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Kekkaishi parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Masamori

Masamori was the eldest son Sumimura family, as such he was Yoshimori and Toshimori’s big brother. Despite being brothers the three were VERY different. Masa was very serious, he tried to further his training for the family and protect the Karasumori Site, but was denied.

The Houin Mark didn’t appear on his palm, which meant he wasn’t the legitimate heir. So the family “sacred” scrolls were denied to him. The fact the mark appeared on Yoshimori caused a rift between the brothers and the family as a whole. Things only got worse as Yoshimori got older, as the legitimate heir he was pushed into things and he was dragged kicking and screaming.

Masamori had taken over as guardian from their mother, and he accompanied Yoshi to prepare for his term. He was so full of resentment towards his brother he failed to truly see him. Instead of a child unhappy, he saw him as the heir and nothing else. The high expectations the family had for the heir clouded Masa’s sight.

He started being harsher towards Yoshimori as a way of venting his frustrations and pushing him to live up to his potential. Of course he didn’t tell him this, so in the eyes of a younger brother, his big brother was just being a jerk and an ass. The rift between them grew more and more.

In the end, Masamori left home and joined the shadow organization. If anyone could take a look at the Sumimura brothers each of them was suffering from issues, looking at each other and the “talent” the other possessed and at themselves over what they lacked.

There were times people caught Masamori staring at his palm deep in thought. ‘Why wasn’t I chosen?’ Theen there were times Yoshimori was caught staring at his palm, almost glaring at the Houin Mark. ‘Why was I chosen?’ It was a weight both brothers carried but for different reasons.

Yoshimori has tried to bridge that gap with Toshimori, but Masa was another story. That ship may have sailed...


Masamori was taking a nap and having a dream, more like a memory. He had just finished training and he was gazing at the blank palm. His grandfather chewed him out, making him feel inferior no matter how hard he worked, no matter how strong he got it didn’t matter he wasn’t the heir. His mother was never around, and while his dad tried to be supportive it didn’t help.

Anger and frustration churned up inside him like a dragon circling his soul. He was so lost in thought he didn’t notice a young Yoshimori come over to him. With a marker he drew the heir mark on his palm, in an attempt to cheer him up. “We match see!” He smiled so brightly.

It was probably the last time he saw Yoshimori smile like that. As much as he tried, he couldn’t remember what happened after that. He woke up, got off the train and headed to the Night Troops Base.

Masamori met with Yomi, a demon tamer who Yoshimori had met. They had clashed and the boy had bested her, physically and spiritually. She was on probation and now serving under Masa. He called her up to have a little chat. “You are lucky to be alive, breaking the taboo and all.”

“Wasn’t it you who told me to go to Karasumori?”

“Was it?” He feigned ignorance, but it was. Masa had set her up and used her to test Yoshimori. “I’ll say this, I thought with your skills you’d last more than one night there.” Yomi’s eyes widened.

“You snake…” He took a sip of tea.

“That’s not very nice.” Yoki was preparing Yomi’s tea, but Masa grabbed him and put him in a kekkai.

“YOKI!” To make matters worse Masamori put a barrier around himself.

“Yomi...Yomi...Yomi…” The tiny demon called out for help. He had a job he wanted her to do and he wouldn’t be taking no for an answer.

“Fine, I’ll do it.” The barriers came down and Yomi snatched up the tiny demon. She got up and went to leave. “You know...I think I might know why the houin mark never appeared on you.” Having met Yoshimori she was sure, both men were made of different stuff. Masamori gave her a dark look.

He finished his tea before heading out. Despite just coming back he was off again. “Are you heading to the site sir?”

“Not exactly, I’m just going to visit my family is all.”


Yoshimori was special, not letting himself be sucked into the family fued, and while the old lessons were something he was grasping thanks to Toshinori...it was Yoshimori’s ability to adapt that was truly impressive. The shikigami combo was a stroke of genius on his part. He was able to collar another ayakashi wolf, something that hadn’t been done in hundreds of years. Fixing the seal on a collar was one thing but to tame another wolf.

His “new ways” infuriated his grandpa, which suited the middle Sumimura just fine. As he saw it their ancestor made all this stuff back in his day, so why not make new stuff now to pass it on.

Their newest foe was a problem. It was an insect ayakashi of some kind and going by the smell it was some kind of stink bug. Madarao, Kouya, and Hakubi were in hell, while the funk wasn’t overwhelming to humans, to the ayakashi with sensitive smell it was torture.

The ayakashi was leaving husks of its molted skin all over, it was like stinky incense traps. It did ward off other ayakashi but this one was a problem. “Yoshi!”



“KILL THIS THING!” the trio cried. Even Kouya was suffering even if he wasn’t acting as much of a baby as the other two.

“I got it!” Yoshimori got out the lunches he made.

“Yoshimori this is no time for snacks!” Tokine chastised.

“We aren’t gonna eat.” He undid the clothes he used to wrap the lunches. “Here guys use these to cover your noses.”

It helped, not only did it filter out the funk, but they carried the scent of Yoshimori’s goodies that he had brought today. He even gave a clothe to Hakubi.

“Let’s find this thing and kill it!” He used the special shikigami and Madarao and Kouya took their werewolf forms.

“I’ll make it suffer for the offense to my nose!”

Yoshimori found shell after shell, blasting it to dust, but it took time, atleast five barriers to break it down. ‘This thing is tough, and the longer it’s here the tougher it’ll become.’

As Yoshimori, Madarao, and Kouya searched Masamori was observing them. Because of all the stink they didn’t detect his scent and he was masking his aura. ‘Let’s find that Ayakashi!’ He summoned a black fish Ayakashi.

“Kurohime, could you read the waves for me?” The fish swam around him, it was communicating with him somehow though no words were spoken. “I’ll spread the shadow then.”

His shadow rippled out, creating a field that covered all of Karasumori and beyond. The Yukimura and Sumimura elders felt it and it gave them chills. Tokine felt it, and it was like being submerged and pulled into another world. Yoshimori felt it, like a deep chill up his spine.

“This feeling it’s him…” Madarao wasn’t pleased.

“The hell is that?!” Kouya had smeshed another dummy shell. The strange aura made his fur stand on end. It felt sinister in some way.

The fish swam around for a bit before coming over to Masa. Her mouth moved. “So that’s where it is.” Off he went and he jumped from kekkai to kekkai.

It was trying to hide, Masamori unleashed nenshi thread and dragged it out. “So there was another one, you seem stronger than the other two.” Masamori smirked.

The ayakashi attacked him and drew the attention of Tokine. She watched Masa fight and was amazed at his strength. With one blast he managed to crack the heavy armor. “You silly kekkaishi and your barriers, they are nothing before my blades!” Masamori’s smirk never fell.

In an instant he trapped one of his scythes in a five layer barrier. “Metsu!” Boom the scythe was blown to bits.

Impossible, my scythe is even harder than my shell!’

“So this technique is effect, good...let’s finish this!” In a flash he trapped the whole ayakashi in a five layer barrier.

‘No way!! Five kekkai at that size in an instant!?’ The ayakashi began to beg and plead for its life.

Masamori had a cold look on his face. “What good do you think begging will do?” He cast Metsu and boom the ayakashi was gone. “Tenketsu!”

Yoshimori and the wolves arrived. “Masamori, when did you get back?” Tokine was smitten.

“Just now. You’ve gotten bigger since the last time I saw you.”

“You’ve been gone a long time.” Sure she had worked with Masamori back in the day but this school girl crush was just sad.

“What are you doing here?” Yoshimori crossed his arms looking very displeased. Masa ignored him.

“I should introduce you!” He summoned Kurohime. “Come on out.”

“She’s so cute!” Hakubi huffed in annoyance.

“Who is this guy?” Kouya growled. Every instinct in his body was telling him that this man was dangerous.

“He’s Masamori, Yoshimori’s elder brother.” Madarao didn’t sound happy to see him either.

“How has your studying been going Tokine?”

“Oh I’ve made lots of progress!”

“Hey don’t ignore me!” Yoshimori snapped. “I don’t see you for so long and you don’t even say hi?” It had been three years since they last seen each other. Even longer if you count the duration of his visit was very short last time.

“Why are you here Masamori?” She spoke to him with such admiration it made Yoshimori gag.

“I’m checking up on Yoshi, to see if he’s gotten any stronger or better at using his techniques.” He finally looked over at his brother. As much as he hated to admit it, the boy had grown and not just physically in the past 3 years.

‘Not only did he tame another Ayakashi wolf, but the shikigami combo is impressive. I’ve never seen a technique like it.’ He kept his features masked. “I thought you’d be stronger little brother!”

Kouya growled at him. “Brother or not, I won’t have you looking down upon my master!”

“Yoshimori, clearly you are not a very good master, you haven’t taught him manners.” He pointed at the wolf. “Shall I teach him respect.”

Kouya was ready to attack, but Yoshimori stopped him. “As if you know anything about respect, you waltz in here without warning, did you forget protecting Karasumori is my job now!”

“Don’t be rude!” Tokine snapped.

“Stay out of this!” He hissed back. “I heard you’ve risen in the ranks of the shadow organization, you are some big shot now or something, good for you. That doesn’t change how things are between us.” Yoshimori stepped forward. “You aren’t acting like my brother, you are acting like a jerk and my partner responded as such, I’ll check him if he crosses a line. If you try to hurt him I don’t care if you are my brother I’ll make you pay!”

The air became thin with tension. “Easy...I was just testing you. It’s good to see you Yoshimori.” The younger brother twitched in annoyance.

“Yeah right,” He got out his bag. “I brought snacks but I don’t have any for you.” His latest cake creation was chocolate with little bits of peanut butter and fudge. Kouya and Madarao dug in and gushed at the sweet flavors. It was great being an ayakashi, if they were just animals chocolate would have killed them. Now they could enjoy these confections to their soul’s content.

“Where did you buy these?” Masa asked.

“I didn’t buy them I made them.” Hakubi salivated at the sight of one. Yoshi was able to cut him a piece and sneak him one.

“He’s been spending his time making cakes instead of training, can you believe it?” Tokine confirmed. “A waste of time if you ask me.” She crossed her arms and acted like his baking was some childish game he was playing.

“Then no cake for you.” Yoshimori took the piece that was for her and split it between his wolves. They smirked at her.

“Hey!” Tokine got the cold shoulder.

Clean up was easy and the heir turned away from his brother.    The rest of the night was quiet monster wise, Tokine was content chatting with Masamori. Yoshimori continued the patrol, not wanting to be around his brother. That gap growing ever more between them. ‘He’s grown, but is he meeting his potential?’


“Ugh, he pisses me off. What’s his deal, it’s like we aren’t even family!?” Madarao patted his shoulder.

“If it makes you feel better, I don’t like him either.” He remembered serving Masamori and it was a grim time. “He might be a strong Ayakashi, but that boy has let chains bind his soul and they are dragging him down dangerous paths.”

Yoshimori didn’t understand, but it was his rebellious nature against tradition and his desire to forge his own path that allowed him to develop in ways Masamori wouldn’t understand.

To be continued...Stress Relief

Having Masamori in the house is driving Yoshi crazy so the wolves thinks he needs some stress relief.


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