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One Piece/Musume parody: Tier 1

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 Run Away Beast

-x-Unknown Pov-x-

People think slimes are just cute and squishy, some think we are weak monsters that only exist for grinding exp. Slimes are actually REALLY scary.

We come in all manner of shapes and sizes…

Yes we...I’m also a slime...I’m not your typical slime…I’m a beast slime. We come from a long line of slimes that ate beasts in the wild until we gained said traits. Mine is a reindeer!

As I was saying before, slimes come in all shapes, sizes, types, and intelligence...don’t think the dumb ones are easy prey just because they aren’t smart, every slime has instinct, something primal inside us that makes us dangerous.

Slimes have a primal urge to devour, we are omnivores capable of eating and devouring anything. Plants, animals, minerals, elements, monsters… so many slimes like to eat each other, cannibalism among slimes is common sadly. No matter the species, because of our appetites we eat and gain the powers and traits of what we absorb.

For many monster clans it was eat or be eaten. To the victor goes the spoils, so one slime will gain the other’s experience and abilities by eating them, allowing them to grow more and develop.

A dark slime would eat fire, ice, and bubble slimes to gain their powers but would remain a dark slime. If they continue to eat they could evolve into a Dark Elemental Slime. Us beast slimes came about from eating specific creatures for long periods of time. Slime evolution was very intricate and diverse.

The smarter a slime is the more dangerous, the more experience we have the more we can evolve and get stronger. My fellow beast slimes often tried to eat me. It was scary, but I survived. If beast slimes eat enough beast slimes they could evolve into a chimera slime.

I learned to survive, and found things to eat on my own. As my intelligence grew so did my appeal, family and friends wanted to eat me to obtain my knowledge. They’d at least let me sleep if I found a place to hide, if I was in another slime territory they might not give me that respect. Though I suspect it was just so I’d be a more appetizing meal when they eventually caught me and ate me.

Other monsters were really scary, if you thought humans looked down on slimes we were seen as pests even among monsters. To be killed on sight for some, captured and trained for others. So leaving the slime territories and finding a home in some where else wasn’t really possible. When word of the Interspecies Exchange made it to our land.

The non aggression pact made it an instant no for most slimes, what would be the point of living with a human. I thought about it and...well...

Humans could also be scary too. For some humans called scientists slimes were the perfect test subjects we can absorb all kinds of things including plants and minerals, we can even dissect them naturally and break them down making them easier to study. To say nothing of being able to replicate what we eat. It can make even the rarest of materials plentiful.

We slimes truly are special, which is why modern humans try to capture slimes and experiment on us.

While running away from my fellow slimes, I was chased and  crossed our border’s territory. I was caught and brought to the human world illegally. Meeting two doctors who were kind to me...I think...The doctors who cared for me, hadn’t thought much of monsters or slimes for that matter.

Doctor Hiriluk studied pharmaceuticals and worked on creating better medicines and treatments. Doctor Kureha was a skilled surgeon.

Hiriluk had gotten involved with some bad people and that’s how they got me. I don’t know what they wanted of me, but it seems Doctor Kuraha wasn’t interested in it. She was quite scary, having attacked me and Hiriluk and chased us around for hours.

He thought a slime would be perfect for his research.

She allowed me to stay so long as I behaved and didn’t get in the way, always promising she’d make me into stew tomorrow, obviously that didn’t happen. I helped out around the clinic and began to learn from what was around me. Hiriluk was amazed and thought I could become a doctor.

They shared their knowledge with me and I got to learn lots of things about medicine and being a doctor.

The first monster doctor, it sounded so great, so I studied hard absorbing all the knowledge I could. Kureha at first laughed at the idea, but I worked to prove her wrong. Over time even she was amazed at my skill.

With my help even Hiriluk’s medicine production got better. I was able to safely test his new drugs and concoctions and advance his research. I did give them quite a scare when I accidentally ate a toxic mushroom, it was fine poison doesn’t effect slimes the same way it does humans. It just warped my mind a bit. I don’t remember much of what happened but Doctor Kureha said I had a tongue sharper than a scalpel, and Hiriluk said I got as wicked as her. My ability to evolve and transform made it so I could even assist Doctor Kureha as her assistant. At my current abilities I could manage four forms, my slime form which looked like a blob with reindeer horns, a tail, and a blue nose. A “cute” form, many beast slimes harnessed the power of cuteness to avoid predators and trick prey. My reindeer form, I looked just like a brown furred reindeer except I had a blue nose. Then I worked on creating a humanoid form so I could best work as a doctor. It took a lot of trial and error but I think I managed pretty well, though Hiriluk said I looked more like a gorilla than a man.

Kureha said it didn’t matter what I looked like so long as I could work I the operating room.

They were so strange, Hiriluk showed me cartoons and comic books, I really loved the ones about heroes. If becoming a doctor didn’t work out I’d want to be a super hero. Doctor Kureha was strict, tough but fair. She made sure I didn’t slack off and kept on my studies. They bickered like an old married couple I saw on TV. By watching old sitcoms I wondered if this was what having a loving family was like.

I was even given a name by them, Tony Tony Chopper. That’s me!

Just as they gave me a brighter future, I opened up their hearts, like some kind of spiritual exchange. I wonder if this was the goal the Interspecies Exchange hoped to achieve.

For a time I thought I could be happy here, no I was happy here, but...my past still came for me.

It seems the man responsible for bringing me here got busted and went on the run. The bad man was a part of a bigger group, and he left orders to have all the slimes they trafficked eliminated. Without evidence the charges against him wouldn’t stick.

Some goons showed up at the clinic, they wanted me and demanded that the doctors hand me over, but Hiriluk and Kureha helped me escape. It all happened so fast, but before I realized it I was alone again. We had to run...

They couldn’t take me with them, they had to escape their own way and traveling with a monster wasn’t possible without proper paperwork. They had to go into hiding, but would act as bait for the bad people. If we stayed together we’d all be caught for sure. I wasn’t just an experiment to them or emergency food anymore I was part of their family, so to protect my family I had to run. “Be strong Chopper!” Hiriluk cried and hugged me.

“It’ll be fine runt, just stay hidden or find a place to call your own. Once we shake the goons after us we’ll try to make it back to you, you better stay out of trouble or I’ll make you into stew ya here!” Her words touched my little slime heart.

We had a tearful goodbye but we had to part ways, I wouldn’t forget them. It would be fine, I wasn’t a weak little runt of a slime anymore. They had taught me so much.

Now I was in a strange land all alone. It was scary, I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. Even if I turned myself in I’d just be deported and sent back home, which might as well have been a death sentence. With my knew knowledge and growth I’d be utterly delicious to any slime I came across.

At the same time I didn’t know if there were any humans I could trust either. Even if they weren’t “bad guys” not all humans were good either.

I found a playground near a park and hid there, it was better than nothing. Grrrrrlllll! No tummy we can’t eat now. It was raining and I’d have to forage for food again. It wasn’t a big deal, with some money I was given I could get a disguise and maybe get some food.


My stomach wouldn’t stop rumbling. “Hey are you hungry?” I tensed. A human with dark hair and a scar under his cheek smiled at me. I shifted into my cute form to try and do something but I was clearly sweating. “Wow you are so cool!” My stomach growled again.

He had bags in his hand. “I was doing a breakfast run and got distracted by the rain.” His smile grew. “Wanna join us?”

I was so hungry...this guy gave me the same vibes as the doctors, warm and inviting. My hesitation made the guy chuckle. “Don’t worry I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m just gonna feed ya!” He reminded me of Hiriluk, and maybe I was just too hungry but I followed this strange human.

To be continued...Slime For Dinner


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