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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Bad Day

Ben W Kevin

When Kevin’s dad died, he left behind a strange device and memory. He was told he’d one day meet his partner, his other half. Then he meets Ben Tennyson who has a similar device and a memory of his own. Together they can fuse and become a mightier hero.

Chapter 1

Kevin has been living on his own for awhile, since his dad died and his mom remarried, he ran away. He had a strange device on his wrist, it was a gift from his father. The man was something called a Plumber, an intergalactic police force of sorts.

It was a dirty job but someone had to do it, his dad gave him something called a Memory. The device on his wrist was called a Loader, it was made by a brilliant scientist that could read Memories. His father used this power to fight bad guys and evil aliens. He was so cool...he taught Kevin a lot.

After he died, his mother wanted to reject all the alien and supernatural stuff. It was too dangerous, it took away her husband, all natural reactions. She met another man and got remarried, but Kevin didn’t want to let it go. To him it was like erasing his father’s existence, like he wasn’t there.

The only stuff Levin had to remember him by was alien tech, the Loader, and the Memory. So having it stripped away felt personal, he got angry finding everything happening around him to be too much. When his step dad tried to throw away the Memory that was the final straw. Kevin took the memory and ran away.

This was his...his dad gave it to him...it wasn’t right for them to try and take it away...

“Kevin, this is a special item called a Memory, this Loader is able to scan these and grant the user power.” His dad told him. “It’s not complete though, the true power of the Loader and Memory comes when you meet your other half.”

“My other half?” His dad nodded.

“Your partner, you’ll meet them someday I’m sure of it!” He gave Kevin the Memory. “So long as you have this.”

“Do I have to have a partner?”

“Yes son, you’ll love your partner, they are the one who’s gonna balance you out. They can drive you crazy sometimes, but you’ll drive them crazy to. Your partner will always have your back, and you’ll have theirs. When you unite you’ll understand.”

“Is Mom your partner?” His dad got a strange look on his face.

“She’s my wife and partner in life, but this kind of partner is different...special…” Kevin didn’t fully understand, but he held onto the Memory in the hopes of finding his partner.


He had been living on the streets for two years, things were rough for him, but he managed. It was a dark path he was walking, and he did a lot of things to survive. His dad may not have been proud of some of his choices, but Kevin was doing what he had to.

When in a pinch he used the power of the Memory...Joker! It enhanced his physical capabilities, so if he got into a fight he wouldn’t be the one losing. He was smart and quick on the pick up. Through some means he was able to find odd jobs to make some cash and learn from the adults around him.

Kevin developed street smarts, and skills that would carry him forward. He kept his guard up for obvious reasons, trying not to get too close to people. Trouble still followed him, and more often then not he kept running. Joker was powerful, but he couldn’t use it’s full power.

He tried to find other Memories, his dad had more than one. His Loader and Memories weren’t recovered supposedly. Kevin wasn’t 100% sure, he was in shock when the news hit and the funeral wasn’t exactly easy for the family. His Mom didn’t want anything to do with that stuff, so it was possible the Memories and Loader was with his mysterious partner.

She did reject his badge when an agent for the Plumbers tried to give it to her, so it was more than possible. Earth internet wasn’t exactly useful in finding accurate information. ‘Dad said finding one’s partner is an amazing thing, and that unleashing the full power of the memory is an experience!’ He looked down at the Joker Memory. A big part of him wanted to keep it, but a smaller part told him to throw it away, forget about aliens, monsters, and the like, move on and live a normal life. ‘Dad what should I do?’

It was thanks to him he was able to find so much work. His dad was a gear head, and loved tinkering and fixing things. Kevin used to watch him as a kid, and as he grew up his dad let him tinker and figure things out. He was pretty skilled and locals were always looking for stuff to be fixed on the cheap.

His latest job brought him to an arcade to fix some of the broken machines. Kevin was able to get a few of them working again on the cheap. “You’re a life saver kid, thanks a bunch!” The owner said. “How’d you get so good at fixing things?”

Kevin blushed lightly and smiled. “My dad!” He said proudly. The owner patted Kevin’s shoulder.

“I’m sure he’s proud of you, I’ll go get your pay.” The man left. Levin was hoping to get paid and leave, but he was a magnet for trouble.

“Well if it isn’t the freak!”

‘Shit!’ Trouble found him, a bunch of jerks that Kevin had met. He had kicked their asses after they messed with him. They were back and with more people this time. Every exist was blocked, and the goons seemed to be around every corner. ‘This is bad!’

He looked down at the Joker Memory. ‘If only I could use the full power of Joker!’

“Ganging up on someone isn’t cool, I’ll help even the odds!” A voice rang out and everyone looked to see a brunette wearing a device on his left wrist.

‘No way that’s…’ Levin’s eyes widened.

“What can a little twink like you do? Get lost!” The brunette glared.

“Twink huh?” He pulled out a familiar looking item. “Cyclone!” The driver activated. “You jerks are asking for it!” His eyes glowed green as power surged through his body.

Cyclone...it was said to be the strongest and most versatile of the Wind element memories. ‘It can’t be!’ The brunette zipped around, as if gliding on the wind.

“The hell, he’s a freak too!” Two guys rushed at the “twink” only to be blasted away by wind. “Gah!”

“I’m no freak, I’m a hero!” His wind blasts surged through the room striking the goons and knocking them flat on their asses.

‘He’s good, he’s had training!’ Not one to be out done Kevin picked up his memory. “Joker!” Purple energy surged through him and his eyes glowed purple. He jumped at some goons and began to kick ass.

“You use Memories too?” He gasped.

“Later, let’s take care of these guys!” One of the goons jumped at the brunette with a knife. “Look out!”

He didn’t flinch, flexing the wind around him, to form a wall, he broke his weapon and knocked him away. They were clearly out matched so the group ran for it. The two deactivated their powers, ejecting the loaded Memories.

“Not bad, you were really cool out there.” The mysterious brunette gave him a thumbs up.

“Just who are you?” Levin asked. “And where did you get those?”

“The name is Ben Tennyson!” The last name sounded familiar, but Kevin couldn’t put his finger on it. “I got this Loader and Memory from my Grandpa, he’s a plumber!” The raven haired boy’s eyes widened. “Where did you get yours?”

“My dad…” He couldn’t believe it he found someone with with another Loader.

“So what’s your name?” Ben offered his hand.

“Oh, my name is Kevin...Kevin Levin!” The two shook hands. A spark was felt between them and their loaders seemed to sync.

Recognized Loader Synchronization!”

“Ehh!” The two boys gasped. ‘He’s my...’

“Partner!” Ben hugged Kevin. “I can’t believe it, I finally got to meet my partner!” Levin blushed.

‘Could we truly be...partners?’ Ben helped him and stood up for him when he was in trouble. A good first impression to say the least.

“Ben!” A girl voice cut through. “I can’t believe you used your powers!” A girl with orange hair stepped out.

“Gwen come on, I had to help, it was Hero Time!” Ben said, looking to Gwen. “And besides I found my partner!”

She crossed her arms. “Him?”

Kevin eyed the girl, but his eyes focused on something else, something he didn’t know existed. Another Loader! This one was a belt. ‘She has a loader too?’ His dad never told him about this, but it seems there were advancements in tech since his day.

She eyed his loader. “He probably stole it, he looks like a punk!” Gwen revealed a Memory of her own. “Paper!”

Kevin went for his memory but it was no use, Gwen conjured paper dolls that quickly wrapped around his loader, sealing it.

“Gwen stop it!” Ben got in her face. “Let him go!”

“Not a chance! We are taking him to Grandpa, he’ll know what to do with him.”

“I’m standing right here you know.” He glared at her. This was as good a lead as any. “I’m not going anywhere, can you unseal my loader please!”

“Not a chance, especially if you two synchronized, the last thing we need is you two idiots fusing and causing a huge mess!” She rubbed her temples. “Come on!”

“Hold on, I still need to get paid!” The owner came back with Kevin’s payment, and the group left with out much issue.

They arrived at the Rust Bucket and Kevin got a look at Grandpa Max, who had a similar loader to his dad but on the same wrist as Ben. “Grandpa I found my partner, this is Kevin Levin!”

“Hi…” The raven haired boy waved.

“Levin?” Max’s eyes widened, and became wet with tears. “Your Devin Levin’s son aren’t you!?” He wiped his eyes.

“You...knew my Dad?”

“I did, I was his partner!” Max said proudly. Ben was excited, feeling this was fate. A wave of emotions hit Kevin, but he felt he was one step closer to finding out what happened to his dad and figuring himself out at the same time.

To Be Continued Fusion Body and Soul!

Count the Memories: Gwen Tennyson is using a prototype Belt Loader, she has three memories Paper, Straw, and Clay, these doll class memories give her unique abilities, not only being able to manipulate the element of the memory, but also use supernatural magic connected to each doll.

Kevin learns of his father’s fate, or who Max believed got to him. The main enemy on Earth is Museum a faction of Knights who believe that humanity must evolve to face the alien threat and have created unstable memories and given them to people to test. Devin and Max fought them together, but could never bring down the big boss. Devin had given Max some of his Memories to keep safe in case things went south and had mobilized a team of other plumbers to chase down a lead, but Devin never returned. His Loader went missing and signs that Museum is back are on the rise.


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