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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Questions and Answers

Inko made some tea. Izuku was brought to the dining room. The tea helped him calm down and retract his tentacles back to his body. They sat in awkward silence for a bit, Izuku’s gaze wide and blank. ‘I’m an alien...I’m an alien...I am an alien...alien...half alien...dad’s an alien…’

She had time to get up and retrieve the metal object, she brought it to the table. “Eh?” The mystery object was a ball with some weird buttons on it, each button had a symbol: Star, Square, Triangle, Spiral, Water Drop, and Lightning Bolt. “What is this?”

“I don’t really know, your father left it for you. He called it a multi purpose tool for his people.” It didn’t work for her, but in Izuku’s hands the Star Button lit up and it seemed to come to life.

“Whoa!” Midoriya gasped. “So this is like my support gear!?”

“Press the Square button.” He tried one of the buttons, and hit the Square button.

An antenna with a green ball at the end came out. A pulse of energy rippled through the room. “This is the Base Button, when you wish to make an area or room a base you can press that button to establish a link with the ball. If you press it in a room that’s established in your base it brings up the menu that you can use to manipulate the space.”

Izuku fiddled with it and he made the room larger. “Oh crap!” They were in an apartment building he thought he messed up.

“Relax sweetie, your base will always be bigger on the inside.” His father had showed her all this before. With this device Izuku could turn a closet into a full on house, upgrade his room into a full on mansion. Izuku was like a kid with a brand new video game. He apparently had items stored inside the ball that he could bring out or load with the push of the button. “Your father used that to make our home fantastic.”

Izuku went through their apartment complex and used his new little gadget upgrading their home. Once all the rooms were scanned, Izuku got a notice. “Load Saved Settings?” He clicked yes. His little nerd brain was quick on the uptake and it helped take his mind off being an alien weirdly enough.

Inko’s room was returned to the way it was when Hisashi was still here. Their tiny bathroom was upgraded, they had their own laundry room now, a changing room, an indoor hot spring/bath house, on the opposite side was showers locker room style. From the lockers there was a pool!

Izuku’s room was upgraded, he had so much more space now to put up his hero merch. He was already imagining the areas he could put up more posters and figures. Their living room became a family room, becoming a whole den in its own instead of connecting to the dining room. Their kitchen was tricked out with more appliances. “Your father had to take most of his belongings when he left, but he programmed this for you.”

“So dad...really was an alien…” Technology had certainly advanced in ways to support or deal with quirks, but this was on a whole other level.

“I wanted to show you this, so you understood that no matter what your father loved us, very much…” She began to tear up.

“Mom...what happened to dad?”

“Well, to answer that we’ll need to start from the beginning.”

-x-Inko’s Pov-x-

Your father didn’t tell me everything. I don’t know how he grew up, what his parents were like, his friends or things like that. He was an alien, his species is called the Fuqurass, they invade other planets and use their natural abilities to conquer the world.

His target was Earth, this was both his first mission and his last. When he came here, his ship had been damaged by an asteroid belt and was forced to crash land. I saw his ship fall from the sky and went to check it out.

Your father’s ship was badly damaged from the experience, and it caused a fail safe feature to trigger. The ship was gonna self destruct. Your father was trapped, but I managed to help him escape. This is how we met.

He both looked humanoid but there was something about him that felt different. I’ll admit I was smitten with him, he was so handsome and there was something otherworldly about him. He was naked, and had strange stars all over his body, so I was able to see there were things missing as far as humans go. It was a bit embarrassing, but in the heat of the moment we focused on escaping. When fleeing from the ship he grabbed something, a ball much like that one. That little gizmo alone had the power to conquer the world in his hands.

I brought him home, he was injured from the crash but his body repaired itself. He complained that without his ship he couldn’t leave and his people wouldn’t contact him for years. Even without his ship he could still complete his mission it’d just take longer. “What are you?” And he told me, he was very honest about it. Who he was, what he was, and even his plans for the Earth.

There are days I wonder if his honesty came from arrogance or if he really did trust me. He could tell me anything and everything because it didn’t matter, no one would believe me and if they did with his device no one could stop him. If he trusted me what then...

“The Fuqurass invade planets and if a species is compatible they are made into us, if they aren’t they are wiped out and the Fuqurass come and colonize the world.” He said it like it was so natural. They supposedly evolved from an ancient creature, invading was in their nature, finding compatible species to copulate with was in their very core.

It was hard to wrap my head around, our society was so focused on quirks we didn’t look out to the beyond. So to find out aliens and stuff was real took me a bit to comprehend.

I was so stunned, in our world you hear stories of helping someone and that someone turns out to be a villain, but you never think it happens for real. Here I was with an alien in my house one who planned to take over the world.

Before I could think or do anything he decided to thank me for saving his life. He did so in the Fuqurass way and I was swept away by his abilities. After regenerating and thanking me he was exhausted and I didn’t know what to do.

This man...this alien...was a danger to the whole planet…

Yet...he didn’t hurt me, he didn’t kill me, why? Because I saved his life? I’m not and still not a violent person, my quirk wasn’t very powerful, and this guy had weird abilities of his own. Deep down I felt, he wasn’t evil.

So when he woke up I pleaded with him. “Please don’t take over the Earth!” He looked at me.

“Why?” We had a strange back and forth. “What makes your planet so special? Is there a reason I shouldn’t invade this world?” Anything a planet had of value was usually scanned and documented, as such threats and dangers to the Fuqurass were noted. The loss of his ship was a bigger blow to the invasion plan than he realized.

“Do you know of quirks?” I showed off my power and he gushed about it. He hadn’t seen anything like it, seeing Izuku’s love of heroes and quirks reminded me so much of Hisashi. “Give me time, and I’ll show you this world is worth protecting.”


“Wow Mom, you saved the whole world!” Izuku gasped.

Inko chuckled. “Something like that, but not so grand.”

Izuku had a lot to process. His dad was an alien invader, whose mission was to take over the world, but he didn’t. “I showed your father many things, the wonders this world provided but he also saw many horrors.” He had given her time, when his people reached out to him for a report, he’d decide if he needed to call in a fleet or not.

Hisashi was truly an alien, not understanding many ways of the world. Clothes were something he didn’t quite get, Fuqurass have no need of such things. Inko found it hard to answer some of the questions he posed, but he never pushed her. Human technology was a bit frustrating for him as it was a tad primitive. He figured out that humans were compatible for the Fuqurass.

“So did dad try to take over or did something happen…?” Inko shook her head.

“We spent a lot of time together, and while human society was complicated, with its good points and bad, he began to question the rules and actions of his people.” He was evolving and learning. “Our planet held many resources the Fuqurass would want including its people. The power of quirks made most humans a threat and the Fuqurass protocol was to eliminate all threats. Then came the critical point in our relationship, he asked to turn me into an alien like him.”

Izuku’s eyes widened. It was well within their power, Fuqurass could alter a compatible life forms biology, transcending mortal limits. “Mom are you?” She shook her head no.

“You see at the time, I was pregnant with you. He couldn’t change me without harming you. So he went against his instinct and chose to live as a human instead.” He was an invader Fuqurass, he wasn’t supposed to have children this way. This would be a hybrid child, Hisashi had no idea what was gonna happen.

He began to prepare for the worst, making Izuku’s ball in case he showed signs of Fuqurass power. “I didn’t always know what he was thinking, but I could tell he was deep in thought at times. He got the same face you get when you get into the zone, only he didn’t mutter.”

She gripped the cup tightly. “I think he knew, what abandoning his mission would mean.” He began to work hard to provide for them and did all he could before the end. “It was after you were born, he said he wanted to give you this world. If you were like him, this world was yours to do with as you wished.”

While he had the power to take over the world, he was conflicted. He saw the good and bad parts, saw how fragmented the world was. “If the Fuqurass were to invade this world wouldn’t stand a chance.” He said. “This is my Izuku’s world.”

Izuku would have the same powers as his father which means he’d be able to turn people, but turn them into what? Inko didn’t have the answer, she never saw the transformation and was too scared to ask. He resisted his instincts for so long she thought having him show her would be like giving an addict what they were craving. “He said you’d have the power to unite this world and you would need to in case the Fuqurass returned.”

“Mom...what happened to dad?”

“A probe tracked him down, I don’t know what was said as they spoke in Fuqurassic. Your father was given a choice to claim this world or die.” He destroyed his orb and accepted death.

“Something your father didn’t understand was love, until then, we taught him what love was. It was something he was willing to die for. The last thing he said was…”

“Inko...Zuku...I love you…” The probe blasted him and he was reduced to ash.

He said the Fuqurass wouldn’t give up this planet, but it’d be some time before another invader came for it. “Izuku I’ve seen a lot of things, Hisashi helped me see the cracks in our society, and there are times I’ve wondered if I shouldn’t have stopped your father from completing his mission. I’ve done my best to raise you right, whatever you want to do, I’ll support you.” She wiped away some tears.

Izuku got all the answers he would get out of his mom. His dad’s name and records were faked with the advanced alien tech. He was left with more questions than answers. Midoriya faced the same trouble his mom had, he now knew aliens existed and that someone was coming, even if he told someone who would believe him? No one believed in aliens.

The Fuqurass would come and take this world. ‘No...this is my world!’ Midoriya thought. A deep pool of desires springing up from the thought.

Using the orb he pressed the star and found all sorts of data and files. He found his father’s log book, essentially his journal. ‘Looks like I inherited my father’s note taking to.’ Upon reading it he learned a lot, about the orb, about him, about the Fuqurass, and about his powers.

‘Izuku my son...if you are reading this, then you’ve awakened as a Fuqurass. I’m sure you have questions and I hope my journal can give you some answers. I’d understand if you hated me or our people, but don’t hate your powers. You will need them to become a hero. This world is yours Izuku, with the heart and spirit of a human, and the power and mind of a Fuqurass, it is yours to claim. So protect it, change it, save it...with the powers of the Fuqurass you can do it. You can unite and form a force that can withstand the Fuqurass empire. I’m sure you’ll figure it out...Love dad!’ This passage helped strengthen Izuku’s resolve. It wasn’t the only way, if he chose to he could use the orb and escape the planet with Inko and find a planet to colonize all his own, but that would mean Earth would be at the mercy of the Fuqurass.

This planet could be saved but not as it was.

After a lot of reading, Izuku met up with his mom. “Say Mom, I think...I’m gonna take over the world…”

“Oh sweetie…” She hugged him. “I can’t wait to see what kind of world you create!”

To be continued...Study Plans

Izuku meets up with Katsuki to study, and reveals his “quirk” it’s a shock to the blonde but more so what Izuku does next. His conquest begins...



Just the right level of Threat from Outer Space to motivate Izuku into a Black or White choice, very nice! 👏 And Hisashi's backstory is very solid here, nice to see.