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American Dragon/Ben 10 parody: Kinktober Special

AN: This one was a long time coming, lost this story in one of the comp issues but i'm happy with how this turned out

Kinktober Special 2022 # 9 Crossover

Inter-dimensional Wrestling

Jake is the American Dragon, and he’s used his powers to infiltrate a human wrestling circuit for a mission before, he didn’t expect wrestling to become popular in the magic realm, to the point he’d have to enter to solve a case. What he didn’t expect was for the ring to bring opponents from other dimensions.


Jake Long is the American Dragon. It’s his job to keep the balance between the magical and non-magical worlds. He was still learning but he’s handled a lot of strange cases. Something he wasn’t expecting was to have to go undercover as a wrestler...again!

One case was enough, when a young giant ended up getting drawn into the world of professional wrestling. His parents were distraught, they didn’t realize their baby boy had run off to join the circus, well professional wrestling. He loved wrestling he had posters and fliers all about it. That wasn’t strange, just as magical things landed in the human world, human stuff came to the magical world.

Giants were typically peaceful creatures, so he didn’t think his parents would accept his desire to wrestle. So he ran off and got himself an agent. He didn’t know that the giant was an ACTUALLY giant, a child giant was about the size of an adult human so it worked out. Jake had to infiltrate the underground wrestling circuit, K. E. W. L. the King Extreme Wrestling League. He went in dragon form which wasn’t odd given the colorful cast of characters he was having to wrestle against.

Things spiraled out of control as the agent tracked down the giant village and worked to kidnap the other giants. Jake and Hobie worked together to save the other giants. He thought that would be it, but wrestling was introduced to the magical world.

It started off small, but there was something exciting about different magical creatures facing off with each other in the ring. They got to show off their powers and skills, and got a cut of the profits. As things do, wrestling began to escalate, the creatures of this world discovering wrestling in reverse, going back to some interesting times, and then some powerful magic users came up with a brilliant idea.

Whatever they were doing was needing big magic, which was causing big static in the magical world. The veils that divided the realms began to rip and unravel. No one knew what was happening or the direct cause.

Fu worked a little magic and traced the source of the static to the I. D. E. A. group. “Who are these guys?” Jake asked.

Both Jake’s grandpa and Fu blushed. “Well I have no idea.” The older man said.

“Hehe, yeah they’ve partnered with the Magic Wrestling League!” Jake was confused but decided not to ask. “So grab your tights and your mask you’re getting back in the ring!”

“Tights?” Grandpa raised a brow at Jake.

“It’s nothing!” He laughed it off, and the meaning behind the IDEA group slipped his mind. “Fu I’m pretty sure I threw that stuff out man.”

“I figured you’d might need it again so I saved it for you.” He brought out a box, with the wristbands, the leg guards, the mask, and those speedos. “Can’t have you throwing out custom gear like this.”

“Ohh man!” To think he’d be wrestling again.

Fu and Jake went to a stadium in the magical side. The magical dog acted as Jake’s manager and got him added to the roster. “Are you sure you want to enter?”

“Are dragons not allowed to enter?” Jake asked.

“No, we’ve actually wanted to have dragons in the ring for awhile now but most have refused.” It was probably a form of pride. Dragons fought to do their job, to do their duty, not for profit or entertainment. “Things have gotten intense since the merger, do you think you can handle it? You’ll have to play by our rules once you get into the ring.”

Jake struck a pose. “I’m sure I can handle it I’m the American Dragon after all!” He smirked flashing his pearly fangs.

“If you’re in, you’re in!” The dragon was signed up.

“Great, who or what am I fighting?” The clerk chuckled.

“You’ll have to find out at your match.”

Fu and Jake went to the locker rooms but there was something odd about them. They were small, you could fit maybe 20 people in here, and depending on the magical being more or less. What was really strange was how empty they were. “I got a bad feeling about this. Where are all the other contestants?”

“Who cares, I might not even have to fight I just gotta figure out what’s going on right?” He did some light stretches and exercises.

“Kinda, we have to figure out what’s causing the big static, then I call in the cavalry.” Jake shrugged. “I just don’t get what IDEA is doing getting involved with magic wrestling.”

“Who are these jokers, IDEA doesn’t sound evil?”

“Well they aren’t evil exactly.” Fu blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

“You know something don’t you, just tell me.”

“Well…” He whispered something into Jake’s ear.

“WHAT THE INTER DIMENSIONAL EROTICA ASSOCIATION!?” Fu placed his paws over Jake’s mouth.

“SHH!” He sighed. “Ya see Jake, fantasy creatures can do a lot of fancy and especially kinky stuff day to day, stuff humans could never do or pull off. So since some of the most erotic things imaginable are the norm when it comes to porn fantasy folk want something special.”

“So these guys peek into other dimensions and record people fucking?” Fu shrugged.

“Nothing hotter than seeing a couple from another dimension go at it.” Jake shook his head.

“Wait Fu, how much magic power does it take to do something like that?”

“Peeking into another universe, it’s tricky but nothing that can cause this much static.” Jake put the pieces together.

“Fu, what happens if they bring people from other universes here to fight?” He grabbed the dog.

“What?! That’s crazy, it’d take a lot of juice to open a portal to another world let alone pull someone through it. Not to mention it’d be messing with the fabric of reality something like that would...”

“Tear apart the veil between the realms?” Fu gulped.

“LADIES AND GENTLEMAN WE HAVE AN AMAZING MATCH TODAY. OUR VERY OWN AMERICAN DRAGON!” In a flash Jake was pulled from the room and brought to the ring.

“Jake!” The dog gasped. He went to grab his phone to call for help but in a flash Fu was bound and gagged.

“HE WILL BE FACING A HERO FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION, A BOY WITH THE POWER OF ALIENS!” The crowd cheered. A mysterious box was opened up and a portal opened up in the ring. “GIVE A HAND FOR BEN TENNYSON!”

A brunette with a green jacket came out of the portal. “WELCOME BOYS TO INTER DIMENSIONAL WRESTLING!”

Ben ruffled his hair. “What dimension am I in now?” He sighed. “Hey, what’s going on?”


Ben looks at Jake in all his dragon glory. “This for real?”

“Yeah sorry about this.” He had just found out about this himself.


“IDEA? What the heck?!” Ben’s face went red as screens turned on showing scenes of Tennyson and his many erotic exploits. One scene was of Ben riding Kevin Levin in the backseat of his car, another was of the brunette sucking Cooper off while getting plowed by a fucking machine.

Tennyson’s whole face went red. “What the hell?!”

Jake couldn’t help but blush, feeling his dragon cock stir in his sheath. Ben was apparently a favorite among IDEA customers as they had a lot of footage of him, he was knotted by a werewolf looking alien called Scout, and in another scene he was eaten out by a feline-like alien named Rook.

Long had to admit he was a little jealous, they were the same age but Ben’s gotten way more action. “Okay that’s it I’m shutting this down, starting with you dragon boy.” He activated his omnitrix.

“Wait I don’t wanna fight you, whatever is happening here is causing a lot of trouble in my world and I have to put a stop to it.” Jake explained.

Ben eyed him and sighed. “Fine, let’s do it your way.” They were gonna refuse to fight but since that’d be a boring show.

The ring lit up and energy surged from the floor. Jake gasped as he was stripped naked, even being reverted back to his human form. “Ahh!” he gasped and covered his hard dick.

Ben wasn’t any better, as all his clothes except his omnitrix was erased in a flash of light. The magic did have an effect on the alien device as Ben would soon find out.  “COME ON BOYS GIVE THE AUDIENCE A SHOW HUH!”

“FINE!” the two snapped.

“Dragon Up!” Jake transformed back into a dragon.

“It’s Hero Time!” Ben activated his omnitrix. “Four Arms will be perfect for this.” He slapped his watched and ended up transforming into a loboan. “Blitzwolfer!?” Ben groaned. “You know something omnitrix even in another dimension you still don’t work right.”

Outside of the omnitrix symbol his alien form was naked. “Aww man!”

“Why are we naked?” Jake demanded.


“I had to ask.” His manly bits may have been internal but he was still rock hard, his penis threatening to slip out of his sheath. It was embarrassing.

“So we just gotta fight and put on a good show then huh?” Ben cracked his claws. “I’m not gonna hold back, if this is a game I’m gonna win!”

“The American Dragon isn’t gonna back down!” The two clashed.

Blitzwolfer had speed and agility on his side, but Long was bulky. His dragon scales and dragon muscles gave him a mix of offense and defense. Ben wasn’t backing down, when they were face to face, claw to claw they were seemingly evenly matched.

There was just one problem, Jake’s tail wasn’t just cute and fluffy like Blitzwolfer’s. It was well trained and strong. Ben dug his claws in, just as he was about to unleash a loboan howl right in Jake’s face...Long’s tail came out and swish!

“WAH!” His howl shot up into the air, striking a barrier that kept protected the building. “Dang it!”

“Heh!” Ben glared at Jake. A leg sweep wasn’t enough to finish him off, he did a back flip and corrected himself. He tried to tackle and grapple the dragon.

“Don’t be so smug, I don’t like to lose!” Blitzwolfer got Jake in a wolf hug. It didn’t last as he didn’t account for Jake’s wings. They pushed out and broke his hold.

“Neither do I bro, but this dragon’s coming out on top!” The two got swept up in the joy of combat. The crowd cheered and hollered.

A dragon was wrestling with an alien werewolf, this was an epic show and it wasn’t even the main event.

The cheers stroked the duo’s egos, and they were drawn deeper into the sway of the ring. They grappled and worked trying to pin each other to the ground. Each pin, only last for about a count of five, before the pinned male reversed the position.

A heated back and forth had both males’ hearts pumping. Ben was feeling another kind of excitement surge through him. Jake was strong, and his sexy dragon body kept pinning him down over and over again. He had a thing for bulkier men, as the audience saw with his partners.

Jake’s big strong body held Ben down in just the right way. “5...6...7...8...9...10!” Ding Ding Ding! “BEN TENNYSON IS DOWN, JAKE LONG IS THE WINNER!”

The crowd erupted into standing cheers and applause. Both males were panting. The ring rippled with magic. “IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT, JAKE LONG ENJOY THE SPOILS!”

Jake pulled back surprised. “Oh man!” He had no idea this was gonna happen, but this explained the merger. The dragon looked to the alien werewolf and his jaw dropped. “Ben?”

Blitzwolfer was trembling. “Nnnhhh!” His fluffy tail started wagging. His large loboan cock was out of his heath, pulsing and throbbing. Pre-cum dripped onto the ring floor. “Ahh~!”

“Oh wow!” Jake felt his loins stir. The hero from another world arched his back so erotically. His plump furry rear stuck up in the air, cheeks spread so naturally. The alien’s hole was opened up like a lewd donut, the entrance winking at the dragon.

Long gulped. His dragon dick slipped from the sheath. Both men were packing some serious meat. In human form Ben was rocking a solid 10 incher, he was cut and shower hung, as Blitzwolfer he gained some extra length and girth, with his knot he was 15 inches long in total.

As for Jake, he was rocking a grower dick. He was 6 inches soft, 11 inches hard in his human form. In his dragon form his cock was something else! Dragons from different regions had very unique rods, Jake’s penis was quite impressive, he gained length, and while he didn’t gain girth he gained these dragon ridges along the underside of his manhood.

Ben had looked over and seen the impressive rod. Long indeed his dick was 16 inches in length. Tennyson had a bit of a size kink, his partners who had his ass were all bigger than him. His aliens sometimes gave him an edge to pound some ass now and then, but rarely did anyone beat him in alien form.

Blitzwolfer’s switch was flipped, he wanted to be fucked hard and deep. “Jake...do it...fuck me!” He wiggled his butt.

Jake’s penis twitched. ‘Fuck this is so hot!’ He was blushing hard, that furry ass was calling him. All common sense fell out of his head.

“Fuck him!” “Fuck him!” “Pound his ass!” “Give him that dragon cock!”

The chanting and heated looks flipped a switch in Jake. He pounced on the loboan. Claws groped furry cheeks. “You got a great ass Ben!” He squeezed the rear making Ben groan.

Jake decided to show the werewolf some special service. “Face the tongue of the dragon!” He kissed Blitzwolfer’s hole.

“Ooohhh~!” The loboan howled.

Such a talented wet muscle, and trained to an insane skill. The tongue slipped into his ass, wiggling deeper and deeper. It darted back and forth, and even...curling! Ben’s claws flexed and his tail wagged wildly.

“Ohh fuck yes!” Blitzwolfer growled in delight. He began to drool and pant.

No one had eaten his ass like this, that dragon tongue was truly number one. It snaked it’s way into the tight channel and licked areas no human could reach with their tongue. Shivers shot up Ben’s spine.

The sinister organ was more than just long and flexible, it was STRONG! His hole was licked open, his channel opened wide and deep, hot dragon saliva pouring into his cavern.

Jake made out with Ben’s ass, he kissed the ring and worked him french and deep. Blitzwolfer clawed at the ring floor. “Ohh ohh ohh ohh~”

“Mmm mmm mmm mmm~!” Jake was having a blast, enjoying the lewd noises made between them. He kicked it up a notch, spinning his tongue in a way like a propeller right at his sweet spot.

“Fuck!” Ben cursed, his inner walls tightened. Those large furry nuts unleashed. “Ahhh~!” His back arched and he pelted the ring floor. He just gushed and gushed, his heavy cock throbbing as he released his seed.

The live sex show was just getting started. “You okay?” Jake asked after pulling his tongue out with a naughty pop.

Ben slid up and braced himself against the ropes. “That tongue of yours is crazy, but how are you using that cock?”

“Well I uhh…” He grinned sheepishly.

“Come on American Dragon, show me what you are made of.”

“Right!” He licked his chops. Jake placed his dragon claws on Blitzwolfer’s hips, lining up his dragon rod. His pre-cum spilled over and ran over his length and ridges. “This is so hot!”

Long pushed forward and both heroes moaned. Ben twitched with each ridge popping into his ass. “Oh ah oh ah ohh ahh!” The dragon’s cock was so good, heat radiating all through him. It was the biggest cock he’s ever taken and those ridges were doing things to him.

Dragon dick was good at stimulating those inner walls. “Ohh yeah!” Ben’s ass was squeezing him so good. Inch after glorious inch filled his cave and made it’s home inside him. “Such a sweet ass!”

Tennyson had a grade A fuck hole, the brunette relaxed and took the impressive rod well. “Ohh damn!” Those with front row seats could see that big dick bulge out Blitzwolfer’s belly.

He didn’t know the true merit of dragon cock until Jake pulled back. The ridges rubbed his insides and teased his pucker. His ring getting churned out, an extra burst of pleasure shooting through his taint and into his groin. The loboan dick was back up hard and wanting.

Long began to move, pounding the alien’s ass. “Yeah oh yeah, who’s your dragon!?” Jake panted and moaned, humping the hero from another dimension.

“Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh fuck ahh ahh ahh!” Ben had hearts in his eyes. They were from two other worlds brought to one, driving each other wild. Jake’s tail wagged slapping the ring behind him as he sped up his thrusts.

His thrusts were long and strong, making good use of his ridges. The clap of his scaled pelvis on furry cheeks caused a domino effect. Each smack made Ben’s hole tighten up for the pull back, creating more friction.

Jake’s pace had Ben’s body trembling and shaking, his loboan penis bouncing and bobbing. “I’m the mack daddy dragon of NYC ya here!”

“Yes!” Ben howled and came, Jake following suit. The crowd got hit, they were in the splash zone so the horny fans got a bukkake of the ages.

The dragon’s wings curled and spasmed, while his tail curled in delight. “Ohh yeah!” Long’s seed was unleashed, spurts, cum surged through his rod and he flooded Ben’s insides.

Ben’s watch began to beep, which shocked Jake, he pulled out in concern and he ended up showering Ben in semen. Blitzwolfer vanished in a flash of green light, and Ben was back being showered in fresh man milk. “Oh man!” Jake transformed back into human form. “Sorry…”

“Nah dude, it’s all good, that was one wild ride.” The two shared a bro fist bump. “Now it’s hero time!” They didn’t have much time to say good bye as Ben was sent back home through a portal. He was fine.


Back up was called and Inter Dimensional Wrestling was seemingly shut down. The weird box they were using to open up portals was destroyed in this universe, but such a device apparently existed in every one. IDEA’s agents slipped away and were still at large. More videos were sold including the video of Jake’s match with Ben. Jake received a free copy and a strange pager.

This was just a test, IDEA may return again, and it was possible he may even get summoned to another world. The veil was fixed. They were burning too much power bringing two heroes from different worlds to face each other. If they only had to summon one at a time, they could use the box more safely.

When Jake’s pager buzzed it was time for another fight. He was paid in porn, getting a look at his competition before their match. “Hmm...Martin Mystery huh? Let’s see what he’s about.”



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