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Hey guys so the doctor's trip was not stellar, the trip wore me out and exhausted me, more than I originally planned for. I got through it, and managed to finish 2 projects but got hit hard with pain for all my efforts there and back. I'm bouncing back but yeah it didn't help as much as I hoped. Sadly there isn't much change going forward. 

As an added "f-U" someone smashed the car mirror on the street, they did this to other cars in the neighborhood but it raised my anxiety up quite a bit. My neighborhood is feeling less and less safe. 

I'm working on the kinktobers and other requests given, I hope to clear the patreon requests before november requests open. I've been asked if I'll do Hypnovember and I'll put up a poll on that to see if there's enough interest in that sort of thing.  


Damion Andrew

Keep it together, Paper. Don't let a jerk make u anxious. I'm sorry the doctor didn't help much. I wish I could do more than send you good vibes. Get the rest and relaxation you need and keep yourself healthy. Remember you come first, ok. Get well soon.


That's awful to hear! I'm so sorry that the doctor visit wasn't as helpful as you expected, but there ist still hope for improvements in the future I believe! Also I stand behind what Damion said: Don't let some dumbasses on the street discourage you. We will always support you, Paper!