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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Kinktober Special

Kinktober Special 2022 # Size Stealing

Goblin Powers

Rigur had gained some special skills after being named by Rimuru. Having been one of the first he gained quite the benefit. While out hunting he’s attacked by some Ogres, he faces their leader and challenges him. The Red Ogre talks a lot looking down on a hobgoblin. So Rigur decides to teach him a lesson.


Rigur 2 aka Riguru though most just call him Rigur. He inherited this name from his brother, a blessing from the one who named him Rimuru. The mighty slime who not only saved their village but united the Goblins and the Dire Wolves. After accomplishing this mighty feat he agreed to rule over their village and give them all names.

The goblins got to evolve into Hobgoblins and Goblinas, while the Dire Wolves evolved into Tempest Wolves.

Rigur’s brother was a mighty warrior and his skills made him worthy of a name. As a goblin he tried to live up to his brother’s example. Now as a Hobgoblin he wanted to live up to Rimuru’s kindness. To be of use to their new king/lord. Such a benevolent and noble soul who not only saved them but gave them names.

As one of the first to receive names from the slime, Rigur and his father Rigurd received the most benefit. His father not only regained his youth but gained a lot of muscles. As for him...well...his brother may have been a mighty warrior, but it seems fate had other plans for this Rigur.

When one gives a name they share their magicules and even pass on skills to the named person. Rigur inherited Sage, a fragment of what was now Great Sage, but it was enough to unlock his potential. He wasn’t just a Hobgoblin he was a Goblin Shaman.

The Sage skill unlocked his magic potential allowing him to gain the goblin skills. Fire Bolt, Message, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Detect Thoughts, Sleep, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, along with obtaining Magic Resistance. That wasn’t all, he gained traits from the slime, Dissolve Touch and Absorb Touch.

In efforts to make himself of use to Rimuru he trained. So while Rimuru was bringing Dwarves into the fold he was training and working to harness his skills. He learned Shadow Movement, Shadow Lock, Light, and even Danger Sense.

The dwarves came to the village and they were able to grow with the help of the skilled artisans. Rigur joined the hunting team, to make sure they had plenty of food. When Ifrit attacked h wanted to be at Rimuru’s side and fight, but was forced to stay back and help with the evacuation. He wanted to get stronger, much stronger.


They were gonna celebrate Rimuru’s new human form, having gained a sense of taste he was gonna start eating with everyone. Rigur was excited so he wanted to catch something special. He led the hunting team, with Ranga serving as security.

Rimuru was off doing some “special” training, but said he’d be back for the banquet. Before they could hunter the special beast Rigur’s Danger Sense activated. They avoided an ambush from a group of ogres.

Most of the hunting party got put to sleep by magic, but Rigur was able to resist it. Ranga was fighting off two ogres, Gobta was facing one, while Rigur was left fighting the remaining three. ‘This is bad.’

The red ogre appeared to be their leader but the older one was making his danger sense go crazy. As it stood the ogres were just toying with them. “Hold on!” Rigur called out, pointing his sword at the red ogre. “I am Rigur, and I challenge you to one on one combat!”

He laughed. “A mere goblin dares to challenge me!” The ogre was both insulted.

‘He’s looking down on me?!’ It went against Rimuru’s three great beliefs, looking down on other races. Rigur’s hand balled into a fist.

“Brother, he’s not like the other goblins be careful.” The pink ogress said.

“Careful against some goblin? We are the strongest monsters in the Great Forest of Jura!” He roared, flames dancing around his body in his rage.

“Then accept my challenge, and face me in one on one combat!” It would be tough, but he believed he had a plan.

He thought he could absorb the ogre’s power and turn the tides. In numbers they had no hope. “You mouthy goblin!” The red ogre growled. He draws his sword. “I will crush you!”

“Hold on young master.” The red ogre turned and faced the old one.

“What? Do you think I’ll lose to a mere goblin?” The old ogre shook his head.

“I don’t intend to stop you if you accept his challenge, but be on guard. Goblins might be weak, but they have been known to possess all kinds of tricks.” Their lord just smirked.

“I won’t lose, I’ll crush him with absolute force!” His flames surge, and heat washed over the area.

‘He’s strong!’ Rigur began to sweat. ‘But he’s also over confident, I’ll defeat him and punish him for looking down on me!’

“Then if you accept my challenge, we shall fight one on one, if I win you lot lay down your arms and surrender.” The red ogre just smirked.

“And when I win I will punish you for your disrespect, and your lives will belong to me!” His hand balled into a fist, before opening to form a ball of flames. “I think I’ll take my time and roast you alive!”

“Rigur…” Gobta was freaking out.

“It’ll be fine, I have a plan.” The two walked off to duel alone.


“You might be a named monster, but don’t get full of yourself Goblin!” The red ogre pointed at Rigur. “There is a vast difference in our strengths, even a named monster of your level can’t hope to reach the might of ogres.”

“My name is Rigur!” He draws his sword and pulls out a dagger.

“As if I’m gonna remember the name of some lowly goblin.” The two clashed, the red ogre charging forth and bringing down his blade.

‘He’s fast...and strong...but I’m not gonna lose!’ Rigur jumped back, but the ogre charged at him and kept up the assault. Using both weapons he was able to block the attacks.

“I’m not gonna let you try any of your goblin tricks!” He declared. Rigur focused on blocking, using a goblin skill called Nimble Escape to avoid being cornered. “Burn!”

He gathered his magic to create a fire ball in his palm. ‘Now!’ Rigur gripped his sword tight. “Light!” The spell surged through the blade, and the metal lit up shining bright.

It caught the ogre off guard, he couldn’t finish casting his spell and used his arms to shield his eyes. “So fast, how could you cast such a spell so quickly?” He growled. “Trying to blind me, pathetic!” Thrust!

Rigur plunged his sword into the ground, it continued to create light strengthening the ogre’s shadow. “Heh, you blew your last shot goblin!” He raised an arm to cast another fire spell.

It was too late, Rigur threw his dagger and it plunged behind the ogre’s striking his shadow. “Shadow Hold!” In an instant he was paralyzed and unable to move.

“What...what the...what the hell?” Rigur breathed a sigh of relief.

“Shadow Hold, a nice little skill that binds your body and magic.” Not a total lie, if the ogre was a better spell caster/magic user he could break free from this. All the red ogre could do was offensive fire spells that would not help him here.

“No way how could a lowly goblin know such a tactic!” Slap! Rigur walked right up and slapped the red ogre in his smug face. “You bastard!” Slap! The strike actually stung, and sent sensations through his body.

“Be quiet, you are so disrespectful!” He growled at the goblin. “I’m not lowly and I’m not even a goblin anymore. I’m a Hobgoblin with the power of a Goblin Shaman!” His faster than normal spell casting was proof of that.

“Tch, a goblin is a goblin.” He huffed.

“Still talking big and in the situation you are in.” The ogre smirked.

“So what if you managed to catch me you won’t be able to defeat me!” He was refusing to give up or surrender.

“I wonder about that!” Rigur’s hand sparked with energy.

‘What is that?’ Sweat began to form.

With one touch the ogre’s sword was dissolved, vanishing into nothingness. “What the hell?!” He was stunned, his finely crafted weapon forged by expert ogre craftsmen, destroyed in an instant...impossible.

“Dissolve Touch!” A technique the ogre never heard of or seen before. Rigur touched his armor and it dissolved away. Bit by bit, he became exposed, his thick and beefy ogres muscles were shown. His armor was nothing, reduced to dust in seconds.

The ogres protests were ignored as Rigur used this little skill to strip him bare, humming to himself as he worked. In an instant Rigur knew everything about his armor, from its fine craftsmanship to its durability, it would have taken a lot to destroy this armor physically or magically. “Not bad, no wonder you are so overconfident, from your big strong muscles full of ogre strength, to your fancy army made by impeccable craftsmen, to your overflowing mana full of heat, to your...endowments!”

He blushed, the man couldn’t even cover himself as Rigur eyed him up and down. As an ogre he was a fine specimen, the prince was a sexy beast of a man. He was thick and jacked, Rigur’s dad was bigger of course, but still the ogre was hot!

Ogre men were said to be monsters among monsters both on the battle field and in the bedroom. The prince was sporting a shower 16 incher, his penis was long and thick, with a nice set of family jewels. Other than the hair on his head his body was completely smooth.

As Rigur’s hand came close to the red ogre’s package he began to sweat bullets fearing his manhood would be dissolved next. If he only knew. No instead the hobgoblin’s hand wrapped around his tender area and gave it a squeeze. “Not a bad piece, you are strong, have skill, and are quite hot.” He blushed at the praise.

“Oi!” Rigur pumped his penis, causing his loins to stir.

“But!” He gripped the shaft with both hands, working the dick. “You have a bad mind set, you shouldn’t look down on other races.”

The red ogre wanted to scoff, but was struggling not to moan as he got hard under the hobgoblin’s touch. “Look at that, getting hard from a “lowly goblin’s” touch. Are you some kind of pervert?” His tone shifted as he spoke, from sarcasm when he said lowly goblin’s to rough and sinful when he said pervert. He punched the words with a firm squeeze.

“Ahhh!” A moan was torn from his lips. “Damn...you…”

Rigur smirked. He pulled away and the ogre managed to avoid the whine of loss. The hobgoblin began to strip, taking off almost everything. Only his cute red bandanna remained.

His captured opponent got an amazing look at his goods, from his toned hobgoblin muscles to his “impressive” size. Turn about was fair play, and the red head smirked. ‘Heh I’m bigger!’ It was a surge to his ego.

Rigur read his look, but didn’t back down, instead smirking back. He caressed and worked his cock, thinking of Rimuru helped get him hard in a snap. The ogre tried to close his eyes, but kept peeking and watching the stud jerk off.

His eyes were drawn to the cock. As the blood rushed south the grower dick did what it did best, it expanded and dipped down before rising up. ‘Oh shit!’ Eyes widened as Rigur’s cock matched his size.

He was the same size as the ogre. Goblins might not have been packing much meat, but hobgoblins were mighty enough to make horses cry in jealousy. His orbs were big, large enough to make a tanuki go... “Nice!”

Rigur came over to him and crossed swords with him. “Looks like we are equally matched after all.” The ogre growled. “Why don’t we settle this peacefully, apologize and we can end this duel without any trouble.”

“I will not apologize to a lowly Goblin, your cock is inferior to mine. I’m clearly bigger!” They were the same size. “You might be a perverted goblin I’m a mighty ogre and I won’t submit!”

Rigur chuckled. “It’s a shame, I tried to give you a pass, but you are a bad liar.” He poked his forehead. “My skill Detect Thoughts picked it all up, you were checking me out and judging from this…” He flicked the ogre’s cock and made it bob in the air. “You find me quite sexy Mr. Pervert!”

Mr Pervert blushed and groaned. “So I’m gonna punish you, for your disrespect and your lying.” Rigur placed a hand on his chest. “Absorb Touch!”

Another attack he hadn’t heard of, but it’s effects became clear. Mr Pervert felt his magicules drain away, being taken by the hobgoblin. “Ugh!” His body trembled. The draining was weirdly pleasurable.

Heat spread through his body as his energy and power was slurped away. “What are you doing to me?” His penis twitched from the pleasure and began to ooze pre-cum.

The ogre’s muscles began to dwindle, his thick arms began to shrink. The once firm manly and beefy pecs began to soften. His six pack began to evaporate leaving only a tight tummy. “What have you done to me?!” He gasped.

“Mmm!” Rigur flexed. All that muscle mass went somewhere. His muscles popped and grew and he got a little taller. His dad would be so proud at his new girth and muscle tone. “Ohh yeah this is nice!”

Rigur was looking more like an ogre now. He did some of his dad’s poses, really showing off his bulk up. “Curse you!” The red ogre was having strange and confusing thoughts about the buff goblin, all of which Rigur could detect.

“That doesn’t sound like an apology, you don’t learn.” Rigur grabbed the ogre’s cock.

“Wait!” He gasped.

“A weapon like this is wasted on you.” The hobgoblin gripped his penis tight. “Drain Touch!”

“Ohhh!” His dick twitched, he could feel his energy drained from his rod. Eyes fluttered as pleasure tore through his twink form. ‘What is this, why does this feel so good?!’ His body shuddered in a dry orgasm.

The once 16 inch rod dwindled down to 15. The red head panted and moaned, another dry orgasm rocked him and his penis dwindled. As his cock shrank Rigur’s cock began to grow. “Looks like you are enjoying this.”

“No…” He whimpered.

“Still can’t be honest, I’ll just have to humble you after I punish you.” Rigur worked his shaft.

Red Ogre’s penis began to shrink faster as pleasure rocked him. He tried to resist but it felt so good to lose more of his penis. Eyes closed as he tried to concentrate and pull his mana to protect his dwindling rod. It didn’t help.

His once 16 incher was now cut in half and still shrinking. Rigur was rocking 24 inches of monster meat and it just kept getting bigger. The red head began to drool, his once proud rod dwindled further it was now ¼ his original size.

His resistance wasn’t only futile but also counter productive. As he tried to resist with his mana it was sucked away drawing away his dominant thoughts and desires. So as each inch was taken away, he became sluttier and more submissive.

At 4 inches Rigurd switched to palming the tiny tool. It felt so good, if he could have moved he’d have bucked into the inviting palm. “Watch out or you won’t have any cock left.” He teased.

The ogre’s eyes opened and he looked down at his dwindling rod. “No no oh wow!” Something was casting a shadow on him. He looked and gazed at the hyper inflated cock, what once was his now belonged to Rigur. ‘Bigger...bigger…’ He wasn’t holding back anymore, he was giving up his size just to see that monster grow. ‘Yes!’

It actually caught Rigur off guard, he was gonna leave the ogre with something but...before he could deactivate the power the red ogre had surrendered the last three inches he could give, leaving him with only a tiny 1 inch nub of a penis. Such a contrast given his massive ogre nuts.

The big balls really stuck out compared to his twink body.

His eyes were focused on the giant piece of goblin meat, he had to be the size of a goblin champion or a goblin lord. Rigur’s penis reached 31 inches, and the Red Ogre was loving it. He had hearts in his eyes.

Rigur could hear all the naughty thoughts flooding his brain. All the dry orgasms helped shatter his mind, making him crave a true release. Drawing from his cock also increased his anal sensitivity. The mana poured through the prostate and out his rod. This caused his sweet spot to be stimulated by mana, which in turn stimulated the other nerves in his monster ass.

The ache in his cave caused the “weird” thoughts flooding his brain to multiply. “Nnnhhh!” His twink body was flushed and wanting. The tiny tool twitching and leaking pre-cum. The ogres balls were swollen and itching to cum.

He couldn’t touch himself. His body twitched as he rode the horny high. Red Ogre’s arms and legs felt like jelly, the only thing holding him up was the shadow hold.

Rigur lifted the spell and he collapsed onto his knees. The massive cock towered over him. “Oh wow!” Manly musk hit him hard and made his head spin.

“See something you like?”

“Yes!” He moaned.

“Finally honest huh?” Rigur smacked the ogre with his “club”.

“Ohhh!” He was seeing stars. Rigur had a mighty weapon now, that could crush a weaker man.

“That sinful mouth of yours needs to be punished, apologize to my cock and all will be forgiven.” The red head raised his arms and gripped the mighty rod. He pushed forward and began to kiss the dick.

Rigur was loving this, the once cocky, bulky, ogre was now working his shaft and making out with his cock head. He took the head into his mouth, sucking and slurping on the goblin’s tip. ‘So good!’ The pre-cum spilled out, washing over his tongue and down his throat. “Mmm!”

His tiny tool twitched and began to weep, his essence rolling over his sack and formed a river down his seem between his mighty nuts. The man’s ass was winking, throbbing in hunger as his mouth enjoyed the massive rod. His hands roamed the shaft, feeling every inch that just made the ache inside him grow more.

He took the giant cock into his mouth and down his throat. He gagged a bit, as he never sucked such a big cock before. His gag reflex was crushed and he took more and more into his mouth and throat. Red Ogre worked and took 16 inches, but he still had so much cock left to go.

His tongue was trapped under big goblin meat, his throat was stuffed, and his nose was taking in the rich musk. “Mmm!” He moaned around the shaft.

“Not bad, not bad!” Rigur ran his fingers through red hair. His hands moved to the ogre’s horns. “Looks like you need help, I know just how to help this slutty mouth of yours!” He gripped the horns firmly. “Fill it up!” Rigur thrust his hips forward, causing the ogre to take all 31 inches.

Had he been a normal human he would have died from the massive penis, for a monster as powerful as an ogre it was a shock but he handled it. He had the twink ogre down to his pubes, his hair tickling his nose, impressive goblin nuts resting on his chin.

The last thread of ogre pride was pulled tight. ‘Not like this...not like this…’ Snap! He came!

His tiny tool erupted in a powerful stream of thick ogre cum. He moaned around the full length, sending pleasing vibrations through it.

Rigur smirked, using his horns like handle bars he began to face fuck the smug ogre. “Ohh yeah!” The balls clapped against his chin.

The ogre had sparks going off in his brain. The mighty dominance shook him to the core. Rigur was enjoying himself, humping and grinding, dominating an OGRE! He almost couldn’t believe it, but here he was.

Rigur was wielding the cock of a goblin champion, the muscles of a goblin lord, with all the sexiness of a hobgoblin. He fucked his mouth and throat, enjoying the moans and gulps the ogre gave him in return. The icing on the cake was the stud turned twink was enjoying it, cumming from the face fuck.

Red Ogre came three times, spilling what made him a man across the earth. ‘He’s not stopping…’ His eyes rolled up. ‘Such a man!’

“Ohhh!” Rigur finally came and he filled the ogre’s belly, a lot! The once smooth tummy got punched out a little. “Ahh~!”

“Hic~Hic~” He looked drunk on cum. ‘I swallowed so much cum!’

The hobgoblin pulled out and he was still hard. “Well that’s enough, I think you’ve learned your lesson.” He turned to walk away, he accidentally smacked the twink and knocked him over into a puddle of his own cum.

“Wait!” Rigur looked back at him.

Red Ogre rolled onto his hands and knees, he wiggled his butt, the hole winking at him. “Please...please fuck me…”

“You want a mere goblin to pop your cherry?” Rigur crossed his arms.

“I’m sorry, I apologize for being so rude. I swear I’ll be good, just please fuck me!” He buried his face down, sticking his ass up in the air.

“Well, if you put it that way!” He slapped his cock down on his plump ass. “Say good bye to your ass hole!” The tip popped in, his potent essence flooding his insides and paved its way for the giant dick.

“Bye bye~!” He was so giddy as the giant rod was pushed inside his ass hole, his monster nerve endings igniting causing his pleasure to spike and surge. First time pain wasn’t a thing for monsters, the nerves that lined their ass holes cranked up the pleasure. His ass swallowed his dick up, every delicious inch.

Red Ogre’s stomach stretched and bulged as the hyper dick broke his hole. “Ohhhh~!” He felt that and came hard.

Rigur fucked the prince turned princess, converting his ass into a grade A fuck hole.

Rimuru arrived just in time to see Rigur knock up the ogre, his potent balls fattening up the man, making his stomach swell to look like he was 8 months pregnant. “Oh wow!”

“Oh master Rimuru, it seems I caught us an ogre.” The slime eyed the cum soaked and semen stuffed twink of an ogre.

“He looks tasty!” As did Rigur. “You looking hot as well!” The hobgoblin blushed.


Rigur had the newly formed ogre princess over his shoulder.

Obviously bringing back their prince in a cum drunk, fucked into submission, hole gaping, looking 8-9 months pregnant, drenched in semen, and having gone from beefy to twink, caused some issues. Nothing Rimuru couldn’t handle and he even accepted the ogres into his village and gave them names.

The ogres evolved into Oni, quite the impressive feat. The biggest changes came from Benimaru formerly known as the Red Ogre. He gained a ton of magic power and kept his twinkish form, but gained some fat. His chest became soft and plump as his nipples grew larger and fatter, his belly and ass grew larger and rounder. Benimaru’s robes masked his chubby changes it was a treat for his masters to enjoy.

By some form of cosmic balance, Rigur evolved and became an ogre, he sprouted two small tiny horns and his hair grew longer, which he kept tied back in a ponytail. His evolution made him thicker.

Benimaru could be found being spit roasted by their Lord and Master Rimuru, and his Mate and Master Rigur. His tiny tool and big balls locked in a magical cage forged by Kurobe. The red haired oni never looked down on another monster again. His slutty hole was put to good use during ambassador missions and forming strong ties with other nations and demon lords.



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