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Full Metal Alchemist parody: Patreon Reward/Kinktober speciall

AN: finally finished this one, added some bonus stuff to the end hope everyone enjoys

Kinktober Special 2022 Mind Control # 13

The Escaped Chimera

Roy sends Edward after a Chimera created by an alchemist, this serpent is more than Edward can handle as it's got a philosopher stone in it's noggin. Edward gets mind controlled and the snake gets revenge upon the alchemists that made him.


While it is said Lab 5 was shut down, there were four other labs working on machines and alchemy formulas. The experiments weren’t as secretive as the things going on in Lab 5, but many of the notes were vague, using terms that didn’t explain everything they could have been working on.

It was no secret that the military was dabbling in creating chimeras. Loyal beasts to fight their wars and lower the cost of human and alchemist life. Tucker was the lead researcher on the subject for a time, but that didn’t stop others from following in his footsteps. With alchemy having powerful creatures at your command wasn’t some silly dream.

While under “Chimera Research” most alchemist and high up officials didn’t ask questions. They just wanted results, sometimes expecting results. Getting a chimera that could speak was problematic enough, but one that could interrogate or manipulate a captured enemy…

It was a highly desired project. Information was crucial in battle, and critical in war. So while some higher ups were demanding such a result they didn’t care what had to happen to make it happen. So the experiments began with less than stellar results.

After some pressure from the higher ups, pushed an alchemist to seek out help. He thought he had the perfect chimera but he lacked the power and abilities. Others tried mixing powerful beasts together to create even mightier beasts, like the head of a lion the body of a bear, the tail of a scorpion, the legs of a rhino, to create a “true” chimera. This alchemist focused on mixing the same kind of creature, enhancing its natural and latent potential to its highest peek.

It was quite the creature, but it still couldn’t speak or had any means of controlling others. Such help came with a mysterious woman who gave him a strange red stone. She didn’t know what he planned to do with it and didn’t care. The legendary Phillospher Stone fell into his lap, and all he could think to do with it was fuse it into his mighty beast.


“What do you mean Lab Four lost it’s Chimera!?” Edward Elric snapped.

“Exactly what I said Fullmetal.” Roy Mustang said, flipping through his papers. The blonde alchemist had been called to Roy’s office for this mission. There was something odd about the report. It said that the creature escaped but not how. ‘There is a lot of info left out of this report…’


Edward slammed his hands on Mustang’s desk getting his attention. “Can’t someone else handle it?”

“Got something better to do Fullmetal?” He set his paperwork down. “As it stands this Chimera is an asset, one the military wants found and returned, alive.” If they just needed to hunt the thing down obviously anyone could do it. “Your skills with alchemy can ensure capture without destruction.”

“Fine, I’ll go get Alphonse and…” Roy stopped him.

“Hold on, this mission is just for you.” Edward froze.

“Huh?” The blonde whipped around.

“I’ve asked Alphonse to help out with another project, he’s agreed so he’s occupied at the moment.” Edward’s jaw dropped.

“My brother isn’t a state alchemist, you can’t order him around!” Roy looked at Edward.

“I’m aware, it was simply a request but Alphonse accepted.” He smirked. “What’s wrong Fullmetal, can’t handle a mission without your brother?” Edward glared at him. Mustang folded his hands lacing his fingers, looking extra smug. “Is the great Edward Elric scared of one little chimera?”

Twitch twitch twitch…

“I’M NOT SCARED OF ANYTHING YOU JERK!!!” Edward snapped and took the job, stomping out of his office. Playing off Edward’s temper was the easiest way to get his way, and Roy loved messing with the short blonde. It was just one little lost Chimera, it shouldn’t be that dangerous...right?


Edward was pissed off, he was so mad he forgot to ask what kind of chimera he was even looking for. “Stupid Mustang, stupid jerk, I’ll show him, I’m gonna throw that Chimera right at his smug face!”

It was fine, if a chimera was loose it couldn’t stay hidden forever once someone saw it they’d freak out. As Edward hunted for the Chimera, little did he know the chimera was hunting him. ‘Yessss...that one will do...nicely…’

Elric looked around, too stubborn to go back and ask what kind of chimera he was even looking for. His mind still whirling insults and venting his frustrations over Roy Mustang. Alphonse would say he had a serious hate boner for the guy. Winry would say Edward had issues with the man he needed to sort out. His teacher would say they either need to fuck or whip ‘em out and measure and get it over with. All things no one would say to Ed’s face out of fear of the blonde blowing his lid.

He had a very short fuse, and confronting his feelings wasn’t easy, especially when he couldn’t hit his problems away, or transmute them away. His teeth ground together in frustration.

“Young man help!” A gentleman ran over to Edward looking panicked and sweating.

“What’s going on!?” The man pointed behind him towards an alley.

“There was this thing...it was huge, it had fangs, and claws, and eyes, aahhh!” He was shaking. “I’ve never seen anything like it...it had to be a monster!”

“A monster? It has to be the chimera…” Edward looks around the man to the place he was pointing. “Leave this to me, I’ll catch it!” He pushes forward. “Contact the Military and let them know the chimera was spotted.”

“Oh right…” As soon as Edward turned the corner into the alley, all the fear on the man’s face faded. His eyes glowed red and a smirk bloomed. “Hehehe.” It was a trap.

The older man walked off and soon forgot he ever saw Edward.


Elric searched for the chimera in the alleyway. “Where is it, where is it?” How hard could it be to find a chimera?

“Looking for something?” He heard a voice.

“Obviously!” Edward snapped. The blonde hadn’t looked back to see who spoke, focusing on the task at hand finding that damn chimera. ‘That old man said it was his huge, but there are no signs of anything here.’ No claw marks, no damage to the area, and the alleyway was “tidy” no sign of a rampaging creature or something making a nest of any kind.

“What could you be looking for in a place like this?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Edward failed to notice the creature behind him.

“Oh I wonder about that...Alchemist…” A rattle was heard and a chill ran up Edward’s spine. He turned and saw a serpent curled up on a crate. It had traits from all different kinds of snakes, it had the hood of a cobra, the length and thickness of a boa, the head of a viper, the tail of a rattle snake. There were added elements, the gem stone in it’s forehead and a stinger in its rattle like he was part scorpion. Though it could be a snake barb, honed and crafted like a stinger that could retract. “Looking for me?”

“You...you’re the chimera?” Elric couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Got a problem with that?!” His tail rattled in annoyance.

“Well you can talk that’s a surprise, but you aren’t like any of the other chimeras I’ve seen. They were bigger and scarier than you.” He crossed his arms. “I’m more interested in that stone in your forehead.”

“Tch, you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. You’d think a shorty like you would understand that, big things come in small packages.” That set Edward off, he began to rant and rave all while glaring at the serpent.

His defenses were down and his emotions were high, so logic was out the window. The stone glowed and the chimera’s eyes glowed red.

Their eyes met, and Edward was drawn into the snake’s gaze. ‘What is this?’ The world faded away into a vortex of red.

“That’s it little alchemist relax, sink deep into my power.” Edward found himself relaxing despite himself.


“Don’t move!” The snake said, and the words may have been an order by god as the blonde couldn’t move a muscle. “My power has you in it’s coils, don’t look away look deeper!”

He couldn’t look away. Instinct took over and he tried to close an eye, but only managed one. “Look at me with both eyes!” The eye opened back up and he gazed into the pools of red.

‘Pretty…’ He fell into a trance, sinking deeper and deeper.

“That’s it, no need to fight and resist, it feels good to relax. No need to fight it feels good to obey, no need to resist it feels good to submit.” Edward whimpered as the words slithered into his mind. They became truth and his body grew hot as he gazed into the glowing red eyes.

His body relaxed and his mind submitted. Time slowed down for him figuratively speaking, seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. He was pulled deeper and it felt so good. His heart fluttered and his blood rushed south.

“You know what it’s like to deal with people looking down on you. You should have been more aware.” The chimera had the alchemist. “You must know what it’s like to want to teach those who disrespect you a lesson.”

“Yes…” He did, Edward had agreed to a fight with Mustang to teach the smug jerk a lesson.

“I want revenge on those who messed with me, not just the scientists but the military who signed off on it. You will help me punish them.”

“Yes...I will help you...punish them…”

“Good boy, you will make a fine servant for me.” He made it clear who the master was here. Edward shivered at being called a good boy. “I am the master you are the servant.”

“Yes...I am servant...you are master…” The words became truth, forming a layer deep in his mind. It felt so good to say out loud, making it more real.

Edwards disrespect earlier stuck in his fangs, so he decided to punish the blonde. He couldn’t move forward without it.

“You must be punished for your arrogance, strip now!”

“Yes master!” Edward obeyed. He removed his coat and undid his belt. They were set aside and Edward pulled off his black top. His six pack abs and rock hard pecs were exposed. The blonde really trained his vessel, his teacher taught him alchemy was more than just the mind there was a balance to it. One needed to not only balance the mind and body, but also the spirit.

The Chimera admired Edward’s form. His existence was quite interesting, he wasn’t an animal anymore, he was a monster made by humans. Thanks to the philosopher stone, he had a mind and a soul; thoughts, wants, and desires. He didn’t ask to be created but he’d use the powers he was given to make a life for himself in this world.

As Edward obeyed the command a feeling of joy washed through him, his heart fluttered and his blood rushed south. By the time he removed his boots and sock, his tight pants were even tighter. He let out a moan as he unzipped his pants, his cock bulging out from the boxers he wore.

Down went his pants and up went his dick. He was rocking a massive tent. His boxers came down, tugging his length down, until it sprang up and slapped his abs. “Oh ho, quite impressive, so that piece of yours inherited your size.” In length Edward reached 12 inches, quite the mighty size. “Play with your cock, but don’t cum until I tell you.”

Quick to obey, he takes hold of his penis with his human hand and begins to work his meat. Ed was no stranger to masturbation, being a young man with urges. So he performed his masturbation routine before the chimera.

He was a virgin so he only knew the basics, he worked his meat, chasing an orgasm that wouldn’t come. His cock twitched angrily, pulsing and leaking pre-cum. Edward’s pumping hand smeared the slick liquid all over his shaft.

Elric panted and groaned, held on edge by the chimera’s control. Mind over body, Edward could jerk off for days and never cum. “Who or what are you thinking about?”

“Girls...Winry…” Edward confessed, a blush blooming on his cheeks.

The chimera didn’t see the appeal,  he was going off of Edward’s manly physique and found more appeal in the male figure. “Forget about your interest in girls.” The command shook Elric to his core.

All his fantasies and past desires were slowly melted away, being drained away and leaving his body through his leaking cock. “You shall desire men, you want to touch them and be touched by them. A manly figure arouses you, from the skinniest twink to the most bara of men!”

Elric groaned. As a guy in the military he had seen a lot of men in the communal bath and in bath houses. He hadn’t thought about such things but his master’s words pulled those images and memories forward and dropped them into his spank bank portion of his mind. “Ohhh~!”

It seems Edward didn’t need much push to be aroused by men. He continued working his aching erection, the pre-cum letting him work his meat faster and faster. His imagination took over and he began to fantasize about men. With his release still locked, the heat from his loins spread through his body, making him grow hot and flushed, his nipples hardening from his lust.

“Play with your nipples.” There was a brief hesitation but Edward obeyed.

Using his automail hand he began to rub and pinch his nipple. The cold metal on heated flesh created a shocking stimulation. Edward shuddered and moaned, teasing himself at his master’s command.

The chimera guided him, awakening a new source of pleasure in Edward. “That’s it, sink deeper. You desire men, wanting to both dominate men and be dominated by them. Imagine their touch on you, want it, crave it, need it!” The command sank in and Elric sank into the swirling red void.

In his mind he imagined other guys touching him in place of his own hands. It heightened the experience but he still couldn’t cum. Every ten minutes his mind would shift to a new guy. As he imagined them manhandling him, he wanted to dominate them, his hands itching to touch, his libido seeking to dominate.

Edward’s pace on his cock increase, he was working the shaft so hard his big balls were bouncing and jiggling. The tip was turning an angry shade of red. He was so horny but he couldn’t cum.

This was more than a little sexual frustration, they’d been at this for hours. His metal hand also worked his nipples into lewd erogenous zones. The metal touch gave the sensations of touch and nipple clamps. He switched between the nips, making the buds grow tender.

The pleasure from the nipples shot down to his cock, adding to the maddening pleasure. His flesh hand was soaked in pre-cum. “Stop playing with your cock, it’s time to learn to masturbate with your ass.”

“Yes master…” He released his aching length and reached back, caressing his virgin hole with a slicked finger.

“Relax, accept the finger, you’ll hunger for more!” Not much goading was needed. The blonde was so horny and on edge the slick digit sank in easily.

“Ohhh!” He arched his back. His master whispered sweet nothings into his ear, teaching him how to play with his ass. The slick digit rocked and curled, teasing his anal walls and awakening the blonde to anal stimulus.

One finger became two and he churned up his insides. He made quite the sight, fingering his ass while playing with his nipples, all the while his 12 incher throbbed and wept, unable to release.

His imagination went wild, thinking of different men playing with his ass, teasing his insides and working him open. The inner walls softened and relaxed and Edward slipped a third finger in and really began to finger himself. He drooled and began to sweat, his body was getting hotter.

Anal stimulus felt so good, pleasure surging up his spine. The longer he fingered himself the hornier he got. His ass was craving something...more…

He fingered himself harder and faster, hips rocking wildly. His hard cock bounced and bobbed, slapping his abs in a naughty dance. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes…” His digits curled against a spot that shot pleasure through his whole body.

The chimera enjoyed the dance.

“You want something bigger don’t you, something long and hard!”

“Yes master!” Edward moaned.

“Use your alchemy, create a toy replica of your cock.” The alchemist stopped playing with himself. For the materials he used his shirt, his belt, his pants, and underwear, he wouldn’t be needing them anymore. Clap!

His clothes were transmuted and turned into a sizeable dildo. A perfect replica of his 12 inch long three finger thick cock. He was a true artisan. Edward lubed it up, letting his pre-cum run all over it, making the jet black toy glisten.

He set the toy down and he straddled it. “Nnnhhh ahh~!” He moaned as the head popped into his throbbing channel. Elric sat down onto his toy.

“Focus on your nipples as you ride the toy.” Edward obeyed, playing with both nipples as his ass took more and more, only to sit up and go back down.

His imagination took hold and he imagined men fucking him, which made him want to return the favor. He wanted to cum so badly, but even as the toy rubbed his sweet spot he couldn’t release. “Its maddening isn’t it, all this stimulus but you can’t cum can you?”

“Yes master...I want to cum...please master!” He tugged his nips and took down a few more inches. His penis throbbed and twitched. Pre-cum fell onto the ground like a faucet.

“It’s so you never forget, no matter who touches you, no matter how good you feel, it is your master’s touch that will always be superior.” The chimera’s tail coiled around his dick and gave it a squeeze. “Cum for me!”

“Master!” Edward howled. His release hit hard shaking the blonde to his core, it looked like he was pissing cum. The orgasm lasted for a solid 10 minutes, Elric riding the high and joy of feeling his balls finally go from blue to happy.

The chimera milked him, his coils worked his shaft, squeezing and groping his penis. He had plenty of length to work with, to work and grip and make the alchemist moan. Elric came over and over. His good leg gave out and he fully sat on the dildo. “Ahhh~!” He made such a mess, there was so much cum on the ground, a thick puddle of white.

Edward was left panting, looking positively lust drunk. “That’s a good servant, you understand your place now, yes?”

“Yes master!” The chimera chuckled.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find I’m a kind and very loving master.” He took hold of the toy and used it to fuck Edward’s ass. The blonde dropped onto his hands and knees, moaning like a bitch in heat.

This wasn’t a private area, Elric’s moans drew attention. People came and watched the blonde do lewd acts. What he didn’t know is as soon as they came and went they’d forget what they saw. The chimera worked his magic on anyone passing by while also training his servant to be an exhibitionist.


Mustang was filling out paperwork in his office when Edward came back. He was wearing his coat. “Fullmetal, did you find that Chimera yet?” The blonde was flushed.

“I’m hot…” He panted out.

“That’s because you are wearing your coat closed in the summer, honestly Fullmetal.” Roy shook his head.

“So hot!” Edward moaned.

“Then just take your coat off!” Edward smirked.

“If you insist.” He opened his coat like a seasoned flasher, showing off his naked body and hard cock.

“FULLMETAL!” Roy gasped, his eyes widened as Elric became exposed. Edward wasted no time, grabbing hold of his hard cock and jerking it off in front of him, using his metal hand to play with his nipple. Roy was hit by such an erotic sight he couldn’t look away.

There was so much happening at once, he didn’t notice the strange “belt” around his waist. “Mustang...so hot...so hard...gonna cum!” Edward moaned.

Roy’s eyes couldn’t help but drift down to Elric’s twitching rod and was met with glowing red eyes. “The chimera!? Ohhh pretty!” He didn’t have his alchemy gloves on, he was defenseless, caught off guard by Edward’s exposure.

Just like that the Flame Alchemist was defeated. Clap! Roy’s clothes were erased in seconds. Mustang’s large 9 incher sprang up. Edward removed his jacket and laid across Roy’s tag, shaking his ass for the horny alchemist.

Roy got to enjoy Elric’s ass as the Chimera worked his magic on Roy’s mind. He got to pound his fine booty, but couldn’t cum without permission. Mustang fell under the serpent’s sway, the snake even used the dildo on the older man’s ass.

Havoc entered the office to give a report, only to be met with the erotic show. “Holy!” He took in the free sex before him, his blood rushing south. The two didn’t stop fucking, like he wasn’t there. The taller blonde was frozen like a deer caught in the headlights.

Before he had a chance to do anything, he saw a flash of red light and he sank into the chimera’s coils. He locked the door and removed his clothes.

Roy didn’t fuck Edward for long, soon he was caught between two naked and horny blondes. Havoc lifted him up and held him so the two could stuff his ass. He had a fat 7 incher, but Edward was the one who really worked his ass. The 12 incher filled Roy deep, while creating a wonderful friction against Havoc’s penis.

Edward got to show his desire to dominate, thrusting wildly into the older man who drove him crazy. Mustang came from being double stuffed, then it was Edward’s turn. Elric turned their clothes into dildos they wouldn’t be needing them any longer.

The Chimera’s influence spread, amassing a force that not even the Homunculi could have predicted. He met some resistance the biggest problem being Alphonse, but Edward transformed him into a living fuck machine, used to train the new sluts in the Chimera’s army.

Soon the whole nation was wrapped in it’s coils. The men of the land were used to help the chimera create new servants, and soon every alchemist and soldier had a little snake familiar guiding their actions.

As a reward for Edward’s help in the take over, the snake used alchemy to craft Elric a new arm and leg, and blessed his number one servant with two fully functioning dicks. “Enjoy my servant, you have done well.”

“Thank you master!” As an added bonus, he had Roy and Hughes naked and tied together on Mustang’s desk. With great joy he fucked the two men with his cobra cannons, while his master tail fucked him.

The great nation fell, all because of one escaped chimera.




Great story