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Reincarnated As Slime parody/Musume parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Evolution

Satoru used to be a gamer, in games usually a monster encounter you fought slime A and Slime B, demon spider A, demon bat B, dark snake C, etc etc…

It was usually monsters with names that had serious fire power. They had skills, could use magic, and had more advanced abilities than the nameless mobs. Had he thought about it maybe there was a reason for that.

Was the named monster just born special, capable of gaining more powers than another? The alternative being it was the name that granted the monster the ability to ascend. It was indeed the latter.

Naming was a sacred thing for monsters.

Through the accepting of a name a bond is formed between the namer and the namee. Some monster tribes pass on a name, each leader passing on their name to the next leader as to strengthen the next generation. Some demons/overlords granted names to their generals to make them even stronger and even allow them to evolve.

A name wasn’t just a word to identify one from another, a name was etched onto a monster’s very soul. It couldn’t be forced, and if the party doesn’t accept the name no bond is formed. When a monster names another monster, their mana is shared openly, making the named monster stronger and granting them new skills. Monsters capable of evolving often did if the one who named them was powerful enough.

Obviously most monsters didn’t believe a human was strong enough to performing the sacred art of Naming. Humans were so flippant giving names at birth not realizing the importance of names, the power in them. Some believed a human lacked the mana needed, so even if a name was given it wouldn’t help a monster grow or evolve or gain anything.

A monster taking a name from a human would be seen as weak or pathetic, not understanding humans possessed mana as well. It ranged from person to person, but it was all found in their soul. By experiencing good times and bad a human soul collected a person’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences and converted it into mana.

For a man like Satoru who has lived a good life, if by some chance he died in some strange accident that accumulated mana would probably help him cross over into another world.  Not all monsters know about this, even among demons who like to devour souls or feed off the energies of humans keep such info close to the chest. Lust demons didn’t just have sex because it was fun, having sex helped stir a human’s mana, allowing it to increase and overflow. So the type that feeds on such things could drink a human’s mana without killing them.

The sudden drain he felt was his mana being pulled from him. It wasn’t a big deal since he had just named the one monster, and he could replenish his mana by eating good food, having fun, a good night’s rest, having sex, even working. All aspects of life seemed to effect a human’s mana by how much depended on the human.

When Satoru offered to give Rigur a name, it felt like an honor. He wasn’t expecting anything from it, let alone evolving from it. His body glowed.

For a goblin, it was every one’s dream to survive and grow strong enough to become a mighty Hobgoblin. His body began to go through the change.

Rigur’s tiny body was nurtured by mana. “Mmm…” He grew taller, the muscles in his arms and legs growing healthier and increasing in size. His hair became fuller and more luscious.

The goblin grew larger and larger as he evolved into a Hobgoblin. His scrawny form began to pack on the muscles, lithe shoulders grew broad and sturdy. Rigur’s chest began to bulk up, changing in firm pectorals, while his stomach melted. All his baby fat melted away and fed his muscles creating a six pack abs.

If possible his impressive goblin nuts grew even larger. Goblins may not have been the strongest monsters in the world but they had impressive libidos. They had impressive nuts that churned up their potent seed. Their meat varied in size as humans did, but hobgoblins...oh boy.

Rigur’s once average rod of 6 inches doubled in size and girth. A nice crown of manly hair bloomed over his crotch. His hips became fuller and strong, with his butt becoming plump and juicy.

Even his face changed, from a cute goblin to a handsome hobgoblin. He had amazing cheek bones, and his eyes became larger and more expressive. Rigur had one hell of a growth spurt.

The hobgoblin was rocking the body of an athletic pro, like he had lifted weights for five years and exercised every day. “Mmm!” He tossed and turned as his body changed, but once his evolution was complete he settled down.

Rigur cuddled up against Satoru, a small smile gracing his handsome features.


Satoru’s alarm went off, pulling the human from his sleep. “Nnnhhh!” He hit the button to turn off the annoying alarm. “Oops sorry Rigur, I forgot I set my alarm for work and…” Satoru blinked.

His free hand rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. He blinked some more. ‘Am I seeing things?’ Instead of a cute little goblin laying next to him, there was suddenly some hottie in his bed. “Ehh?!”

Was he dreaming? He pinched his cheek. “Oww…” Nope not a dream. The human couldn’t wrap his head around this, who was this and where was the goblin he was hosting. ‘What’s this hottie doing in my bed, and where is Rigur?’ His eyes roamed over the stranger in his bed and he was hot.

He looked like a stud in one of those special magazines he ordered. His muscles were perfectly chiseled, he had to pinch himself again to get this was real. He was being cuddled by a stud and it was real, he could feel the warmth of his body, his natural musk hit his nose, and the feel of his body against his. The majority of his senses were telling him this was real it was just hard to believe.

Chalk it up to his virgin life style, how many times he’s dreamed of having a beauty in his bed only to wake up alone. It hurts so after awhile you stop thinking its real, no matter how real it seemed. When he saw the familiar bandana, the pieces fell into place. “Rigur?!”

“Mmm,” the hobgoblin groaned, rising up from his slumber. “Satoru-sama?” He rubbed his eyes.

“It really is you!” Rigur looked confused.

“What are you talking about?” He looked down. “Whoa!” His hands explored his new physique, he felt up his new muscles and shoulders, rubbing a hand over his rock hard abs, before both hands went to his chest and groped his pecs. “I...I...I...I evolved!” He began to tear up.

A fountain of happiness burst up from him.

Satoru began to panic. “Are you okay...did I do something wrong?” He hadn’t read all the pamphlets that Shizu gave him, did he miss something. Was this some kind of Goblin growth spurt?

“You did nothing wrong Satoru-sama!” He wiped his eyes. “It’s because you gave me a name that I was able to evolve. I’m now a Hobgoblin!” Rigur gave a thousand what smile.

Satoru blushed. ‘He’s so cute!’

He checked the pamphlets and after a lot of reading he found a passage about evolution. “If evolution occurs please contact your handler.” He groaned. They’d been together only a day and he was gonna have to call Miss Shizu. It was early so he called but left a message. “Hey uhh Miss Shizu so, Rigur evolved, I mean the goblin I’m hosting he let me give him a name. It’s Rigur, he’s Rigur, and he’s a Hobgoblin now. Umm, the pamphlet said I’m supposed to call so I am, umm please call me back bye!” He hung up.

Satoru’s nerves were on edge. “I’m bad at this!”

Rigur hugged him from behind. “You didn’t do anything wrong!” His hug was so strong and warm. The moment was so sweet and tender.

“Grrrrllll” Their stomachs growled. Both men blushed.

“Let’s have breakfast.” It was a good plan.

Satoru worked in the kitchen with Rigur watching him closely. The host worked hard, moving around his kitchen expertly. He started a pot of coffee and got his stove working. Eggs in one pan, bacon in another. Bread was popped into the toaster, and as it cooked he checked on his eggs and bacon.

From the smells emanating from the kitchen things were going well. Rigur committed everything to memory. He watched Satoru season and flip. “Have you ever had pancakes?”

“No…” They sounded amazing. Satoru smirked and got started mixing batter and added it to a new pan. He had tools for everything, tongs for the bacon, a spatula for the eggs, another for the pancakes.

After plating the eggs and bacon, he got out the butter and fruit. The toast popped up and it got plated. He got the butter on fresh out the toaster so it melted on there like a dream.

Satoru brought the eggs, bacon, and toast over on one plate and got him a glass of milk. Rigur couldn’t help but drool. The pancake was flipped, and more bacon and eggs were added to their intended pans.

He juiced an orange and got out the syrup while he fixed some food for himself. Rigur chewed on the bacon as he watched Satoru cook. He didn’t realize it but he was learning how to cook by watching him move. It was a hobgoblin specialty.

Satoru brought him over a nice big plate of pancakes and set the syrup down. “Drizzle a bit of this, and if you want something sweet.” He got him some honey.

Rigur poured the syrup on and began to dig in. “Mmm~!” The first bite of pancake and it was glorious. It was all so good, the different flavors of breakfast complimenting each other.

His host finished cooking his breakfast and brought Rigur some freshly squeezed juice.

“Nothing like breakfast to start the day.” Satoru said, but his words were a tad empty. He usually just had some toast and his coffee, he was kinda showing off to the hot hobgoblin. Not that it was needed Rigur was already head over heals for his host.

The coffee was ready by the time Shizu got back with him. “I’ll be over in a bit, don’t leave the house until I get there.” Oh that sounded bad.

When Shizu arrived she wasn’t happy, she was not a morning person. Thankfully Satoru made amazing coffee. “Ohh~ this stuff is better than the crap at our office.” After she had her coffee she got serious. “Now...Mikami-san…” The man began to sweat bullets. “How did this happen?”

Rigur filled her in. “That’s all?” The two nodded. “You two didn’t do anything naughty for this to happen did you?” They blushed.

“What?! No!” Not that either of them opposed the idea.

Shizu sighed. “Monster evolution varies, but the rite of naming is known about. I just had to be sure. Well then Rigur-kun, we’ll have to update your registry.” He nodded. “Satoru...you’ll be handling the paperwork!” She was pissed.

“Yes ma’am!” If there was one thing Shizu hated about her job it was the mountains of paperwork. It was a small price to pay. “So Rigur can stay?”

“Of course he can, but I’m surprised we had a case where a guy named his exchange monster and he was asleep for three days.” She eyed Satoru up and down. “You seem fine.”

“Well I did feel sleepy last night, and was really hungry this morning.” He rubbed his stomach.

“Interesting.” She finished her coffee and got breakfast out of Satoru. He’d be spending the next few hours doing the paperwork. She gave him pamphlets on hobgoblins. “Try to stay our of trouble you two, I’ll see you in a week.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Monsters are really amazing.’ The evolution came as a surprise, but from what Shizu said, monsters rarely evolved multiple times that they were aware of. ‘This is okay...it’s all good…’

“Satoru-sama?” He turned.

“HOLY!” Rigur had gone to take a shower and came back butt naked and dripping wet. Satoru saw everything and oh damn! He got a nosebleed.

“SATORU!” Rigur rushed over.

‘So sexy!’ The human felt dizzy.

To be continued...Date!


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