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Ben 10 parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

AN: Snow/Shoveling wore me out, but I'm bouncing back

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Friends and Enemies

While Ben took his talismans he didn’t take Hex’s staff, he left it broken. This was a mistake as it was found by a mysterious girl, she whispered some kind of spell and mended the staff.


Ben was far away from there, his family stopping at a 5 star resort hotel. The place had everything, it had a water park, a laser tag arena, an arcade, a spa, several conference rooms, a dinning hall that doubled as a gourmet food court, a movie theater, a high tech shower and jacuzzi in every room.

On the way there Ben was studying his magic book, he’s read the book front to back, and while he’s figured out some of the main powers of the talismans, he’s been unable to decode any of Bezel’s hidden messages. ‘I can’t tell if this Bezel guy was a genius or a mad man...but I really want to meet him.’

Gwen was fangirling over every little thing they offered. “All their missing is a ski slope!” Ben rolled his eyes. “Ben...they got laser tag!” He raised a brow at her. “What? I like laser tag.” He knew that, but also knew how Gwen got when she played laser tag.

“Well considering we’ve had practice dodging actual lasers should be a breeze.” Ben said. ‘It’s been years it should be fine.’

“Hold on Ben, no powers, let’s make this a fair game.” He rolled his eyes at her request.

“What do you want me to do, just leave the charms somewhere unprotected? That watch stays on you all the time.”

“I can’t take it off, at least leave the Dog with Grandpa Max.” They agreed to no powers.

“Fine!” He dropped the talisman off with his Grandpa.

“Thanks son, I’ll keep a close eye on it.” Ben and Gwen headed off to play some laser tag, while Max decided to relax at the casino.


“Come on let me in, I just wanna play some laser tag!” a young lad with dark hair was arguing with a security guard.

“The laser tag arena is for guests of the hotel only, got a pass?” the guard crossed his arms and looked down at the raven haired teen.

“Pass, I must have left it in my room.” he patted himself down casually.

“No pass, no play!” The raven haired teen glared at him. “Don’t even try it son.” The guard flashed a taser weapon.

“He’s with me!” Ben stepped in. “Got my pass right here.” Each pass granted a plus one.

“Fine, but if he causes any trouble, you’ll be responsible.” the guard left.

“Thanks man, I really wanted to play. I love laser tag!”

“Me to, name’s Ben, Ben Tennyson!” he offered his hand.

“Kevin, Kevin Levin!” the two shook hands.

“Get a move on Ben!” Gwen shouted.

“That’s my cousin Gwen, wanna be on my team?”

“Sure thing!” The two suited up and headed for the arena, the place was huge with obstacles, bases, traps, they really went all out. This hotel was even hosted tournaments that have been streamed online.

Kevin was always itching to come try this place out, but due to certain circumstances...

‘This place is amazing.’ The two suited up before heading out to play. They were given helmets, vests, arm and leg pads, two laser guns, holsters, and two laser grenades. This place was hardcore!

Ben and Kevin had some really impressive skills. “You are pretty good with a blaster!” Ben pointed out.

“You aren’t so bad yourself.” Kevin smirked at Ben.

“I’ve loved laser tag since I was a kid.”

“Same here,” Ben dodged some laser fire, and Kevin got his would be attackers. “You got some pretty nice moves.”

“I’ve got your back, if you’ve got mine!” Ben blasted a few guys that had their sights on Kevin.

“Sounds good to me!” They moved back to back taking out players left and right. Those taken out had to go back to the recovery zone, to “re-spawn” and when they came back they had their sights set on Ben and Kevin. Not that they were making it easy.

Kevin triggered a laser turret trap that took out a bunch of their would-be attackers. In this game one gets points by taking out other players, but if you hit a player with an accumulative number of points you get said points. If you make it to a safe zone with accumulative points you can deposit them; points could be exchanged for prizes at the gift shop.

After their attackers were off to the recovery zone, Ben and Kevin had wracked up some serious points. “Man this place is great!”

“Oh yeah, I’ve seen videos of the tournaments they held here on the web, always wanted to come here but…” Levin got quiet. “It wasn’t in the cards.

Tennyson nudged him. “Hey you are here now.” The two shared a smile, before Ben spotted someone and quickly tackled Kevin.

“Hey!” The dark haired teen gasped.

“Shh!” They were close, really close!

Ben pointed and the two crept over, and stayed hidden behind the wall. “Isn’t that your cousin?” Kevin whispered. “Cool let’s get her!”

Tennyson caught him and shook his head. “Why not?” Ben held up a finger signaling him to wait for it.

Some people who the two had taken out had come back looking for them. “Where are those losers?”

Pew Pew Pew Pew

Gwen took them out. “No way!”

“Who is that?!” Some who survived fired back but Gwen dodged.

“Heh heh heh heh!” She reloaded her blasters. “Come get some!” With a roar she charged and unleashed laser tag hell on these poor fools. “Get some!” “You wanna piece of me!” “You got nothing!” “Booyah!”

Kevin paled.

The two slipped away from Gwen’s carnage. “Your cousin is nuts!”

“She takes games very seriously, but none more than Laser Tag. She’s banned in two laser tag arcades back home!” He knew she liked to win and could be competitive, but laser tag just flipped a switch in her.

“I AM THE QUEEN OF LASER TAG!” She fired off lasers into the air.

“Let’s head to another area, she’ll be here for awhile.”

“Good call!” They slipped away.

“No way is that Levin?” Some guys spotted Kevin with Ben and followed them. “Let’s get him!”

The duo took out some guys in Area 2. Things were going fine until the raven haired teen spotted some familiar faces. ‘Oh no!’ He didn’t want to get Ben involved in his mess so he slipped away.

“This is awesome, lets finish these guys off Kev...Kev?” Ben turned around, only to find his partner missing. “Kevin?” Some lasers flew by and Tennyson had to take cover. ‘Where did he go?’


Kevin knew this was bad, he thought these guys were some rich local punks, who thought they were bad and could do whatever they want. They rolled up on him at the local park, he won some cash off them. He didn’t know one of them had powers.

If they were here they wouldn’t stop if they got hit with some lasers they were gonna jump him. ‘Damn it, damn it, damn it!’ The last thing he wanted was for Ben to get caught in the middle.

He took a wrong turn and was soon cornered by these jerks. “What are you doing here Levin?”

“I just trying to enjoy a game of laser tag is all, is that a big deal?” He tried to play it cool but the leader of the group was this rich prick named Michael, and his goons were all thugs he had paid to be his muscle. If he was some pompous pretty boy Kevin could take him, but the asshole was trained in martial arts and could back up his taunts with force. Not only did he have money, looks, skill, and he had some kind of powers, he was dangerous with a capital D!

His eyes moved around looking for a way to escape.

“That’s the thing, did you sneak in? I wasn’t aware trash was allowed in this hotel.” His goons hyped up his burn on Kevin.

“I didn’t sneak in!” Not that he didn’t try. “I’ll have you know I was invited.”

“Oh were you, tell me what kind of favors did you offer for that exchange?” Michael crossed his arms.

“None! My friend invited me!” He knew exactly what Michael was implying.

“Another lie.” Michael shook his head. “Little street rats like you don’t have friends, especially not friends who can afford a place like this.”

Kevin glared at him. “I hate that look, boys take out this trash!” Two of his goons rushed Levin and grabbed him.

“Let me go, let me go damn it!”

“Hold on!” Michael raised a gloved hand. “I’m not a bad guy.” He grabbed Kevin by the hair. “I’ll let you stay if you play nice.”

“Play nice?” Michael smirked at him.

“You see, I’m doing you a favor, letting a street rat piece of trash like you remain in this elite hotel. By doing this favor for you, you’ll do a favor for me.”

“Like what?” He struggled but the goons had him held down tight, his struggles got him pushed to his knees.

“Oh nothing I’m sure you’re you aren’t used to.”

“You’re sick!” Kevin spat.

“I assure you I’m not, you are nothing, just a tool to be used and when I’m done with you I’ll throw you away.” He patted Levin’s cheek. “But hey, you’ll get to enjoy the time you are useful with all the perks, before you are tossed away like the trash you are!” He slapped Kevin.

Suddenly the group was hit by lasers. “You’re out!” Ben stepped up. “Let my friend go!”

“So you are his friend huh?” Michael turned. “Sorry we aren’t done with him yet.”

“Yes you are!” Ben approached.

“Ben get out of here!” Levin shouted. ‘How did he find me?’

“You guys are out, why don’t you let Kevin go and go cool off!”

“You shouldn’t get in my way little man, you might get hurt.” Michael snapped his fingers and two goons rushed Ben.

‘Looks like I’m gonna be needing my powers after all.’ His Ox talisman activated making him super strong, which made it easy for him to flip the goons over his shoulder and toss them aside.

‘Does he have powers as well?’ Michael thought.

In a flash Ben was gone, zipping around with super speed. He pantsed the two goons holding Kevin and tied their shoe laces together. “Waaahhh hey!” They got knocked over and Levin was free.

“You okay?”

“Yeah...how did you do that?”

“Explanations later.”

“You two aren’t getting away.” Michael went to remove his glove.

“We need to get out of here fast!”

“One disappearing act coming up.” Using the snake talisman the two disappeared.

“Where did they go!?” He went to move, but failed to notice is shoes were also tied together and tripped and fell.


They had to leave the laser tag arena. Michael had his goons looking for them. “How did you do that?”

“With this.” Ben showed him one of the talismans. “Believe it or not this thing is magic.”

“I’d believe it after seeing some of the stuff I saw back there.”  He explained how there were 12 talismans and he had quite a few of them. “You shouldn’t have helped me.”

“Why? That’s what friends do!”

“Because you’ve made Michael Morningstar your enemy.”


“You don’t get it, he’s got powers and he’s dangerous.”

“Don’t care, he was messing with my friend and I’m not gonna stand for that.” Levin was touched by Ben’s words.

“We need a place to hide!” Tennyson flipped up his room card.

“How about we hide in style!” The two set off, but Ben has thoughts. Kevin was quite skilled in combat, he also wasn’t shaken by the sight of two people with strange powers. ‘Just who are you Kevin Levin?’

To be continued...Levin’s Secret

Michael is pissed and wants revenge. As it turns out he has powers known as Parasite and he can even steal powers from others. Kevin is the son of a plumber who died in combat, as such his mom wanted to get rid of all the plumber tech he had at the house. Levin wished to keep it and ended up getting thrown out along with it.


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