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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Redux

Hana No Brother

AU: What if Luffy was Robin’s actual little brother. Nico Olvia ate an artificial flower flower fruit, the power was altered and was able to be passed to her daughter Nico Robin. Before her capture she gives birth to a son. Dragon’s son, Monkey D. Luffy. The boy is born with the hana fruit to and in order to grow strong Luffy trains his body up right.

Chap 1 Child gone

Nico Olvia  was trying to discover the mysteries of the past. The world government didn’t care much for that, much like with her teacher Professor Clover. They met an associate of his Monkey D. Dragon. It was at first just a business relationship, Dragon provided security to the research teams.

Through some of his connections he gained an Artificial Devil fruit. An artificial Hana Hana no mi. Olvia ate it and used it’s power to assist in the research. Dragon and Olvia grew closer and eventually had a daughter. To their surprise she had the Hana Hana power to.

It seems the artificial devil fruit had some quirks to it. Clover retired to Ohara but continued researching. Olvia left Robin in Ohara, hoping she’d be safe.

Dragon continued working with her, through her eyes he learned so much but also so the many horrors the world government was capable of. Their love bloomed more and they conceived a child together. While she was away from her daughter, she had her second child Luffy.

The marines had tracked them down, seeking to bring the “criminals” to justice. Olvia was too weak to fight, as the canon fire rained down upon them, she held her son. “Olvia we have to go!”

“I’m too weak Dragon, I won’t survive an escape from them, you must go take our son and escape!” She hugged the tiny bundle. ‘Oh my sweet Luffy!’

“I’m not gonna leave you, I’ll fight them all!” He drew his sword. Monkey would hold them off or die trying.

“You can’t...you’ll get distracted with us near, just promise me you’ll keep our son safe!” Tears were running down her face. Her beloved was powerful, but he couldn’t unleash his full power without putting them in danger.

“I can’t leave you they’ll kill you!” Yes he wanted to protect his son, but Olvia was his mate/wife. They never officially married but their love of each other didn’t need a ring or a document. Given their dangerous lives it was a benefit.

“No they won’t I’m still valuable to them, I have info they need, they’ll take me alive, but they’ll kill you and our sweet Luffy,” Dragon took his son, and they both gasped as tiny hands stretched out one after another to hold onto his mother’s fingers. “He has my power just like Robin does, it will help him when he’s older.”

Dragon didn’t want to do this, but he knew Olvia was right, she always was. They’d kill him to make a point and threaten Luffy to gain advantage over her to spill any secrets she knew.

“Goodbye my sweet!” He kissed her and left, taking their son away.

Dragon escaped to the East Blue and brought Luffy to his home kingdom and left him in the care of his father. He headed back to try and save Olvia but he wouldn’t make it...

-time flow-

Olvia was indeed captured alive, and she met another member of the D clan, a giant called Saul.

Thanks to Saul, Olvia escaped and made it back to Ohara after a long time away. The world government was not far behind, they chased her and planned to destroy Ohara to silence the truth of the past.

Clover was questioned, and indeed the man seemed to know things. Knowing how to read the Poneglyphs was a serious crime and threat to the world. One was found so it was enough to declare the scholars of Ohara criminals.

A buster call is called and even the innocent people were killed. A marine named Akainu had the evacuation ship blown up. His actions were horrible and cruel, but he tried to justify them claiming they couldn’t risk one of the scholars sneaking on board.

Olvia and Robin have a brief moment together, she leans down to whisper. “My sweet girl you won’t be alone, you have a brother, his name is Luffy, you will know him because he has the same power as you and I.” she looked up and saw Saul. “Saul take her away please!” Once again she had to give up her child, the world was truly cruel.

“Noo I don’t want to leave you!” Saul takes her away.

“I’m sorry I should have been there for you more, my sweet Robin, my poor Luffy!” Olvia falls to her knees and cries. She stays behind to keep the chief Spandine from giving chase, she wounds him and uses her powers to disarm their men.

“You won’t save her the buster call is here! This whole island will burn!” Spandine was a rotten bastard. Not sparring neither women nor children. Robin had confessed to being a scholar in an attempt to stand with her fellow scholars. So he knew she was a threat.

“She will escape, the will of Ohara will live on in one form or another!” Olvia declared fighting back as the other scholars moved to save the books and research they had gathered.

Saul ran and was confronted by the ice logia Aokiji. Even he was shaken by Akainu’s actions and destroying the evacuation ship. Though he was conflicted he still had a job to do.

Aokiji froze Saul, but before he was encased in ice he tells her… “No one is born to be alone you have family out there! You will find friends and those that will love you! You just have to find them!” he becomes frozen solid and Robin uses Saul’s boat to sail away. “Live Robin...Live...” Aokiji sees that their actions may have been wrong so he creates a path of ice which allows her to escape.

In his mind he was repaying the debt he just made with Saul.

Even though she’s in tears she thinks of her mother and Saul, and tries to practice laughing like Saul taught her. ‘I will find my little brother, I promise!’ There was also her father. She didn’t have a lead on either of them. “Dereshishi” Robin tried to laugh even as all she could do was cry.

Robin lived her life not trusting people as the world government placed a huge bounty on her at a young age. No matter where she went people hunted her or tried to betray her. She started working with a lot of sinister types always doing her best to stay one step ahead of them.

The World Government tried to get rid of Ohara, believing they had ended one threat but instead created another. Dragon arrived and witnessed the horrors. His friend Clover was gone, his mate Olvia was gone, his daughter was alive but lost. The ones to blame were...THEM!

He would make them pay, how many families had they destroyed, how many islands had they erased, how many people did they silence...no more!

-x-time flows-x-

Luffy meets Shanks, and wants to become a pirate, he just wanted his freedom. The red haired pirate showed him the means of obtaining that freedom. Not all pirates were evil jerks. Luffy wanted to join their crew so badly, he tried to prove himself numerous times.

He even stabs himself in the cheek, to prove his bravery. He wanted to join Shanks’ crew but the red haired male said he was too young. Luffy couldn’t swim because of the devil fruit power he possessed. Luffy didn’t know who his parents were as his Grandfather placed him with Makino to look after.

Shanks had his fair of problems with Luffy as the boy made hands sprout up everywhere and tickled the man into submission. The men laughed until Shanks got Luffy off him, the boy’s arms vanishing a flurry of petals. “Sorry kid but your powers only as strong as the user, and you’re weak!” he gets revenge and tickles Luffy back.

The boy vanished in a flurry of petals. “I’ll show you Shanks I will!” The older male chuckled. He wouldn’t admit it but Luffy was actually pretty creative with his devil fruit powers. He was even able to make flower clones.

“Shanks you shouldn’t tease him so,” Makino said and gave him another bottle of booze.

“The lad is a good kid, he may make a fine pirate one day if he gets stronger.” He meant it too.

The red haired crew had a run in with some bandits, Shanks just laughed the encounter off. He believed some fights just weren’t worth fighting. Little did he know that in the scuffle, a bandit made off with the fruit they had snatched.

Shanks was a bit miffed about losing the devil fruit, but believed that fruit had a will of its own and would find the person it wanted to be eaten by. So they let it go.

They didn’t get to hang onto it long either, after returning to thee mountains, the fruit was stolen again by a pair of brothers.

Unaware of what they had found and lost the bandits carried on as they did, even returning to the village. They were gloating and laughing thinking they had gotten one over on the pirates. Higuma bad mouths Shanks and Luffy snaps at him.

A fight breaks out and Luffy is forced to defend the honor of his friend. Even with his devil fruit he was overwhelmed by their numbers. It hurt because he just wasn’t strong enough.

Makino tells the red haired captain and they come to save the boy. Shanks and the crew heard the whole story, how Luffy stuck up for them. There was no holding back this time, theey came in like a hurricane and take out the bandits, but the leader escaped with Luffy.

Shanks began to freak out.


“You damned brat, but you got some powers, if I sell you I can make enough money to rebuild my gang after your shit friend ruined it!” Higuma had escaped to the sea after using a smoke bomb. He thought devil fruits were a myth, even as one fell into his hands he didn’t believe. Having seen Luffy’s powers now, he was a bit miffed at losing out. It didn’t matter, in this world power was everything, after selling the brat he’d build up a new band and get fruits so they be the most powerful bandits in the world!

“Don’t…insult Shanks!” hands sprouted up and Luffy punched the guy in the eyes and he fell back into the water, dragging Luffy with him.

A sea king was disturbed by the noise and went to attack, devouring the bandit. Luffy struggled but was sinking into the water, Shanks came in and saved the boy from being eaten. He lost part of his arm but he scared the beast away with haki.

Shanks was a decent haki user, but there was something about bites that made even armament haki crumble. “Hey don’t worry Luffy you’re alright?”

“But Shanks your arm!” he wailed as he clung to Shanks.

He cried, but Shanks just smiled, giving Luffy a one armed hug. It was just an arm, his life was far more important. They made it back to land and Shanks got treated.


It was time farewell, Luffy wanted to go with him, but Shanks still said no. So Luffy swore he’d become an amazing pirate and build a grand crew even better than Shanks’. “I’ll obtain the most freedom, I’ll be freer than anyone else.”

Those words touched Shanks. He gave Luffy his greatest treasure, his straw hat! “Take care of this hat for me, give it back to me once you’ve become a great pirate!”

“I’ll be the greatest pirate, I’ll become the king of the pirates!” he shouted.


Luffy trained hard for many years, he practiced martial arts and trained his body hard. With help from Garp, Luffy learned the 6 powers. The harsh training was worth the skills he obtained.

Monkey gained two brothers, Ace and Sabo, the blonde boy having rubber powers. They all wanted to become pirates for different reasons. Garp didn’t like it, but he trained the three in the six powers so they could survive. He wanted them to become marines, but that wasn’t in the cards.

-x-Time flows-x-

Luffy and Ace had lost Sabo, so many things happened, but when the blonde’s past came for him he tried to flee. His only mistake was crossing a Celestial Dragon ship, they open fired on him and sank his ship. Sabo was a devil fruit user so it was believed he died.

It was a heavy blow but it pushed Ace and Luffy to get even stronger. Ace set off before Luffy and began making a name for himself in the world.

He set off when he was 17 years old, and began building a crew. He became a terror in the East Blue bringing down heavy hitters left and right.



Robin currently working for a man named Crocodile who was going by the alias Mr. 0, she still had no clue where her little brother was. She had tried to use some of Crocodile’s resources to find him, but she didn’t know where her father was or where he took Luffy. She hoped he was still alive and doing well.

Nico didn’t realize it but she had gotten close to finding him. Mr. 7 in the East Blue was scouting potential talent, but he was taken out by Roronoa Zoro. A man who’d be joining her brother’s crew.

Luffy and his crew were causing all sorts of “trouble”. Nothing that would earn Luffy the title of pirate, but while he crushed other pirates and saved people from them, he also beat up scummy marines which landed him a bounty.

He had come to the grand line and run into other agents of Baroque Works, the group Crocodile was running.

She took out Mr.8’s ship but allowed the man to survive. There was a small crew of pirates who were protecting Princess Vivi. Among them was a boy with jet black hair and a scar under his eye, and he had a straw hat. “I have a way for you to get to Alabasta,” she swiped his hat and tossed Nami an eternal pose.

“Hey give me back my hat!” suddenly a male arm sprouted from her body and grabbed his hat and flung it back down to him. Her eyes widened as the arm vanished in a flurry of petals. His petals were a dazzling red compared to her own cherry blossom pink.

‘Could it be!?’

“Boy what is your name?” she asked and he looked at her. “My name is Luffy!”


After Luffy broke the eternal pose declaring she would not decide their path. She couldn’t help but smile, her brother was so strong willed, she wasn’t going to let Crocodile hurt him, but she had to get to the Poneglyph first. ‘But I’ve found you brother, and you have grown up so handsome and strong!’ With a name in hand, she could find out all sorts of things.

To be continued


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