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Kenichi parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Kenichi’s Back

Kenichi and Miu arrived at Ryouzanpaku. “Kenichi!” Apachai shot out and rushed past Miu. The brunette was scooped up into the Muay Thai boxers arms.

“Master Apachai!” The two hugged.

“Kenichi back, Kenichi back, Kenichi back!” He tossed the brunette up and down in the air.

The elder noticed the looks of joy on the other’s faces at the news. They were able to put on a stoic face to hide their want and desire. Apachai and Kenichi had fun.

Miu told Hayato what was happening. ‘As I thought, my instincts are right on the money.’ The rumors he heard, may have been true after all.

Kenichi told Apachai what happened. “Not bad kid, you won your first and second fight, congrats!” Sakaki shot him a thumbs up.

“Kenichi was able to protect himself, so there’s no problem.” Apachai said.

“It’s not that simple.” Akisame said.

“What should I do, apparently a bunch of scary guys are gonna be coming after me now looking to kick my butt!” Kenichi cried.

“Want me to kill them!” Apachai said. “Apapapa!” He punched the air rapidly.

“No killing!” The brunette wailed.

“Now now, a master shouldn’t get involved with his student’s fights.” Hayato came out. “I’m Hayato Furinji the elder of this dojo.”

“Oh it is a pleasure to meet you!” Kenichi bowed respectfully. Hayato stroked his beard.

‘Such a kind and pure hearted boy.’ When he gazed into Shirahama’s eyes he saw such innocence and warmth in them, but gazing deeper he saw something else. A spark of strength that was ready to burst into a roaring flame. ‘Very interesting.’

“I don’t think I can survive on only three months of training.” He didn’t know what to do.

Miu made some tea, Kenichi and the masters sat down. “I see, you have quite the problem.” He said stroking his beard. “I’ll give you a good plan!”

“Please sir, I’m all ears!”

“It’s called the “Fight and Fight Until I’m The Last One Standing” plan!” Kenichi gasped.

“More fighting!” Hayato chuckled.

“Well you could try running, but eventually the one’s after you will eventually catch up to you, or worse yet they could go after the people you care about.”

“Running is for cowards, hehehe, once you start a fight you can’t stop half way!” Sakaki said and took a drink of his bear.

“Right!” Kensei agreed. The two shared their stories, how they took on gang after gang, with more foes coming after them.

“You guys seem pleased with yourselves.” Kenichi sweatdropped.

“Apa!” Apachai had his fair share of fights, but his opponents ended up dead, so not many people had the balls to face him. Sakaki and Kensei could beat up gangs bust them up bad, and they’d come back with twice the number and in Kensei’s case back with guns and weapons.

“Even if I want to fight...I can’t afford training...sooner or later they gonna get me.”

“Not only that the opponent’s fangs are already coming for you, there isn’t much time to train.” Akisame explained.

“If I lose will they give up on me?” Kenichi asked. In theory yes, but something in his story caught their attention. He was to be brought to their boss alive, even if he lost on purpose that wouldn’t guarantee his safety. “Maybe I can just not fight, refuse to engage that could work right?”With only two techniques under his belt it would only be a matter of time that he lose.

“Kenichi, the path of a martial artist is never easy, can you really turn your back on someone in trouble if you have the power to help?” No, he couldn’t do that. It wasn’t in his nature.

Hayato told Kenichi a story, of a man in his prime, full of burning passion. He had gotten so strong he tested himself and recklessly took on 500 martial artists at once! He became a legend and other fighters came looking for him. They’d attack him morning, noon, and night. Sometimes he just wanted to enjoy his day, but because of his legend people kept challenging him. With each victory his legend grew and the man had less time for other things.

The man tried to take a pacifist route, to stop the fighting, refuse to fate, and even offered to give up his legend. It never worked. Fools pushed him, trying to find his weak points, hounding him to force him to fight. He stopped starting fights but he made sure to finish them.

His legend grew as he used his strength to help people. He became so strong he could stop fights before they even started, but his enemies found ways of picking fights, not by antagonizing him but by targeting those around him. Pushed over the edge the man fought and fought, to gain overwhelming power so no one would dare challenge him again. Before he came to his senses...that person…

“Became an old man!” Furinji pointed at himself. The story was quite deep, each of the masters gained a bit of insight from it.

“How does that help me?”

“Kenichi, you were bullied, you sought strength to stand up for yourself and defend yourself. Seek strength your own way, know when to pick your battles, and don’t forget to use this and this.” He pointed at Kenichi’s head and his heart. “Do that and you won’t end up like the old fool who wasted so many years fighting for the wrong reasons.”

“Maybe I could get a part time job and earn some cash.”

Hayato patted Kenichi’s shoulder. “I think we can work out an arrangement.”


“What?! You want me to live here?!” Jaws dropped.

“Apa!” Apachai cheered in delight.

“Yes, you don’t have a lot of time to train, living under the same roof as your master is the fastest way of going about it.”

“But I can’t afford any more training.”

“Exactly, you can work here at the dojo, do chores and help keep this place running. Do that and we’ll call your training fee and your living expenses covered.” It was quite the deal.

“Apapa, no worries Kenichi, Apachai will make you stronger so you can kill your opponent!” Kenichi sweats.

“I still don’t wanna kill anyone…” Apachai laughed.

“Apachai knows, you will be made strong, you can dominate your opponent and protect yourself.” Kenichi didn’t have to go looking for trouble, but could get strong while protecting his family.


Kenichi had to convince his family of this. It wasn’t gonna be easy.


“Kenichi is gonna be living with us banzai, banzai!” Apachai cheered.

“Well he hasn’t moved in yet.” Akisame said.

“It would be for the best, we can’t count that the enemy has any honor. We also can’t watch over his family 24/7.” Furinji pointed out.

“The trouble is working it out with his parents. It’d be a hard sell.” Sakaki pointed out.

“You all want Kenichi living here full time, but it’s unlikely.” Shigure pointed out.

“Not to worry, I gave Kenichi a back up pitch something in the middle that’ll work out.”

“Apapapa I want Kenichi to live here, our training will go to the next level!”

“You sure he can handle that, you might end up killing him!” Sakaki teased.

“Apa!” He glared. “Apachai won’t kill Kenichi!”

“Maybe it’d be better if he trained more with us.” Akisame pointed out.

“Apachai let you help, but Kenichi is my disciple!” He struck a fighting pose.

“Now Apachai, no one is gonna take your disciple from you.” Hayato said. They did need to work on his control or Kenichi might really end up dead.


Furinji was right getting Kenichi to move to a dojo was a really big ask. So Kenichi pulled out plan B. “You see Mr. Furinji said I could work at the dojo after school to pay for my training, and in exchange I can stay on the weekends for extra training.”

“That sounds more reasonable.” His mother said.

“I don’t like it, these guys could be some kind of cult.”

“They aren’t a cult dad!”

“Kenichi as long as you don’t let your grades slip, I don’t see why you can’t work at the dojo and spend your weekends there, if that’s what you want.” Kenichi smiled.

“Thanks mom.”

“But Kenichi, is there something you aren’t telling us?” He began to sweat.

“Nope, everything is fine. Well I got homework, good night!” His mother wasn’t buying it. His dad got emotional and wanted to go over to the dojo and see what was up for himself. That wasn’t happening especially not with his gun Sebastian. Honoka, Kenichi’s sister, didn’t like it. She wanted Kenichi to be there for her.


Kisara was already on the move, Tsukuba would face punishment for losing. “This Kenichi guy must be worth something, I’ve got word from the Fists that they want him.” It was Kisara’s job to make sure they didn’t let just any old trash in. She was strong and was close to becoming one of the fists herself. ‘If I can get this Shirahama guy my position is all but secured.’

They dug up information on him what they could. “Find him and bring him here.”

“Say boss lady, wouldn’t it be faster if we went after his family. That’d lure him here in a flash.”

“Moron!” Kisara kicked the dude and nearly broke his neck. “The Fists want him for a reason, I don’t know why or care, but its likely they’ll want him to join Ragnarok. If we touch his family he won’t want to join us you got it.”

That’s what she put together anyway, when they got word from the Fists, they were quite specific that Kenichi was to be brought in alive, and his family was off limits. ‘Just who is this Kenichi guy, does he have a connection with one up the high tier fists?’ That just made him more interesting.

She put three of her best guys on the job, Takeda the Puncher, Koga the Kicker, and Ukita the Thrower, together they took on rival gangs for Ragnarok and cleared them out. Kisara gave them all sorts of missions, so it wasn’t a shock when she gave them the Tsukuba punishment detail and put them on the Shirahama job.

To be continued...Control

Kenichi has begun working at the dojo and the masters couldn’t be happier. Apachai has more techniques for Kenichi to learn but showing them puts his life in danger. He just can’t control himself, when he gets in the zone his instincts kick in. Sakaki has an idea of how to help but wants a favor in turn. Apachai agrees. “If you wanna figure out how to control your strength, the answer is simple, just sleep with Kenichi!”


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