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Reincarnated As Slime Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Satoru Mikami | Lamia

Unique Skill: Predator, Great Sage,

Extra Skills: Self Regeneration, Thermal Sight, Scan, Quick Counter, Physical Counter,

Intrinsic Skills: Poison Breath, Counter, Quick Strike,

Common Skills: Night Sight, Healing Saliva, Water Skating, Deep Dive

Resistances: Physical Attack, Thermal Fluctuation, Pain Nullification, Electricity, Paralysis, Blindness,

Chapter 2 Friends and Names

Satoru didn’t know it, but he was reincarnated into Veldora’s cave. After hearing the voice of the words as he died, his spirit was brought to a place full of magicules. So it was the perfect place for a unique to be born. One of the eggs for the Black Serpent was infused with his soul and grew far larger than a normal egg would and he was hatched.

Veldora’s Pov

I sensed something unique…

Something strong had appeared in my cave, deep in the bowels so it couldn’t have been an adventurer. Whoever it was they weren’t masking their presence my Magic Sense was able to detect them. My excitement was stirring. I’d been alone for so many years, and the other monsters in the cave were too scared of me to approach.

Whoever it was getting closer to me. Oh my, I haven’t spoken to someone in over 300 years, did I still remember how to talk? When I was first sealed I was able to send a message out through Telepathy to give orders to the Dryads to watch over my forest. The Forest of Jura was part of my territory along with this cave. I even gave some protection to some goblins and had them guard the entrance to my cave.

The other critters in the cave served as natural defenses, but that wasn’t out of any loyalty to me. They made their nests in my cave but they were scared of me even while sealed. Over the years my magicules had been siphoned out and flooded the cave, causing it to flourish spawning rare herbs and magic ore. It’d be a bounty for any adventurer who came here. The creatures who lived here benefited from this as well, absorbing the magicules from the air and awakening their skills and potential.

Oh he’s getting closer. He slithered into my den and my word he was beautiful. How many years had it been since I had seen a lamia? My sister nurtured nagas believing them to be the stronger of the two serpent clans. Nagas tended to be stronger and capable of surviving even the harshest of areas. They were also more beastly, like an anthro snake, where as lamia reminded me of mermaids but with snake tails instead of fish.

This lamia was lovely, he had shoulder length hair that was a blend of black and green, the blend was so even it was hard for me to say if he had black hair or green. He was young and lithe with delicate but beautiful features. While lacking bulk you’d be a full to underestimate a lamia’s strength, with flexible muscles they were deceptively strong at birth.

His lower half was just as lovely, scales a dazzling black, with green scales sprinkled here and there like emerald stars in the night sky. His underbelly was a lighter color with a subtle green trim between the jet black scales and the under scales. Such a long magnificent tail, he was beautiful.

My nervousness was back, I needed to find the right words, make a good first impression. Last thing I wanted was to scare him away. Hmm...I got it!

End Pov

Satoru’s Pov

I gotta say I wasn’t expecting to see a dragon. This truly was a fantasy world, but I should have guessed given my appearance. Veldora was intimidating, I’ll admit he scared me, and I ran away. It took me a minute but I noticed he wasn’t chasing me. So I swung back and found him pouting. Poor guy...

That wasn’t cool, I was a lamia now. I’d probably scare someone too, and it’d hurt to have them run away from me without getting to know me. He was probably a nice guy and I just screamed and ran at the sight of him. This wasn’t my world anymore, monsters and magic were common here. Man...I felt like a jerk...

So I came back and apologized.

He accepted my apology if I agreed to hang out with him. He was lonely, it was telling in his body language. I was able to read him, Veldora was tsundere, which clashed with his dragon pride.

Turns out Veldora was a naughty boy and ended up getting imprisoned by a hero. Infinite Prison, it was a weird magical barrier that I couldn’t even see. “You must use Magic Sense.” He explained, through his words Great Sage was able to unlock the skill.

The world lit up and I could see the prison, I could smell colors, taste the magic, and feel the particles in the air. Magic Sense was amazing. With it I got a good look at myself seeing the changes. There wasn’t much of my old body outside of my gender. My body I’d guess was around half my original age so I was in my 20’s I’d wager in human terms. “By having Magic Sense you have the means of learning magic.” That was exciting, most spells apparently were used by drawing the magicules from the air to cast, but stronger magic users could draw on the magicules inside themselves. So I’d bet the ultimate casters could do both!

I felt like a kid again learning about the world of a game. When I was a gamer I was a total lore nut, I never skipped a single tutorial ever. My situation was a reincarnation, but there was a chance of other Otherworlders being here besides me. The other kind were called Summons, people from my world get brought here to be champions for one kingdom or another.

It was a bit concerning the Summoner’s Seal. Said summoners put seals on them to make sure they couldn’t disobey orders or turn on their conjurers. That sounded scary. “Perhaps, but some champions are called here with very powerful skills and gain more over time. Some kingdoms have fallen because the summon turned on them and took over.” Yeah that sounds bad, give the wrong person powers and the world would suffer. In my world power and money were said to corrupt people.

My parents told me such things were a crutch. If you were a fool without money you’d be a fool with it. If you were a weak person, gaining power or influence the wrong way could make you go mad. Money and power could show a person’s true colors or nature. They taught me the power of human connection, it made my work life way better.

I probably should have asked what happened to those kingdoms, but I understood. The seals became a necessary system, and like any system it could be abused. This world had its own rules and things. Weirdly enough it made me wanna explore this world more.

We bonded and talked, becoming friends. Who would have thought I’d be so happy at having friends at my age, though I guess I’ve been reborn. Huh I’m friends with a dragon, that’s pretty bad ass.


It was one of these champions who sealed Veldora.

That was 300 years ago…okay he was a bad boy, but 300 years was punishment enough. No wonder he was so bored and lonely. Here I was feeling bad being a virgin at my age, but Veldora couldn’t even touch himself. Even his sheath was magically locked, his no doubt mighty dragon rods locked inside.

If things stayed like this another 100 years or so and he was gonna die. His magicules drained and scattered throughout the cave. Years of loneliness only to be met with a death sentence it was too cruel.

So I tried to break the prison. Veldora’s skills were sealed but he could instruct me on the basics of things.

First I tried to use Poison Breath to melt the barrier but that didn’t work. As a lamia I had a natural affinity for poison magic, with Great Sage and Veldora’s help I was able to learn. Magic turns out happens to be really easy, most spells and incantations are just a means of visualization and concentration.

So I just pictured what I wanted and... “Poison Shot!” I blasted bullets of poison at the barrier and it did nothing. “Poison Whip!” I conjured a glowing whip of poison energy, with flicks of my wrist I struck the barrier over and over. Again no effect.

Second, I tried different physical attacks, striking the barrier with my claws and tail. The barrier didn’t even budge. Alright then! “Poison Claw!” I combined a physical attack and poison magic but still no luck.

Third, I used my Scan skill, but couldn’t get much information on it. Was there anything we could do Great Sage?


End Satoru’s Pov

Veldora got a little jealous of Satoru talking to his skill. As it happens they came up with a perfect plan. Channeling Predator through magic, they would eat the infinite prison Veldora and all. Inside his Predator’s stomach they could work on the prison together analyzing it inside and out working to free the dragon.

It was a crazy plan, but Veldora liked it. Satoru wanted to see the world, and even if he stayed there was nothing he could do here. The Storm dragon had a plan of his own, he’d give the lamia a name, doing so would grant him his blessing.

In kind he wanted a family name. After some thought Satoru gave him the family name Tempest! “WHAT?!” Veldora roared.

“You...you don’t like it?” The lamia flinched.

“I LOVE IT, I AM THE STORM DRAGON VELDORA TEMPEST!” Tsundere to the end. “I name you Rimuru Tempest!”

The names became etched onto their very souls. Rimuru didn’t notice but his body matured some and he gained some poisonous barbs on his tail. They were retractable thankfully.

Notice: Evil Eyes Unlocked: Medusa Gaze, Gorgon Glare, Boa Glamor. Acid Spit Skill Unlocked, Poison Spit Skill Unlocked, Corrosive Breath Unlocked, Poison Creation Skill Unlocked.

Rimuru was ready. “Devour!” He channeled Predator through the magicules and conjured a giant magic snake it swallowed the Infinite Prison and condensed it down to the size of an egg. Opening his mouth Rimuru was able to slurp the orb down.

Just like that he was alone, he already missed his friend.

To be continued...Lamia’s Buffet


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