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Hey all, so you guys are aware, i'm still doing the double rewards in january. I'm not pushing things back any further, damn my mental health, damn my physical health, and damn the irl things that get in my way. I took the time you guys gave me that i needed, to do some soul searching, deal with some doctor visits, and deal with family, and I found I don't wanna burn quality for quantity. If a story takes more time to get done right then that's what happens. I also don't want stories to sit on the backlog for long periods of time either. 

I still want to give you guys the double rewards, this month, even if things aren't going my way. You guys mean so much to me and gave me that pass, emotionally it meant the world to me. I want you guys to know how much it meant to me and how I've been thinking about you all these past two months. 

 I gained some new mental exercises to help deal with stress and I'll put them to good use in 2023. 

I did speak to people about coming back so soon, and while some advised against it feeling I was jumping back too soon, and that I wasn't ready and maybe they were right. I just don't know. I want to bring these ideas to life, I want to work on the next updates, I want to keep creating. I keep trying to come up with a plan and things don't go right, family decides to do errands, or orders stuff so I gotta deal with deliveries, or decides to do spring cleaning 2 days after telling them how much stuff I need to get done this week. I want to feel accomplished cause yay stuffs getting done around the house, but after doing irl stuff I'm either so exhausted or in so much pain or both, I can't focus on writing or its hard to type. I've found that if my family can leave me be and I just sit down and write I can do three stories in a day. I want that but consistently, and they may never give me that. Because of the person I am I'm not gonna ask for anymore passes or breaks, if things get bad/worse then I will just have to deal, if I have to pause patreon to catch up down the road then it'll happen, it'll be bad but maybe then my family will understand but I'm going to hope for the best, and work to achieve something better

2022 has been a wild year/rough, ups and down, health issues, doctor visits that were wastes of time, and family drama. It's thanks to patrons like you guys I'm able to eat and pay my bills, and stay sane. It's not always easy, but for you guys I'm gonna go beyond and fill every moment I can with writing. Stuff is gonna be completed, its hopefully gonna be hot, and I'm gonna keep pushing to become a better writer



Happy New Year! May it be better than the last <3


Happy new year, paper!!!