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Kenichi parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1/2 

Chap 3 Surprises at Ryozanpaku

Kenichi has been training under Shigure for some time. To the point many of the other masters have been quite jealous. Having Kenichi in their lives has been a bright spot, not only were the meals he made fantastic, he balanced their books to improve their income and situation, they even found space to set up a green house for a garden, gardening was great for meditation and the veggies and fruits they grew saved them money.

The masters even started training with more gusto. They may have been showing off when Shirahama was around.

It was very different than when Kenichi first arrived. Sakaki pulled a tsundere and claimed he didn’t want any students when really he did. Apachai never had a disciple before so didn’t know how to be a teacher, so he mostly observed or served as a target for Kenichi. Akisame and Kensei oversaw his muscle development keeping his body supported with chiro and acupuncture. They had watched Kenichi grow over the time he’s been with Shigure. As much had he had grown, they had changed as well.

Now the Grand Master was back so things were about to take a turn. Hayato Furinji was a wise man and a skilled fighter, upon returning to Ryouzanpaku he noted things were different. He half expected the placed to be wrecked in one form or another but it was well kept. The green house was a surprise, he approved as gardening was great for teaching patience, good for mediation, and relaxation it was a good use of time. Their finances were balanced, which was great as he knew these guys weren’t the best with money and they didn’t have many students, if not for outside revenue their dojo may have gotten closed. The other masters were looking healthy and refreshed. They actually seemed happy! “What has happened while I was away?”

He had them sweating bullets.


Kenichi was excited to come to Ryouzanpaku, he couldn’t wait to share his day with everyone. His first day as Disciplinary Committee Chair went well. He handled a bully and kept the peace. The brunette was feeling pretty good about himself.

Shirahama was so giddy he was jumping from roof to roof like a pro ninja as he made his way to the dojo. When he arrived he was greeted by a mountain of a man. “Wah?!” He jumped away from the towering blonde, taking his eye of him for only a second, but that second was enough for Furinji to get behind him.

“So you must be Shigure’s disciple then. I’m surprised we have a new student in our midst.” Kenichi was on edge by thee man’s pressure, his fight or flight instinct triggered and he did both. He jumped away from him while throwing Kunai at him expertly.

Hayato caught them expertly. ‘Not bad!’ Kenichi’s grace as he moved mirrored Shigure. ‘Not bad at all!’

‘What’s with this guy, he’s so big but moves so fast!?’ Kenichi went for his senbon needles, but before he could throw them Hayato replaced them with lolipops. ‘How did he!!!’

Thee blonde chuckled, thinking the fight was over. Shirahama’s posture and aura shifted and Kenichi attacked him with the suckers. The candy was made sharp enough to shred Hayato’s clothes leaving him in nothing but a red fundoshi. ‘Incredible!’ The elder was impressed.

“Ahh I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Hayato chuckled.

“No harm done, I just wanted to see how Shigure’s disciple was coming along, I must say I’m very impressed.” In a flash he was gone, and he came back fully dressed.

“Wow, how did you do that?” The man just stroked his mustache and chuckled.

“I can see why the master’s of this dojo have gotten so attached to you.” Kenichi didn’t understand.

“I’m the elder or grand master of this Dojo. Hayato Furinji!” The man introduced, his last name ringing a bell.

“Wait a minute...Furinji?”

“Grandpa!” Perfect timing. Miu showed up.

“Ahh Miu, welcome home!” She had been training with Hayato for some time, they were off training together, but Hayato wanted Miu to gain some social skills so he brought her back so she could attend school like a “normal” girl.

“Ohh its Kenichi-san!” She smiled.

“Hey there!” Kenichi waved.

“Grandfather, he saved me today from some creeps.”

“Did he now?” Hayato laughed. “This is Shigure’s disciple.” Her eyes sparkled.

“No way!” She whipped around at him. “Are you staying here at the dojo?”

“What? Umm, no does that happen?”

“It does help the master regulate their disciple’s training, it helps form a bond not only with the master but also the dojo. Forming a bond with one’s dojo makes it more than a place for training, it makes it a home, a home worth protecting.”

“I see.” It made sense.

“Can we be friends!” Miu asked.

“Oh sure!” She had a phone but didn’t know how to use it, but Kenichi helped her exchange numbers.

Shirahama bowed. “I apologize for freaking out on you Grand Master!”

“No need to apologize, I was testing you after all, you have excellent instincts.” Kenichi blushed at the praise.

Miu and Kenichi worked the kitchen for dinner together. He couldn’t shake the fact that the other masters were acting strange. ‘Did I miss something?’ Usually dinner was quite wild but today everyone seemed on their best behavior. “Shigure-sensei, is something wrong?”

The guys tensed up. “No, nothing...how was your day?” Kenichi got all excited and he shared about his first day as disciplinary committee chair. He was a firm believer in having great power came great responsibility. There was nothing he wanted more than to help make his school and even his neighborhood better.

“An ambitious goal, but do you think you can do it with your level of strength?” Hayato asked.

“Hm?” The man laughed.

“It’s nothing, it’s nice to have dreams and goals, but without the effort or strength to achieve them then they are just that. In kind power without dreams or ideals is hollow and can be destructive.”

“Right…” Kenichi couldn’t get a read on Miu’s grandpa he was a very odd but very powerful man. After dinner he did his training and his homework and got to head home.  His sister was happy to have him home, even if he was exhausted.

In truth Kenichi wanted to protect those closest to him, he was always weak and getting pushed around by others. His sense of justice didn’t mean anything when he couldn’t back up his words. He was grateful to Shigure for teaching him and helping him become stronger.


“Well?” The masters looked to Hayato.

“The boy is strong, Shigure has taught him well, but he’s only at stage one. He is a good fit for Ryouzanpaku!” Shigure wanted to object to the idea, but there was more she could teach Kenichi but didn’t have a ton of time.


Kenichi went to school and was met with Niijima. “What do you want Niijima?” Haruo Niijima wasn’t the nicest guy around, he loves to manipulate people to get what he wants. It was believed he had dirt on everyone in school even the teachers, which is why he got away with so much. Some believed he was an evil alien sent to this planet to take it over, given the fact his interests include world domination only cemented the theory. It was his dislike of churches and holy places that had people believe he was some kind of demon.

While not physically strong, intellectually he was on a whole other level. “I come bearing a gift of good will to you my friend.”

“We aren’t friends, you bullied me like so many others.” Niijima slung an arm around him.

“Come on buddy, we are old pals!” He was clearly after whatever power he could get out of making friends with the disciplinary head. “Besides I got some really juicy information for you.”

“I don’t want anything from you. Your gifts always comes with strings attached.” He shook off his arm and continued to walk.

“Even if it’s someone coming for you?”

“What?” Niijima smirked.

“You were warned after all, but you didn’t know the true dangers in this town. You know nothing of Ragnarok?”

“The end of days in mythology?”

“NO YOU IDIOT!” Niijima snapped. “Ragnarok is the biggest gang in this town, and its not just a bunch of riff raff thinking they are tough, thse guys have power and influence.”

“And what does that have to do with me?” He went through his palm pilot.

“They have their hooks into this school, Tsukuba of the Karate Club works for Kisara, a rising star in Ragnarok’s ranks. He was using his club as a recruitment office for her, but he’s also Kisara’s gauntlet, a fancy way of saying he’s her examiner. Tsukuba tests potential candidates for Ragnarok and also crushes potential threats to their operation.” He shrugged. “Either way you look at it Kisara’s sights will be on you.”

“You are just trying to scare me.” Niijima chuckled. “I haven’t done anything to be targeted by these guys.”

“I’m not, I know you better than most, I know you won’t give in to Ragnarok with your sense of justice and all, so they’ll try to crush you.” He wagged his finger. “Your predecessor turned a blind eye to Ragnarok’s actions to save his own skin, will you?”

“I’ll be fine, thanks for the concern.”

“Are you sure, I could be of help to you, ya know.” Kenichi crossed his arms. “Ragnarok is a powerful gang, you’ve changed but do you think you can handle them alone?” The alien had data on everyone, so he was the first to notice Shirahama’s growth.

Niijima may have been an annoying jerk but he had a point. These guys were an evil group, they didn’t play fair, and would find any means to get an edge over him. Kenichi sighed. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

“See that you do.”


Tsukuba didn’t know who he was messing with, but he wasn’t stupid. He did try to get info on Kenichi, but most of what he heard contradicted the monster that had shown up at his club. Shirahama had been in the gardening club in middle school, he spent his time reading self help books and other such things. He had the nickname Weak Knees Kenichi. The brunette didn’t have many if any friends. ‘Is this really the same guy?’

The mountain of a man wanted to see for himself, but getting Kenichi alone for a fight seemed impossible. He didn’t take a conventional path to and from school. In school, his duties as Disciplinary Committee had him on the move.

Days passed and he still failed to pin down Shirahama. “Have you faced Shirahama yet?”

“Not yet, his movements are...different.” Kisara was getting tired of waiting, so she decided to give him another job. Her intuition was telling her going to indirect approach would draw this one out.

“It’s not like you to take so long, but here test this one out.” She threw a picture at him. “From the intel he’s a judo fighter.”

“Is he worth it? You know how I crush weaklings.” Kisara blushed and chuckled.

“Crush him, I could care less about useless trash.”

-x-The Next Day-x-

Tsukuba went after the Judo user, only to find him a total disappointment. He was taking off his frustrations out on him. “Stop it!” Kenichi showed up.

“So it’s you Shirahama!” He cracked his knuckles. “You here to save this weakling?” He went to kick the Judo user only for Kenichi to surge forth and rescue him. ‘He’s fast!’

“Kenichi!” Miu showed up.

“Miu, get him to the nurse.”

“Right!” She left and the two were left alone.

“I don’t care about that trash, you’ve been my target for awhile. You are a hard man to pin down Shirahama.”

“I’m not gonna fight you Tsukuba.”

“Then this will be easy, Ragnarok has no need for pacifist trash!” Tsukuba began to attack, his stance was bouncy and his movements packing speed and power. He thought Kenichi was full of openings but the boy began to dodge his attacks. ‘What the hell?’

The smaller male showed great agility as he dodged attack after attack. Tsukuba was breaking a sweat as he failed to land a single hit. “What the hell...are you doing fight back...you coward…” He panted.

“You have skill, why is such a skilled fighter like you working for Ragnarok?” He grit his teeth. Truth was he liked to fight, tournament after tournament he won, he became...bored. Disgusted by the weaklings he was put up against, he went a little to far and a referee tried to stop the fight. He hurt the ref and was banned from tournaments.

Kisara took notice of his skills and gave him purpose. He began enjoying crushing trash, and he pushed the members of his club to become strong. The strong crush to weak, that’s the motto he lived by and he was strong! “AAAHHH!” He struck Kenichi and knocked him back. “I’m strong, Ragnarok is strong, Ragnarok will bring an end to the current order and bring a new one.”

He took advantage of the situation and began to wail on Kenichi, knocking him around. “YOU…ARE...TRASH!”

“I’m not!” SHING! “Mercy is not a sign of weakness, I wanted you to have a chance to stop!” Kenichi was wielding tonfa, despite the blunt weapons the brunette managed to shred Tsukuba’s clothes.

‘How did he?’ With weapons in hand Shirahama’s aura changed. He was stripped butt naked. Despite his massive size he wasn’t packing much down stairs.

“Last chance, stop fighting and turn yourself in.” Tsukuba smirked.

“You think I’m like Daimonji, I’m not a weak bitch that crumbles after losing his clothes, die!” Naked, he charged at Kenichi.

Shirahama blocked his strike. “I gave you a chance, now prepare yourself I’m gonna have to bite you to death!” It was like a switch was flipped. He went to strike and Tsukuba tried to block.

Snap! He broke his arm. ‘He’s...so strong…’ Kenichi unleashed a barrage of strikes. Tsukuba was down for the count.

A few deep breaths and he calmed down. He rushed over and began checking to make sure Tsukuba was alive. “He’s alive!” When in combat he channeled Shigure a bit.

Tsukuba was brought to the nurse and was treated.


When Kenichi arrived at Ryouzanpaku he was seen by Akisame and Kensei. When Shigure saw his injuries and bruises. “Someone’s going to die!” She drew her katana.

“Wait wait wait, Shigure-sensei, I was in a fight, it was my fault I let my guard down.”

“Kenichi...did you win?” He nodded. “And… you came back alive. Well done.” She wasn’t the only one pissed, Sakaki and Apachai were furious. Still...he had won, but this meant more problems.

This Ragnarok group wasn’t gonna stop, and now that Kenichi had defeated one of them, more were gonna come after him. He knew that, and while he was scared, he wasn’t gonna give up.


Kisara was pleased, sure Tsukuba lost, but she had found someone very interesting. “Bring Kenichi Shirahama to me, he’ll either join us or I’ll crush him myself.” She had one of her boys throw a cinder block at her, she threw a kick and smashed the block.

To be continued...The path of not killing

Shigure knows that Kenichi doesn’t want to kill, to fight and protect. As a ninja there were other ways of defeating an opponent. So she begins to teach Kenichi the path of not killing, the art of seduction.


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