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Kenichi parody: Tier 1/Redux

AN: slight redux/upgrade to chapter 1

Apachai’s Disciple

Kenichi is constantly bullied at school, when the bullies beat him down he is saved by a tall man known as Apachai. He becomes the man’s disciple and begins to grow stronger.


Chapter 1

Kenichi was constantly getting bullied, those who had power abused it. They took hold of status within a group known as Ragnarok. No one, not even teachers messed with their overwhelming strength.

Daimonji was a real jerk, he went after Kenichi specifically. No real reason was explained, but the larger teen just seemed to enjoy bullying those weaker than him.

Maybe it was cause Kenichi stood up for those around him and that left him the target for the brutes focus. Him and some other guys from the karate club jumped him after school. They beat Kenichi down not letting him get a move in edgewise.

Daimonji lifted his foot up and planned to step on the boy’s face. When the foot came down Kenichi caught it, displaying a powerful inner strength. “That’s enough!” he said and glared at the muscled teen.

The guys with him were shocked that Kenichi had blocked it, Daimonji however was furious. “You little brat I say when enough is enough!” he grabbed Kenichi and dragged him over to the river.

“Wait stop I can’t swim!” he shouted, and Daimonji just laughed and threw Kenichi into the river. The boy was swept down the river and the muscle man laughed.

Little did the group know one of the upper members of Ragnarok had seen what happened, and left to inform his superior of what happened!


Kenichi struggled under the current, and was swept further and further. He kept coughing and when his head surfaced he cried out for help! A large muscle man heard the cries and saw Kenichi go under. “Apapapa!” he dove into the river and lifted Kenichi out.

He swam Kenichi to the edge and carried him on land. The boy coughed up some water, and took in deep breaths of air! Once his body relaxed he began to shed tears. “I’m so weak, I want to be strong, why can’t I be strong?”

“Apachai can help you be strong,” the boy looked up to see a large muscled man with exotic hair. “You come with Apachai and Apachai will make you stronger! Apapapa!” he held his hand out for Kenichi to take.

Kenichi took the man’s hand and he was swept up and taken to Ryozanpaku. He enrolled for a 3 month period and became Apachai’s student. It was all the allowance he had. He was fitted with powerful weights to his arms and legs, they restricted his movements a lot.

Apachai had him doing chores, cleaning the dojo, the hall ways, and even his room. All strength training to help him build up his strength. It was hard the weights had him struggling to do even simple tasks. Kenichi got leave from school and made sure to return home every day as to not worry his parents. After what happened it was easy, and the school didn’t want any legal trouble.

Kenichi was determined to get stronger. He put his heart and soul into the day to day training, he had to keep the weights on at all times except to shower. He built up some strong muscle, his arms and legs were developing well, and his chest became more refined becoming firm pecs. When he got used to the weights Apachai gave him more, or increased the weight.

He soon had a belt that weighed him down, and even a collar, his whole body was fitted with weighted bands that were clasped onto his body tightly. It made daily activities an intense work out, but it worked his body up nice. His baby fat melted away and he began developing more muscles. He wasn’t a brick house like Daimonji but he was more than deceptively strong.

Akisame and Sakaki were a little jealous at how happy Apachai was. The two didn’t admit it but they wanted a student of their own. So the chance slipped through their fingers. Apachai worked with Shirahama closely, and the two grew closer. ‘So not fair!’

They were also impressed with how Kenichi was improving, and even got mad when Apachai let Shigure help train him. She wasn’t teaching him any techniques either but she did help teach him how to swim, and she helped with him getting some battle experience as a sparring partner. ‘Not fair!’ Kensei wasn’t sure who was gonna crack first, Sakaki or Akisame.

After two months of basic training Kenichi began learning techniques. He learned very quickly that Apachai had little control, as a Muay Thai user he always fought like his life was on the line. Holding back meant death, but his strength training Apachai put him through had made him sturdy. Hopachai was so proud.

Akisame and Sakaki chose now to step in and assist with basic training on the side so Apachai could focus on the boy’s techniques. “Apa!” He glared at the two.

“He only has a month left after all.”

“We can help him with the basics, while you focus on technique.” Sakaki added.

So Kenichi would do some training with Akisame and Sakaki, they were helping him develop his muscles and his speed. Shigure was helping him with his reflexes, helping him gain a sixth sense, she showed him on Apachai who blind folded himself. She attacked him again and again with her sword and the Muai Thai boxer dodged them all. The brunette was truly impressed. “Master Apachai is so awesome!”

He blushed at the praise. Seeing Kenichi gush over the Muai Thai Boxer, made the men surge with jealousy.

After basic training, he did technique training with Apachai. This became one of the few moments Kenichi got to fight without his weights, cause if he wore them Apachai would send him flying. Akisame helped treat Shirahama for any injuries. Sakaki was used as an alternative sparring partner for Shigure.

Without the weights Kenichi could move so fast, he could jump higher and even punch harder. The brunette was so giddy, his body felt as light as a feather. He was learning Muai Thai a fighting style developed for killing. The larger man could feel hesitation in his punches. “Kenichi...you serious about Muay Thai?”

He hung his head. Kenichi didn’t want to sound ungrateful as everything Apachai was teaching him had helped him grow stronger. The boy was a martial arts nerd, he had studied about all kinds of different martial arts, so he knew the history of this fighting style.“I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but master I don’t want to kill anyone, I just want to be stronger,” his hair was ruffled by the large man.

“Apachai doesn’t want you to kill either Kenichi, Apachai wants to help you get stronger so you can defend yourself, never go against your heart Kenichi!” he said.


“Mmmhhmm.” Apachai nodded. “This style can bee scary, do it right and you can kill your opponent, do it wrong and you can kill your opponent!” Shirahama tensed, it sounded so scary. “You must learn to fight with the intent to kill even if you don’t do the killing. Learn to dominate the flow of combat and win!”

He showed Kenichi on a training dummy, knowing where the killing blows can land for the most destructive damage was a good thing. Half an inch to most martial arts could mean the difference between victory or defeat, but with Muay Thai it was something else.

Sakaki served as Hopachai’s sparring partner. It took an experienced master to handle his attacks without dying.

Kenichi was mesmerized by Apachai’s fierce attacks, his punches and kicks were so fast he could hardly follow it. His eyes got better and better and he was able to see a lot more after some more training. When they sparred it was Apachai who served as the test dummy, taking Kenichi’s blows.

Half way through the third month the masters often sparred with each other to give Kenichi the view of battle. They went out of their way to show off their moves, and he watched them spar and felt his heart swell at how amazing they were.

In almost a blink of the eye, the three months flew by and Kenichi was stronger. He bowed and thanked everyone for their kindness and training. He returned the weights and went home, he had to return to school and go back to having a normal life, he just hoped his training would pay off.

When Kenichi left Apachai was depressed. “Do not worry Apachai the boy will be back,” Akisame said, and the boxer looked at him. “You really think so? Apa?”

“Oh yes definitely, I could see it in the boy’s eyes he has a body and spirit that wants to get stronger, oh yes he’ll be back!” Sakaki said with a smirk and Apachai pouted a bit.

“Kenichi is my disciple, understand Apa!” he roared and the two nodded. ‘Never thought Apachai would be so possessive,’ they thought.

“Well with the boy gone guess it’s gonna get boring around here again,” Kensei said, and the three masters gasped. “It’s to bad I was enjoying the sight of the three of you showing off for the boy, you may call it whatever you want but you three were practically doing a mating dance to try and lure Kenichi’s attention!” Kensei added, and the men blushed. The old perve hit the nail on the head.

“It’s clear you all wanna do it with him,” Shigure said and her bluntness made them collapse. “Guess you all missed your chance,” she added and now all three males were sulking. Akisame was making Kenichi sculptures, Sakaki was drinking a bit more and Apachai kept going out for walks, the other guys didn’t know but Shigure did, he was really sneaking off to watch over Kenichi.

The three months were over, and this meant Kenichi wouldn’t be coming back to Ryouzanpaku.

To be continued


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