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Ranma 1/2 parody: Tier 1

Hypnovember special

Sleepy Boy Technique

Happosai was a terrible master, he often used his techniques on his students and drove them crazy. Said techniques he often left in scrolls, as he had a terrible memory, forgetting them often. This didn’t really help as he would abandon them, lose them, or trade them for snacks. Ranma finds one of these scrolls that contains a technique that can change his life forever.

Chapter 1 Sleepy Boy

Happosai was a terrible master and teacher, he openly tortured his students and called it training. He was a general menace to the world at large, because despite his skills and strength he was a terrible person. Happosai had developed and learned/stolen all sorts of techniques over the years.

If there was on good thing, he had a terrible memory. He tried to record the techniques in scrolls, but he’d abandon them, forget about them, lose them, or trade them for snacks.

One of Happosai’s most terrifying attacks was the Sleepy Boy Technique. It allowed the user to use their ki to hypnotize someone, putting them into a trance and allowed him to mess with people’s heads. After a night of drinking he forgot how to use the technique and the scroll was seemingly lost.

The scroll ended up in a box of junk that belonged to one of his students, and sat in an attic for years. Ranma Saotome got stuck cleaning up the attic by said student Soun Tendo.

Ranma’s old man, Genma Saotome, was a student of Happosai alongside Soun. They were friends and partners in crime, so they got it in their heads to one day unite their family schools. So this left Ranma engaged to one of Tendo’s daughters.

Kasumi felt Ranma was too young for her, Nabiki was interested at first but given Ranma’s curse she felt she could make more money off him/her otherwise. So Ranma got engaged to Akane, a man hating tomboy of a girl, who was more the type to kill you than kiss you. Ranma didn’t have any romantic feelings for Akane, and the girl’s attitude towards men and him specifically made him not even want to be friends with her. If not for his honor code, he would let the madness around Akane consume her.

Not that Ranma didn’t have his own madness. Thanks to his dear old dad, he was taken away from his mother at age 5, traveled around the world and was sold off to various families for food only to be stolen back, traumatized to learn a technique which left him with a crippling fear of cats, wasn’t able to have a steady or even stable household for more than a few weeks, and last but not least got curse to be turned into a girl when splashed with cold water. Genma’s sins fell on Ranma to carry, and his life was a disaster.

Mixing his mess with Akane’s mess left him with even more trouble. He’s got to deal with plenty of love rivals over Akane, which he didn’t even want her. For some reason every guy in school thought Akane was so nice, cute, and sweet.

Sure she was nice...to girls...and she could be sweet...to girls and people she pitied...and she had her cute moments which are ruined by when she over reacts to something or blows her temper. When Ranma met her he was in girl form, and thought he had a friend, but the second she found out he was a guy the script changed and he saw the kind of person Akane was.

Right now Ranma was cleaning out the attic alone, because Akane claimed he owed her one. She was out with her friends and he was stuck doing this chore. Even though Akane had agreed to do the job for her dad.

As for owing her one, Akane never let things go. When there was a misunderstanding or misconception about a situation, she always thought the worst of Ranma or any guy really. Even after the truth was revealed Akane rarely apologized, and even if she did she’d try to hold the incident over Ranma’s head forgetting he was totally innocent.

Ranma couldn’t even argue with her, the family would often guilt him into letting her have her way. So Akane would get him to do things for her, saying she’d forgive him for this or that, when she should just let it go. Nothing he did ever seemed to make up for the most innocent of mistakes. Akane still called him a pervert for when she walked in on him!!

A total accident that wasn’t his fault, and Akane still hadn’t forgiven him and thought the worst of him over this. ‘Stupid Akane, stupid pops, stupid engagement, stupid...stupid...stupid…’ His life was truly messed up and he didn’t know how to escape it.

He moved a box and that caused a jenga moment and a bunch of boxes decided to collapse and fall over. “Wah!” Ranma gasped as he became buried in junk. As he climbed through the boxes and chests of “precious artifacts” that Soun Tendo had collected over the years, a scroll landed on Ranma’s face.

“What is this?” He broke the seal and began to read it. “The Sleepy Boy Technique?” As he read over the scroll, his eyes lit up and a smirk bloomed on his face. ‘Could this be real, could this work?’ He gripped the scroll tightly.

Saotome tucked the scroll away and finished cleaning. He slipped off to fully study the scroll and learn the technique. This wasn’t his fist dabbling in ki based techniques, he just had to apply it. ‘Now who do I test this on?’ There was a long list of options, but he decided to test this technique on the biggest idiot of the bunch. ‘If it works on him it’ll work on anyone.’


Tatewaki Kuno, a skilled swordsman in his own right, but who’s idiocy left him with more problems than not. He was a big thorn in Akane’s side, and a big reason as to why Akane “hated boys”. When Ranma came into the picture things only got worse, as he saw Saotome as a rival and attacked him often but...then there was his curse. Kuno fell in love with “The Pigtailed Girl” Saotome’s girl half.

His feelings were so “strong” he couldn’t choose between her and Akane. The funny thing was he had no idea Ranma was the Pigtailed Girl. Even when he had transformed right in front of him, and even declared while in girl form that her name was Ranma Saotome. It was like he was living in his own little world, given his family it was understandable.

He was annoying and a royal pain. His feelings surprised Ranma as it was the first time a guy had confessed to him ever. An eye opening experience.

Kuno was attacking him as a guy, and flirting with him as a girl. Out of all Saotome’s rivals he saw Kuno the most as they went to school together. It’s almost a shame, Kuno had money, good looks, fighting skills, and he had a sense of chivalry in his own right, if he wasn’t so thick/dumb he’d make a good boyfriend/partner.

Ranma decided to test this new technique on him, if it was able to work on a fool like Kuno then it could work on anyone. Getting him alone wasn’t hard either, Tatewaki often sent him challenge letters that were usually ignored. Saotome got him to come to the roof of the school.

“So Ranma Saotome, you’ve finally decided to face your death?” Kuno took a fighting stance with his wooden sword.

‘Idiot…’ Ranma sweat dropped.

“After I defeat you I’ll take Akane Tendo and the Pigtailed Girl as mine!” His guard dropped as he dove into whatever fantasy that was going on in his head.

‘That’d be some trick.’ Ranma shook his head. They’ve had all kinds of fights, but no matter how many times Tatewaki was beaten he just kept coming back. Just like his sister Kodachi, even if he wagered to give up his feelings for X, they’d just come back saying they have new and stronger feelings than before. “Kuno, can you even tell me why you like Akane?”

The Blue Thunder began to wax poetically as he spoke of Akane, but nothing he said went beyond her looks or some weird idea he had in his head about Akane. It was very shallow, and didn’t reflect the real girl at all. Having lived with her and spent even a one day with Akane, Kuno’s delusions sounded like he was in love with a fantasy. Anything that went against his perfect image of Akane he either ignored or challenged with violence. He wasn’t in love with Akane he was in love with an idea of her.

If you need more proof Kuno couldn’t wait to marry Akane so she could cook for him. EVERYONE in school knew Akane couldn’t cook, her cooking was lethal. There were times it was even weaponized and spectators felt it was going too far.

“What do you love about the Pigtailed Girl?” Again Kuno began to wax poetically but…

“I admire her strength and her passion. She isn’t like other girls, there is something about her soul I can’t forget. She’s a skilled fighter, quite clever, and she’s absolutely beautiful. I want to know more about her, I want to shower her with gifts…” He went on and on. It was weird he had things to say about a girl who was a mystery to him with more weight than a girl he went to school with and could actually get to know.

Ranma heard enough. “Let’s fight Kuno, and when you lose your ass will belong to me.”

“Very well, and when I win Akane Tendo and the Pigtailed Girl will belong to me!” Ranma wanted to face palm. There was no point arguing with this idiot.

He channeled the Sleepy Boy Technique, his ki fluctuating giving Ranma a blue aura. Kuno sensed the change but wasn’t gonna back down. He focused on Ranma and attacked.

Saotome danced and moved dodging Kuno’s attacks with relative ease. Tatewaki’s warrior focus was used against him, the more he was focused on Ranma the more the technique took hold. His moves made ripples of ki that drew Kuno in.

As Kuno’s movements slowed Ranma knew he got him. “Giving up Saotome?”

“No, this fight is over, I won!” Kuno blinked.

“You won?”

“Yes I won, you lose.”

“I lost?” He was trying to process the information, but Ranma’s words sounded so true. It was hard to deny them.

“Yes, you can relax now, the fight is over.” Tatewaki’s body visibly relaxed, his sword slipping from his hand. His eyes began to glaze over.

“That’s it relax, sink down Sleepy Boy!” Ranma focused his ki and let it wash over Kuno. His eyes grew heavy and before he knew it he fell asleep. He began to snore. “Can you hear me Kuno?”

“Yes I hear you master…” Ranma got a little thrill at being called master.

“Good listen to me carefully, you know my words are true. You will listen and obey.”

“I will listen and obey.” He repeated. “Your words are true!”

“Good boy!” Kuno shivered. “Let’s begin with this, Ranma Saotome is not your enemy. He has no interest in Akane and he’s not in your way of the Pigtailed Girl.”

“Ranma has no interest in Akane, he’s not in my way, he is not my enemy…” The words sank in, enhanced by Ranma’s ki.

Kuno has heard this before in some form or another, but never believed them. Now he heard the truth. If Ranma Saotome wasn’t his enemy that made him see the fighter in a whole different light. The ki washed through his mind, clearing away the crazy to give a new perspective.

“Ranma Saotome and the Pig Tailed Girl are one and the same. They are two halves of the same person.” The words cut through Kuno’s thick head and reached an understanding. “All your feelings for the Pig Tailed Girl apply them to Ranma Saotome.”

He couldn’t question it, his master’s words were true, so it had to be true. “Ranma Saotome is the Pig Tailed Girl, that means I love Ranma Saotome. I love Ranma!” It didn’t matter that he was a boy, his love wasn’t so weak as to falter over something like gender.

Saotome’s ki washed through Kuno’s mind forming intricate layers in his head. “Good boy!” Ranma praised and Kuno shuddered in delight.

“Never forget this Kuno, Ranma Saotome is your master, you want to obey him, you wish to serve him, he owns your ass!”

“Ranma Saotome is my master, I want to obey him, I wish to serve him…” The idea sounded so perfect in his mind, there wasn’t a single thread of resistance. “He owns my ass!”

“You will obey any order to the best of your ability any time your master gives an order with the trigger word please.”

“Yes master!” In a trance or awake, the trigger would remain until altered by his master.

“Do you like being under my control?”

“Yes master!” He moaned.

“This trance you are in is the pinnacle of my control over you, you’ll desire being in this state again so much so, all your master has to do is touch you and say “Nap Time” and you’ll fall into this deep trance once again.” The words became law inside Kuno.

“Yes master…”

“Now last but not least Kuno, your feelings for Akane. I want you to see her for how she truly is. If you still love her that’s fine, but no more excuses, no more delusions.”

“Understood master…”

“When I snap my fingers you won’t remember being hypnotized, but remember all the commands and words I’ve shared with you.” Kuno nodded and Ranma snapped his fingers.

To be continued...Kuno Awakened


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