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My Hero/Geats parody: Tier 1/Bad Day

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Buckle Power

Villains came in all different shapes and sizes, the obvious that they have all kinds of powers. A lust for power, an insatiable greed, a love of violence, a passion for destruction, a strangling envy, an uncontrollable wrath, a twisted desire, or worse yet a hatred of society. For one reason or another the individual turned down a path of crime, while many had their reasons or claim to, there were those that just wanted to be bad.

The ones who wanted to be villains were the most dangerous, they couldn’t be reasoned with, and lacked morale compasses. Being so deep in that darkness you lose sight of everything even yourself.

Hero society was so bright, it cast long shadows. People forgot that sometimes the brighter the light the deeper the darkness that was drawn into the shadow.

It wasn’t perfect, no society was. Most lived in blissful ignorance happy in the “peace”. One could be driven mad by the what ifs, “What if the sky turned to fire?” “What if your nose fell off?” such things existed in this world. “What if a villain attacked?” the answer being a hero would appear and stop them. “What if someone missuses their quick or to put it simpler what if someone used their quirk for evil?” the answer was they’d be punished as it’d be against the law.

The Hero Association branches all across the world to establish rules for the growing power that was “Quirks”. Each nation had their own rules and protocols, with a pact not to get involved with each other’s methods. In exchange should threats arise that the local heroes and government couldn’t handle then a request for assistance from other nations would be answered. In a sense a form of world peace or order was founded.

Heroes could travel and come to study in other lands, but wouldn’t hold authority unless certain protocols deemed it necessary. Some nations were stricter with that then others. It was a consensus that quirks needed to be restricted. If one could fly through the air, they needed a permit/license to do so. Even if one didn’t want to go into the hero track, if they wished to use their quirk for work or for the betterment of society they had to get a permit. Quirk use in regular schools was limited outside of particular classes and lessons. Quirk therapy was mandatory, so those with dangerous quirks understood the risks and could properly develop.

The laws were tough, and the punishments were tougher. It was all for the sake of peace...


In the course of a single day there was two villain attacks. One Izuku saw on the way to school. The dude was stressed out and suddenly snapped, transforming and causing a traffic jam during rush hour. So some heroes arrived to put a stop to him. The debut of Mount Lady had certainly caused some buzz.

Another villain saw an opportunity. He was made of sludge and he hit up stores for cash. The guy used the sewers to get around and wait for chances to strike. So while the heroes were busy with clean up and dealing with reporters, he attacked a local market.

It was a smash and grab, as soon as the register opened he attacked. He was so fast he had bills slipping from his sludge as he made a break for it. Little did he know HE was there.

A man so great and charismatic, heroes across the globe looked up to him. He was the symbol of peace, All Might!

“Why is he here?!” The sludge villain declared as he moved to escape. He managed to get into the sewers before All Might could catch him. So began a game of cat and mouse that lasted for hours.


Izuku and Katsuki had their rumble with Midoriya losing. He clutched the buckle in his hand, unsure of what happened. Water was one of his main buckles, so if it wasn’t working there was a key flaw in the buckle system. For combat and rescue options the buckle could be used to hit with the might and force of water while also being able to put out fires and the like.

He had studied plenty of heroes who used water for such things, the problem was reaching that level of power. ‘What went wrong?’ He eyed the buckle. ‘Maybe there is an issue in the...umm...maybe...no…’ The nerd ran through all sorts of options only to swiftly shoot them down. They were of course all possible and impossible at the same time. ‘I’ll have to run some tests.’

Each theory would need to be tested to find a solution.

Katsuki’s “friends” more so his underlings had witnessed the fight and were currently mocking Izuku’s weakness. “He should give up his whole hero thing it’s not gonna work out.”

“Yeah he’s not strong enough, and his gadgets are a joke.”

Bakugou seethed. ‘These idiots don’t know what they are talking about!’ Midoriya had created a full on battle suit, and compacted it in a transformation belt. That was a next level item and he made the thing himself. Even the Buckle system was impressive, in concept alone!

Support gear manufacturers have been looking to make hero costumes and support gear in a compact or fast release form. With more testing, Izuku’s discovery could make him millions if not billions if he went worldwide. Heroes could go from civilian mode to hero mode and all they’d need to carry is a watch or a belt. If they were suited up they could have support gear stored in a compact state making some of the clunkier gear have more versatility.

“Let’s go!” He snapped. Katsuki wanted the two to stop making fun of Izuku, but did so in his own way. The blonde was sure Midoriya heard them and their words stung. They didn’t see how hard he was working or how amazing he was.

It seriously pissed Bakugou off that these extras could mock Izuku and look down on him just because they had quirks. ‘Yeah like extending your fingers is gonna make you an A class hero!!!’ Katsuki was annoyed.

He could have snapped, but despite popular belief he was intelligent. He had a prickly nature and an explosive personality that either scared people off or rubbed people the wrong way. The blonde had the capacity to lead and lead effectively but he expected people to just get that and follow. There was a slight disconnect between his thoughts and his words and tone.

Between them and Izuku’s charge towards hero work the blonde’s fuse was lit. His concerns were more personal as he didn’t want Midoriya getting hurt or worse. His lackeys just thought he was annoyed with the greenette and suggested they go blow off some steam. He agreed, just so he wouldn’t snap.


Izuku studied his quirk research notes on his way home. Quirks tended to be more complex than on the surface. Katsuki, for example, his quirk Explosion, on the surface it just appeared he could make explosions as if by magic. In actuality his body produced a nitroglycerin-like sweat which he could detonate at will. This aspect gave Katsuki really fair skin and gave himself a naturally sweet body odor.

He remembered a report on a water quirk user, she thought her quirk was just shooting water from her finger, what she realized later was that she took the moisture from the air and converted it into water and shot it out. ‘Maybe that’s it, maybe Water needs a source drawing moisture from the air can only produce so much power.’

The greenette was so excited to test this theory, he raced home leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. His mother was at work and left a note for him. ‘Sweetie I’m gonna be running late today, can you do some shopping for me?’ On the back of the note was a grocery list. Being the sweet boy he was he sat his school stuff down and raced back out to do the shopping.


All Might was a powerful and charismatic hero, but his fame and status also meant villains knew who he was. The sludge villain knew that he couldn’t beat ALL MIGHT, so he didn’t try to. He knew the sewers like the back of his hand, so he used that against All Might.

The large hero was lured into the sewers and the villain played the game of cat and mouse. Toshinori didn’t know the game he was being drawn into and despite his issues he played said game. He did get close a few times, causing the villain to exert more energy to escape.

This was all a bust, he had lost most of the cash he collected and All Might was still on his ass even hours later. He didn’t know it, but his plan was perfect for dealing with All Might. The pro hero was suffering from a deep wound, his hero form was on a time limit.

He didn’t know the sewers and the villain stayed one step ahead of him. He collected the money that slipped from the villain which he did return but the villain was on the loose. ‘Shit...I’m running out of time…’

If the villain knew the truth he could have waited out Yagi’s time limit and actually killed him. His focus was on escape and for that he needed a meat shield.

Bakugou and his lackeys were hanging out in an alleyway discussing what to do. The boy with extendable fingers suggested they go to a club and pick up girls. Katsuki had no interest in girls, but kept that to himself. Boom boom boom!

His quirk went off in his annoyance. “Idiots do you know what’ll happen if we are caught doing that sleazy stuff?”

Suddenly a sewer grate burst open as the sludge villain burst out. “Ahh you’ll make a fine meat shield!”

‘A villain!’ His lackeys ran, leaving Bakugou to face the sludge villain alone. He used his explosions but the villain was unaffected.

“Such a strong quirk, too bad I’m a bad match for you!” Bakugou was grabbed and the villain tried to take over his body. “Just relax this will be over quick!” He planned to kill Bakugou and use his body like a puppet and escape All Might.

“Like hell I’m gonna give up bastard!” Boom Boom Boom!

Katsuki unleashed his quirk, the loud explosions drew the attention of heroes and civilians. The blasts started a fire and that drew more attention.

What started as a simple smash and grab had escalated. Heroes arrived on the scene but faced all sorts of problems.

Quirk compatibility, while most heroes worked alone to stand out and gain popularity. If not for quirk compatibility most hero agencies wouldn’t work together. The sludge villain’’s quirk was in a way unique, physical attacks didn’t work on him as his body was made of sludge. So some heroes couldn’t grab him or get him off of Bakugou. Mount Lady couldn’t help because they were in a narrow area. Kamui Woods struggled in the heat and the fire, so he focused on evacuating the civilians and keeping them away from the villain.

A hero like Backdraft would help as he could fire water and use hoses as a weapon. He had his hands full dealing with the fires and keeping them from spreading. To make all this worse Bakugou was the sludge villain’s hostage.

As for All Might he had run out of time and his exhausted body could be seen among the civilians. He hated this, all he could do was stand by and watch as Bakugou struggled and suffered. Heroes and civilians alike could only watch and wait for a hero with an effective quirk come by to help.

Izuku had been out shopping when the commotion drew him in. When he saw Katsuki bound and being taken over by the sludge villain his heart sank. All Might cursed his weakness.

“Hen...shin!” A sudden transformation caught the blonde’s eye. “Water!”

Izuku loaded the Water Buckle. ‘Time to see if this works!’ e found a fire hydrant and connected the pipe weapon to it. “Let’s go!” He fired a huge surge of water out and began to put out the flames.

“What the hell?!” The sludge villain was confused, he didn’t hear any sirens.

“Water Charge!” He turned the buckle and had the pipe absorb the water from the hydrant. Izuku charged forth.


“Who the hell are you?”

“Water Shot!” Midoriya blasted him in the face, forcing the sludge villain off Bakugou enough so he could breath. Izuku got in close and grabbed the blonde. “Revolve on!” The water buckle shifted to the left and he got some new gear on his legs.

“Water Victory!” Water shot out from the bottoms of his feet launching him and Katsuki through the sludge. The water and force didn’t just help them escape but dealt some damage to the villain.

“Damn you!” He turned on them, Izuku was out of water, and moved to shield Bakugou. The sludge villain went to strike only to get hit by Backdraft! Twin streams of water hit him and plowed him into a wall.

He looked to be down for the count, but when Backdraft stopped his attack and called in for a collection unit. “If I’m going down...I’m taking as many of you with me!” The sludge villain unleashed his full power, growing massive and wide reaching out to attack everyone he could. He spread himself thin, and was going to cover mouths and noises. Had he succeeded he could have killed a few people before Backdraft or anyone else could have stopped him.

All Might had enough, he summoned up his courage and energy and pushed beyond his limit to take on his hero form once more. He transformed and finished off the villain in one punch. It was an epic punch, with such force it distorted the weather and caused it to rain.

The police arrived with a collection unit and the villain was apprehended. Izuku transformed back to normal surprising everyone. No one had seen tech like this before.

Word spread fast, of a quirkless boy who used some gear to rescue his friend. The news inspired many to work towards their dreams and become heroes!

To be continued...Bakugou’s Thanks


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