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My Hero parody: Kinktober special

Kinktober 2022 # Foot Fetish

A Man’s Weakness

Denki had a weakness, there was just something about feet that got his engine going. Of course his classmate Kirishima had some sexy ones.


Denki Kaminari had a weakness, nothing got his engine running faster then some sexy feet. There was nothing sexier than a guy who takes care of his feet. Big, dainty, wide, he didn’t care, so long as the dude took care of himself it’d work for Denki.

Since coming to UA Denki was having a serious problem. So many guys in their class had such wonderful feet. His lightning rod was being charged almost every day. Every guy had their things, Kirishima and Izuku certainly eyed everyone’s meat, while Bakugou got pissed/hard at everyone bigger or more muscular than he was.

He didn’t know what Tokoyami was checking out, he usually have had his eyes closed or focused, but Dark Shadow was observing. Shoji had a pure kink of voyeurism, able to check out everyone in the room at once.

Izuku’s hero fanboy nature, mixed with his libido which had him interested in all the guys in the showers. Kirishima loved manliness, so the manlier the guy the hotter he was. Katsuki was a size queen, Todoroki was an ass man, Ojiro was a leg man. They all had their things, so Kaminari’s love of feet wasn’t strange.

Among the boys they even had their favorites. Kaminari’s favorite was Eijirou! The faux red head was such a stud and he treated his body like a temple. That included his feet, they were just so big and sexy, and given the red head’s work outs they had a rich manly musk to them.

How did he know?

That’s because Kirishima worked out in his room, and when they had study time he was there, feet out. ‘Ohh fuck!’ Kirishima was laying in bed, trying to make sense of the reading assignment. Kaminari was sitting on the floor at the end of the bed. He was so close to the bare feet.

The blonde could smell them, look over his shoulder he could see them. ‘Perfection!’ His penis was stirring in his underwear. He cursed the fancy pants he wore, he chose style over comfort, which really didn’t help because he had a grower dick.

Denki’s cock was pushing at the crotch, trying to break free so hard it made his zipper go. He tried to focus on the text in the book he was studying but his libido was aching. ‘I should go, before I bust a nut!’ The blonde stretched.

“Welp, I think that’s enough studying tonight, ya know what I mean?” No response. “Kirishima?” He looked at his friend. “Dude?” Again no response.

Denki grabbed the book and lifted it revealing that Eijirou was asleep. Poor guy passed out from an Advanced Lit overload. ‘He’s so cute when he’s sleeping.’ His eyes roamed over the red head’s slumbering form. From his head to his toes and seeing his feet stirred his loins. ‘Oh damn!’

He had to get out of here, but he couldn’t leave Kirishima asleep like this. Kaminari grabbed his blanket and moved to tuck him in. Before he could get the blanket up and over, Kirishima’s leg jerked and shot up. ‘Oh fuck!’

The blonde managed to avoid getting a kick to the face and a broken nose, but…he caught the red head’s ankle so the foot was right there in front of his face. “Shit!” Musk, raw manly musk hit his nose like a truck.

Denki’s cock throbbed, pre-cum leaking out and soaking his fancy underwear. He smelled so damn good. The smell ran through his nose and tickled his brain making the pleasure centers light up like a Christmas tree. The first sniff was an accident, the second was complimentary, the third, fourth and fifth was Denki enjoying himself. It was no surprise Eijirou Kirishima had a manly scent, if his aroma could form a word in his brain it’d be Tough!

His feet were fantastic, big and well kept. The smell lured him in and he buried his face in the sole. “Mmm~!” He breathed deeply and a shudder raced through him.

The blonde was so on edge and lost in the musk of his feet he didn’t realize what was happening. In the plane of orgasmic relief Kaminari found himself in a deep fog of musk, he got lost in it not realizing he was on the edge of the cliff of orgasm. He walked through the fog and off that edge into the sea of orgasmic pleasure.

“Fuck!” A curse shot through his lips as his lightning rod erupted. His big balls unleashed spurt after spurt, soaking his crotch and the semen ran down his legs. He fell back and landed flat on his ass with a yelp.

Kirishima woke up from the noise. “Hey sorry, I must have passed out.” He rubbed his eyes as he sat up. “Oh damn!” His eyes widened as he spotted Denki laid out, still pitching a tent  and had cum running down his legs. ‘So hot!’

The red head blushed and felt his own loins stir. Kaminari was pitching an impressive tent, which flipped a switch in Kirishima. “Dude are you okay?”

Denki sat up. “Yeah I think so...crap!” He covered himself.

“Did you get hard because of me?”

“Yeah...sorry...I got a bit excited…” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. His eyes drifted to Kirishima’s exposed feet and felt his penis throb.

Following his gaze Eijirou saw what stirred his loins so. “You...like my feet?” The blonde’s blush grew and he nodded. “That’s cool!”

He looked up. “Really?” Kirishima nodded.

“Sure man, all guys have their weaknesses. I’m weak to big dicks!” He boldly proclaimed to be a size queen, and had such an adorable smile on his face while doing it. Kaminari’s heart fluttered.

How could someone so manly be so cute!?

The red head pulled off his top showing off his muscles. “You wanna do some manly bonding?” Again Kaminari was knocked for a loop.

‘Was he saying what I think he’s saying?’ He got his answer as Kirishima tugged down his shorts and his short and stout cock sprang up. ‘Oh fuck!’

Eijirou was rocking a solid 7 incher, but his girth was truly impressive. It stood proudly from a thick nest of black curls. ‘The carpets don’t match the drapes.’ Denki thought. The contrast was rather sexy. His eyes roamed his sexy form feeling his cock twitch at the sight of him.

Since he hadn’t joined him in nudity Kirishima asked. “You wanna join me?” This guy was something else. They were both hard, so why not help each other out?

Denki couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sure...why not?!” He pulled off his shirt. The blonde wasn’t as thick as Kirishima in the muscle department, but he wasn’t a slouch in the muscle department. ‘I’m really doing this!’ He thought as he lowered his shorts and boxers.

His penis was tugged down, only to snap up and slap his stomach. “Ohh!” Kirishima’s eyes sparkled and he began to drool a little.

Kaminari was rocking double digits. His lightning rod reaching 11 inches. “So big!” The praise tickled the blonde’s libido.

Eijirou loved big dicks, so he’d sized up the guys in class. Denki was by far the biggest in length, Koda was the biggest I girth, rocking a dick as thick as a fist but in length he was about 5 inches. Izuku was the second biggest at 10 inches, Shoji being the third but he got extra points as he had two 9 inchers. Sato was the third biggest in girth after him, and in length he reached 6 inches, he matched Tenya in length. Ojiro and Shoto were tied at 8 inches long, while in length Tokoyami and Sero tied with him at 7 inches. Aoyama and Bakugou were the smallest the flashy blonde rocking 4 inches while Katsuki had 3 inches but had a lot of girth making him fourth biggest in girth. Mineta didn’t make the list, anything under 2 inches didn’t.

Seeing Denki erect and hard was different, hotter! Kirishima licked his lips. “If you don’t mind, I’d like you to do something for me!” Denki scratched his chin sheepishly.


Eijirou and Denki were in bed together, but sitting across from each other. The red head had a hand wrapped around his cock. “Ohh yeah, this is kinda hot!” His feet were in Kaminari’s lap, his big feet pressed and rubbed his big dick.

“Yeah...this is good…” Denki shivered. For his first foot job Kirishima was doing exceptionally well. The pads of his feet pressed and squeezed along the shaft. His toes flexed and brushed his heated length. He was a fast learner.

Eijirou worked his cock while he played with the rod. He was so grateful for his leg training so he could work the shaft with vigor. It was a new experience but a welcome one. Having a cock between his feet was fun!

As he flexed his toes he learned how to use the digits to please the blonde. His right foot up slid up to focus on the head, the toes squeezing the tip. “Ohh yeah!” He moaned.

‘Hot!’ Kirishima worked his cock faster, enjoying the sight of Kaminari surging with lust.

There was just something about feet that got Denki’s engine going. He knew a hand job pretty well having experienced his own hand, but he couldn’t jerk his own cock with his feet. So having another guy do it wasn’t just a different way, it was the only way.

The icing on the cake was that Kirishima was enjoying this as much as he was. His slicked rod was worked, his essence getting smeared along the sole and pads, and even getting between his toes. It made the blonde shiver, his pre-cum overflowing and running over the red head’s feet.

Libidos were surging. Eijirou was working his cock faster and faster, his feet rubbing the slick rod. “Kiri...gonna cum…”

“Me too!” He was twitching, and he could feel Denki twitching too.

Twin manly cocks erupted mere seconds of each other, cum launching and splashing. “So hot!” Kirishima drooled.

“Hot!” Denki watched his semen splash over his feet. ‘So sexy!’ He gulped. A few extra spurts came out to paint his toes.

Kirishima wiggled his toes in the semen.

“You are something else!” Denki raised his foot and licked his cream off.

“Hehehe~!” Eijirou shivered. “That tickles!”

Kaminari didn’t care, he kept licking, teasing the sensitive areas and going between his toes. He saved the left foot for later, he kissed his way down Eijirou’s leg, shifting the red head up to get at his ass. “May I?”

Kirishima gulped and nodded. His cheeks were spread and LICK! “Ohh!”

‘He’s so soft!’ He probed his rear with his wet muscle a bit, finding the entrance pliable and eager. “Do you play with yourself back here?”

“Of course!” Kirishima pounded his chest. “I train my ass every day so I can take big cocks!” The image of Eijirou fingering himself lewdly made Denki hotter.

‘Such a naughty hole must be fully tasted!’ He began to tongue fuck his hole, fully eating him out.

“Ohhh Denki ohh!” The red head arched his back, his toes curling in delight. “Denki~”

‘Yeah moan for me, I’m gonna fuck you so good!’ His engine was revving up, his body sparked and tingled. That energy surged down into his penis helping his rod recover. He just needed one little push.

Denki ate Kirishima out until his hole was wet and throbbing, his penis leaking lewdly. He put his legs up on his shoulders and lined himself up. “Wanna fuck?”

“Yes please!” Too cute!

Kaminari buried his face in Kirishima’s foot and took a deep whiff of his musk. His cock surged, getting hard and super charged. The tip nudged his hole. “Get ready...here...I...come!” He pushed in and both males moaned.

The blonde’s cock was so long, it took time for Kirishima to take all of it. “Yes, yes, yes, so big, so deep!” His toes curled in delight and Kaminari kissed them.

Soon enough his balls rested against Kirishima’s cheeks, his dick fully sheathed inside him. “Ohhh!” He drooled. “Big~!”

He was so horny, even his nipples were hard and perky. “Enjoy my big dick!” He began to hump Eijirou to oblivion. His big balls clapped against his cheeks, the length creating an intense friction back and forth!

Kaminari kept a steady pace, all while licking his cum off of Kirishima’s left foot. Even when the foot was clean he kept licking and even got a few sniffs in.

Eijirou watched as his friend showed his manly side. It riled him up and he began to play with his nipples. ‘Yes Denki fuck me, smell my big feet and fuck me deep!’ His hole tightened around the thrusting cock, feeling him pulse and throb with each whiff.

Pre-cum spilled inside him, coating his inner walls and letting Denki fuck him faster. Faster he was, he wasn’t even pulling all the way out just short and swift thrusts letting Eijirou feel connected. The change in thrusts also helped the blonde drill the red head’s sweet spot.

It was a race to see who’d cum first, but Denki had the edge. Kirishima came, blowing his load hands free and shooting all over his face, pecs, and abs. His clenching heat helped pull Denki over the edge and he flooded Kirishima’s insides. He panted and shivered, happily breathing in Eijirou’s foot musk to ride out/lengthen his orgasmic high.


Nothing really changed between the two after this, but Eijirou did awaken a new kink. If he wanted Denki to fuck him all he had to do was lick the blonde’s feet. It got his engine running fast!



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