wasn’t. His reincarnated family was the Bartfort family.

Many years ago his grandfather had worked and gained a lot of profitable amount of land, which landed him a title of Baron. He wanted to refuse but couldn’t and thus the Bartfort Houshold began. His father Barcus was a hard working man who cared for their lands well, but as a Baron he had to marry a suitable spouse.

So, he ended up marrying Zola, who sadly represented how a lot of women behave in this world. Zola was already married but was able to marry Barcus. There was no love here, it was simply a partnership and she was harsh. Their family had to send her a large sum of money to her estate regularly. So the Bartfort family struggled financially.

The sad part is Barcus believed he was lucky that Zola agreed to marry him at all. Zola had two children possibly from her first husband, Barcus, or some other man she was screwing on the side. He did find love a lovely woman named Luce, they were able to marry with Zola’s permission but she did increase the amount of tribute they had to pay.

Balcus was certainly fruitful, he had Nicks, Jenna, Leon, Finley, and Colin. While he loved his family very much all Zola cared about was the daughters. She believed Rutart was his son, so saw Nicks as the second son, and detested Leon and Colin. The big issue was Zola had standing and influence in the kingdom so Balcus couldn’t stand up to her, even if he took the matter to the kingdom he’d be the one slapped with fines and troubles.

So when Zola came around Nicks and Leon were treated as servants, and forced to live out in a shack until she left. When they got older and Colin was born the treatment continued much of the same. Nicks got to go to the Academy, as the second son he had merit to becoming an adventurer or marrying well. To her, Leon and Colin were just living pawns she could one day sell or marry off to gain favor.

Leon put up with her, always having the hope that since he was strong enough he could enter the academy, meet a nice girl of a lower rank, and have a nice relaxing mob life.

She seemed to have it out for Leon. She tried to arrange a marriage with a woman who had not only been married 7 times, but all her husbands died in combat. It was clear she was after his benefits he’d receive should he die in either combat or exploration. Not a surprise, Zola and her circle of friends treated men like dogs.

It forced his hand, he asked his father for a boat and he went out on a quest. Tapping into his game knowledge he knew where a pay to win item was. Luxion was a weird item, he isn’t referenced in any of the lore, was locked behind a pay wall, but the game couldn’t be beaten without him. There was a remastered version that came out later that fixed this issue, but the game was still broken as hell. He had spent real money and got Luxion in his old life so he felt this item was his by right.

Leon found where Luxion was hidden, had to fight off the ship’s defenses, nearly dying in the process but he managed to make Luxion his.

Three months later he came back with a bad ass air ship, a robotic familiar which Luxion’s AI transferred into, a whole bunch of treasure, and he even discovered an island and claimed it as his own. Zola was pissed that he survived, and now had the financial power to reject the arranged marriage and enter the academy.

She wanted Leon to surrender everything to her, the lost item (Luxion), the island, and the treasure. Thankfully while she had influence she couldn’t break the law. Adventurer Spoils Law, the kingdom was founded by brave adventurers so their oldest and most respected laws protect adventurers from having their spoils taken from them. Not even the King and Queen could ask for Leon’s treasure. The only things this law didn’t protect are the Three Holy Items as they belong to the Saint, and Sealed Items. The sealed items were objects the Kingdom itself sealed in dungeons to prevent them from falling into anyone’s hands. That was the in game reason why certain items were hidden behind a pay wall, but there were three pay to win items that didn’t fall under that. Thankfully Luxion was one of them. The “Sealed Items” were pretty much DLC stuff that was probably meant to be in the games but got stuck in DLC purgatory.

In the games if you unlocked these items you were called before the king and queen and the kingdom would take the item from you. This forced you to max out your romance with the Prince if you wanted to use any of those items. So yeah, imagine you’re a gamer, hear about some cool item in the games actual lore, only for it to be locked behind a paywall, then you were just going for a random romance route, and since you weren’t doing the prince after paying real money to get the “sealed item” its taken away and you don’t know how to get it back only to find out either through a wiki or web tip that you have to romance the prince to use any of the dlc. Even when some of the DLC items don’t even work for the prince its for the other characters. To think this game got sequels…

With Luxion by his side Leon thought it was smoothing sailing. He was quickly building up materials for anything he needed, Luxion was tricking out his island to suit his future needs, and the bad ass war ship that was Luxion’s true body was safely hidden underneath the island where no one could find it.

It was just one more year until the academy started up. He thought he could make preparations in peace but he was called to the kingdom. Not only did he receive the rank of Baron, because of his new island, the King wanted to honor his efforts with his dungeon exploration. “Leon Fou Bartfort, I’d like to bestow you the title of knight.”

‘Wait what?’ Leon hated all of this. As a Baron he was gonna be placed in the upper ranks of the academy, which meant he’d find girls like Zola a plenty. To top off the horror, being made a knight, even a low ranked one was considered an honor. For a Mob like Leon it was trouble.

Then came HIM!

Leon recognized him right away, the prince and future ruler of the Holfort Kingdom, Julius Rapha Holfort! “I’d like you to serve my son as his first knight. He’ll be attending the academy in the same year as you.”

‘I got it, you want to keep the royal heir safe by having a knight in his class.’ He had to keep a poker face to show just how much he didn’t want this. The prince was just as hot as his game counter part but in real life he had this aura about him.

Leon wanted to reject this offer, but the King gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse. A knight’s bounty would be paid to the Bartfort family, it would help his family greatly. “Yes your majesty.” So his year of living with Prince Julius began...one might see why he thinks his life is cursed.

To be continued...A Knight and a Friend

Leon notices that Julius is vastly unprepared, he thinks he’s amazing but his sparring matches his servants often lose to him on purpose. No one looks at him beyond his title. Well good thing Leon doesn’t care about that and accidentally uses his game knowledge to bond with the prince on another level.


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