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Kenichi parody: Tier 1

Shigure’s Disciple

AU- Kenichi doesn’t meet Miu, he in facts meets Shigure and becomes her student. He goes through really tough training and becomes a weapon master, not on the same level as Shigure but he’ll get there some day!

Chap 1 Meeting the Master

Kenichi Shirahama, he studied a lot and was fairly smart. From his reading of hero stories he has a strong sense of justice. This is hard when half the student body at your school is a delinquent, some of them working with a group known as Ragnarok.

He wanted to clean up his school and make it a better place, but he wasn’t strong. He tried to build his strength in sports clubs, but that ended in him just getting bullied and kicked around. It got so bad he couldn’t even take the main roads to school anymore.

The brunette found himself walking by the river having to take the longest way possible to school. It was on a day he was heading to school, he heard a noise coming from the river. He looked and saw there was a tiny mouse being swept away by the water.

It squeaked loudly as the water pushed him down. “Hold on little guy,” without thinking he dove in. He caught the mouse and began to get swept away by the water. ‘Damn it can’t swim!’ he lifted the mouse up and was able to throw the mouse onto shore. ‘Least I could help someone at least once,’ just as he was about to be swept under the river, his hand clawing at the air.

A chain whips out and circles around his wrist, he fainted but the chain wielder hauled him out of the river.

The boy blinked and saw a woman standing over him with the mouse he had just saved. “Who…are…you?” he said before passing out.

“I am Shigure,” she said, and she dragged Kenichi to Ryozanpaku. He was patched up and when he woke up the mouse was beside him.

“Hey there little guy, glad your alright!” he said and the mouse smiled. “Tochumaru,” he gasped and looked around not seeing anyone. His gaze turned up and saw the woman who had saved him, hanging upside down from the ceiling.

She introduced herself and Tochumaru, she thanked him for his actions but wondered why he dove in when he couldn’t swim. “Well you see, I saw that Tochumaru was in trouble, I jumped in on instinct. I just wanted to save him.” This brought a smile to Shigure’s face. “If I was stronger I could have been more help,” he said, disappointed with himself.

“You want to become strong?” she asks with a smirk, her body radiating with a deadly aura. Kenichi gulped but found himself nodding. “Then let us begin,” before he knew it he had become Shigure’s disciple and it wasn’t easy.

First he had to join Ryozanpaku… he met Akisame, the man was a bit shocked to see Shigure take on a disciple. He offered his training methods but the weapons master was against it. “Kenichi will come to train here but only take my training!”

He then met Sakaki, the man was huge. He claimed he didn’t want Kenichi around but Shigure noticed the look of longing he had. Apachai was also excited, Kenichi gasped as he was bigger than Saskaki. Kensei started taking his picture, and Kenichi blinked in surprise. “Well it’s not too often we get a cutie around here even a male cutie, now how about you show some skin for the camera!”

Shigure put an end to this by slashing the camera in two! He was told that their elder was out on a training mission with his granddaughter, he’d have to meet them when they returned. “So if I train here I’ll really get stronger?”

The masters laughed and he blushed. “With Shigure as your master, you will get stronger!” Akisame said, and he whispered. “If you don’t die from the training that is.” His words sent a chill down the boy’s spine.

As part of joining up with Ryozanpaku he had a few tasks to do, one was cooking. The boy was a fine cook and since he made the food they allowed him to eat it his own portion in peace. Shigure handled the presentation which she enjoyed a lot, though her concoctions looked strange. The second thing he had to do was the cleaning; dishes, laundry, cleaning the dojo, they claimed it was all part of the training. A surprising turn was Kenichi started balancing their books, thankfully he was able to make sure they didn’t go into debt or just go bankrupt. “Your pretty useful to have around kid!” Sakaki said, and patted Kenichi on the back nearly sending him through a wall.

Second he began to train with Shigure, her training was fierce and dangerous. She was always there observing so he wouldn’t die, but it was still scary. She showed that even with a rice spoon she could cut through anything as if it were a blade. He was shown using a practice dummy. “Train your body, and not only will you be able to cut everything and anything, even the sharpest blade will be harmless.” She proved this on Kenichi by running the blade across his cheek and it didn’t cut him at all.

This worked better cause Kenichi didn’t like blades, he felt if he was gonna be a weapon master he wanted to use weapons to protect people. “That is admirable and possible, but you must remember no matter the weapon you wield if your body isn’t worthy the weapon will only be a crutch and eventually give out on you!”

She taught him the basics, proper form and handling of various tools and weapons. Even if it was a weapon Kenichi didn’t like she made him train with it. “You never know what the future holds you must be ready for anything!” she said.

Kenichi worked hard and found he loved using tonfa, staffs, and a whip. He struggled with the whip at first but now he was a pro, he could maneuver it to strike an opponent’s weak spots with fierce accuracy. Shigure was impressed so they continued to train.

Third, he trained every day after school and he trained until sundown where he went home. His family was a little worried about him, but he said he was gonna get stronger and do them proud. On weekends he stayed at the dojo, but even when he wasn’t at the dojo Shigure followed him around providing sneak attacks.

Kenichi had to be constantly on guard, even at school and was studying, kunai or senbon needles would come flying out of nowhere at him and he had to dodge or block them. His senses got sharp and so did his body. “Your body will be like the sword, it may be thin but it will be deadly,” he took that to heart and he worked out, his body being forged one day at a time.

He was at the point that he could use chop sticks as a weapon. His family got a first look at this training when a bee got in the house, it buzzed around the kitchen when they were eating breakfast. It flew by Kenichi and the boy caught it by its wings with the chop sticks. He took the bug to the window and let it escape. ‘You’re lucky Shigure isn’t here, she doesn’t like bees!’ he thought.

Fourth… he needed a sparring partner. Shigure would do it herself but when she fought him she had to use a rolled up newspaper. So Kenichi was pitted against the large mountain man, Apachai’s powerful and fast punches nearly had Kenichi down for the count.

Thanks to Shigure’s training however…”Now you try to dodge!” Apachai shouted and went to punch Kenichi and the boy vanished, the muay thai fighter blinked in surprise. Kenichi was doing a hand stand on Apachai’s arm. “I dodged it!” he cheered. Shigure smiled both Kenichi’s speed and power had grown under her watch.

Apachai hugged him and Kenichi hugged back. There was a smash and the two turned and saw that Sakaki crushed his bottle of booze in his hands. He blushed and quickly looked away.

Kenichi used his staff and with a fast attack, he stripped Apachai completely naked. “Oops sorry Apachai got a little carried away,” he said and blushed. The giant man was hung even when soft his cock had to be at least 9 inches.

Apachai blushed but smiled. “That’s okay Apachai was thinking about taking a bath anyway!” he raced off and Kenichi missed the man’s cock getting hard. The tan skinned male spent the rest of the day taking care of his not so little problem, Kenichi none the wiser.


After some time training with Shigure, he wanted to put his new skills to work and start making his school and city a better place. He soon joined the school disciplinary committee, the sad part was once he joined the previous member abandoned the gig.

It turned out that it was mandatory for the school to have a disciplinary committee but no one was crazy enough to take it. One student had to be in it at all times, until Kenichi the previous boy was forced to be in it. Now that Kenichi wanted to join he could quit! “Oh thank you thank you! It’s all yours buddy!”


“Ragnarok runs this school from the shadows if you mess with them your butts gonna be on the line not mine!” he ran off and Kenichi sweatdropped.

“I’m not scared!” though his knees were shaking. “I’ll be fine,” he said. When he told Shigure about his new post at school she started sneaking kunai into his bag. “A Last Resort” she called it. He took the gift and couldn’t wait for tomorrow, where he started his first day as the Head of the Disciplinary Committee!

To be continued

Chapter 2 First Day

Kenichi started the day like always bright an early. He was about to get a shower when he felt a strange presence. He pulled out a shuriken and threw it. He had a few kunai, shuriken and senbon in his room with a target board.

He launched the attack and it landed in the wall. Kensei Ma, popped out. “You pervert what are you doing here?”

“Oh just doing some research.” Kenichi narrowed his eyes.

“And the camera?”

“Uhh, see you later!” he bolted from Kenichi's room.

'How did he even get in here?' he sighed and went to the bathroom to get a shower. Sighing he washed his body. 'Hard to believe long ago, I was a scrawny kid. Thanks to all of Shigure's training I've really honed my body.' he smiled at the thought. The other masters really helped to, they are actually pretty nice.


Sakaki had his hand wrapped around his rock hard dick. He was 10 inches long and incredibly thick. He pumped himself faster and faster, who was he thinking of a certain brunette who recently entered their life.

He suddenly sneezed. 'Oh is someone thinking about me?' he hoped it was Kenichi. 'Speaking of he should be here soon.' he pumped his shaft more and more till he felt the burning in his loins and he came. He finished and went to bath before Kenichi showed up.

He wasn't the only one. Apachai was briskly taking care of his morning wood. “Apapapapapapapapa,” he came hard. His 9 inch dick erupted spraying spurt after spurt of thick jizz. He sneezed as he got up to get cleaned up. “Someone was thinking of Apachai!”

Akisame was working on a sculpture. He got lost in thought but recovered after he sneezed. He had captured Kenichi's likeness really well. “He should be here soon.”


Kenichi finished showering, and got dressed and headed to the dojo. “Hello!” he called. He opened the door and went inside.

“Hello Kenichi,” Shigure suddenly appeared.

“Hey master,” he bowed. “Is everyone up already?” she nodded. “Alright I'll go get breakfast started.”

He put on an apron and began to cook. The men began to salivate as the delicious aroma filled the place. They were dressed and at the dinner table, just in time for breakfast to be served.

Kenichi brought out the plates and set them down. “Eat up.” he said happily.

The masters blushed for a moment as they saw Kenichi in the apron. It was cute, and complimented him well. Sakaki couldn't help but think of how hot he'd look in only the apron. “Kenichi's cooking is the best!” they started stuffing their faces.

“Aww thanks guys.” he smiled.

“Is Kenichi going to play today?” Apachai asked.

“No I can't stay, I have school. I'm starting my first day as the disciplinary committee.” he smiled and removed the apron.

“Kenichi!” Shigure suddenly appeared holding his back. “I packed you weapons.”

“Ehhhhh!” his tonfa, whip, several kunai and shuriken. “Uhh master do you really think I'll need all this?”

“You are right,” she gave him a chain, and a sword!

“Wait wait, I take it back this is perfect thank you.” he gave her back the chain and the sword. “I'll be off, but I'll be back after school. You guys take care happy training!” he left.

“Oh good he's gone.” Kensei popped up. “I got great pics.” He laid out pictures of Kenichi sleeping, in only his white shirt and boxers, even some with him taking off his shirt.


“Kenichi looks so good sleeping.” Apachai took one of the pics. “I wish Kenichi would stay here full time.”

Shigure glared. “Even if he did I wouldn't hand him over, to you perverts.” She held her sword at Kensei's throat.

“Ahhhhhh!” he cried. He escaped at the last minute.

“Perverts us?” they blinked innocently.

“Hohoho so this is the disciple you brought in while I was away.” All of them jumped as Hayato suddenly appeared among them. He ate some of Kenichi's cooking.


“You are back!”

“Where is Miu?”

“Indeed, she going to school today.”

The masters looked at each other. “Hey you don't think...”

“The same school?”


Kenichi was walking to school, when he noticed a girl being surrounded by some ruffians. She was protecting an old man.

“Hey stop it!” Kenichi shouted.

“Who the heck are you kid?” they glared at him.

“I am Kenichi Shirahama, I am the Head of the Disciplinary Committee.”

“Oh are you gonna discipline us little boy.” the man lit his cigarette.

“I don't have time for this.” he thought about using his weapons but instead swiped with his fist. He slashed through the cigarette and diced up their clothing leaving them in their boxers.

The men gasped and screamed, running off as fast as they could. “Are you okay?” he asked the girl.

“Wow you really helped me.” she noticed his yin yang pin, and smiled. “Thanks a lot.”

“Oh sure, no problem. It's my duty, I have to go be safe.” he ran off. Little did he know he'd be seeing that girl again. “Oh I didn't realize you were a student at my school.”

“Yes, I was surprised as well. It looks like we'll be seeing each other a lot more.” Kenichi gave her the tour.

“You can also join a variety of clubs.”

“Kenichi!” some students dressed in gi's came running.

“You guys are in the karate club. What's wrong?”

“This new freshman that was scouted by the upperclassman, but he's horrible. He's gets to use the equipment, and he beats up all the other freshman.”

“Who is that?” Kenichi asked.

“It's Daimonji!” Kenichi sweat dropped.

'Of all the people, why did it have to be Daimonji?' he groaned. The teen always used to harass Kenichi growing up. He was big and muscular, using his size to bully those around him. “Alright, leave it to me.”

Kenichi went to the karate club room, and sure enough Daimonji was beating up another freshman. To make matters worse the upperclassman were cheering him on, laughing and enjoying the show. “Enough!” everyone stopped and looked at Kenichi.

“Well if it isn't Kenichi, still weak looking I see.” Daimonji says. “You here to be our new punching bag?”

“Daimonji! You and the karate club are in violation of the school rules. Bullying and discrimination are not allowed, if you continue to act like this, the karate club will loose it's room rights and if you continue be disbanded.” he showed his sash.

“Ohh think you are hot stuff huh? Just because you are on the disciplinary committee doesn't mean anything. You are weak!” he tried to grab Kenichi only to be dodged. “Ehh?”

“This is your last warning, cease your actions or I will be forced to use...well force.”

Daimonji started to laugh. “You...use force...that's a laugh!”

Tsukuba narrowed his eyes at Kenichi. 'That fool, he doesn't even see it at all.' he stood up. “There is an easy way to settle this, a fight should Daimonji win you keep your nose out of our business.”

“And if I win?” he says folding his arm.

“Then Daimonji will be banished from the club, and we will treat the freshman with more respect.”

“Is there no way we can settle this peacefully?” he asked.

Daimonji laughed. “Weak knees Kenichi shows his true colors.”

Kenichi sighs and sets his bag down, he opens it up and pulls out his tonfa. 'Weapons?' Tsukuba narrows his eyes.

“Very well, we shall fight.”

“Oohhh scary, I'm not scared of any weapons, with my mighty muscles those tooth picks won't hurt me.” he revealed his pecs, the muscles jiggling and twitching.

“Kick his ass Daimonji!”

“Show him the power of the Kouryou High Karate Club.”

“Let's do this.” Daimonji let out a yell and charged at Kenichi who dodged.

“Ehh?” he attacked again and again, but Kenichi continued to dodge. Tsukuba knew immediately that Daimonji was not gonna win. The guy was a mountain of a teen, using his large size to win. He didn't try to learn any proper technique, Kenichi however had some serious  training.

He was reading Daimonji's every move. The muscle head was worn out, his body drenched in sweat. “Stop running away you coward.” he threw a punch and Kenichi blocked with his tonfa.

Daimonji was so worn out he had no power behind his punches. Plus he was too slow to stop what happened next. Kenichi struck him in his side sending him flying back. “AHHHHH!”

'That fool!' Daimonji was tripped and he landed face down. IT happened so fast even Daimonji didn't see it coming, and with tonfa no less, Daimonji's clothes were shredded to pieces. He panted as his sweaty naked body was laid out, ass up in the air.

Kenichi stood beside him and raised his hand up.


Daimonji gasped, as his muscled ass jiggled with the hit across both cheeks. “Waahh what are you doing?”

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

His cheeks turned a lovely shade of red. He was so worn out he couldn't move, only take each new slap.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

“Had enough yet?”

“Yes I'm done, I give up!” he cried. He got up shielding his crotch.

“Good, I'm done here then.” he turned and saw Tsukuba. “I trust you will keep your word.” Tsukuba closed his eyes and nodded.

Daimonji cried saying he wanted to stay in the club. “He can stay if you want, but I expect you all to be on your best behavior.”

Kenichi filed his report and put his weapons away. Miu watched the whole thing in awe. She wasn't the only one gaining intel.

Haruo Niijima, he used to bully Kenichi, he just might be the devil, and he's as creepy as an alien. He keeps intel on everyone especially those with power. He's always looking out to make a deal, and gain leverage. “Leverage” aka blackmail material.

'Well well well Kenichi, how interesting. I thought things seemed weird about him lately but now I see. Watch out I have an idea!'

The rest of the day went on without incident. Or so he believed.

Tsukuba reported to Kisara. He was using the karate club as a recruitment office to stock Kisara's gang. “So what are you saying? Some idiot actually took up the seat in the disciplinary committee.”

“Yeah, his name is Kenichi Shirahama.”

“Well we need to show him that we run the school not the disciplinary committee.” she chuckled.

“Kisara I don't think we should underestimate him. There has been something weird about him for some time now. He's skilled!”

“Can't handle him?”

“I'll take care of it.” he left.

To be continued


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