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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1

Gylphs of Bezel

The great wizard Bezel studied magic for many many years. He honed magical secrets and forged them into charms, marked by powerful glyphs to harness specific magic. He thought he was doing good in the world, but the charms were abused and their powers used for dark purposes. Bezel couldn’t destroy his greatest creations but gave up on magic. The charms were scattered, but bit by bit they are gathered and fall into the hands of an anodite on Earth.

Chapter 1

Bezel was a universe known magic user. He used his magic to help worlds, defend the innocent, and battle evil. As he did his work, he studied and learn more and more about magic. The stronger he became thee more he became known. He became known as a talented sorcerer and a genius in the ways of magic.

Much like another genius he wanted to help the universe. He harnessed core magical forces one by one, creating powerful magic charms with symbols on them. Bezel called these special runes glyphs, the artistic symbols held the true essence of these powers.

Upon creating the Charms of Bezel he thought the universe would benefit from them. To his shock granting mortals power without the knowledge and experience to use it wisely was a bad idea. Power in its own way had ways of corrupting people, one needed a strong body, honed mind, and noble spirit. Bezel spent years studying and researching magic, unraveling the mysteries of magic, he earned the power and knew how to use it.

Mortals could use the charms, the glyphs took all the guess work out of it. Instant magic, without any training or discipline. Things went out of control fast, while there were successes, the healing charm made it’s rounds healing people and curing diseases. Some tried to use the charms to become champions and protectors, others went mad with power.

A big failure was the Abomination Charm, it was used by a user who wanted an army to bring down a dictator. It created sludge-like beings that were tough and hard to defeat. In a moment where it seemed his creations would lose, he had them take over the fallen soldiers of the evil king. This helped him win the war, but things didn’t end well.

Abominations were meant to be simple golems to aid as needed. By absorbing fallen people, it messed with their design giving them knowledge, consciousness, and emotion. They turned on their creator, and became a new species in the universe. A life form born during war, they wished to continue to fight and conquer. Despite their origins they were a now sentient and evolving species.

Another charm was used to wipe out a powerful alien species. They were vicious predators that saw the people they ruled as food. It was still an entire species. His charms meant to help people, began being seen as weapons and tools of power. Even beings from other dimensions wanted them.

Good, bad, and ugly events transpired. It got so bad rumors/legends began to form. That if one could unite all the charms of bezel you could become a god. When all the glyphs were wielded together the Ultimate Glyph would appear allowing...something to happen. The story changed from legend to legend. In theory not totally incorrect.

Despite it all, Bezel couldn’t bring himself to destroy his creations. In a last act of balance he created the Keystone, a charm that could restore the others should they be damaged or destroyed, but also bind their powers should they be misused.

After this last creation he gave up “real” magic. He’d seen enough, most mortals lacked the sense to handle it.


A man named Hex had collected five of the Charms of Bezel so far. One held the Glyph of Fire, which looked like the lit flame of a candle. It symbolized a small spark, a small flame that gave warmth and light, but could bloom into more. Using it Hex could conjure and manipulate fire.

The second held the Glyph of Lightning, on the circular charm it held a lightning bolt etched into it, on both sides of the bolt were small clouds. It symbolized electricity, a powerful force that surged through the skies. Using it Hex could control and manipulate electricity.

As for the third it held the Glyph of Healing, the pattern was that of a valentine heart, with a small X in the center and a crown on top in the shape of a medical cross. It symbolized the health of the body and mind, capable of healing any wound and purging any disease. Hex used it to essentially be immortal, any wound he took he had healed making it look like he was unstoppable.

The fourth had the Glyph of Luck, the pattern was a star, with two scales hanging from the right and left points. It symbolized probability the scales of good and bad luck in a balanced state. This charm allowed Hex to manipulate probability, bringing good fortune to himself and others, and bad luck to his enemies.

His last one was Glyph of Plants, the pattern was a small seed, that sprouted with some lines for leaves, a stem, and a blossom. It symbolized the power of nature started from a single seed. Hex could use it to conjure and manipulate plants.

Having five charms made him quite the adept magician. He, of course, wanted more power. Finding the other charms would benefit him, but there was other kinds of magic he could tap into besides glyphs. In fact he could use the glyphs to enhance other spells.

When he attacked a museum to obtain a spell book he wasn’t expecting to be stopped. A strange yet speedy creature attacked him. “What netherworld pit did you crawl out of demon?” He asked as he unleashed flames at the creature.

“Netherworld? Demon? I’m an alien, and I just so happen to enjoy busting bad guys like you!” A feminine voice was heard. The speedster was indeed female and she had a strange crest on her body.

“If you are not summoned here, then depart you are in my way!” He was after the Archamada Book of Spells, an ancient tomb with all sorts of rituals, spells, witchcrafts, and incantations. Which he could empower with glyphs and use the book to find the other charms of bezel.

He blasted the alien away, only to be struck with two full trash cans by an older man and a young boy. Hex tries to blast them with magic, but his blast was deflected by the young man. “How did you…?” The alien got back up and proceeded to pummel Hex.

“Next time you want a book try the library!” She hit him round and round so fast one of his charms flew off. He was lifted up in a swirling vortex of blue and black before being slammed onto the ground. Hex was down for the count and the police were called. “Who’s your hero!?”

Guests from the museum swarmed the alien, where she took time time for pictures as Hex was escorted away. The book was returned to the museum but as for the charm the brunette picked it up. “Look at her showing off, and she calls me vain.”

“Come on Ben, don’t be jealous.” He was a little bit.

This was supposed to be the best summer ever, and while he was sleeping in his tent his cousin Gwen went off and found an alien device. It stuck itself on her wrist and gave her super powers. She can turn into at least 10 different aliens, each with their own unique power and abilities. Since then things have been cooler than cool, they’ve been fighting bad guys, from crooks and thieves, to alien bounty hunters and UFOs.

Gwen was a little freaked out at first, but got the hang of her new powers pretty quick. Grandpa Max even helped train her to use her new gifts for combat. If stuff was gonna happen it was best she’d be prepared.

Ben always wanted to be a super hero, the mask, the cape, the suit, and the powers. It was something he wanted. He tried to be a hero in his own right but he wasn’t very big or strong. Gwen took to the powers and treated them as “With great power comes great responsibility” not that she wasn’t enjoying kicking butt.

In the short time since she got her powers she saved a kraken’s children, battled bounty hunters, fought off death machines from space, stopped an evil circus of freaks, and even brought down alien body snatchers. Her success certainly inflated her ego. “Ya know you didn’t fight that guy alone Grandpa Max and I helped.”

He’d have finished Gwen off if Hex hadn’t been distracted. “Being a hero isn’t about credit Ben.” She said, but her words seemed more hollow given how she was drinking in the accolades. His cousin even started collecting souvenirs from their victories.

“You know I’d be just a good a hero as you if I had those powers.” Gwen laughed.

“Please, half the time I’d bet you just wing it and stumble into victory.” Ben got annoyed and went up to sit with Grandpa Max.

“I think you’d make a fantastic hero Ben.” Max said.

“Thanks Grandpa!” Tennyson smiled.

“Grandpa you’re family, of course you’d say that.” Gwen said, making Ben sulk. That wasn’t the case. Max noticed what happened in the museum. It may have looked that Hex had just missed his attack but Ben had deflected it with mana.

‘It’s possible his spark has ignited.’ The elder had many secrets, knowing more than he should about aliens and their abilities. He was trying to keep these secrets. Tennyson pulled out the charm and admired the gylph etched into it. “What do you have there Ben?”

“A souvenir.” The charm glowed to Ben’s surprise.

His luck changed, good things began to go his way, it was as if he couldn’t lose. As for Gwen a cloud of misfortune seemed to hang over her head.

Ben happened to like magic, ever since he was little, from his Grandpa’s tricks, he even got a magic kit for Christmas one year. It was why Grandpa Max brought them to a museum for witch craft. Ben did some research and from what he could find this little trinket was the Charm of Luck, granting the user control of probability. There was even a warning about Luck must be balanced, having good luck for yourself will build bad luck up and it must be unleashed.

“So that’s it!” Gwen snapped, making Ben jump. “I thought I was having a string of bad luck lately, it’s because of you!” Ben simply smiled. “Give me that!”

She wanted the charm and the omnitrix, but Grandpa Max stuck up for Ben and let him keep it. Ben decided to use this power to become a hero. He used a mask, he thought it was a demon but it was a rabbit, it was a mix of black, green, and white. The horns were the bunny ears, and it had green ribbons dangling from the mask. It covered most of Ben’s face outside of his mouth and chin.

For his costume he wore a black tank top and dark green gloves, he wore baggy pants and sturdy boots. He wore the charm as a necklace, and had a green sash as a belt. Lucky Boy was born.

Ben was a soccer player, so he had some athletics in him. He was a bit rough around the edges but the Luck Gylph helped smooth things out.

Hex came back, wanting his charm back, but Ben was already getting the hang of it. He could dish out bad luck to his enemies and bad guys. “I sense mana from you, but you are not a master magician. I’d hate to extinguish such a young spark but if you don’t return the charm to me I will.”

Tennyson didn’t know what he was talking about but he wasn’t about to give this back to him. Hex truly was a skilled magician, messing with the weather, bringing gargoyles to life. With the glyphs he could make the gargoyles breathe fire.

Hex tried to blast Ben with magic, only for Lucky Boy, to deflect it with mana. “How did I…?” Hex grabbed him.

“You have strong mana but no experience in using it.” He took the charm back and tossed Ben aside. The Tennyson family had to work together to bring down Hex. Gwen went Four Arms and together with Grandpa Max took on the gargoyles.

Ben was able to distract Hex long enough, no powers just using his noggin. Once his charms got taken away Hex panicked and was brought down. The police were called and Ben made off with the charms. “This is so not fair.” Gwen huffed.

“Come on Gwen, Ben did a good job, and this family is big enough to have two heroes in it.”

“Alright! Lucky Boy is here to stay!” Ben declared.

“Oh brother!” Gwen rolled her eyes.

“Can’t you just admit I did a good job?” He asked.

“You did okay, but we’ll see if you can actually handle it Lucky Dweeb!” She went to the back of the Rustbucket.

Ben put the charms of fire and lightning on his gloves, the charm of healing on his belt, and the charm of plants on his boot like a buckle. He kept the charm of luck as a necklace. “I think you’ll make a fine hero Ben!” Max said.

“Hey Grandpa...what do you think Hex meant when he said I had mana, what was he talking about?” Max didn’t know how to say it, the fact was Ben was made of mana, with his spark awakened it proved he was an anodite.

“It must be a magician thing, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out just like the watch.” That seemed to satisfy Ben, but Max was struggling to keep his secret. He wasn’t just a plumber, he worked with THE Plumbers. There were things Max knew, but wasn’t saying. They may have reached the point of no return for a normal life.

To be continued


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