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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1

King Slime Rimuru

Satoru Mikami died and was reincarnated as a slime. Upon meeting the Storm Dragon Veldora he’s given a name, being a unique was one thing, but being named by Veldora allowed Rimuru to evolve and become a King Slime! Using his new form and abilities Rimuru works to build a good life for himself.

Chapter 1

Satoru Mikami died protecting his friend from a random attacker. He was stabbed and killed, as he lay dying he heard the Voice of the World and unknowingly created skills and determined his new form. His dying words and thoughts granted him skills.

Before he knew it he was reincarnated as a slime. It was a shock, but he got over it. At least he was still alive after all. He wondered around, what appeared to be some kind of cave, using his slime skills on nearby plants and stones.

As a slime he could Absorb and Dissolve, his unique skill Predator used these skills and stored the contents in a special sub space stomach inside him. His other unique skill Great Sage explained things to him. He learned about skills, magicules, and the weird herbs and ore he was eating. Through trial and error he even gained new skills like Water Propulsion. He drank up a small lake and gained Water Absorption, Water Affinity, and Water Manipulation. Spitting water at a rock he learned some other skills, Water Burst, Water Shot, and Water Blade.

He had nothing better to do so he kept eating herbs and ore, and fiddling with his skills. Doing so he gained the Conjure Rain Skill and made healing potions. A slip sent him rolling down a tunnel and ended up in the Den of the Storm Dragon.

Veldora was trapped in a grand magic barrier and had been for a VERY long time. So when he got a guest he was quite nervous. What he didn’t know was that the slime couldn’t see him, so got a bit mouthy when the dragon raised a tone. They couldn’t talk normally but Satoru learned Telepathy thanks to being contacted by Veldora.

The dragon taught him to see using Magic Sense, this allowed him to have sight and sense using the magicules in the air. He could finally see and yes he was a slime. Gazing upon Veldora’s mighty form he was indeed scary as a dragon would be.

If Satoru thought he was bored Veldora was in hell, his skills were sealed by the Infinite Prison, and most monsters were too scared to approach him. Even his slit was sealed so there was no chance for even self pleasure. So he was alone, bored, and deeply frustrated. Satoru felt for him as even in his human life he had friends and even if he was alone he had manga and video games. He was a virgin but he still knew the ways of the alone time hand.

Through Veldora, Satoru learned about this world, he was a Unique monster and a reincarnated otherworlder. The other type was called a Summon. Satoru wanted to meet some otherworlders, which caused Veldora to pout a bit.

The big scary dragon was a tsundere, he wanted the slime to stay with him and even wanted to be friends. Satoru figured him out easily enough and the two formed a bond of friendship. Veldora offered to teach the slime more, while his skills may have been sealed he was a True Dragon and had knowledge of things.

He taught Satoru magic, thanks to his Water Affinity he was able to tap into Water Magic. Veldora explained each element had their own unique weapon style, Blade was the basic technique all elements shared and it was the most versatile. For Fire it was Arrow, for Ice it was Lance, and for Water it was... “Water Spear!” He launched a powerful projectile at the barrier and it had no luck.

Veldora clapped, applauding that the slime had picked up on magic so quickly. None of his attacks could do anything to the barrier so it made for a good target.

The Infinite Prison was a powerful barrier used by some kind of “hero”. Veldora had been a bit naughty, attacking a town out of boredom and a hero punished him. The prison didn’t just seal his skills but siphoned off his magicules causing them to flood this cave. That explained the tons of healing herbs and rare magical ore that was all over the place.

He had been sealed for hundreds of years, that felt punishment enough but because the prison was actually KILLING him Satoru felt the strong urge to help him. He tried to analyze the prison with Great Sage, but it was too strong. They would need time to properly examine the prison to find a way to break it.

So the slime came up with a brilliant plan. “Get in my stomach!” It shocked the Storm Dragon, as the slime basically said “Let me eat you!”. While in his slime stomach they could both analyze the prison and Satoru could venture forth and see the world. He wouldn’t have to leave Veldora behind either. It was a good option.

Veldora agreed but wanted to give Satoru a name and in kind wanted him to give him a family name in return. He said this name would give the slime some protection. Satoru gave the dragon the family name Tempest. “I AM VELDORA TEMPEST!” he roared.

In kind he named Satoru, Rimuru Tempest. The name became etched onto his very soul and something amazing happened. Rimuru evolved! All the magicules in the room were pulled into him as he glowed gold and began to shift.

A name was a common and innocent thing in Satoru’s world. In this world the power of a name held a lot of meaning, for monsters a name was a blessing. Veldora’s blessing held a lot of weight. Rimuru was a slime a creature not known to talk or have much thought or urgency. As a unique he was already different so Veldora had created a true terror by naming him.

Not even Veldora could have expected the slime to evolve. He gained more mass, shifting and growing and slowly gaining a more humanoid shape. He was still gelatinous in form but he was different than the little blob he was. His base was larger, gaining an hour glass figure before sprouting two arms.

The head form next and Rimuru gained a kind of face, he had something akin to eyes, that were like little sapphires, and a mouth. He didn’t have a nose but his slime face was chiseled to make him look cute. He had “hair” but it was just a darker blue goo that shaped his slime antennae. It curved back giving him a cool look.

Sage: Notice Evolution into King Slime complete. Slime skills obtained. Liquid Body Skill, Minimize, Maximize, Poison Immunity, Disease Immunity, Acid Resistance, Psychic Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance,Sense of Taste, Mind Reading Touch, Vassal Creation, Slime Taming, Ultraspeed Regeneration, Advanced Shapeshifting. Offensive Skills: Tentacle Strike, Slime Whip, Slime Spike, Slime Wall, Sticky Blob, Dissolve Touch, Mana Absorb Touch.

Notice:Water Resistance Acquired, Non Magical Weapon Nullification, thanks to the Storm Dragon’s blessing, Water Resistance and Electricity resistance have been combined Wind Resistance was unlocked and absorbed into Storm Resistance. Paralysis Resistance has evolved into Paralysis Nullification.

Storm magic was a higher tier power harnessing the elements of Wind Water and Lightning.

Water Creation obtained, Conjure Storm obtained. Absorb, Dissolve, and Mimicry have been absorbed into Predator.

With that Rimuru’s evolution into a King Slime was complete. He was far stronger now and a rare monster to boot. A King Slime hadn’t been seen in hundreds of years.

Rimuru was amazed at his new body, he was still a slime Rimuru could stick his hand inside himself easily. “Whoa!” This was different, but he liked his more humanoid form. It gave him hope to having a human body again some day. He had eyes but was still seeing with magic sense, and despite having a mouth he still couldn’t speak normally.

He said his good byes to Veldora promising to see him again, before using Predator on Infinite Prison. In seconds the massive prison was engulfed and swallowed. “I already miss him.” It was quiet, a lonely silence surrounding him.

The King Slime ventured out, Great Sage filling him in on his new skills and new form. He was a King Slime now, having evolved through the blessing Veldora gave him. It was touching. ‘Thanks Veldora I’ll use this power well.’

As for his new skills it excited his inner gamer and he sought out to try and gain more.

Using Predator on some of the Healing Potion he had stored up he unlocked Healing Touch.

He met up with a Dark Serpent in the cave and defeated it with Slime Whip. His arm whipped out and struck with impressive force, he crushed the snake’s head in a single hit. “Gotta work on that.” He ate the snack and “Eww!” Rimuru could taste now.

Thanks to his new skill if he chose to taste something he could. He deflated but used Predator on the snake to gain some skills. Poison Breath, Sense Heat Source, and Snake Shapeshifting.

“Shapeshifting?” Rimuru blinked.

Answer: Correct As a slime you could mimic creatures you ate with Absorb/Predator. As a King Slime you can shapeshift even using partial transformations.

That sounded cool so Rimuru tested it on the next creature he faced. He transformed his arm into a snake, it lunged out and tried to bite the Armorsaurus, but couldn’t get through his armor. The snake arm coiled around an Armorsaurus, with a tight squeeze he crushed the creature before finishing it off with Poison Breath. It was a bit of over kill, and the creature was reduced to a liquefied mess. Rimuru grimaced.

Sage: Would you like to turn off Sense of Taste?

“Yes!” He ate the thing but could still somehow feel like he tasted it, but it was all in his head.

Notice: Snake Whip skill created. Body Armor Skill and Rock Eater Skill Obtained. Poison Fang Unlocked.

His arm returned to normal, but he could call on the snake power at any time with the Snake Whip skill. Poison Fang was a linked Skill, one he could use with Snake Whip, he decided to link Poison Breath to that as well. Rock Eater was absorbed by Predator.

Rimuru ate the earth and stone found in Veldora’s cave and gained the Earth Affinity, Earth Manipulation, and figured out Earth Magic.

A Basilisk had tried to petrify Rimuru but it didn’t work exactly. He lost an arm but quickly regenerated. He used Snake Whip and Poison Fang to kill it.

Petrification Resistance, Petra Gaze, Dust Breath, Basilisk Shapeshifting Unlocked.

Another scary technique Rimuru felt he’d save as a last resort. The next creature he faced was actually more tasty. Kickmaster Rabbit, an incredibly fast creature able to walk on air. He used Snack Whip again and caught the beast and ate it. To his surprise his snake transformation evolved looking more now like a cobra than a viper.

Air Dance Unlocked, Air Kick Unlocked. Bunny Radar Unlocked, Rabbit Shapeshifting Unlocked.

He didn’t get shapeshifting from the Armorsaurus as he had liquefied it. Air Dance allowed Rimuru to move through the air landing on platforms of air.

More powerful creatures came out now that Veldora was gone, trying to claim this territory for their own. Rimuru didn’t know this and just faced whatever beastie came after him.

A Claw Bear attacked him and Rimuru tested his Earth Magic. It was the biggest beast that could be found in Veldora’s cave, and had been hibernating. “Earth Shield!” He used the spell to block the monster’s Gale Claw, and with a mental push the shield surged and slammed the bear into a wall.

This monster was tougher than the others, breaking free and charging at Rimuru. It slashed at him, but his liquid body made the attack useless. “Slime Spike!” A sharpened spike of slime came up and ran the monster through and it was Rimuru’s victory.

He was devoured. Gale Claw Obtained, Claw Bear Shapeshifting Obtained. It had other skills but Rimuru’s were better.

Rimuru noticed that the beasts closest to Veldora’s den were reptilian or had wind abilities. They were possibly drawn in by the magicules and used them to gain power. The slime ventured forth moving slowly out of the cave.

An Evil Centipede got the jump on him using Paralysis Breath, but it had no effect. Rimuru used the Bear Claws to slice and dice. He was eaten and Rimuru unlockedParalysis Breath, Stun Sting, Evil Centipede Shapeshifting, and with three breath attacks he unlocked Aqua Breath.

This area had all sorts of creepy crawlies, from Dark Spiders, which Rimuru dispatched with a barrage of Water Blade, not only unlocking Rain Blade, but he gained Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, and Spider Climb.

There was two flying insects, a Demon Wasp, which felt like the boss monster on this floor. It was fast, strong, and had a sturdy body. The nasty bug had two nasty tricks, the first was emitting a strange gas that made Rimuru woozy. The second was a Sound based attack that hit Rimuru while woozy made the damage feel so much worse. Great Sage was able to counter the effects, but Rimuru described the sensation as being drunk and hung over at the same time. He stopped it with Water Manipulation and trapped it in a sphere of water.

Notice: Water Lock spell unlocked. Demon Wasp Shapeshifting acquired. Woozy Shooter Skill, Havoc Buzz Skill, Stinger Bullet, Havoc Stinger.

Using the new skills Rimuru created the Sting Cannon, linking the Stinger Bullet and Havoc Stinger to it. The technique came in handy for the last creature in the area Nightmare Moths. A nasty little creature who put people to sleep with special powder they released from their wings, and then feasted on them giving them horrible nightmares as they fed.

To bad for them as a King Slime Rimuru didn’t sleep, so their spores had no effect, but they were quite agile things. Rimuru used his new Sting Cannon, transforming his arm into a Demon Wasp part, and fired the stingers out like cannon balls. The shots were powerful and effective.

Notice: You have acquired Sleep Magic, Dream Powder, Nightmare Dust, and Nightmare Moth Shapeshfting.

The last creatures Rimuru encountered in the cave were Giant Bats and Large Rats. The bats were easy, getting caught in his webs made them perfect prey. Ultrasonic Attack, Blood Drain, Sound Resistance, Giant Bat Shapeshifting. Thanks to the bats Rimuru found he could talk.

As for the rats their greatest asset was their numbers. So Rimuru took his time and tested out his skills on them. Rimuru countered their numbers using a skill of his own, Vassal Creation! He created little clones of himself, as his fragments or vestiges they shared a link with their creator, but could also act independently.

With the slime army he conquered the rat army.

Swarm Skill Acquired.Other than that he didn’t gain much else from the Large Rats other than experience and a meal. The vestiges were absorbed back into Rimuru, their experience added to his own. He wasn’t sure what use he’d have for the Swarm Skill yet, but it may come in handy.

Vassal Creation was a pretty nifty skill, but it had some strings attached. Since he created them for a simple task this time they were simple drones, if he didn’t absorb them and left them alone they’d likely regress and become simple slimes unattached to Rimuru. In the future Rimuru would be able to create stronger and more complex vassals, but it wasn’t a skill to be taken lightly.

In video game terms these guys were like the mob creature, not many skills or really super strong. They were able to increase their number given the safety of Veldora’s cave, making them more of a threat but Rimuru wiped them out turning a potential B rank threat into pudding.

Rimuru felt like he had gone through a really tough dungeon in reverse. It was all worth it.

He had found the gate that led to the world beyond. ‘Let’s go!’

To be continued


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