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Velma/Scooby Doo parody: Tier 1/Bad Day

AN: Please note I don't like the Velma show on HBOMax, I gave it 6 eps and a lot of it bugged me so much from a writing stand point i had to counter it


Norville Rogers is a young and semi cool dude, with his mom being the principal and his dad being the school guidance counselor he’s not the most popular guy. Believe it or not he would gather a group of friends and end up forming a team of mystery solvers.

Chapter 1 Velma’s Mistake

Norville “Shaggy” Rogers was having a nice dream. In said dream he walked into school and was greeted warmly by his fellow classmates. People were happy to see him, and even called him by his cool nickname Shaggy. ‘Yes its happening, it’s finally happening…’ The bell rang but instead of the typical noise it was a harsh beeping. ‘No…’

He woke up and slapped his alarm. “Ugh...man!” Rogers tried to bury his face in his pillow. He didn’t want to get up today, he knew what was waiting for him if he got up. It wasn’t easy for a guy who’s mom was the Principal of his high school and his dad was the school therapist. When his mom enforced the rules, the people who paid for said rules took out their frustrations on him.

A lot of people thought his dad was a loser, and often mocked  him for it. Even if his dad was good at his job, it didn’t matter to punks and jerks. Whenever his dad held an assembly he sometimes said something corny or what could be seen as embarrassing and Norville would hear about it for weeks. His annual Anti Drug Assemblies were seen as more annoying than helpful.

Rogers wasn’t an idiot, he was intense with common sense. It wasn’t his mom’s fault for enforcing the rules, it was the idiots who broke them. His dad was good at his job and wanted to help teens deal with their problems so they could grow into functional adults. It’s why he also wanted to be a therapist when he got older.

He already took Psychology electives starting in his freshman year, Social Work classes his junior year, and Child Care courses starting in Sophomore Year. His grades in these courses got him into Counseling Class with ease. Norville’s dad was so proud of him.

Still it was rough getting up everyday and going to school where you are either invisible to some or hated and mocked by others. He found ways of dealing with things, he started a podcast where he tried snacks from all over the world. He actually made decent money off it, which he used to fund his nerd stuff.

Rogers had all kinds of comic books, figures, and collectibles. His parents were okay with it since it was his money he was spending. He was a good kid, did his homework, stayed out of trouble, and found a way to make money. He did odd jobs around town to save up money and even bought his own car. He got a big van for reasons. They were so proud.

Despite his hobbies and his future goals it was still hard for Norville to find motivation to get up in the morning. He recognized a lot of what he was doing was distracting himself so he wouldn’t be lonely. If not for his best friend he probably wouldn’t have the strength to do so, speaking off...

“Arf arf!” Pounce!

“Wahh!” Lick Lick Lick! “Scooby!”

His dog helped. Scooby Doo, the massive dog had started off as such a cute little puppy but had become a tank of a dog. Despite his large size he was healthy and happy. “Alright I’m up, I’m up!” He wiped his face. Having a dog was a big responsibility one Norville took on and did well. He even sent Scooby in to be trained to be a therapy dog, which helped him with his own issues.

He was why Norville got the van it had a lot of space and decent gas mileage. Even if the girls at school teased him and calling it a sex van.

Scooby’s tail wagged. “Arf Woof Bark!” He grabbed a shower, while he got his day started his phone buzzed as he received a text.

If he zoned out, Scooby was there to help pull him back. He had a scare during one summer, his parents were busy and he didn’t have a lot of what he had now. With no motivation to get up he just didn’t...he didn’t eat, drink, and one could hardly call what he did sleeping. It was like he was just gone.

His parents got him help. An early scare that helped set Shaggy get on the right path. He found things to look forward to, little things, big things, silly things, and important things. His dad suggested he make some friends beside Scooby but he was in his senior year of high school and he had only one friend.

Mrs. Rogers didn’t like Norville’s new friend. Velma Dinkley, the girl had been in a whole lot of trouble. Since her mother left she started pushing people away, her grades were barely passable, she stopped caring about most things. Her essays on what she wanted to do with the future were often intentionally crude, rude, and a bunch of nonsense. She’s smarted off to her teachers and faculty enough to land her in detention. Nothing seemed to phase her, she was so full of rage.

Norville swore Velma wasn’t that bad. They met one day, she was having a terrible hallucination and panic attack. She’s been having them off and on since her mother left. Norville helped her calm down and possibly helped save her life. She often talked to Rogers.

Mr. Rogers thought Norville would be a good influence on her, while his wife felt Velma would only drag him down. It wasn’t a friendship, she was just using her son. She WANTED someone to talk to, to listen to her complain about her dad and step mother, the “losers” at school, and about the bad things in her life.

Now venting was very good for the soul, but Velma would vent and complain about things, but then do nothing about it. She’d get stuff off her chest, only to let it roll over and cling to her back. Rogers tried to give her advice to help her, but she didn’t want to hear it. Velma didn’t want to improve her life and deal with her issues, it was like she just wanted to wallow in misery.

If Norville didn’t help her with this or that, she’d get in a tizzy and give him the cold shoulder. Then he’d help her out and all was “good” again. If he didn’t have a car, Mrs. Rogers believed she wouldn’t bother him as much. Velma failed to get her driver’s license so often needed Shaggy to drive her around. Her son was too forgiving sometimes.

She didn’t like that Velma had no sense of boundaries, often dragging her son into one mess or another. When Norville tried to work with her it was like his advice went in one ear and out the other. It was frustrating to see her mock therapy, only to need her son to help her with her attacks. ‘She’s toxic with a capital T!’

Norville hoped being her friend would help them both out somehow. That his kindness could reach her. When she wanted to open up, he wanted to be there for her.


Lately Velma’s complaints were focused on Daphne and Fred. The two were dating, and the orange haired girl loved to show off their relationship. All their dates were on Instagram and other social media platforms. They were the “hottest couple ever!” and had been for three years running.

Daphne and Velma used to be friends, but stuff happened...Velma claimed it was Daphne’s fault, but she had a habit of blaming everyone else for her problems. As it happened Velma also had a crush on Fred, so the two had some sort of “rivalry” over him. Norville didn’t really see the rivalry seeing as the two were dating.

Fred was the local rich hottie, he was likely gonna inherit his father’s entire company. Norville didn’t know much about him. He’s seen him at school and he ran with the popular crowd. Even when Velma talked about him it was all “He’s so hot!” and “He’s so cool!” not very helpful.

Velma seemed to take all Daphne’s date posts personally, like it was a challenge. Norville told her to just not follow Daphne on Instagram or any other social media site, if it bothered her so much. Sound advice, totally wasted.

Norville got out of the shower and got dressed when he noticed his phone was blinking. “Oh a text from Velma.” He checked his phone and his eyes widened. “Velma what the hell!?”

She texted him early that “I’m gonna get that bitch, she pays today!” Daphne had morning practice with her friends.

Rogers began blowing up her phone, calling and texting, but not getting a single response. ‘Oh Velma don’t do anything crazy.’ Violence was not the answer, and no self defense was not violence.

Suddenly he got an alert on his phone. “There was a murder at the school!?” Norville gasped. Classes were canceled as the police were called. People were freaking out as a girl had been found with her head cut open and her brain removed. It was grizzly…

‘Velma you didn’t…’ He breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted Daphne. ‘Oh thank god!’ Norville needed to hold that thought as Velma was indeed arrested under suspicion of murder. ‘What the hell is happening?’

So you may have figured this out, this is a story about how Norville Shaggy Rogers, united a group together who would become the greatest mystery solvers of all time.

To be continued


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