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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Blue Diamond

Gem Verse: The diamond authority was a threat to the Frieza Forces. The gem race and the Cold Family were chosen by Beerus to handle the destruction duties. The gem race found nice planets colonized them or drained them to make new soldiers. The diamonds were the elites, capable of great feats of power and magic. It was said it was even possible for a diamond to create new gems from viable materials. When a new batch of diamonds was about to be born Frieza planned to kill them to crippled their power. His plan was foreseen and the new diamonds were hidden off world. Kakarot/Broly/Harem

Chapter 1

Universe 7 was governed by Lord Beerus the God of Destruction. There was a handful of Supreme Kais that divided the universe into quadrants. The gods of creation worked to keep the balance of the universe, each of the kais had their own beliefs on how to oversee the mortals.

Things got a bit rough for the universe as Kid Buu was used by the Dark Wizard Bibidi to wipe out the Kai’s one by one, until there was only one left. Two were killed, and the other two were absorbed by the pink monster of chaos. He was overcome by the Kai’s goodness to the point the wizard had to seal Majin Buu. The remaining Kai managed to kill Bibidi but things were bad…

With only one Kai left and a vast universe to govern, things were not being managed well. Beerus wasn’t any better, he was by far one of the laziest gods of destruction in the multiverse. He often slept for long periods of time and he divided out the job of destruction to other beings.

The Cold Empire made quite the profit with Beerus’s blessing. They wiped out worlds and populations, if there was a planet with a lot of natural resources they took it over, sometimes peacefully other times/mostly by force. Some worlds had no benefit so they were destroyed to keep the balance of Creation and Destruction.

Shin didn’t approve but since the balance was being kept he kept things hands off. He had to do his job, even if Beerus wasn’t doing his properly.

At the other end of the universe was the Diamond Authority. A strange race of beings, each one had a gem on their body. They were a warrior race, they loved to fight. Each Gem Warrior could manifest a weapon from their gem, this would be the tool they were most proficient in combat.

They were well known through the universe, having the ability in both combat or magic, with the Diamonds having the balance of both. It was also unwise to challenge them.

A Gem’s physical form was quite durable, even if their body was destroyed so long as their gem survived so would the warrior. To make them even more terrifying whenever a Gem heals from combat or reforms after defeat they gain a power boost. Even with a weakness in destroying their gem, they were too much to handle given their numbers and power.

Even if one managed to defeat a Gem invading force, there were always more Gems. Gaining the wrath of the Diamond Authority was seen as a death sentence. It was even rumored that the highest cut of gem the Diamonds had powers beyond the average soldier.

If anything the Diamond Authority could be more diplomatic than the Cold Empire. They were willing to colonize worlds in exchange for resources and technology. To sweeten the deal the Gems could even find nearby worlds to terraform, so Diamond occupied worlds could colonize on multiple planets.

As for the worlds and creatures that refused they were wiped out and the planet and all it’s resources belonged to the Diamond Authority. Some resources were deemed precious, anything that could be used to make good food for Lord Beerus was taken seriously. The God of Destruction had destroyed whole solar systems over a bad meal.

The planets deemed unfit and too far for colonization were turned into Kindergartens. A place for new gems to be born. The world would be destroyed but it symbolized the balance, destruction and creation in one.

Some thought it strange they had vegetable names, but legends say their original planet was called Sadala, and divine word said vegetables were the treasure of the earth.

King Cold didn’t challenge the Diamond Authority, not out of fear it was just business. As he saw it there was more than enough universe to go around and enjoy. He told his sons there were only a handful of beings in the universe as to not anger. Moro the World Eater, Majin Buu, and Beerus the Destroyer, as he believed there was no chance of winning against them.

When it came to the Gems, he saw them as a threat but not one that needed to be challenged. Eventually he retired from conquering and left the Cold Empire to his sons. Cooler was a bit more mature, he thought he could beat the Diamond Authority by learning from them and improving the Empire to gain more favor with Lord Beerus.

Freeza was young and arrogant, their clan was born with great power so they didn’t need to train or really earn it. He didn’t see what was so special about the Diamond Authority. His father warned him not to take them lightly. “It is the Diamonds that make them so dangerous, there’s a reason why they aren’t called the Gem Authority.”

He saw it as a game, a dangerous one to play. As it stood there currently were only three diamonds in existence, but just these three managed to strike terror through the universe. The King and main ruler of the Diamond Authority was White Diamond King Vegeta. He oversaw all the diplomatic elements and was the one who met with Lord Beerus when he visited.

The greatest warrior was Black Diamond Cumber. He oversaw gem training and was known for crushing worlds by combat.

Yellow Diamond Shallot was the greatest terraformer, he was capable of turning nearly dead worlds into ones capable of lasting for thousands of years. He oversaw many of the kindergartens.

Then came the wonderful news, three more diamonds had been born. King Vegeta had mated with a Ruby and had two sons, one was a Red Diamond, which he proudly named Vegeta to carry on the family line. The second son was named Tarble.

An Emerald called Paragus ended up having a surprise diamond child, a Green Diamond named Broly.

The biggest surprise came from the Sapphire Bardock, who ended up having a Blue Diamond son, named Kakarot.

Three new diamonds all at once, it was seen as a sign of a new era of the Diamond Authority. Freeza didn’t like it, the worst thing or the Cold Empire was these little bastards growing up and reaching their full potential. He slipped spies into the Diamond Authority in the hopes of crippling them, the news of these future gems was troubling.

“They have to be shattered.”

Too bad for him, his plan was foreseen.

Sapphire’s had a special power to see into the future. Bardock was the best sapphire of the bunch, his predictions were always accurate. So when he came to King Vegeta with word of Freeza’s plan the White Diamond...didn’t believe him. “Freeza wouldn’t dare challenge the Diamond Authority.”

His arrogance was a problem. That didn’t stop him from sending his son Vegeta off world, just in case. His other son Tarble was also sent away, but for less kind reasons. King Vegeta saw Tarble as a failure for not being a Diamond. He chose an Jasper and a few Quartz soldiers to guard and protect his son in case the worst should happen.

Bardock turned to Yellow Diamond Shallot for help. Shallot wasn’t so blind as the King, he trusted Bardock’s vision and wanting to protect the newest diamonds he agreed to help. He prepared a pod and found a planet far out of the reach of both the Cold Empire and the Diamond Authority. It was a big risk, but it had to be done.

The two gems were bubbled and placed in the pod and they were sent off to Earth.


Freeza attacked the colony, using his soldiers as a distraction he went for where the new diamonds were supposed to be held. Instead of children he was met with Shallot himself. “What are you doing here Freeza?”

“I was hoping to grind some jewels into powder, but one diamond is as good as another.” He transformed into his final form and clashed with Yellow Diamond.

Their fight shook the planet they were on. Shallot’s powers turned nature itself against Freeza, striking him with lightning, showering him with magma, trapping him in a vortex of water. His efforts were good but the ice demon was a powerful foe.

“I don’t know where you are hiding those little brats but none of you shall survive.” Freeza went to blow up the planet, using his energy to strike the core. The planet started to come apart as the core began to melt down.

Shallot used his magic, his gem glowed as bright as the sun as he undo the damage. The cracks in the planet meshed back together, the raging seas calmed down, and the stormy skies became at peace. His magic seeped into the core and healed it. “Those tricks won’t work against me Freeza!”

“No I suppose it won’t, but…” In a flash Freeza was on Shallot. “I just needed to know where your gem was!” He attacked Shallot’s core and broke his diamond. “You gems act so high and mighty but in the end you are just rocks!”

Shallot wasn’t the best fighter, he used magic to make up for his lack of skills in that respect. Against an opponent like Freeza who knew a gem’s weakness it’d have been crucial to guard one’s gem. “You won’t win...the others will avenge me…”

“You’ll see them soon, in hell!” Freeza blasted Shallot and ended his existence.

Bardock arrived on the scene too late. He had been fighting off the Ginyu Force, and when he foresaw Yellow’s death he had rushed over. “Ah a sapphire, I’ve heard rumors that your cut can see into the future...so tell me...what’s about to happen to you?”

Freeza beat Bardock down, while his men worked to shatter every gem warrior they came across. It was hard to watch. The ice demon held Bardock by the throat. “Where are the new diamonds?”

“You fear them…” He tightened his grip.

“I fear nothing!”

“You should…” Bardock’s eyes glowed blue. “The diamonds you fear will return, your reign of terror will fall, your cold darkness will be dispelled by diamond light!” In a rage Freeza shattered Bardock’s sapphire and killed him.

“What are we gonna do now Lord Freeza, you’ve declared war on the Diamond Authority, there’s no going back now, the other Diamonds will act.” Zarbon told him.

“I’m aware, but it’ll be fine soon the Diamond Authority will be shattered.” Word spread through the universe of Yellow Diamond’s death and Freeza gained the title of Shatterer. The lucky ones were shattered, the others were taken and used as a power source to fuel Freeza’s fleet.

Cumber was in a rage, angry at Vegeta for ignoring Bardock’s warning of a potential threat. He was angry at Freeza for his actions. He was angry at Shallot for not training enough and getting himself killed. He was angry at himself for not being there to help.

Black Diamond was good with war, he would challenge the Cold Empire and burn it to the ground. Freeza knew he couldn’t beat Cumber, so he didn’t try. He struck a deal with Bibidi’s son Babidi and teamed up with the evil imp of a wizard.

With Babidi’s dark magic Cumber was sealed. The wizard wished to use the diamond energy to corrupt and strengthen his own army. It was a fair trade, now the Diamond Authority only had White Diamond to lead them. Freeza knew this was a risk, especially if Lord Beerus was to awaken.

King Vegeta tried to act with diplomacy. “We can call this whole thing off if you just tell me where the other diamonds are?” Freeza said. “Tell me, and I’ll allow you and your line to live.”

“I...I don’t know where they are.” He really didn’t and Shallot and Bardock’s efforts made it so only one other gem in the universe knew where they were.

“A pity, then you are useless to me.” Freeza killed King Vegeta and thus broke the hold the Diamond Authority had on the universe. As for Prince Vegeta, Freeza could have shattered him, but decided to keep him around and raise him. To have a diamond bow before him and pledge himself to the Cold Empire filled him with delight.

Some factions of gems broke off and tried to keep the Diamond Authority alive, but without a Diamond to lead them and the means to create more gems, it was a losing battle. Freeza didn’t mess with some of the colonies not stupid enough to destroy Lord Beerus’s favorite foods. He just took them over and made them a part of the Cold Empire.

Oh yes, he was quite pleased with himself, so much so he chose to forget Bardock’s prophecy. So what if there were two more diamonds in the world. He had just defeated three of the oldest and most powerful gems, what did he have to fear from them.

A lot actually…

To be continued...Blue and Green


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