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Hey guys a heads up may have been too ambitious on the Christmas return, or put too much trust in my family. Despite telling them the plan, and making sure they understood the plan, a few days after telling them my plan they bombarded with me with irl stuff to deal with. Even just the last couple of days they planned to run errands and said I could stay home and write and all i'd have to do is bring the groceries in, and that lasted maybe 2 hours before I'm being called out of the house to run errands. This happens a lot where they plan something, can't deal with it themselves even though they promise they got it, then I'm stuck having to either wake up early or stay up till the early morning to make sure the people they got coming over get paid or do their job, or just dealing with their plan. I get their sorry and then a few days later its "oh I never bother you" or they do the same thing all over again. Yesterday we got a blizzard and I had to shovel snow which wore me out double over from both the pain and the cold. Which isn't family related but sadly health related and unavoidable as my state is apparently cracking down on shoveled side walks of all things. Mental health is improving as much as it can 

The solution is simple I'm just gonna push back my times tables, ya'll will get 2 requests in January while I clear the board and we'll go back to normal come Febuarary. So we'll start the new years off with double the rewards for patreon, cheers!

New laptop is doing well, it did update/restart on me, but my work was actually backed up this time, so only lost a couple of sentences compared to hours of work erased because of some glitch/feature of update



Hearing your family not respecting your time is nothing new unfortunately...I really hope the future will change that! Either way I hope you have some warm and cozy christmas days!