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Mobseka parody: Tier 1

Hypnovember Special Sci-Fi

Dating Sim Hack

Leon is dragged into the Sky Pirate Event, it’s a bit soon so Leon feels that Marie is causing problems and causing events to happen before their time. So he decides to take action and weaken her hold on this dating sim world. How to weaken her power? Remove the love interests.

Chapter 1 Idiot Helmets

Leon was perplexed. The Sky Pirate Event came later in the games, when you had much better gear and some EXP under your belt. The fact it was happening now was troubling.

Since coming to this world things have been hard for a mob character like him. He was a background character in a dating sim world. So his fate in this world was a bad one, he had to take control and got a “cheat” item, which was a pay to win item in the real world that he spent real money on. The game was difficult even with the “cheat” item.

According to his partner Luxion he had both old human and new human traits, this was a sign of a reincarnation. Marie was also a reincarnation, but unlike Leon she was abusing her game knowledge to try and make her life better at the cost of the world. She was taking away the protagonist position from Olivia, but that would end badly as the world needed her to become the saint.

Leon planned to stay in his lane and live out his mob life peacefully, but Marie’s manipulations forced him to act. She had the five capture characters wrapped around her finger. Inside and out the girl was rotten, from his brief interactions with her Leon could tell all she cared about was herself and her money.

He wasn’t a gambling man, honestly, but he’d put money on the fact she didn’t “love” any of the guys in her little reverse harem. She just wanted to be spoiled. Yes she had her problems to, but instead of using her game knowledge to fix those problems she used it to become the protag, and was dooming them all in the process.

Killing her was the simplest option, but that would bring more problems. She had the five idiots “in love” with her, and they’d hunt him down. He thought he could leave her uchecked but she’s becoming dangerous so Leon decided to weaken her power/hold somehow.

He asked Luxion for some options, and the little robot had a few. The obvious choice of breaking up the harem would be the safest option. He just needed to figure out when and how to strike. Imagine his luck as Brad and Greg were tasked with coming along on this Sky Pirate Hunt.

Luxion’s true body was full of tons of technology that would stun the magic focused humans completely. So for the mission Leon had Luxion build “Partner” an air ship not as sci-fi and similar enough to other ships as to not rouse suspicion, but be more powerful than anything they had currently. His true body could probably wipe out the whole kingdom if Leon so wished.

Partner would be a good cover for Luxion’s true body for now. His partner was quite proud of his creation, having examined ships made in this world, he made sure to outclass them in every regard. Offense, Defense, Speed, Partner was S class.

With Partner ready to fly, it was time to hunt down some Sky Pirates.

‘What are these idiots doing?’ Brad was asked to come by his former fiancee. The girl who was causing all this was the underling of Brad’s ex, and feeling guilty over their recent break up agreed. Greg heard about this and decided to tag along.

The other three idiots were called away to deal with family matters, and Marie was busy doing something. While that was concerning Leon’s focus was on the two idiots in front of them.

Sky Pirates were called SKY PIRATES for a reason. They owned air ships for a start, and the more infamous ones had mechs on their own fitted with strong weapons and tough armor. Greg brought only a spear with him and Brad had no weapon on him at all. ‘Do they intend to fight against a fleet of airships and mechs with magic and a spear, am I missing the joke here?’

In the game this event happened during the second year, Marie’s actions were distorting this world more and more. Leon had to take action. “You two better not cause trouble on my precious Partner got it?” So they were off.


Leon had Brad and Greg on his ship, so he decided to start with them. He had Luxion prepare a special item for them. They had time before the pirates came after them, so Leon challenged them to a game of cards.

Hand after hand they got beat, they handed over their money, which Leon took is their fare for this ride. He didn’t even have to cheat much as the two had terrible poker faces. Once they were out of their pocket money it was time to raise the stakes. “Looks like the fun is over.”

“Hold on, I haven’t lost yet, I wanna win back my money!” Greg said.

“Indeed, I can’t stand losing to you!” Brad added.

Leon shrugged. “Fine, but you know you’ll have to bet the clothes off your backs right?” Brad blushed, feeling slightly nervous.

“Who cares when we are gonna win!” Greg said.

“Right!” They lost.

Those skin tight body suits came off, and the two were stripped down to some underwear Leon would say was like a thong and a speedo. Brad was rocking the thong, while Greg had the speedo. Another hand and they lost those to, leaving both nobles bare ass naked.

Leon eyed the two. Brad was left blushing and trying to cover himself, while Greg was throwing a fit at losing. The purple haired noble manscaped he was smooth and clean. His piece wasn’t very thick but looked nice. As for the red head, he had a nice nest of manly hair, and his cock was actually quite girthy.

“One more round!” Greg demanded.

“Guys you are broke you have nothing to bet with.” Leon said. The two males were frustrated, it sucked to lose, it was worse to lose to someone you hated. Leon could read them like a book so when their frustrations hit their peak he made his move. “I suppose one more hand would be fine, but if you lose you guys have to wear these “Idiot Helmets” for the rest of the trip.” Some droids brought in the helmets.

“Nice try Bartfort, I’m sure you’ve enchanted these somehow to prank us!” Brad said. “Detect Magic!” He cast but didn’t get a single ping. “Oh…”

“Man dude, talk about paranoid.” Greg said. Leon held back a smirk. Turns out Sci-fi beat magic in this case.

The game was on and Brad and Greg lost. “Sorry boys you get to wear the idiot helmets!” Leon chuckled and laughed.

“Ugh whatever!” Brad put his on.

“Dang it.” Greg placed his on.

Leon signaled Luxion and the helmets were activated. Their minds were probed and scanned. The two had their own issues, both their prior engagements were for political reasons. Chris and Greg’s fiancee didn’t even appear in the game, so Leon didn’t know much about them. Brad’s fiancee was a real problem though, he hoped like Angelica she’d be more than the villain she was in the games but she was absolute trash.

He felt bad for them, these guys deserved love, not be used by someone like Marie. She used game lines and events to manipulate them, with “love” blinding them to Marie’s true personality. He had tried to talk sense into Julius but words and actions couldn’t reach him. So he decided to use his cheat item for a little sci-fi hack.

The helmets activated going into phase two. “Ohh!” Brad let out a moan.

Greg began to pant and drool.

Both men got hard as their minds were washed and reprogrammed. It felt amazing. Their dicks stood at attention. Brad’s cock reached 7 inches while Greg reached 6 inches but he was thicker than Brad. The two didn’t notice their arousal or the effects the helmets were doing.

Leon had given Luxion plenty of info on the two, and he had scanned their brains to confirm and formulate a plan. In seconds he was able to create programs for both men and downloaded them into the helmets.

Brad was a playboy and a narcissist, so Luxion got to work correcting this. Marie’s influence was erased, and his desire for women was dropped to zero. Being the sassy robot AI he was, he added some bits he knew/hoped would annoy Leon.

The purple haired noble’s affection for Leon was increased to 99%, while his desire for men was increased to 75%. Luxion provided him ample mental imagery to stimulate his brain and libido. As he got his brain washed he fell into a deep trance, so Leon moved on to step three.

Droids came in with some special items. “You guys need some serious mental and physical training, Luxion’s got the mental going now for the physical.” Leon fixed what appeared to be a sci-fi fleshlight over Brad’s dick. It sealed around the base, acting like a cock ring, then the futuristic machine began to suck his dick.

“Ohhh!” Brad moaned and shuddered. He’d have cum if his penis wasn’t sealed. His body shuddered, mental and physical stimulus mixing together.

As for Greg, he was a muscle head who often charged in without thinking. His interests needed to be tweaked and Luxion got to work. Marie’s influence was erased. His desire for men and women were pretty equal surprising enough, so Luxion simply dropped the levels for women.

Luxion was able to pull thoughts that Greg buried deep down and freed them. He used them to help make sure this reprogramming stuck. The AI added a few annoyances for Leon for his own entertainment.

The red head’s affection level towards Leon was once again raised to 99%. He fell into a trance faster than Brad enjoying being under someone’s control. Leon slipped the machine over Greg’s cock and it got to work. Greg moaned as his penis was sucked non stop but he couldn’t cum.

Luzion made them stand and Bartfort slipped in some special plugs. They popped in without issue, the guys too horny to feel any pain. Plus new human bodies were special, their ass holes existed only for mating, for men there were special nerve endings that increased anal pleasure.

The plugs began to vibrate, stimulating their asses and awakening those nerve endings. The pleasure surged making their bodies grow hotter.

Leon enjoyed some peace, letting the two get washed and stimulated.

Sadly the fun had to end as the Sky Pirates showed up. Luxion pulled the two back from their trances. “Okay you two get ready!”

“?” They looked at him confused.

“The pirates are coming, you two get ready for combat.” They still didn’t know what to do. “Just get dressed and stay here on standby.” The two were insulted, but they really didn’t know anything, even Greg with his combat training didn’t know what to do. Leon tried not to be too harsh as they were still first year students.

Using Arroganz Leon took on the pirates by himself, fighting with his hands tied as he took the lot prisoner. Partner’s artillery made short work of their ship’s magic barriers forcing the pirates to surrender. When brought on board Leon noticed the guys were still wearing their helmets and the toys were still in use.

Brad and Greg had to get to work and tie up and lock up the captured pirates. While Brad was feeling frustrated, Greg had a major wake up call. He couldn’t do anything, despite his “combat experience” he was useless without his retainers and he realized he was just a pretentious brat, like the ones he mocked in school.

Leon’s words from back during the duel hit him, he was a jerk and an ass, while completely being unaware of his actions. Leon was trying to teach him and help him grow, but he was too stubborn and blind to realize it. This caused his affection for Leon to cross that threshold and hit max.

Brad would need a different push, but both men were swooning over Leon’s defeat of the Sky Pirates. After they were all locked up and their ships looted, Leon retired to his room.

What he wasn’t expecting was for Brad and Greg to be in his bed, naked and horny. “Leon!” The two moaned. The helmets and tech were removed, their hard cocks stood erect and dripping, holes throbbing in want.

“Ehhh?!” Leon gasped. He had to deal with two horny nobles, looking at him in a really erotic way. The mob gulped and began to sweat bullets. Of course Luxion let them in, this was gonna be fun.

To be continued


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