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Kenichi parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 The Path of Not Killing

Shigure taught Kenichi many things, she taught him to train his body to be a weapon, her lessons instructed him to fight with the intent to survive. Kenichi didn’t want to kill anybody, a dangerous path as kindness and mercy can be dangerous if shown to the wrong enemy. The boy preferred non bladed weapons, even if Shigure taught him to be able to cut things with them. He was a skilled fighter, when he entered battle mode it was like a switch was flipped and he tapped into something deep inside him. The way he channeled each weapon seemed to have a different effect.

She once thought it’d be fine if he beat his enemies to as close to death as possible without killing them. There was more she had to teach Kenichi but she thought she’d have more time, with Ragnarok setting their sights on him he needed to take the next step of his training. With the perverts around she had initially been apposed to the big step, having Kenichi move in and live at Ryouzanpaku. There were fewer options now.

Seeing Kenichi with such injuries made Shigure see red, she was about to go on a killing spree herself. It wouldn’t be right, not only would the streets have ran red with blood, but it also wasn’t right for her to face her student’s battles. In her line of work, fighting and killing sometimes went hand in hand, but there were other ways she completed her work.

Some men collected her father’s swords not to use them, but as a trophy. Cutting such men down would make her weapons sad, so she found other methods of defeating them and reclaiming the treasured blades. Ragnarok was a force of many, if Kenichi wanted to continue down the path he was on, she would not stop him, but she’d prepare him for it.

Shirahama was up against a large group and he was alone, the best way to defeat evil was to turn it to good. Some philosophers would believe that anyway. In this situation turning enemies from Ragnarok into allies and friends would benefit Kenichi in more ways than one.

“Kenichi...living...at Ryouzanpaku…” She twitched. Akisame, Sakaki, and Apachai were all in their own little worlds fantasizing about Kenichi living here would be like. Shigure would have cut them down, but decided she would use them. A blade was stabbed into the ground snapping them out of their fantasies.

“We...are...gonna talk!” The men gulped.


Kenichi’s defeat of Tsukuba was all over school. Niijima used his position at the newspaper club to help spread the word. Tsukuba was a terror, even the teachers were scared of him, so the evil alien claimed it was a service that the monster was finally cut down.

Of course with any news story came rumors, that Kenichi had taken out a whole Ragnarok squad, that he beat 50 men with a single sword, that he reduced a Ragnarok base to rubble with only a ruler. The rumors only pissed off members of Ragnarok which meant they were gunning harder for Kenichi. “You best be careful my friend, Ragnarok will do most anything to find you and make you pay.”

Sure enough three of Ragnarok’s enforcers were already looking for him. Koga the Kicker, Ukita the Thrower, and Takeda the Puncher, some called them Kisara’s punishment squad as they even had authority to boss other members around. “No doubt they’ll be punishing Tsukuba for his loss and be looking for you Kenichi!”

“Oh man!” Since starting training with Shigure, he often left home early to go to Ryouzanpaku and went from the dojo to school, the “shortcut” he took was insane and part of his training. Then he went from the dojo to home. ‘The last thing I want is to bring this mess home.’

“Lucky for you, your file that holds your information like home address, mysteriously disappeared recently.” Shigure stole it.

‘What am I gonna do, sooner or later their spies are gonna find me out. The more trips I make the more chances I’m gonna be followed, and the more chances this gets back to my family and puts them in danger.’ He didn’t know what to do so he decided to ask his master for help.

When he arrived, all the masters were waiting for him. He told them what was happening. The elder stroked his beard as if deep in thought. “Kenichi, I think you should come live here at Ryouzanpaku.” Shigure said.


“It would be a good plan.” The Elder said. “You need to increase your training with Shigure, for that you must have focus. I assume you can handle yourself at school, but if you are worried about your family it’ll make you distracted which can lead to problems.”

“How would living at the dojo set my mind at ease?” The man chuckled.

“Here at Ryouzanpaku is where the greatest masters of martial arts gather. If this Ragnarok makes trouble at our doorstep we can make them see hell!” His words held such weight even Kenichi was shaken. “Plus given our numbers and lack of disciples we can take turns watching over your home and family to make sure they remain safe and secure.”

“You’d really do that?” He nodded.

“While codes and rules are followed by an individual they are what makes us human. Should these fools break the code and go after your family to get to you, then I see no reason as to crush them as the maggots they are.” The masters all had experience dealing with gangs, some that had more of a code of honor than others. It was hard to say if these Ragnarok punks held true to the meaning of gangs, or if they were just a pack of fools.

Kenichi called home and explained that he wanted to live at Ryouzanpaku for a time. This was a shock and his parents needed some convincing so asked to meet his Master Shigure. The meeting was brief...his dad crumbled upon meeting her, his mom trusted Kenichi’s judgment and felt the experience was what he needed to grow. His sister did object not wanting her big brother to leave, but it wasn’t forever or anything.


Kenichi joined Ryouzanpaku, he got his own room and would pay for his lessons and rent through chores around the place. After settling in Shigure called him in for a talk. “Kenichi, you still wish to walk the path of not killing?”

“Yes, while I’ll fight if I have to, and I’ll use the strength and lessons you forged in me to protect. I know I don’t wanna kill!” He bowed his head, hoping he didn’t offend her.

“With the challenges before you, what I have taught you may not be enough.” She brought out a wood doll. “Through my lessons I’ve trained your mind, hands and feet, to be weapons.” Any object in Shigure’s hands was as strong as her blade, because she channeled her strength through it. She trained Kenichi like forging a strong and durable weapon. “You wished to be a weapon that could protect others but you must also become a weapon that can defeat any enemy.”

“As long as its not killing I’m in.” Shigure nodded.

“The art of killing would grant you great power and deadly combat ability, you would be seen as a lethal weapon and any object in your hand would be as deadly as a blade.” That sounded terrifying, he didn’t want that. The fact he could already channel a knife’s edge to non blade weapons was already scary enough. “I will not be teaching you this.”

Kenichi breathed a sigh of relief. “This art I will teach you will focus on more of your body becoming a weapon.”

“More of my body? Like what?” Shigure pointed at his crotch.

“Like there!” Kenichi blushed and covered himself.


“Kenichi, even one’s beauty or charisma can be a weapon. Both ninja and assassins of used their whiles to defeat their enemies.” She raised her hand pointing at his mouth. “Your mouth, your lips, especially your tongue, have the potential to be destructive weapons against enemies of Ragnarok!”

If Kenichi didn’t know her better, he’d swear she was joking. “The art of seduction Kenichi, I will teach it to you, with it you will be able to defeat Ragnarok without killing...probably…”

“Probably!” His whole face was red. “You are wanting me to sleep with them?!”

“Is that a problem?”

“Well...umm…” He twiddled his fingers. “You know I’m a virgin right...I always thought one’s first time should be special and…” He began to freak out.

“If you are worried about your cherry then you must perfect techniques that you won’t need to surrender it then.” Shigure didn’t get the whole first time is special thing, first times as a whole are something people lose sight of as you get older. The first time you walk, the first time you ride a bike, your first tooth you lose, the first time you hold a sword in your hands. Depending on the individual some hold stuff like that with more care or value, as truly its not something you can get back. The experience of tasting a slice of pizza for the first time, or experiencing a fancy dessert for the first time, when you are young the world is full of new things you wanna try so many things without savoring what your experiencing.

People could get hung up on experiences, specifically trying to avoid a bad one. Some people would actually avoid something they want to do out of fear of failure or potentially having a bad time. When she first tried to cook it was a disaster, the first meal she ever cooked was a deadly weapon in itself. It was a good experience for her as she learned she wasn’t a good cook and needed to train to get better at it.

When it came to sex or romance, Shigure looked at it from objectivity. One can plan the perfect first date, the perfect first kiss, or the perfect first time, but usually it was bad. Mostly because “perfect” was something in the eye of the beholder. Her personal belief was there was no such thing as perfect, and people go crazy trying to capture something that isn’t tangible.

Natural talent could play a factor, someone with natural charisma can make the first date amazing, someone could be a natural good kisser to make the first kiss mind blowing, and someone might be a natural in bed.

Given the odds, usually one’s first time in the bedroom was bad, as usually it was done by two virgins who had no idea what they were doing. Over time people realized even if they were both bad they were bad together, and doing it with someone they had special feelings for made the first time more special. Sex was like any activity, one got better with practice and experience.

She realized this might be a lot for Kenichi, her own upbringing was what shaped her and her view of the world, from her father who was a weapon master and weapon maker, then guided in life by Akisame who wasn’t just a martial artist but a well known philosopher. This out look on life and sex helped her, but it wasn’t for everyone.

Kenichi wasn’t sure about this, he weighed the options in his mind. ‘The Art of Seduction…’ His heart fluttered at the thought. He was a young man with urges and desires… ‘Could I really do that?’

Looking at his master who just oozed sex appeal. Despite his nervousness he decided to trust his master. “I’m in, when do we start?” Shigure smiled.

-x-The Next Morning-x-

The smell of Kenichi’s cooking was what greeted Sakaki. “Mmm~” He went down to the kitchen. “Oi Kenichi what’s for breakfast? Gah!”

Shirahama was indeed cooking breakfast, wearing nothing but an apron. His eyes roamed Kenichi’s backside, admiring his figure on full display. The apron was just the icing on the cake. “G-Good morning…” The scene hit Sakaki so hard he was brought to his knees. “Sakaki-san!?” It was like he was hit with a one-two punch!

To be continued...Building Confidence

Shigure starts training Kenichi in the art of seduction, first thing was first to build up his confidence. While living at Ryouzanpaku he must walk around naked. This is just the start as he learns erotic techniques to defeat men in battle.



🤣You go, Shigure-sensei! 👍 This is a breath of fresh air, if I'm being honest, in a fandom that has lain stagnant for too many years.